------------------------------------------------------ -- GFWTooltip.lua -- Generic tooltip hooking -- Credit where due: mostly based on GDI's Reagent Info (which in turn uses code from ItemsMatrix, LootLink, and Auctioneer) -- Additional inspiration from Reagent Watch and EnhTooltip ------------------------------------------------------ local GFWTOOLTIP_THIS_VERSION = 8; ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ -- External API ------------------------------------------------------ --[[ GFWTooltip_AddCallback(modName, callbackFunction) Allows you to have a function called whenever a tooltip is displayed. The function is called with arguments (frame, name, link, source): frame: the instance of GameTooltip being shown, which you can modify via its API name: the first line of the tooltip, typically an item name. link: a hyperlink to the item being shown in the tooltip source: a non-localized string identifying why this tooltip is being shown (e.g. "MERCHANT" for an item seen in the MerchantFrame) Your callback function should return true if it modifies the tooltip, so we know not to modify the same tooltip twice. Example: function MyTooltipCallback(frame, name, link, source) frame:AddLine("some stuff"); return true; end function MyMod_OnLoad() GFWTooltip_AddCallback("MyMod", MyTooltipCallback); end ]] local function addCallback(modName, callbackFunction) GFWTooltip_Callbacks[modName] = callbackFunction; end ------------------------------------------------------ -- Initial setup ------------------------------------------------------ if (GFWTooltip == nil) then GFWTooltip = {}; end if (GFWTooltip_Callbacks == nil) then GFWTooltip_Callbacks = {}; end if (GFWTooltip_OriginalFunctions == nil) then GFWTooltip_OriginalFunctions = {}; end local hookTableName = "GFWTooltip_"..GFWTOOLTIP_THIS_VERSION.."_HookFunctions"; if (getglobal(hookTableName) == nil) then setglobal(hookTableName, {}); end local G = GFWTooltip; local Orig = GFWTooltip_OriginalFunctions; local Hook = getglobal(hookTableName); ------------------------------------------------------ -- Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------ local checkTimer; -- Timer for frequency of tooltip checks local gameToolTipOwner; -- The current owner of the GameTooltip local currentTooltip; -- Current Tooltip frame local itemsMatrixEnabled; -- Boolean to watch if ItemsMatrix is running local function hookFunction(functionName) if (Orig[functionName] == nil) then Orig[functionName] = getglobal(functionName); end setglobal(functionName, Hook[functionName]); end local function hookMethod(objectName, functionName) local signature = objectName.."_"..functionName; local object = getglobal(objectName); if (Orig[signature] == nil) then Orig[signature] = object[functionName]; end object[functionName] = Hook[signature]; end -- We call this at the bottom of this file to get things started. local function setupHookFunctions() -- Hooks for Blizzard's GameTooltip functions hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetHyperlink"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetLootItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetQuestItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetQuestLogItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetInventoryItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetMerchantItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetCraftItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetTradeSkillItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetAuctionSellItem"); hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetOwner"); hookFunction("GameTooltip_OnHide"); -- Hooks for other Blizzard functions hookFunction("ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter"); hookFunction("ContainerFrame_Update"); hookFunction("SetItemRef"); -- Dynamic-load Blizzard functions hookFunction("AuctionFrame_LoadUI"); -- Hook ItemsMatrix's functions if they're available if (type(ItemsMatrix_AddExtraTooltipInfo) == "function") then itemsMatrixEnabled = true; end -- Hook AIOI's stuff if it's available and we're not running ItemsMatrix if(AllInOneInventory_Enabled and not itemsMatrixEnabled) then hookFunction("AllInOneInventory_ModifyItemTooltip"); end -- Hook for MyInventory if (MyInventoryProfile and not itemsMatrixEnabled) then hookFunction("MyInventory_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter"); hookFunction("MyInventoryFrame_Update"); end -- Hook for the LootLink window's tooltip (not using LL's tooltip hook because we already cover everything else it does) if (LootLinkItemButton_OnEnter) then hookFunction("LootLinkItemButton_OnEnter"); end end local function addTooltipInfo(frame, name, link, source) if (frame.gfwDone == 1) then return; end -- we've already been here local changedTooltip = false; for modName, callback in GFWTooltip_Callbacks do if (callback ~= nil and type(callback) == "function") then local modifiedInCallback = callback(frame, name, link, source); changedTooltip = changedTooltip or modifiedInCallback; if (modifiedInCallback) then --GFWUtils.DebugLog("Ran tooltip callback for ".. modName..", tooltip modified."); else --GFWUtils.DebugLog("Ran tooltip callback for ".. modName..", tooltip not modified."); end end end --GFWUtils.DebugLog("Done with tooltip callbacks."); if (changedTooltip) then frame.gfwDone = 1; frame:Show(); end end -- Checks the tooltip info for an item name. If one is found and we haven't updated the tip already, process it. local function checkTooltipInfo(frame, link, source) if (link and link ~= GFWTooltip_LastLink) then frame.gfwDone = nil; end if (link == nil) then link = GFWTooltip_LastLink; end -- If we've already added our information, no need to do it again currentTooltip = frame; if ( frame == nil ) then return; end if (not frame:IsVisible()) then frame.gfwDone = nil; end local _, _, itemLink = string.find(link, "(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)"); if (itemLink) then local name = GetItemInfo(itemLink); if (name and name ~= GFWTooltip_LastName) then frame.gfwDone = nil; end if ( not frame.gfwDone) then addTooltipInfo(frame, name, link, source); GFWTooltip_LastLink = link; GFWTooltip_LastName = name; return; end end end local function nameFromLink(link) local name; if ( not link ) then return nil; end for name in string.gfind(link, "|c%x+|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do return name; end return nil; end -- Calling this will allow us to automatically add information to tooltips when needed local function autoInfoOn() lSuppressInfoAdd = nil; end -- Calling this will prevent us from automatically adding information to tooltips local function autoInfoOff() lSuppressInfoAdd = 1; end local function findItemInBags(findName) for bag = 0, 4, 1 do size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag); if (size) then for slot = size, 1, -1 do local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if (link) then local itemName = nameFromLink(link); if (itemName == findName) then return bag, slot; end end end end end end -------------------- -- Hook Functions -- -------------------- function Hook.AuctionFrame_LoadUI() Orig.AuctionFrame_LoadUI(); if (Orig.AuctionFrameItem_OnEnter == nil) then hookFunction("AuctionFrameItem_OnEnter"); GFWUtils.DebugLog("GFWTooltip AuctionFrame hooks installed."); end end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetHyperlink(tooltip, link) Orig.GameTooltip_SetHyperlink(tooltip, link); local name = GetItemInfo(link); addTooltipInfo(tooltip, name, link, "LINK"); end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetLootItem(this, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetLootItem(this, slot); local link = GetLootSlotLink(slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "LOOT"); end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetQuestItem(this, qtype, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetQuestItem(this, qtype, slot); local link = GetQuestItemLink(qtype, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "QUEST"); end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetQuestLogItem(this, qtype, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetQuestLogItem(this, qtype, slot); local link = GetQuestLogItemLink(qtype, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "QUESTLOG"); end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetMerchantItem(this, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetMerchantItem(this, slot); local link = GetMerchantItemLink(slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "MERCHANT"); end function Hook.AuctionFrameItem_OnEnter(type, index) Orig.AuctionFrameItem_OnEnter(type, index); local link = GetAuctionItemLink(type, index); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link, "AUCTION"); end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetInventoryItem(this, unit, slot) local hasItem, hasCooldown, repairCost = Orig.GameTooltip_SetInventoryItem(this, unit, slot); local link = GetInventoryItemLink(unit, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "INVENTORY"); return hasItem, hasCooldown, repairCost; end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetCraftItem(this, skill, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetCraftItem(this, skill, slot); local link; if (slot) then link = GetCraftReagentItemLink(skill, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "CRAFT_REAGENT"); else link = GetCraftItemLink(skill); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "CRAFT_ITEM"); end end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetTradeSkillItem(this, skill, slot) Orig.GameTooltip_SetTradeSkillItem(this, skill, slot); local link; if (slot) then link = GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(skill, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "TRADESKILL_REAGENT"); else link = GetTradeSkillItemLink(skill); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "TRADESKILL_ITEM"); end end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetAuctionSellItem(this) Orig.GameTooltip_SetAuctionSellItem(this); local name, texture, quantity, quality, canUse, price = GetAuctionSellItemInfo(); if (name) then local bag, slot = findItemInBags(name); if (bag) then local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); addTooltipInfo(this, name, link, "AUCTION_SELL"); end end end function Hook.ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter() Orig.ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter(); autoInfoOff(); if (itemsMatrixEnabled) then autoInfoOn(); return; end if (not InRepairMode()) then local frameID = this:GetParent():GetID(); local buttonID = this:GetID(); local link = GetContainerItemLink(frameID, buttonID); local name = nameFromLink(link); if( name ) then local texture, itemCount, locked, quality, readable = GetContainerItemInfo(frameID, buttonID); checkTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, link, "CONTAINER"); GameTooltip:Show(); end end autoInfoOn(); end function Hook.ContainerFrame_Update(frame) Orig.ContainerFrame_Update(frame); autoInfoOff(); if (itemsMatrixEnabled) then autoInfoOn(); return; end if( not InRepairMode() and GameTooltip:IsVisible() ) then local frameID = frame:GetID(); local frameName = frame:GetName(); local iButton; for iButton = 1, frame.size do local button = getglobal(frameName.."Item"..iButton); if( GameTooltip:IsOwned(button) ) then local buttonID = button:GetID(); local link = GetContainerItemLink(frameID, buttonID); local name = nameFromLink(link); if( name ) then local texture, itemCount, locked, quality, readable = GetContainerItemInfo(frameID, buttonID); checkTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, link, "CONTAINER"); GameTooltip:Show(); end end end end autoInfoOn(); end function Hook.GameTooltip_OnHide() Orig.GameTooltip_OnHide(); GFWTooltip_LastLink = nil; GFWTooltip_LastName = nil; GameTooltip.gfwDone = nil; if ( currentTooltip ) then currentTooltip.gfwDone = nil; currentTooltip = nil; end end function Hook.GameTooltip_SetOwner(this, owner, anchor) Orig.GameTooltip_SetOwner(this, owner, anchor); gameToolTipOwner = owner; end function Hook.SetItemRef(link, text, button) if (not ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible()) then ItemRefTooltip.gfwDone = nil; end Orig.SetItemRef(link, text, button); checkTooltipInfo(ItemRefTooltip, link, "ITEMREF"); end -- AIOI Hooks function Hook.AllInOneInventory_ModifyItemTooltip(bag, slot, tooltipName) Orig.AllInOneInventory_ModifyItemTooltip(bag, slot, tooltipName); -- Verify AIOI is installed and running if(not AllInOneInventory_Enabled or itemsMatrixEnabled) then return; end local tooltip = getglobal(tooltipName); if ( not tooltip ) then tooltip = getglobal("GameTooltip"); tooltipName = "GameTooltip"; end if ( not tooltip ) then return false; end if ( not InRepairMode() ) then local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); addTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link, "AIOI"); end end -- MyInventory Hooks function Hook.MyInventory_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter() Orig.MyInventory_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter(); if (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and not InRepairMode()) then local bag, slot = MyInventory_GetIdAsBagSlot(this:GetID()); local _, stack = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); if(link and name) then addTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link, "MYINV"); end end end function Hook.MyInventoryFrame_Update(frame) Orig.MyInventoryFrame_Update(frame); local name = frame:GetName(); for j=1, frame.size, 1 do local itemButton = getglobal(name.."Item"..j); if (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and GameTooltip:IsOwned(itemButton)) then tooltip = getglobal("GameTooltip"); tooltipName = "GameTooltip"; if ( not tooltip ) then return false; end local bag, slot = MyInventory_GetIdAsBagSlot(itemButton:GetID()); local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); local name = nameFromLink(link); if (name ~= nil) then addTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link, "MYINV"); end end end end function Hook.LootLinkItemButton_OnEnter() Orig.LootLinkItemButton_OnEnter(); local name = this:GetText(); local itemLink = ItemLinks[name]; local link; if (itemLink and itemLink.c and itemLink.i and LootLink_CheckItemServer(itemLink, LootLinkState.ServerNamesToIndices[GetCVar("realmName")])) then local item = string.gsub(itemLink.i, "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)", "%1:0:%3:%4"); link = "|c"..itemLink.c.."|Hitem:"..item.."|h["..name.."]|h|r"; end if (link) then addTooltipInfo(LootLinkTooltip, name, link, "LOOTLINK"); end end ------------------------------------------------------ -- load only if not already loaded ------------------------------------------------------ if (G.Version == nil or (tonumber(G.Version) and G.Version < GFWTOOLTIP_THIS_VERSION)) then -- Initialize state variables checkTimer = 0; -- Timer for frequency of tooltip checks itemsMatrixEnabled = false; -- Boolean to watch if ItemsMatrix is running -- Export functions setupHookFunctions(); G.AddCallback = addCallback; GFWTooltip_AddCallback = addCallback; GFWTooltip.FindItemInBags = findItemInBags; GFWTooltip.NameFromLink = nameFromLink; -- Set version number G.Version = GFWTOOLTIP_THIS_VERSION; GFWUtils.Print("GFWTooltip v"..GFWTOOLTIP_THIS_VERSION.." loaded."); end