function GB_UnitFrames_Initialize() if (not GB_INITIALIZED) then return; end GB_UnitFrames_Detect(); for unit, value in GB_UNITFRAMES do for i, frame in value.frames do local clickbox = getglobal(GB_CLICKBOXES2[unit][i]); unit2 = unit; if (unit == "target") then unit2 = "friendlytarget"; end local offsets = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unit2].Clickbox; if (not getglobal(frame)) then clickbox:ClearAllPoints(); clickbox:SetPoint("TOP", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", 100, -100); clickbox:Hide(); else local frameheight = getglobal(frame):GetHeight(); local framewidth = getglobal(frame):GetWidth(); if ( (offsets.x1 - offsets.x2) > framewidth) then offsets.x2 = 0; end if ( (offsets.y2 - offsets.y1) > frameheight) then offsets.y1 = 0; end clickbox:ClearAllPoints(); clickbox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", offsets.x1, offsets.y1); clickbox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", offsets.x2, offsets.y2); clickbox:Raise() end end end if (not GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].hideClickboxes) then if (UnitName("pet")) then GB_Pet0Clickbox:Show(); end for i=1,GetNumPartyMembers() do getglobal("GB_Party"..i.."Clickbox"):Show(); if (UnitName("partypet"..i)) then getglobal("GB_Pet"..i.."Clickbox"):Show(); end end end end function GB_UnitFrames_Detect() if (DUF_EventFrame) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"DUF_PlayerFrame"}, onClick = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "unitID"}}, onEnter = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID", "frame"}}, onLeave = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={"frame"}}, onMouseUp = {name="", override="GB_DUF_OnMouseUp"} }, party = { frames={"DUF_PartyFrame1", "DUF_PartyFrame2", "DUF_PartyFrame3", "DUF_PartyFrame4"}, onClick = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "unitID"}}, onEnter = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID", "frame"}}, onLeave = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={"frame"}}, onMouseUp = {name="", override="GB_DUF_OnMouseUp"} }, target = { frames={"DUF_TargetFrame"}, onClick = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "unitID"}}, onEnter = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID", "frame"}}, onLeave = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={"frame"}}, onMouseUp = {name="", override="GB_DUF_OnMouseUp"} }, pet = { frames={"DUF_PetFrame"}, onClick = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "unitID"}}, onEnter = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID", "frame"}}, onLeave = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={"frame"}}, onMouseUp = {name="", override="GB_DUF_OnMouseUp"} }, partypet = { frames={"DUF_PartyPetFrame1", "DUF_PartyPetFrame2", "DUF_PartyPetFrame3", "DUF_PartyPetFrame4"}, onClick = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "unitID"}}, onEnter = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID", "frame"}}, onLeave = {name="DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={"frame"}}, onMouseUp = {name="", override="GB_DUF_OnMouseUp"} } }; elseif (MGParty_Member0) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"MGParty_Member0"}, onClick= {name="MGParty_Member_OnClick", params={}}, onEnter = {name="MGParty_Member_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="MGParty_Member_OnLeave", params={}}, onDrag = {name="PlayerFrame_OnReceiveDrag", params = {}} }, party = { frames={"MGParty_Member1", "MGParty_Member2", "MGParty_Member3", "MGParty_Member4"}, onClick= {name="MGParty_Member_OnClick", params={}}, onEnter = {name="MGParty_Member_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="MGParty_Member_OnLeave", params={}} }, target = { frames={"MGTarget_Frame"}, onClick = {name="MGTarget_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="MGTarget_OnEnter", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="MGTarget_OnLeave", params = {}} }, pet = { frames={"PetFrame"}, onClick = {name="PetFrame_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", override="GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnEnter", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", override="GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnLeave", params = {}} }, partypet = { frames={"PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame"}, onClick = {name="PartyMemberPetFrame_OnClick", params={}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params = {}} } }; elseif (MGplayer) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"MGplayer"}, onClick= {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave", params={}}, onMouseDown = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, party = { frames={"MGparty1", "MGparty2", "MGparty3", "MGparty4"}, onClick= {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave", params={}}, onMouseDown = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, target = { frames={"MGtarget"}, onClick= {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave", params={}}, onMouseDown = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, pet = { frames={"MGpet"}, onClick= {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave", params={}}, onMouseDown = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, partypet = { frames={"MGpartypet1", "MGpartypet2", "MGpartypet3", "MGpartypet4"}, onClick= {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="", override = "GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave", params={}}, onMouseDown = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="MiniGroup_Member_OnMouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} } }; elseif (Nurfed_player) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"Nurfed_player"}, onClick= {name="Nurfed_Unit_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "nurfed"}} }, party = { frames={"Nurfed_party1", "Nurfed_party2", "Nurfed_party3", "Nurfed_party4"}, onClick= {name="Nurfed_Unit_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "nurfed"}}, onEnter = {name="Nurfed_UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={"unitID"}}, onLeave = {name="Nurfed_UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, target = { frames={"Nurfed_target"}, onClick= {name="Nurfed_Unit_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "nurfed"}} }, pet = { frames={"Nurfed_pet"}, onClick= {name="Nurfed_Unit_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "nurfed"}} }, partypet = { frames={"Nurfed_partypet1", "Nurfed_partypet2", "Nurfed_partypet3", "Nurfed_partypet4"}, onClick= {name="Nurfed_Unit_OnClick", params={"mousebutton", "nurfed"}} } }; elseif (Perl_party1) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"Perl_Player_Frame"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Party_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Party_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Player_MouseEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="Perl_Player_MouseLeave", params={}} }, party = { frames={"Perl_party1", "Perl_party2", "Perl_party3", "Perl_party4"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Party_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Party_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Party_PlayerTip", params={}}, onLeave = {name="GB_Hide_PlayerTooltip", params={}} }, target = { frames={"Perl_Target_Frame"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Target_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Target_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Target_PlayerTip", params={}}, onLeave = {name="GB_Hide_PlayerTooltip", params={}} }, pet = { frames={"Perl_Player_Pet_Frame"}, onClick = {name="Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", override="GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnEnter", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", override="GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnLeave", params = {}} }, partypet = { frames={"Perl_Party_Pet1", "Perl_Party_Pet2", "Perl_Party_Pet3", "Perl_Party_Pet4"}, onClick = {name="Perl_Party_Pet_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Party_Pet_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Party_Pet_PlayerTip", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params = {}} } }; elseif (WatchDogFrame) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"WatchDogFrame_player"}, onClick= {name="WatchDog_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, party = { frames={"WatchDogFrame_party1", "WatchDogFrame_party2", "WatchDogFrame_party3", "WatchDogFrame_party4"}, onClick= {name="WatchDog_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, target = { frames={"WatchDogFrame_target"}, onClick= {name="WatchDog_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, pet = { frames={"WatchDogFrame_pet"}, onClick= {name="WatchDog_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, partypet = { frames={"WatchDogFrame_partypet1", "WatchDogFrame_partypet2", "WatchDogFrame_partypet3", "WatchDogFrame_partypet4"}, onClick= {name="WatchDog_OnClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} } }; elseif (Perl_Party_MemberFrame1) then GB_UNITFRAMES = { player = { frames={"Perl_Player_Frame"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Player_MouseClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseDown = {name="Perl_Player_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Player_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, party = { frames={"Perl_Party_MemberFrame1", "Perl_Party_MemberFrame2", "Perl_Party_MemberFrame3", "Perl_Party_MemberFrame4"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Party_MouseClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseDown = {name="Perl_Party_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Party_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Party_Tip", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, target = { frames={"Perl_Target_Frame"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Target_MouseClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseDown = {name="Perl_Target_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Target_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}}, onEnter = {name="Perl_Target_Tip", params={}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params={}} }, pet = { frames={"Perl_Player_Pet_Frame"}, onClick= {name="Perl_Player_Pet_MouseClick", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseDown = {name="Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown", params={"mousebutton"}}, onMouseUp = {name="Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp", params={"mousebutton"}} }, partypet = { frames={"PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame"}, onClick = {name="PartyMemberPetFrame_OnClick", params={}}, onEnter = {name="UnitFrame_OnEnter", params = {}}, onLeave = {name="UnitFrame_OnLeave", params = {}} } }; end end function GB_UnitFrame_OnClick(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local bar =; if (bar == "target") then if (UnitCanAttack("player", "target")) then bar = "hostiletarget"; else bar = "friendlytarget"; end end if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then local func; local clickparams; if (GB_UNITFRAMES[].onClick) then func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; clickparams = GB_UNITFRAMES[].onClick.params; else return; end local params = {}; for i, v in clickparams do if (v == "mousebutton") then params[i] = mousebutton; elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; elseif (v == "nurfed") then params[i] = Nurfed_Units[getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]):GetName()]; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit); if (this.index == "lowesthealth") then unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(this.index); end GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1); end end function GB_UnitFrame_OnEnter() local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (this.index == "lowesthealth") then unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(this.index); end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = nil; unitBar:Show(); end if (not GB_UNITFRAMES[].onEnter) then return; end if (GB_UNITFRAMES[].onEnter.override) then local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].onEnter.override); func(); return; end local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; local params = {}; for i, v in GB_UNITFRAMES[].onEnter.params do if (v == "frame") then params[i] = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); end function GB_UnitFrame_OnEvent(event) if (not GB_INITIALIZED) then return; end if (event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") then if (not GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].hideClickboxes) then local numParty = GetNumPartyMembers(); for i=1,numParty do getglobal("GB_Party"..i.."Clickbox"):Show(); if (UnitName("partypet"..i)) then getglobal("GB_Pet"..i.."Clickbox"):Show(); end end numParty = numParty + 1; if (numParty < 5) then for i=numParty,4 do getglobal("GB_Party"..i.."Clickbox"):Hide(); getglobal("GB_Pet"..i.."Clickbox"):Hide(); end end end elseif (event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") then if (UnitName("target")) then if (not GB_Get("hideClickboxes")) then this:Show(); end else this:Hide(); end elseif (event == "UNIT_PET") then if (UnitName(this.unit) and UnitExists(this.unit)) then if (not GB_Get("hideClickboxes")) then this:Show(); end else this:Hide(); end end end function GB_UnitFrame_OnLeave() local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (this.index == "lowesthealth") then unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(this.index); end if (not unitBar) then return; end if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = GB_MOUSEOUT_TIME; end if (not GB_UNITFRAMES[].onLeave) then return; end if (GB_UNITFRAMES[].onLeave.override) then local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].onLeave.override); func(); return; end local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; local params = {}; for i, v in GB_UNITFRAMES[].onLeave.params do if (v == "frame") then params[i] = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); end function GB_UnitFrame_OnMouseDown(mousebutton) if (not GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseDown) then return; end if (DUF_EventFrame) then if (IsShiftKeyDown() or IsAltKeyDown() or IsControlKeyDown() or mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then return; end end local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; local params = {}; for i, v in GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseDown.params do if (v == "mousebutton") then params[i] = mousebutton; elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); end function GB_UnitFrame_OnMouseUp(mousebutton) if (not GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseUp) then return; end if (GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseUp.override) then local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseUp.override); func(); return; end local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; local params = {}; for i, v in GB_UNITFRAMES[].onMouseUp.params do if (v == "mousebutton") then params[i] = mousebutton; elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); end function GB_UnitFrame_OnReceiveDrag() if (not GB_UNITFRAMES[]["onDrag"]) then return; end local func = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[]; local params = {}; for i, v in GB_UNITFRAMES[].onDrag.params do if (v == "frame") then params[i] = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); elseif (v == "unitID") then params[i] = this.unit; end end this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); func(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); end function GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnEnter() this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); UnitFrame_OnEnter(); PartyMemberBuffTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", this:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", 60, -25); PartyMemberBuffTooltip_Update(); end function GB_DefaultPartyFrame_OnLeave() this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); UnitFrame_OnLeave(); PartyMemberBuffTooltip:Hide(); end function GB_MiniGroup_OnEnter() this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); MiniGroup_Member_OnEnter(); UnitFrame_OnEnter(); end function GB_MiniGroup_OnLeave() this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); MiniGroup_Member_OnLeave(); UnitFrame_OnLeave(); end function GB_DUF_OnMouseUp() this = getglobal(GB_UNITFRAMES[].frames[this:GetID()]); if (not DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX].FramesLocked) then DUF_UnitFrame_StopMoving(this.unit); end end function GB_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnClick(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local bar = "raid"; if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then GB_Old_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnClick(mousebutton); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; local id = this:GetParent():GetParent():GetID(); if (buttonNum) then GB_ActionButton_OnClick(GB_Get_UnitBar("raid", buttonNum, 1); end end function GB_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnEnter() GB_Old_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnEnter(); local id = this:GetParent():GetParent():GetID(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar("raid"; if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = nil; unitBar:Show(); end end function GB_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnLeave() GB_Old_CT_RA_MemberFrame_OnLeave(); local id = this:GetParent():GetParent():GetID(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar("raid"; if (GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = GB_MOUSEOUT_TIME; end end function GB_Hide_PlayerTooltip() GameTooltip:Hide(); end function GB_Perl_Raid_MouseUp(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local bar = "raid"; if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then GB_Old_Perl_Raid_MouseUp(mousebutton); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; local id = this:GetParent():GetParent():GetID(); if (buttonNum) then GB_ActionButton_OnClick(GB_Get_UnitBar("raid", buttonNum, 1); end end function GB_DUF_Element_OnClick(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local unit = this.unit; if (not this.unit) then unit = this:GetParent().unit; end local bar; local frame = this:GetName(); if (string.find(frame, "DUF_PlayerFrame")) then bar = "player"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_PartyFrame")) then bar = "party"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_PartyPetFrame")) then bar = "partypet"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_TargetFrame") or string.find(frame, "DUF_TargetOfTargetFrame")) then bar = "target"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_PetFrame")) then bar = "pet"; end if (bar == "target") then if (UnitCanAttack("player", unit)) then bar = "hostiletarget"; else bar = "friendlytarget"; end end if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then GB_Old_DUF_Element_OnClick(mousebutton); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(unit); if (not unitBar) then unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(bar); end GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1, unit); else GB_Old_DUF_Element_OnClick(mousebutton); end end function GB_DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local unit = this.unit; local bar; local frame = this:GetName(); if (frame == "DUF_PlayerFrame") then bar = "player"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_PartyFrame")) then bar = "party"; elseif (string.find(frame, "DUF_PartyPetFrame")) then bar = "partypet"; elseif (frame == "DUF_TargetFrame" or frame == "DUF_TargetOfTargetFrame") then bar = "target"; elseif (frame == "DUF_PetFrame") then bar = "pet"; end if (bar == "target") then if (UnitCanAttack("player", this.unit)) then bar = "hostiletarget"; else bar = "friendlytarget"; end end if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then GB_Old_DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick(mousebutton); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit); if (not unitBar) then unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(bar); end GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1, this.unit); else GB_Old_DUF_UnitFrame_OnClick(mousebutton); end end function GB_DUF_Element_OnEnter() GB_Old_DUF_Element_OnEnter(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this:GetParent().unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = nil; unitBar:Show(); end end function GB_DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter() GB_Old_DUF_UnitFrame_OnEnter(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = nil; unitBar:Show(); end end function GB_DUF_Element_OnLeave() GB_Old_DUF_Element_OnLeave(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this:GetParent().unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = GB_MOUSEOUT_TIME; end end function GB_DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave() GB_Old_DUF_UnitFrame_OnLeave(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = GB_MOUSEOUT_TIME; end end function GB_RaidPulloutButton_OnClick() local mousebutton = arg1; local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local unit = this.unit; if (not unit) then unit = this:GetParent().unit; end local bar = "raid"; if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then arg1 = mousebutton; GB_Old_RaidPulloutButton_OnClick(); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(unit); GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1); else arg1 = mousebutton; GB_Old_RaidPulloutButton_OnClick(); end end function GB_beyondRaidUnitOnClick(mousebutton) local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local unit = this:GetParent().unitID; local bar = "raid"; if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then GB_Old_beyondRaidUnitOnClick(mousebutton) return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(unit); GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1); else GB_Old_beyondRaidUnitOnClick(mousebutton); end end function GB_MarsRaidFrame_OnClick() local mousebutton = arg1; local keys = ""; if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then keys = "s"; end if (IsAltKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."a"; end if (IsControlKeyDown()) then keys = keys.."c"; end if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then keys = keys.."l"; elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then keys = keys.."r"; elseif (mousebutton == "MiddleButton") then keys = keys.."m"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button4") then keys="4"; elseif (mousebutton == "Button5") then keys="5"; end local unit = this.unit; local bar = "raid"; if (keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldLeftClick or keys == GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].oldRightClick) then arg1 = mousebutton; GB_Old_MarsRaidFrame_OnClick(); return; end local buttonNum = GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][bar].clickCast[keys]; if (buttonNum) then local unitBar = GB_Get_UnitBar(unit); GB_ActionButton_OnClick(unitBar, buttonNum, 1); else arg1 = mousebutton; GB_Old_MarsRaidFrame_OnClick(); end end function GB_MarsRaidFrame_OnEnter() GB_Old_MarsRaidFrame_OnEnter(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = nil; unitBar:Show(); end end function GB_MarsRaidFrame_OnLeave() GB_Old_MarsRaidFrame_OnLeave(); local unitBar = getglobal(GB_Get_UnitBar(this.unit)); if (unitBar and GB_Settings[GB_INDEX][unitBar.index].mouseover) then unitBar.timer = GB_MOUSEOUT_TIME; end end