function GB_Get(bar, button, param3) if (not GB_INITIALIZED) then return; end if (param3) then return GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button][param3]; elseif (button) then return GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button]; else return GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar]; end end function GB_Set(bar, arg2, arg3, arg4) if (arg4 ~= nil) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[arg2][arg3] = arg4; elseif (arg3 ~= nil) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar][arg2] = arg3; else GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar] = arg2; end end function GB_Get_ActionUsuable(name, rank, button) if (GB_Get("disableActionInProgressSpam") and GB_SPELLISCASTING) then return false; end if (GB_Get("disableOutOfRangeSpam")) then local range = GB_SPELLS[name][rank].range; if (range) then if (IsActionInRange(range) == 0 and button:GetParent().unit == "target") then return false; end end end if (GB_Get("disableCantDoYetSpam")) then local _,duration = GetSpellCooldown(GB_SPELLS[name][rank].id, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if (duration ~= 0) then return; end end return true; end function GB_Get_AnnounceText(spellName, spellRank, unit, announceNum) local text = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announcements[announceNum]; local target = UnitName(unit); if (not target) then target = ""; end local castingTime = GB_SPELLS[spellName][spellRank].castingTime; if (not castingTime) then castingTime = ""; end local healAmount = math.floor(GB_SPELLS[spellName][spellRank].avg); if (not healAmount) then healAmount = ""; end local manaRemaining = math.floor(UnitMana("player") / UnitManaMax("player") * 100); if (manaRemaining) then manaRemaining = manaRemaining.."%%"; else manaRemaining = ""; end text = string.gsub(text, '$t', target); text = string.gsub(text, '$r', spellRank); text = string.gsub(text, '$s', spellName); text = string.gsub(text, '$c', castingTime); text = string.gsub(text, '$m', manaRemaining); text = string.gsub(text, '$a', healAmount); GB_ANNOUNCED = {}; GB_ANNOUNCED.spellName = spellName; GB_ANNOUNCED.spellRank = spellRank; = target; return text; end function GB_Get_BuffMatch(buff, target) if (GB_BUFFS[target] and GB_BUFFS[target][buff]) then return GB_BUFFS[target][buff]; elseif (GB_BUFFS[target] and GB_SPELLS[buff]) then for i in GB_SPELLS[buff] do return GB_BUFFS[target][GetSpellTexture(GB_SPELLS[buff][i].id, "BOOKTYPE_SPELL")]; end end end function GB_Get_BuffTarget(name) if (not GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, "player")) then return "player"; end local unit; for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("party"..i)) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("party"..i, 4)) then unit = "party"..i; if ((not GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, unit)) and UnitName(unit)) then return unit; end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includePets) then if ((not GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, "pet")) and UnitName("pet")) then return "pet"; end for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("partypet"..i)) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("partypet"..i, 4)) then unit = "partypet"..i; if ((not GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, unit)) and UnitName(unit)) then return unit; end end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includeRaid) then for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do if (UnitIsVisible("raid"..i)) then unit = "raid"..i; if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance(unit, 4)) then if ((not GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, unit)) and UnitName(unit)) then return unit; end end end end end return; end function GB_Get_CorrectSpell(bar, button, target, overridePO) local name = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].name; local rank = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].rank; if (not name) then return; end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].preventRebuff) then local buffFound = GB_Get_BuffMatch(name, target); if (not buffFound) then buffFound = GB_Get_DebuffMatch(name, target); end if (buffFound) then GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.PreventedRebuff); return; end end if (name and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].scaleRank) then name, rank = GB_Get_ScaledRank(name, rank, target); end if (name and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].preventOverhealing and (not overridePO)) then name, rank = GB_Get_EfficientHeal(name, rank, target, GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].matchCastingTime, GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].matchSpellName); end if (name and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].preventOverkill and (not overridePO)) then name, rank = GB_Get_EfficientDamage(name, rank); end if (name and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].lowManaRank) then name, rank = GB_Get_EnoughManaRank(name, rank); end return name, rank; end function GB_Get_CureTarget(name) local effects; for _, v in GB_CURES do if (v.text == name) then effects = v.effects; break; end end for _, status in effects do if (GB_Get_DebuffMatch(status, "player", 1)) then return "player"; end local unit; for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("party"..i)) then unit = "party"..i; if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance(unit, 4)) then if (GB_Get_DebuffMatch(status, unit, 1)) then return unit; end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includePets) then if (GB_Get_DebuffMatch(status, "pet", 1)) then return "pet"; end for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("partypet"..i)) then unit = "partypet"..i; if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance(unit, 4)) then if (GB_Get_DebuffMatch(status, unit, 1)) then return unit; end end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includeRaid) then for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do if (UnitIsVisible("raid"..i)) then unit = "raid"..i; if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance(unit, 4)) then if (GB_Get_DebuffMatch(status, unit, 1)) then return unit; end end end end end end return; end function GB_Get_CurrentForm() for i=1,GetNumShapeshiftForms() do local _, _, isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i); if isActive then return i; end end return 0; end function GB_Get_DebuffMatch(buff, target, statustoggle) if (GB_DEBUFFS[target]) then return GB_DEBUFFS[target][buff]; end end function GB_Get_DefaultButtonSettings() local value = { name = nil, rank = nil, idType = "", hide = false, context = "Always", inCombat = false, notInCombat = false, outdoors = false, form = nil, preventOverhealing = false, preventOverkill = false, preventRebuff = false, matchCastingTime = false, matchSpellName = false, assist = false, autoUpdate = false, validTarget = false, classes = { [GB_TEXT.Priest] = true, [GB_TEXT.Warrior] = true, [GB_TEXT.Paladin] = true, [GB_TEXT.Mage] = true, [GB_TEXT.Hunter] = true, [GB_TEXT.Shaman] = true, [GB_TEXT.Druid] = true, [GB_TEXT.Rogue] = true, [GB_TEXT.Warlock] = true }, scaleRank = false, announce = false, announceText = 1, lowManaRank = false, OOCoption = "hide", flashInContext = false }; return value; end function GB_Get_EfficientDamage(name, rank) if (not MobHealthFrame) then return name, rank; end if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].type ~= "damage") then if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].type == "DoT") then if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].avg == 0) then return name, rank; end else return name, rank; end end health = MobHealth_GetTargetCurHP(); if ((not health) or health == 0) then return name, rank; end local difference = math.abs(GB_SPELLS[name][rank].min - health); local origRank = rank; for spellrank, spelldata in GB_SPELLS[name] do local diff2 = math.abs(spelldata.min - health); if (diff2 < difference and spelldata.min > health) then difference = diff2; rank = spellrank; end end if (origRank ~= rank) then GB_SpellChanged(GB_TEXT.POkillChangedSpell, name, rank); end return name, rank; end function GB_Get_EfficientHeal(name, rank, target, matchTime, matchName) if (UnitHealthMax(target) == 100) then return name, rank; end if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].type ~= "heal") then if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].type == "HoT") then if (GB_SPELLS[name][rank].avg == 0) then return name, rank; end else return name, rank; end end local origName, origRank = name, rank; local damage = UnitHealthMax(target) - UnitHealth(target); local pastThreshold = GB_Get_PastThreshold("cancelHealThreshold", target); if ((not pastThreshold) or damage == 0) then GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.HealPrevented); return; end local modifier = 1; if (GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_TEXT.PowerInfusion, "player")) then modifier = 1.2; end local difference = math.abs(GB_SPELLS[name][rank].avg * modifier - damage); if ((not matchTime) and (not matchName)) then local lowestMana = 99999; for spellname, ranks in GB_SPELLS do for spellrank, spelldata in ranks do if (spelldata.type == "heal" and spelldata.avg > 0 and spelldata.avg * modifier > damage and (not GB_SKIP_SPELLS[spellname])) then if (spelldata.mana and spelldata.mana < lowestMana) then lowestMana = spelldata.mana; name = spellname; rank = spellrank; end end end end elseif (matchName) then for spellrank, spelldata in GB_SPELLS[name] do local diff2 = math.abs(spelldata.avg * modifier - damage); if (diff2 < difference) then difference = diff2; rank = spellrank; end end elseif (matchTime) then local basetime = GB_SPELLS[name][rank].castingTime; for spellname, ranks in GB_SPELLS do for spellrank, spelldata in ranks do if (spelldata.type == "heal" and spelldata.castingTime == basetime and (not GB_SKIP_SPELLS[spellname])) then local diff2 = math.abs(spelldata.avg * modifier - damage); if (diff2 < difference) then difference = diff2; name = spellname; rank = spellrank; end end end end end if (origName == name) then local _,_,orignum = string.find(origRank, " (%d*)"); local _,_,ranknum = string.find(rank, " (%d*)"); orignum = tonumber(orignum); ranknum = tonumber(ranknum); if (orignum and ranknum) then if (ranknum > orignum) then name = origName; rank = origRank; end end end if (origName ~= name or origRank ~= rank) then GB_SpellChanged(GB_TEXT.POChangedSpell, name, rank); end return name, rank; end function GB_Get_EnoughManaRank(name, rank) if (GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_TEXT.InnerFocus, "player") or GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_TEXT.Clearcasting, "player") or GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_TEXT.SpiritOfRedemption, "player")) then return name, rank; end local mana = UnitMana("player"); local newrank = rank; local _,_,ranknum = string.find(rank, " (%d*)"); ranknum = tonumber(ranknum); local difference = 99999; for spellrank, data in GB_SPELLS[name] do if (data.mana < mana) then if ( (mana - data.mana) < difference) then local _,_,newranknum = string.find(spellrank, " (%d*)"); newranknum = tonumber(newranknum); if (ranknum and newranknum) then if (newranknum <= ranknum) then difference = mana - data.mana; newrank = spellrank; end end end end end if (GB_SPELLS[name][newrank].mana > mana) then GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.TooLowForAnyRank); return; end if (newrank ~= rank) then GB_SpellChanged(GB_TEXT.NotEnoughMana, name, newrank); end return name, newrank; end function GB_Get_HealthPercent(unit) if (UnitIsGhost(unit)) then return 2; elseif (UnitHealthMax(unit) <= 0) then return 1; elseif (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then return 2; else return UnitHealth(unit)/UnitHealthMax(unit); end end function GB_Get_InContext(button) local context = 0; if (button.InContext) then for i, value in button.InContext do if (value == -1) then return false; end end end return true; end function GB_Get_ItemName(bag, slot) local itemname, itemlink; if (slot) then itemlink = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); else itemlink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", bag); end if (itemlink) then itemname = string.sub(itemlink, string.find(itemlink, "[", 1, true) + 1, string.find(itemlink, "]", 1, true) - 1); end return itemname; end function GB_Get_ItemCount(itemname) local itemCount = 0; for bag = 0, 4 do local bagslots = GetContainerNumSlots(bag); if (bagslots) then for slot = 1, bagslots do itemlink = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if (itemlink) then local itemname2 = GB_Get_ItemName(bag, slot); if (itemname == itemname2) then local ic2; _, ic2 = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); itemCount = itemCount + ic2; end end end end end return itemCount; end function GB_Get_LowestHealthUnit() local unit = "player"; local lowest = GB_Get_HealthPercent("player"); local check; for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("party"..i)) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("party"..i, 4)) then check = GB_Get_HealthPercent("party"..i); if (check < lowest) then lowest = check; unit = "party"..i; end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includePets) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("pet", 4)) then check = GB_Get_HealthPercent("pet"); if (check < lowest) then lowest = check; unit = "pet"; end end for i=1,4 do if (UnitIsVisible("partypet"..i)) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("partypet"..i, 4)) then check = GB_Get_HealthPercent("partypet"..i); if (check < lowest) then lowest = check; unit = "partypet"..i; end end end end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].includeRaid) then for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do if (UnitIsVisible("raid"..i)) then if ((not GB_Get("limitlhrange")) or CheckInteractDistance("raid"..i, 4)) then check = GB_Get_HealthPercent("raid"..i); if (check < lowest) then lowest = check; unit = "raid"..i; end end end end end return unit; end function GB_Get_PastThreshold(threshold, target, thresholdnum) if ((not thresholdnum) or thresholdnum == "mana") then threshold = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][threshold]; else threshold = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][threshold][thresholdnum]; end if ((not threshold) or threshold == "") then return true; end if (UnitHealthMax(target) == 0 or (not UnitHealthMax(target))) then return 0; end local damage = UnitHealthMax(target) - UnitHealth(target); local percent = 100 - UnitHealth(target) / UnitHealthMax(target) * 100; if (thresholdnum == "mana") then damage = UnitManaMax(target) - UnitMana(target); percent = 100 - UnitMana(target) / UnitManaMax(target) * 100; end if (threshold) then if (string.find(threshold, "%%")) then _,_,threshold = string.find(threshold, "(%d*)%%"); threshold = tonumber(threshold); if (threshold and percent < threshold) then return false; end else threshold = tonumber(threshold); if (UnitHealthMax(target) == 100 or (not threshold)) then return 0; end if (damage < threshold) then return false; end end end return true; end function GB_Get_ScaledRank(name, rank, target) local level = UnitLevel(target); if (level == -1) then return name, rank; end local _,_,orignum = string.find(rank, " (%d*)"); orignum = tonumber(orignum); local ranknum = orignum; if (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.Renew) then if (level < 4) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 10) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 16) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 22) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 28) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 34) then ranknum = 6; elseif (level < 40) then ranknum = 7; elseif (level < 46) then ranknum = 8; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 9; else ranknum = 10; end if (ranknum == 10 and GB_SPELLS[GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.Renew][GB_TEXT.Rank..11]) then ranknum = 11; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.PWFortitude) then if (level < 2) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 26) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 38) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 5; else ranknum = 6; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.DampenMagic) then if (level < 2) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 26) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 38) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 4; else ranknum = 5; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.AmplifyMagic) then if (level < 8) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 20) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 3; else ranknum = 4; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.DivineSpirit) then if (level < 20) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 30) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 40) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 3; else ranknum = 4; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.ShadowProtection) then if (level < 20) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 46) then ranknum = 2; else ranknum = 3; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.PWShield) then if (level < 2) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 8) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 20) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 26) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 6; elseif (level < 38) then ranknum = 7; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 8; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 9; else ranknum = 10; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.MarkOfTheWild) then if (level < 10) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 20) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 30) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 40) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 6; else ranknum = 7; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.Rejuvenation) then if (level < 6) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 12) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 18) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 24) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 30) then ranknum = 6; elseif (level < 36) then ranknum = 7; elseif (level < 42) then ranknum = 8; elseif (level < 48) then ranknum = 9; else ranknum = 10; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.Thorns) then if (level < 4) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 24) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 34) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 5; else ranknum = 6; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.Regrowth) then if (level < 2) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 8) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 20) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 26) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 38) then ranknum = 6; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 7; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 8; else ranknum = 9; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.ArcaneIntellect) then if (level < 4) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 18) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 46) then ranknum = 4; else ranknum = 5; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingMight) then if (level < 2) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 12) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 22) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 32) then ranknum = 4; elseif (level < 42) then ranknum = 5; elseif (level < 52) then ranknum = 6; else ranknum = 7; end if (ranknum == 7 and GB_SPELLS[GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingMight][GB_TEXT.Rank..8]) then ranknum = 8; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingProtection) then if (level < 14) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 28) then ranknum = 2; else ranknum = 3; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingWisdom) then if (level < 4) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 14) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 24) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 34) then ranknum = 3; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 4; else ranknum = 5; end if (ranknum == 5 and GB_SPELLS[GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingWisdom][GB_TEXT.Rank..6] and level > 49) then ranknum = 6; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingFreedom) then if (level < 8) then ranknum = 0; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingSalvation) then if (level < 16) then ranknum = 0; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.AbolishDisease) then if (level < 22) then ranknum = 0; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.AbolishPoison) then if (level < 16) then ranknum = 0; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingSanctuary) then if (level < 20) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 30) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 40) then ranknum = 2; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 3; else ranknum = 4; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingLight) then if (level < 30) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 40) then ranknum = 1; elseif (level < 50) then ranknum = 2; else ranknum = 3; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingKings) then if (level < 30) then ranknum = 0; end elseif (name==GB_MINLVL_SPELLS.BlessingSacrifice) then if (level < 36) then ranknum = 0; elseif (level < 44) then ranknum = 1; else ranknum = 2; end end if ( ranknum == 0 ) then GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.LevelTooLow); return false; else if (ranknum and ranknum < orignum) then rank = GB_TEXT.Rank..ranknum; GB_SpellChanged(GB_TEXT.RankScaled, name, rank); end return name, rank; end end function GB_Get_Texture(bar, button) if (not GB_INITIALIZED) then return; end local name = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].name; local idType = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].idType; local texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\GroupButtons\\EmptyButton"; if (not name) then return texture; end local id; if (idType == "spell") then id = GB_SPELLS[name][GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].rank].id; texture = GetSpellTexture(id, "BOOKTYPE_SPELL"); elseif (idType == "item" and GB_ITEMS[name]) then id = GB_ITEMS[name]; texture = GetContainerItemInfo(id.bag, id.slot); elseif (idType == "inv" and GB_INVENTORY[name]) then id = GB_INVENTORY[name].id; texture = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", id); elseif (idType == "macro" and GB_MACROS[name]) then id = GB_MACROS[name].id; _, texture = GetMacroInfo(id); end return texture; end function GB_Get_UnitBar(param) if (not param) then return; end local value; if (param == "self" or param == "player") then value = "GB_PlayerBar"; elseif (param == "party1") then value = "GB_PartyBar1"; elseif (param == "party2") then value = "GB_PartyBar2"; elseif (param == "party3") then value = "GB_PartyBar3"; elseif (param == "party4") then value = "GB_PartyBar4"; elseif (param == "target") then if (GB_HostileTargetBar:IsVisible()) then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; elseif (GB_FriendlyTargetBar:IsVisible()) then value = "GB_FriendlyTargetBar"; elseif (UnitName(param)) then if (UnitCanAttack("player", param)) then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; elseif (UnitIsPlayer(param) and UnitFactionGroup("player") ~= UnitFactionGroup(param)) then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; else value = "GB_FriendlyTargetBar"; end end elseif (param == "targettarget") then if (UnitName(param)) then if (UnitCanAttack("player", param)) then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; elseif (UnitIsPlayer(param) and UnitFactionGroup("player") ~= UnitFactionGroup(param)) then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; else value = "GB_FriendlyTargetBar"; end end elseif (param == "lowesthealth") then value = "GB_LowestHealthBar"; elseif (param == "hostiletarget") then value = "GB_HostileTargetBar"; elseif (param == "friendlytarget") then value = "GB_FriendlyTargetBar"; elseif (type(param) == "function") then value = "GB_LowestHealthBar"; elseif (string.find(param, "raid")) then local _,_,raidnum = string.find(param, "raid(%d*)"); value = "GB_RaidBar"..raidnum; elseif (param == "pet") then value = "GB_PetBar0"; elseif (string.find(param, "partypet")) then local _,_,petnum = string.find(param, "partypet(%d*)"); value = "GB_PetBar"..petnum; end return value; end