------------------------------------------------------ -- localization.lua -- for AutoCraft -- English strings by default, localizations override with their own. ------------------------------------------------------ -- runtime UI strings FAC_CREATING = "Creating: "; FAC_QUEUED = "Queued: "; FAC_CLICK_TO_CANCEL = "(Click to cancel)"; FAC_CLICK_TO_CANCEL_FORMAT = "(Click to cancel %s)"; FAC_ADDITIONAL_ENTRIES = "%d addtional entries:"; FAC_QUEUEING = "Queueing "; FAC_QUEUE_PAUSED = "Queue Paused"; FAC_SWITCH_WINDOW_FORMAT = "Please open your %s window."; FAC_WAITING_SPELL_FORMAT = "Waiting for %s to finish."; FAC_BUYING_FORMAT = "Buying "..GFWUtils.Hilite("%dx").." %s"; FAC_BUYING_SETS_FORMAT = "Buying "..GFWUtils.Hilite("%dx").." sets of %s"; -- used when buying something that comes in sets of more than 1 (e.g. vials) FAC_NOT_AVAILABLE_FORMAT = "This vendor is out of %s."; FAC_ALREADY_ENOUGH_FORMAT = "You already have enough %s for %dx %s."; FAC_NOTHING_TO_QUEUE = "Nothing available to add to queue."; -- XML UI strings FAC_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Queue"; FAC_QUEUE_ALL_BUTTON = "Queue All"; FAC_QUEUE_EVERYTHING_BUTTON = "Queue Everything"; FAC_RUN_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Run Queue"; FAC_PAUSE_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Pause"; FAC_CLEAR_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Clear Queue"; FAC_BUY_BUTTON = "Buy"; BUY_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Buy enough reagents to make %d of this item"; QUEUE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Add %d of this item to the queue"; FAC_RUN_AUTOMATICALLY_CHECKBUTTON = "Run Queue Automatically"; RUN_AUTOMATICALLY_TOOLTIP = "Starts processing items as soon as they're added to the queue"; if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then FAC_CREATING = "Stelle her: "; FAC_QUEUED = "In Auftragschlange: "; FAC_CLICK_TO_CANCEL = "(Klick zum Abbrechen)"; FAC_QUEUEING = "Auftragschlagne in Arbeit "; -- These don't fit the buttons, and there's not really room to resize them. --FAC_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Auftragschlange"; --FAC_QUEUE_ALL_BUTTON = "Alle in Schlange"; --FAC_QUEUE_EVERYTHING_BUTTON = "Sämtliche in Schlange"; end if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then FAC_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Queue"; FAC_QUEUE_ALL_BUTTON = "Tous en queue"; FAC_QUEUE_EVERYTHING_BUTTON = "Tous obj. en queue"; FAC_RUN_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Lancer"; FAC_PAUSE_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Pause"; FAC_CLEAR_QUEUE_BUTTON = "Effacer"; FAC_BUY_BUTTON = "Achat"; BUY_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Acheter assez d'ingrådient pour fabriquer %d items"; QUEUE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Ajoute %d items à la file d'attente"; FAC_RUN_AUTOMATICALLY_CHECKBUTTON = "Lance la file d'attente automatiquement"; RUN_AUTOMATICALLY_TOOLTIP = "Lance la fabrication des objets dès qu'ils sont ajoutés à la file"; end