--[[ Guild Event Manager by Kiki of European Cho'gall (Alliance) Debug module ]] GEM_DEBUG_GLOBAL = 1; -- Blanc GEM_DEBUG_PROTOCOL = 2; -- Jaune foncé GEM_DEBUG_CHANNEL = 3; -- Bleu clair GEM_DEBUG_EVENTS = 4; -- Vert foncé GEM_DEBUG_COMMANDS = 5; -- Orange clair GEM_DEBUG_SUBSCRIBERS = 6; -- Violet foncé GEM_DEBUG_GUI = 7; -- Cyan clair GEM_DEBUG_QUEUES = 8; -- Cyan foncé GEM_DEBUG_WARNING = 9; -- Rouge local _GEM_DBG_ColorCodes = {{1,1,1},{0.5,0.5,0},{0,0,1.0},{0,0.4,0},{1,0.5,0},{1,0,1},{0,0.6,0.9},{0,0.4,0.5},{1,0.1,0.1}}; function GEM_DBG_SetDebugMode(mode,wipedata) if(mode == 1 or mode == 2) then GEM_Events.debug = mode; GEMMainFrameTab5:Show(); if(mode == 2 and wipedata) then GEM_Events.debug_log = {}; end else if(GEMDebugFrame:IsVisible()) then GEMMain_SelectTab(1); end GEMMainFrameTab5:Hide(); GEM_Events.debug = 0; end end function GEM_ChatDebug(dbg_type,str) if(GEM_Events.debug and GEM_Events.debug >= 1) then local tab = date("*t",tim); local hour_str = tab.hour; local min_str = tab.min; local sec_str = tab.sec; if(string.len(hour_str) == 1) then hour_str = "0"..hour_str; end if(string.len(min_str) == 1) then min_str = "0"..min_str; end if(string.len(sec_str) == 1) then sec_str = "0"..sec_str; end local time_str = "["..hour_str..":"..min_str..":"..sec_str.."] "; GEMDebug_Log:AddMessage(time_str..str,_GEM_DBG_ColorCodes[dbg_type][1],_GEM_DBG_ColorCodes[dbg_type][2],_GEM_DBG_ColorCodes[dbg_type][3]); if(GEM_Events.debug == 2) then table.insert(GEM_Events.debug_log,time_str..str); end end end function GEM_ChatWarning(str) if(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("GuildEventManager WARNING (please inform Kiki) : "..str, 1.0, 0, 0); end GEM_ChatDebug(GEM_DEBUG_WARNING,str); end function GEM_ChatPrint(str) if(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("GuildEventManager : "..str, 0.9, 0.8, 0.10); end end function GEM_ChatMsg(str) if(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(str, 0.9, 0.7, 0.10); end end --[[ Simulate JOIN channel : -> /script arg9="kikichan2";arg2="Lenor";event="CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_JOIN";GEM_OnEvent(); Simulate LEAVE channel : -> /script arg9="kikichan2";arg2="Lenor";event="CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LEAVE";GEM_OnEvent(); ]]