GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR = ";"; GATHERER_ADDON_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "gatherer_p2p"; function Gatherer_BroadcastGather(gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, iconIndex, gatherEventType) assert(type(iconIndex) == 'number') local message = Gatherer_EncodeGather(GetUnitName("player"), gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, iconIndex, gatherEventType); if Gatherer_Settings.debug then local prettyNodeName = gather; local prettyZoneName = GatherRegionData[gatherC][gatherZ].name; Gatherer_ChatNotify( "Broadcasting new " .. prettyNodeName .. " node found in " .. prettyZoneName .. ".", Gatherer_ENotificationType.sending ); Gatherer_ChatNotify( "gatherType: " .. gatherType .. ", gatherEventType: " .. gatherEventType .. ".", Gatherer_ENotificationType.sending ); end Gatherer_SendRawMessage(message); end VERSION_REG_EXP = '(%d+)\.(%d+)\.(%d+)'; local function extractVersion(str) -- type(Text) -> Tuple[int, int, int] local major, minor, fix = unpack(Gatherer_split(str, '.')) return {tonumber(major), tonumber(minor), tonumber(fix)} end local function validPrefix(prefix) -- type: (Text) -> bool -- Return true if prefix has correct format and acceptable version. -- Message format is considered broken *every tenth* minor version. -- E.g. 1.0.x and 1.9.x are compatible, 1.0.x and 1.10.x are not. -- Thus when breaking message format don't forget to switch to the next ten -- in the minor version. -- check overall prefix format local prefixPos = strfind( prefix, '^'..GATHERER_ADDON_MESSAGE_PREFIX..GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR..VERSION_REG_EXP..'$' ); if (not prefixPos) then return end local versionPos = strfind(prefix, VERSION_REG_EXP) local prefixVersionStr = strsub(prefix, versionPos) -- check version components local prefixVersion = extractVersion(prefixVersionStr); local currentVersion = extractVersion(GATHERER_VERSION); Gatherer_ChatNotify( 'Message version: '..table.concat(prefixVersion, ', ')..' vs '..table.concat(currentVersion, ', '), Gatherer_ENotificationType.debug ) if ( (prefixVersion[1] ~= currentVersion[1]) or (floor(prefixVersion[2]/10) ~= floor(currentVersion[2]/10)) ) then return end return true end function Gatherer_AddonMessageEvent(prefix, message, type) if (not Gatherer_Settings.p2p) or (not validPrefix(prefix)) then return end Gatherer_ReceiveBroadcast(message); end function Gatherer_EncodeGather(sender, gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, gatherIcon, gatherEventType) return sender .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gather .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherType .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherC .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherZ .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherX .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherY .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherIcon .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR .. gatherEventType .. GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR; end function Gatherer_DecodeGather(message) local function eatToken(str) local sep = string.find(str, GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR); local arg = string.sub(str, 1, sep-1); local rest = string.sub(str, sep+1); return arg, rest end local sender, rest = eatToken(message); local gather, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherType, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherC, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherZ, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherX, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherY, rest = eatToken(rest); local iconIndex, rest = eatToken(rest); local gatherEventType, rest = eatToken(rest); -- correct types gatherType = tonumber(gatherType); gatherC = tonumber(gatherC); gatherZ = tonumber(gatherZ); gatherX = tonumber(gatherX); gatherY = tonumber(gatherY); iconIndex = tonumber(iconIndex); gatherEventType = tonumber(gatherEventType); return sender, gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, iconIndex, gatherEventType; end function Gatherer_ReceiveBroadcast(message) local sender, gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, iconIndex, gatherEventType = Gatherer_DecodeGather(message); assert(type(iconIndex) == 'number') if sender ~= GetUnitName("player") then if Gatherer_Settings.debug then local prettyNodeName = gather; local prettyZoneName = GatherRegionData[gatherC][gatherZ].name; Gatherer_ChatNotify( Gatherer_coloredText( sender, {170, 115, 255} ) .. " discovered a new " .. prettyNodeName .. " node in " .. prettyZoneName .. ".", Gatherer_ENotificationType.receiving ); Gatherer_ChatNotify( 'gatherType: '..gatherType..', iconIndex: '.. iconIndex ..', gatherEventType: '..gatherEventType, Gatherer_ENotificationType.receiving ) end local newNodeFound = Gatherer_AddGatherToBase(gather, gatherType, gatherC, gatherZ, gatherX, gatherY, iconIndex, gatherEventType, false); if Gatherer_Settings.debug then if newNodeFound then Gatherer_ChatNotify('It was a new node!', else Gatherer_ChatNotify('It was a duplicate.', Gatherer_ENotificationType.warning) end end end end function Gatherer_SendRawMessage(message) SendAddonMessage( GATHERER_ADDON_MESSAGE_PREFIX..GATHERER_TOKEN_SEPARATOR..GATHERER_VERSION, message, "GUILD" ); end