function GB_Main_RegisterEvents() this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID"); this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); --this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_FAILED"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_START"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_STOP"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("TRAINER_CLOSED"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL"); this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS"); this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED"); end function GB_Main_OnLoad() GB_Main_RegisterEvents(); SlashCmdList["GB"] = GB_Slash_Handler; SLASH_GB1 = "/gb"; SLASH_GB2 = "/groupbuttons"; end function GB_Main_OnEvent() if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then GB_VARIABLES_LOADED = true; if ( GB_ENTERING_WORLD and GB_BAGS_LOADED) then GB_Initialize(); end elseif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then --GB_Main_RegisterEvents(); GB_ENTERING_WORLD = true; if ( GB_VARIABLES_LOADED and GB_BAGS_LOADED) then GB_Initialize(); end GB_REGEN = true; GB_INCOMBAT = false; elseif (event == "ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID") then GB_Clear_MouseAction(); elseif (event == "BAG_UPDATE") then if (GB_INITIALIZED) then GroupButtonsFrame.itemstimer = .5; else GB_BAGS_LOADED = nil; GroupButtonsFrame.bagsloadedtimer = 1; end elseif (event == "PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT") then GB_ATTACKING = true; GB_INCOMBAT = true; elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT") then GB_ATTACKING = false; if (GB_REGEN) then GB_INCOMBAT = false; end elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") then this:UnregisterAllEvents(); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then GB_REGEN = false; GB_INCOMBAT = true; elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then GB_REGEN = true; if (not GB_ATTACKING) then GB_INCOMBAT = false; end elseif (event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") then if (UnitName("target")) then this.targetauras = true; GB_Update_Auras("target"); else this.targetauras = false; end elseif (event == "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") then if (not GB_INITIALIZED) then return; end for i=1,40 do local unit = "raid"..i; if (UnitExists(unit) and UnitName(unit) and (not GB_SKIP_NAMES[UnitName(unit)])) then GB_RAID_MEMBERS[UnitName(unit)] = 1; end end GB_Update_RaidMemberSelect(); if (not GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].raid.hide) then GB_Initialize_Labels(); end if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 and GB_SHUFFLE_RAID and (not GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].raid.hide)) then GB_Set_Appearance("raid"); end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].hideInRaid and GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then local partyBar, petBar; for i=1,4 do partyBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar("party"..i)); petBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar("partypet"..i)); partyBar.noshow = true; petBar.noshow = true; partyBar:Hide(); petBar:Hide(); end end elseif (event == "SPELLCAST_FAILED") then if (GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE) then GB_Announce_Failed(GB_Get("failedText")); end GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = nil; GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = nil; GB_ISCASTING = nil; GB_INSTANTCASTING = nil; GB_CURRENT_HEAL = {nil}; GB_ANNOUNCED = {nil}; GB_SPELLISCASTING = nil; elseif (event == "SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED") then if (GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED) then GB_Announce_Failed(GB_Get("interruptedText")); end GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = nil; GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = nil; GB_ISCASTING = nil; GB_INSTANTCASTING = nil; GB_CURRENT_HEAL = {nil}; GB_ANNOUNCED = {nil}; GB_SPELLISCASTING = nil; elseif (event == "SPELLCAST_START") then GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = nil; GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = nil; GB_INSTANTCASTING = nil; if (GB_ANNOUNCETEXT) then GB_Announce_Spellcast(GB_ANNOUNCETEXT, GB_WHISPERTARGET); end GB_ISCASTING = nil; GB_INSTANTCASTING = nil; GB_ANNOUNCETEXT = nil; GB_SPELLISCASTING = true; elseif (event == "SPELLCAST_STOP") then if (GB_INSTANTCASTING) then GB_Announce_Spellcast(GB_ANNOUNCETEXT, GB_WHISPERTARGET); GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = nil; GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = nil; GB_ISCASTING = nil; end GB_INSTANTCASTING = nil; GB_CURRENT_HEAL = {nil}; GB_SPELLISCASTING = nil; elseif (event == "SPELLS_CHANGED") then if (GB_CheckForNewSpells() and GB_INITIALIZED) then if (ClassTrainerFrame and ClassTrainerFrame:IsVisible()) then return; end GroupButtonsFrame.spellstimer = .1; GB_Spellbook_Initialize(); end elseif (event == "TRAINER_CLOSED") then GB_Spellbook_Initialize(); if (GB_SPELLS_UPDATED) then GB_SPELLS_UPDATED = nil; else GB_Update_SpellRanks(); end elseif (event == "UNIT_AURA") then if (arg1 == "target") then if (this.targetauras) then GB_Update_Auras(arg1); end else GB_Update_Auras(arg1); end elseif (event == "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED") then GB_Update_Auras("player"); elseif (event == "UNIT_HEALTH") then if (GB_CURRENT_HEAL[1] and arg1 == GB_CURRENT_HEAL[3]) then if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].cancelHealThreshold) then if (not GB_Get_PastThreshold("cancelHealThreshold", GB_CURRENT_HEAL[3])) then local text = GB_TEXT.HealCancelledMessage; text = string.gsub(text, '$s', GB_CURRENT_HEAL[1]); text = string.gsub(text, '$r', GB_CURRENT_HEAL[2]); GB_Feedback(text); GB_CURRENT_HEAL = {}; SpellStopCasting(); end end end elseif (event == "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED") then if (GB_INITIALIZED) then GroupButtonsFrame.itemstimer = .5; end elseif (event == "UNIT_LEVEL") then if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 and string.find(arg1, "raid")) then GB_Update_RaidMemberSelect(); end elseif (event == "UNIT_NAME") then if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 and string.find(arg1, "raid")) then GB_Update_RaidMemberSelect(); end elseif (event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS") then GB_Update_Bindings(); end end function GB_Slash_Handler(msg) local command, param; local index = string.find(msg, " "); if( index) then command = string.sub(msg, 1, (index - 1)); param = string.sub(msg, (index + 1) ); else command = msg; end if ( command == "" ) then GB_Show_OptionsFrame("main"); elseif (command == "updateranges") then GB_Update_SpellRanges(1) elseif (command == "updatespells") then GB_Update_Spells(1); elseif (command == "toggle") then if (param == "labels") then GB_Toggle_Labels(); elseif (param == "empty") then GB_Toggle_EmptyButtons(); elseif (param == "spellbook") then GB_Toggle_MiniSpellbook(); elseif (param == "barlock") then GB_Toggle_BarLock(); elseif (param == "buttonlock") then GB_Toggle_ButtonsLock(); end elseif (command == "hidebar") then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(param); if (unitBar) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][getglobal(unitBar).index].hide = true; GB_Set_Appearance(getglobal(unitBar).index); end elseif (command == "showbar") then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(param); if (unitBar) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][getglobal(unitBar).index].hide = nil; GB_Set_Appearance(getglobal(unitBar).index); end elseif (command == "setkeybar") then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(param); if (param == "target") then unitBar = "target"; end if (unitBar) then GB_Set_CurrentKeybindingBar(unitBar); end elseif (command == "useaction") then local _, _, bar, button = string.find(param, "(.*) (.*)"); bar = GB_Get_UnitBar(bar); if (bar) then button = tonumber(button); if (button) then GB_ActionButton_OnClick(bar, button); end end elseif (command == "contexts") then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar("target"); local button; for i=1,20 do button = getglobal(unitBar.."_Button_"..i); for index,v in button.InContext do if (v == -1) then GB_Debug("button "..i.." "..index.." = "..v); end end end elseif (command == "spelldata") then for name, ranks in GB_SPELLS do for rank,data in ranks do for i, v in data do if (string.find(name, param)) then GB_Feedback(name.." "..rank..": "..i.." = "..v); end end end end elseif (command == "clearall") then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX] = nil; GB_Initialize_DefaultSettings(); GB_Initialize_NewSettings(); GB_UnitFrames_Initialize(); GB_Initialize_BarOptions("player"); GB_Initialize_Labels(); GB_Initialize_Toggles(); GB_Initialize_AllBars(); GB_Initialize_AnnounceOptions(); GB_Initialize_ThresholdsOptions(); GB_Initialize_MiscOptions(); elseif (command == "hidebar") then if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][param]) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][param].hide = true; GB_Set_Appearance(param); end elseif (command == "showbar") then if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][param]) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][param].hide = nil; GB_Set_Appearance(param); end else for _, t in GB_HELP_TEXT do GB_Feedback(t); end end end function GB_Debug(msg) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( msg, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); end function GB_Feedback(msg) if (GB_Get("disableGBSpam")) then return; end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( msg, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); end function GB_StopMoving(frame) if (frame) then this = frame; end if (this.isMoving) then this:StopMovingOrSizing(); this:SetUserPlaced(true); GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].frameLocs[this:GetName()] = {x = this:GetLeft(), y = this:GetTop()}; this.isMoving = false; end end function GB_StartMoving(frame) if (frame) then this = frame; end if (this:GetName() ~= "GB_Options" and this:GetName() ~= "GB_MiniSpellbook" ) then if (not GB_Get("barsLocked")) then GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.BarsUnlockedWarning); end end if (arg1 == "LeftButton") then this:SetUserPlaced(true); this:StartMoving(); this.isMoving = true; end end function GB_Copy_Table(src, dest) for index, value in src do if (type(value) == "table") then dest[index] = {}; GB_Copy_Table(value, dest[index]); else dest[index] = value; end end end function GB_MenuTimeout() if (this.timer) then this.timer = this.timer - arg1; if (this.timer < 0) then this:Hide(); this.timer = nil; end end end function GB_SpellChanged(text, name, rank) text = string.gsub(text, "$name", name); if (rank and rank ~= "") then text = string.gsub(text, "$rank", "("..rank..")"); end GB_Feedback(text); end function GB_Show_Tooltip(bar, button) if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].Disable) then return; end if (GB_Get("disableTooltip")) then return; end local idType = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].idType; local name = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].name; if (not name) then return; end GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this); if (idType == "spell") then GameTooltip:SetSpell(GB_SPELLS[name][GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].rank].id, SpellBookFrame.bookType); elseif (idType == "item") then local hasCooldown = GameTooltip:SetBagItem(GB_ITEMS[name].bag,GB_ITEMS[name].slot); if ( hasCooldown ) then this.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME; else this.updateTooltip = nil; end elseif (idType == "inv") then local _,hasCooldown = GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", GB_INVENTORY[name].id); if ( hasCooldown ) then this.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME; else this.updateTooltip = nil; end elseif (idType == "macro") then GameTooltip:SetText(name, 1, 1, 1); end end function GB_AttackTarget() if (UnitCanAttack("player","target") and UnitHealth("target") > 0) then if (not GB_ATTACKING) then if (not GB_Get("dontAttack")) then AttackTarget(); end end end end function GB_Announce_Spellcast(text, target) if (not GB_ISCASTING) then return; end if (not text) then return; end if (GB_Get("announceDisabled")) then return; end if (GB_Get("doNotAnnounceSolo")) then local numParty = GetNumPartyMembers() + GetNumRaidMembers(); if (numParty < 1) then return; end end local channel = "SAY"; local lang = ChatFrameEditBox.language; if (GB_Get("doNotUseSay")) then channel="WHISPER"; end if (not GB_Get("doNotUseParty")) then if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then channel = "PARTY"; end end if (not GB_Get("doNotUseRaid")) then if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then channel = "RAID"; end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].sendToChannel and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel ~= "") then channel = "CHANNEL"; target = GetChannelName(GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel); end SendChatMessage(text, channel, lang, target); if (GB_Get("announceFailed")) then GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = true; else GB_ANNOUNCEFAILURE = nil; end if (GB_Get("announceInterrupted")) then GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = true; else GB_ANNOUNCEINTERRUPTED = nil; end end function GB_KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(name, prefix) if ( not name ) then return ""; end local tempName = name; local i = strfind(name, "-"); local dashIndex = nil; while ( i ) do if ( not dashIndex ) then dashIndex = i; else dashIndex = dashIndex + i; end tempName = strsub(tempName, i + 1); i = strfind(tempName, "-"); end local modKeys = ''; if ( not dashIndex ) then dashIndex = 0; else modKeys = strsub(name, 1, dashIndex); if ( GetLocale() == "deDE") then modKeys = gsub(modKeys, "CTRL", "STRG"); end end local variablePrefix = prefix; if ( not variablePrefix ) then variablePrefix = ""; end local localizedName = nil; if ( IsMacClient() ) then -- see if there is a mac specific name for the key localizedName = getglobal(variablePrefix..tempName.."_MAC"); end if ( not localizedName ) then localizedName = getglobal(variablePrefix..tempName); end if ( not localizedName ) then localizedName = tempName; end return modKeys..localizedName; end function GB_Update_Bindings() for bar in GB_UNITS_ARRAY do for _, unitBar in GB_UNITS_ARRAY[bar].frames do for button = 1, GB_UNITS_ARRAY[bar].buttons do local keytext = getglobal(unitBar.."_Button_"..button.."TextFrame_HotKey"); local keytext2 = getglobal(unitBar.."_Button_"..button.."TextFrame_DynamicHotKey"); local unit = getglobal(unitBar).unit; if (bar == "lowesthealth") then unit = bar; end if (unit == "hostiletarget") then unit = "target"; elseif (unit == "friendlytarget") then unit = "target"; end local action = "GB_"..string.upper(unit)..button; if (string.find(unit,"party")) then action = "GB_"..string.upper(unit).."_"..button; end local action2 = "GB_DYNAMICKB"..button; local kbtext = GB_KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(GetBindingKey(action), "KEY_"); local kbtext2 = GB_KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(GetBindingKey(action2), "KEY_"); kbtext = string.upper(kbtext); kbtext2 = string.upper(kbtext2); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "SHIFT", "S"); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "CTRL", "C"); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "ALT", "A"); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "MOUSE BUTTON", "MB"); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "MIDDLE MOUSE", "MM"); kbtext = string.gsub(kbtext, "NUM PAD", "NP"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "SHIFT", "S"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "CTRL", "C"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "ALT", "A"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "MIDDLE MOUSE", "MM"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "MOUSE BUTTON", "MB"); kbtext2 = string.gsub(kbtext2, "NUM PAD", "NP"); if (GB_Get("hideBaseBindings")) then kbtext = ""; end if (GB_Get("hideDynamicBindings")) then kbtext2 = ""; end keytext:SetText(kbtext); if (GB_CURRENT_KB_BAR == unitBar or GB_CURRENT_KB_BAR == unit) then keytext2:SetText(kbtext2); else keytext2:SetText(""); end end end end end function GB_Set_CurrentKeybindingBar(unitBar) GB_CURRENT_KB_BAR = unitBar; GB_Update_Bindings(); end function GB_Announce_Failed(text) if ((not text) or text == "") then return; end if (not GB_ANNOUNCED.spellName) then return; end if ( then text = string.gsub(text, '$t',; end if (GB_ANNOUNCED.spellRank) then text = string.gsub(text, '$r', GB_ANNOUNCED.spellRank); end text = string.gsub(text, '$s', GB_ANNOUNCED.spellName); local channel = "SAY"; local lang = ChatFrameEditBox.language; if (GB_Get("doNotUseSay")) then channel="WHISPER"; end if (not GB_Get("doNotUseParty")) then if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then channel = "PARTY"; end end if (not GB_Get("doNotUseRaid")) then if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then channel = "RAID"; end end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].sendToChannel and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel ~= "") then channel = "CHANNEL"; = GetChannelName(GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].announceChannel); end SendChatMessage(text, channel, lang,; end function GB_Update_SpellRanks() if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].Disable) then return; end GB_SPELLS_UPDATED = true; GB_CheckForNewSpells(); GB_Update_Spells(); local idType, spellrank, rank, autoUpdate, name for bar in GB_UNITS_ARRAY do for button = 1, 20 do name = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].name idType = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].idType; spellrank = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].rank; autoUpdate = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].autoUpdate; if (idType == "spell" and autoUpdate) then _,_,rank = string.find(spellrank, " (%d*)"); rank = tonumber(rank); if (rank) then rank = rank + 1; if (GB_SPELLS[name][GB_TEXT.Rank..rank]) then GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].Button[button].rank = GB_TEXT.Rank..rank; GB_ActionButton_Initialize(bar, button); if (bar == GB_BAR) then GB_Options_InitAction(bar, button); end end end end end end end function GB_CheckForNewSpells() count = 0; while true do count = count + 1; local spellName, spellRank = GetSpellName(count, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not spellName then do break end end end if (GB_SPELLS_COUNT ~= (count - 1)) then return true; end end function GB_CheckTimeout(timeout, elapsed) if (GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].time) then GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].time = GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].time - elapsed; if (GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].time < 0) then GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].time = nil; GroupButtonsFrame[timeout].func(); end end end function GB_CheckBagsTimer(elapsed) if (this.bagsloadedtimer) then this.bagsloadedtimer = this.bagsloadedtimer - elapsed; if (this.bagsloadedtimer < 0) then this.bagsloadedtimer = nil; GB_BAGS_LOADED = true; if (GB_ENTERING_WORLD and GB_VARIABLES_LOADED) then GB_Initialize(); end end end end function GB_CheckItemUpdateTimer(elapsed) if (this.itemstimer) then this.itemstimer = this.itemstimer - elapsed; if (this.itemstimer < 0) then this.itemstimer = nil; GB_Update_InventoryItems(); GB_Update_ContainerItems(); end end end function GB_CheckSpellsUpdateTimer(elapsed) if (this.spellstimer) then this.spellstimer = this.spellstimer - elapsed; if (this.spellstimer < 0) then this.spellstimer = nil; GB_Update_Spells(); GB_Spellbook_Initialize(); end end end function GB_UnitInRaid(unit) local name = UnitName(unit); for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do if (UnitName("raid"..i) == name) then return true; end end end function GB_CureAny(unit) if (not unit) then if (GB_LAST_UNIT) then unit = GB_LAST_UNIT; else unit = "target"; end end if (not UnitName(unit)) then return; end local disease, poison, curse, magic; local debuff; local spell, rank; for i = 1, 8 do debuff = UnitDebuff(unit, i); if (not debuff) then break; end GBTooltip:SetUnitDebuff(unit, i); if (GBTooltipTextRight1:IsVisible()) then debuff = GBTooltipTextRight1:GetText(); else debuff = nil; end if (debuff) then if (string.find(debuff, GB_FILTERS.Disease)) then if (disease) then disease = disease + 1; else disease = 1; end end if (string.find(debuff, GB_FILTERS.Poison)) then if (poison) then poison = poison + 1; else poison = 1; end end if (string.find(debuff, GB_FILTERS.Magic)) then if (magic) then magic = magic + 1; else magic = 1; end end if (string.find(debuff, GB_FILTERS.Curse)) then if (curse) then curse = curse + 1; else curse = 1; end end end end if (magic and (not spell)) then if (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.DispelMagic.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.DispelMagic.text; rank = 1; if (magic > 1) then rank = 2; end elseif (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.Cleanse.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.Cleanse.text; end end if (disease and (not spell)) then if (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.CureDisease.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.CureDisease.text; elseif (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.Purify.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.Purify.text; end if (disease > 1 and GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.AbolishDisease.text]) then if (not GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_CURES.AbolishDisease.text, target)) then spell = GB_CURES.AbolishDisease.text; else spell = nil; end end end if (poison and (not spell)) then if (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.CurePoison.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.CurePoison.text; elseif (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.Purify.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.Purify.text; end if (poison > 1 and GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.AbolishPoison.text]) then if (not GB_Get_BuffMatch(GB_CURES.AbolishPoison.text, target)) then spell = GB_CURES.AbolishPoison.text; else spell = nil; end end end if (curse and (not spell)) then if (GB_SPELLS[GB_CURES.RemoveCurse.text]) then spell = GB_CURES.RemoveCurse.text; end end if (spell) then if (rank) then rank = GB_TEXT.Rank..rank; else rank = ""; end CastSpell( GB_SPELLS[spell][rank].id, "BOOKTYPE_SPELL" ); else GB_Feedback(GB_TEXT.NoEffectsFound); end end --[[function GB_RunMacro(macroname) local macroID = GetMacroIndexByName(macroname); local _, _, body = GetMacroInfo(macroID); if (string.find(body, "\n")) then local line = ""; for i=1,string.len(body) do local character = string.sub(body, i, i); if (character == "\n") then GB_MacroBox:SetText(line); ChatEdit_SendText(GB_MacroBox); line = ""; else line = line..character; end end else GB_MacroBox:SetText(body); ChatEdit_SendText(GB_MacroBox); end end --]] function GB_RunMacro(macroname) local name, texture, body, isLocal = GetMacroInfo(GetMacroIndexByName(macroname)); if ( not body ) then return; end local length = string.len(body); local text=""; for i = 1, length do text=text..string.sub(body,i,i); if ( string.sub(body,i,i) == "\n" or i == length ) then if ( string.find(text,"/cast") ) then local i, booktype = GB_GetSpell(gsub(text,"%s*/cast%s*(.*)%s;*.*","%1")); if ( i ) then RunScript("CastSpell("..i..",'"..booktype.."')"); end else while ( string.find(text, "CastSpellByName")) do local spell = gsub(text,'.-CastSpellByName.-%(.-"(.-)".*','%1',1); local i, booktype = GB_GetSpell(spell); if ( i ) then text = gsub(text,'CastSpellByName.-%(.-".-"','CastSpell('..i..','..'"'..booktype..'"',1); else text = gsub(text,'CastSpellByName.-%(.-".-"%)','',1); end end if ( string.find(text,"/script")) then RunScript(gsub(text,"%s*/script%s*(.*)","%1")); else GB_MacroBox:SetText(text); ChatEdit_SendText(GB_MacroBox); end end text=""; end end end function GB_GetSpell(spell) local s = gsub(spell, "%s-(.-)%s*%(.*","%1"); local r; if ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Rr]acial")) then r = "racial" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Ss]ummon")) then r = "summon" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Aa]pprentice")) then r = "apprentice" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Jj]ourneyman")) then r = "journeyman" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Ee]xpert")) then r = "expert" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Aa]rtisan")) then r = "artisan" elseif ( string.find(spell, "%(%s*[Mm]aster")) then r = "master" elseif ( not string.find(spell, "%(")) then r = "" else r = gsub(spell, ".*%(.*[Rr]ank%s*(%d+).*", "Rank %1"); end return GB_FindSpell(s,r); end function GB_FindSpell(spell, rank) local i = 1; local booktype = "spell"; local s,r; local ys, yr; while true do s, r = GetSpellName(i,"spell"); if ( not s ) then break; end if ( string.lower(s) == string.lower(spell)) then ys=true; end if ( (r == rank) or (r and rank and string.lower(r) == string.lower(rank))) then yr=true; end if ( ys and yr ) then return i,booktype; end i=i+1; ys = nil; yr = nil; end i = 1; while true do s, r = GetSpellName(i,"pet"); if ( not s) then break; end if ( string.lower(s) == string.lower(spell)) then ys=true; end if ( (r == rank) or (r and rank and string.lower(r) == string.lower(rank))) then yr=true; end if ( ys and yr ) then booktype = "pet"; return i,booktype; end i=i+1; ys = nil; yr = nil; end return nil, booktype; end function GB_Update_Auras(unit) if (unit == "mouseover") then return; end if (not UnitName(unit)) then return; end GB_BUFFS[unit] = {nil}; GB_DEBUFFS[unit] = {nil}; GBAuraTooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE"); if (unit == "player") then GB_SHADOWFORM_INDEX = nil end for i = 1, 16 do if (UnitBuff(unit, i)) then GBAuraTooltip:SetUnitBuff(unit, i); if (GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:IsShown()) then GB_BUFFS[unit][GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()] = i; if (unit == "player" and GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == GB_TEXT.Shadowform) then for j = 0, 15 do local bi = GetPlayerBuff(j, "HELPFUL") if (GetPlayerBuffTexture(bi)) then GBAuraTooltip:SetPlayerBuff(bi); if (GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:IsShown() and GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == GB_TEXT.Shadowform) then GB_SHADOWFORM_INDEX = j break end end end end if (string.find(GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:GetText(), "-", 1, true)) then GB_BUFFS[unit][UnitBuff(unit, i)] = i; end end end end for i = 1, 16 do if (UnitDebuff(unit, i)) then GBAuraTooltip:SetUnitDebuff(unit, i); if (GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:IsShown()) then GB_DEBUFFS[unit][GBAuraTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()] = true; end if (GBAuraTooltipTextRight1:IsShown()) then GB_DEBUFFS[unit][GBAuraTooltipTextRight1:GetText()] = true; end end end end