------------ -- FRENCH -- ------------ -- à = \195\160 -- â = \195\162 -- é = \195\169 -- ê = \195\170 -- ï = \195\175 -- ô = \195\180 if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then ------------------- -- Compatibility -- ------------------- HEALBOT_DRUID = "Druide"; HEALBOT_HUNTER = "Chasseur"; HEALBOT_MAGE = "Magier"; HEALBOT_PALADIN = "Paladin"; HEALBOT_PRIEST = "Pr\195\170tre"; HEALBOT_ROGUE = "Voleur"; HEALBOT_SHAMAN = "Chaman"; HEALBOT_WARLOCK = "D\195\169moniste"; HEALBOT_WARRIOR = "Guerrier"; HEALBOT_BANDAGES = "Bandages"; HEALBOT_LINEN_BANDAGE = "Bandage en lin"; HEALBOT_WOOL_BANDAGE = "Bandage en laine"; HEALBOT_SILK_BANDAGE = "Bandage en soie"; HEALBOT_MAGEWEAVE_BANDAGE = "Bandage en tissu de mage"; HEALBOT_RUNECLOTH_BANDAGE = "Bandage en \195\169toffe runique"; HEALBOT_HEAVY_LINEN_BANDAGE = "Bandage en lin \195\169pais"; HEALBOT_HEAVY_WOOL_BANDAGE = "Bandage en laine \195\169pais"; HEALBOT_HEAVY_SILK_BANDAGE = "Bandage en soie \195\169pais"; HEALBOT_HEAVY_MAGEWEAVE_BANDAGE = "Bandage en tissu de mage \195\169pais"; HEALBOT_HEAVY_RUNECLOTH_BANDAGE = "Bandage en \195\169toffe runique \195\169pais"; HEALBOT_HEALING_POTIONS = "Potions de soins"; HEALBOT_MINOR_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de soins mineure"; HEALBOT_LESSER_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de soins inf\195\169rieure"; HEALBOT_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de soins"; HEALBOT_GREATER_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de soins sup\195\169rieure"; HEALBOT_SUPERIOR_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de soins excellente"; HEALBOT_MAJOR_HEALING_POTION = "Potion de Soins majeure"; HEALBOT_HEALTHSTONES = "Pierres de soins"; HEALBOT_MINOR_HEALTHSTONE = "Pierre de soins mineure"; HEALBOT_LESSER_HEALTHSTONE = "Pierre de soins inf\195\169rieure"; HEALBOT_HEALTHSTONE = "Pierre de soins"; HEALBOT_GREATER_HEALTHSTONE = "Pierre de soins sup\195\169rieure"; HEALBOT_MAJOR_HEALTHSTONE = "Pierre de soins majeure"; HEALBOT_FLASH_HEAL = "Soins rapides"; HEALBOT_FLASH_OF_LIGHT = "Eclair lumineux"; HEALBOT_HOLY_SHOCK = "Holy Shock"; HEALBOT_GREATER_HEAL = "Soins sup\195\169rieurs"; HEALBOT_HEALING_TOUCH = "Toucher gu\195\169risseur"; HEALBOT_HEAL = "Soins"; HEALBOT_HEALING_WAVE = "Vague de soins"; HEALBOT_HOLY_LIGHT = "Lumi\195\168re sacr\195\169e"; HEALBOT_LESSER_HEAL = "Soins inf\195\169rieurs"; HEALBOT_LESSER_HEALING_WAVE = "Vague de soins mineurs"; HEALBOT_MEND_PET = "Soigner un Familier"; HEALBOT_POWER_WORD_SHIELD = "Mot de pouvoir : Bouclier"; HEALBOT_REGROWTH = "R\195\169tablissement"; HEALBOT_RENEW = "R\195\169novation"; HEALBOT_REJUVENATION = "R\195\169cup\195\169ration"; HEALBOT_PRAYER_OF_HEALING = "Pri\195\168re de soins"; HEALBOT_CHAIN_HEAL = "Salve de gu\195\169rison"; HEALBOT_POWER_WORD_FORTITUDE = "Mot de pouvoir : Robustesse"; HEALBOT_MARK_OF_THE_WILD = "Marque du fauve"; HEALBOT_BLESSING_OF_SALVATION = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de salut"; HEALBOT_RESURRECTION = "R\195\169surrection"; HEALBOT_REDEMPTION = "R\195\169demption"; HEALBOT_REBIRTH = "Renaissance"; HEALBOT_ANCESTRALSPIRIT = "Esprit Ancestral"; HEALBOT_PURIFY = "Purification"; HEALBOT_CLEANSE = "Epuration"; HEALBOT_CURE_POISON = "Gu\195\169rison du poison"; HEALBOT_REMOVE_CURSE = "D\195\169livrance de la mal\195\169diction"; HEALBOT_ABOLISH_POISON = "Abolir le poison"; HEALBOT_CURE_DISEASE = "Gu\195\169rison des maladies"; HEALBOT_ABOLISH_DISEASE = "Abolir maladie"; HEALBOT_DISPEL_MAGIC = "Dissipation de la magie"; HEALBOT_DISEASE = "Maladie"; HEALBOT_MAGIC = "Magie"; HEALBOT_CURSE = "Mal\195\169diction"; HEALBOT_POISON = "Poison"; HEALBOT_RANK_1 = "(Rang 1)"; HEALBOT_RANK_2 = "(Rang 2)"; HEALBOT_RANK_3 = "(Rang 3)"; HEALBOT_RANK_4 = "(Rang 4)"; HEALBOT_RANK_5 = "(Rang 5)"; HEALBOT_RANK_6 = "(Rang 6)"; HEALBOT_RANK_7 = "(Rang 7)"; HEALBOT_RANK_8 = "(Rang 8)"; HEALBOT_RANK_9 = "(Rang 9)"; HEALBOT_RANK_10 = "(Rang 10)"; HEALBOT_RANK_11 = "(Rang 11)"; HEALBOT_LIBRARY_INCHEAL = "Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to (%d+)%."; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_LIBRARY_INCDAMHEAL = "Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to (%d+)%."; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HB_BONUSSCANNER_NAMES = { HEAL = "Soins", }; HB_BONUSSCANNER_PREFIX_EQUIP = "Equip\195\169 : "; HB_BONUSSCANNER_PREFIX_SET = "Complet : "; HB_BONUSSCANNER_PATTERNS_PASSIVE = { { pattern = "Augmente les effets des sorts de soins de (%d+)% au maximum.", effect = "HEAL" }, { pattern = "Augmente les soins prodigu\195\169s par les sorts et effets de (%d+)% au maximum.", effect = "HEAL"}, { pattern = "Augmente les d\195\169g\195\162ts et les soins prodigu\195\169s par les sortsfalseles effets magiques de (%d+)% au maximum.", effect = "HEAL" }, { pattern = "Augmente les d\195\169g\195\162ts et les soins produits par les sorts et effets magiques de (%d+)% au maximum.", effect = {"HEAL", "DMG" }}, }; HB_BONUSSCANNER_PATTERNS_GENERIC_LOOKUP = { ["Sorts de Soins"] = "HEAL", ["D\195\169g\195\162ts et soins "] = {"HEAL", "DMG"}, }; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_LESSER_HEAL = "Soigne la cible de (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_HEAL = "Soigne la cible de (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_GREATER_HEAL = "Une longue incantation qui rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie \195\160 une cible unique"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_FLASH_HEAL = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_RENEW = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie \195\160 la cible en (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_RENEW1 = "Rend (%d+) points de vie \195\160 la cible en (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_HEALING_TOUCH = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_REGROWTH = "Soigne une cible amie pour (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) puis pour (%d+) points suppl.+mentaires pendant (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_REGROWTH1 = "Soigne une cible amie pour (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) puis pour (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points suppl.+mentaires pendant (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_HOLY_LIGHT = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_FLASH_OF_LIGHT = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_HEALING_WAVE = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_LESSER_HEALING_WAVE = "Rend (%d+) \195\160 (%d+) points de vie"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_REJUVENATION = "Soigne la cible de (%d+) durant (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_REJUVENATION1 = "Soigne la cible de (%d+) a (%d+) durant (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_SHIELD = "absorbe (%d+) points de d\195\169g\195\162ts. Dure (%d+) sec"; HB_SPELL_PATTERN_MEND_PET = "Soigne votre compagnon de (%d+) points de vie chaques secondes que vous le ciblez. Dure (%d+) sec" HB_TOOLTIP_MANA = "^Mana : (%d+)$"; HB_TOOLTIP_INSTANT_CAST = 'Incantation imm\195\169diate'; HB_TOOLTIP_CAST_TIME = '(%d+.?%d*) sec'; HB_TOOLTIP_RANGE = "de (%d+) m" HB_TOOLTIP_CHANNELED = "Focaliser" HB_HASLEFTRAID = "^([^%s]+) a quitt\195\131\194\169 le groupe de raid$"; HB_HASLEFTPARTY = "^([^%s]+) has left the party$"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HB_YOULEAVETHEGROUP = "You leave the group" -- *************** needs translation *************** HB_YOULEAVETHERAID = "You have left the raid group" -- *************** needs translation *************** ----------------- -- Translation -- ----------------- HEALBOT_ADDON = "HealBot " .. HEALBOT_VERSION; HEALBOT_LOADED = " chargement."; HEALBOT_CASTINGSPELLONYOU = "Lance %s sur vous ..."; HEALBOT_CASTINGSPELLONUNIT = "Lance %s sur %s ..."; HEALBOT_ABORTEDSPELLONUNIT = "... arrete %s sur %s"; HEALBOT_ACTION_TITLE = "HealBot"; HEALBOT_ACTION_OPTIONS = "Options"; HEALBOT_ACTION_ABORT = "Annule"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TITLE = HEALBOT_ADDON; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_DEFAULTS = "Defaut"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CLOSE = "Fermer"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_GENERAL = "General"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_SPELLS = "Utilisation"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_MISC = "Divers"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_HEALING = "Soins"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_CDC = "Cure"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TAB_SKIN = "Skin" HEALBOT_OPTIONS_PANEL_TEXT = "Panneau d'option de soin:" HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ACTIONLOCKED = "Bloquer la position"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_GROWUPWARDS = "Monter"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_AUTOSHOW = "Ouvrir automatiquement"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_PANELSOUNDS = "Son a l'ouverture"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ALERTSECONDS = "Death countdown timer"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWTOOLTIP = "Montre tooltip pour les soins"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_HIDEOPTIONS = "Cache le boutton d'option"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_QUALITYRANGE = "Exact 27yard range check in instances"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_INTEGRATECTRA = "Intregrer CTRA"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TOGGLEALTUSE = "Toggle Alt-key"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_PROTECTPVP = "Avoid accidental PvP flagging"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ITEMS = "Objets"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SPELLS = "Sorts"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_COMBOCLASS = "Combinaison de touche pour"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CLICK = "Click"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHIFT = "Shift+click:"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CTRL = "Ctrl+click:"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHIFTCTRL = "Shift+Ctrl+click:"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ENABLEHEALTHY = "Autoriser boutton pour soigner la cible"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CASTNOTIFY1 = "Pas de messages"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CASTNOTIFY2 = "Dire soit meme"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CASTNOTIFY3 = "Avertir la cible"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CASTNOTIFY4 = "Avertir le groupe"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CASTNOTIFY5 = "Avertir le raid"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TARGETWHISPER = "Whisper la cible au soin"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_HEAL_CHATOPT = "Option de chat"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_HEAL_BUTTONS = "Boutton de soin pour:" HEALBOT_OPTIONS_GROUPHEALS = "Groupe"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TANKHEALS = "Tank principal"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_TARGETHEALS = "Cibles"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_EMERGENCYHEALS= "Urgences"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_HEALLEVEL = "Niveau de soin"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ALERTLEVEL = "Alerte de niveau"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_OVERHEAL = "Montre annulation lors de gros soin" HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SORTHEALTH = "Vie"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SORTPERCENT = "Pourcent"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SORTSURVIVAL = "Survival"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_EMERGFILTER = "Montrer un boutton d'urgence pour"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_EMERGFCLASS = "Configurer la classe pour"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_COMBOBUTTON = "Boutton"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BUTTONLEFT = "Left"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BUTTONMIDDLE = "Middle"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BUTTONRIGHT = "Right"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BUTTON4 = "Button4"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BUTTON5 = "Button5"; BINDING_HEADER_HEALBOT = "HealBot"; BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEMAIN = "Affiche al fenetre principal"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPLAYER = "Soigne joueur"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPET = "Soigne pet"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPARTY1 = "Soigne groupe 1"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPARTY2 = "Soigne groupe 2"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPARTY3 = "Soigne groupe 3"; BINDING_NAME_HEALPARTY4 = "Soigne groupe 4"; BINDING_NAME_HEALTARGET = "Soigne cible"; HEALBOT_CLASSES_ALL = "Toutes les classes"; HEALBOT_CLASSES_MELEE = "Corps a corps"; HEALBOT_CLASSES_RANGES = "Distances"; HEALBOT_CLASSES_HEALERS = "Soigneurs"; HEALBOT_CLASSES_CUSTOM = "Divers"; HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BARALPHAINHEAL= "Incoming heal opacity"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCBUTTONS = "Curing buttons"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCLEFT = "Alt+Left"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCRIGHT = "Alt+Right"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCBARS = "Healthbar colours"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCCLASS = "Monitor classes"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDCWARNINGS = "Debuff warnings"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_USEBUTTONS = "Define spells"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_CDC = "Cure/Dispel/Cleanse for"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWDEBUFFWARNING = "Display warning on debuff"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SOUNDDEBUFFWARNING = "Play sound on debuff"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SOUND1 = "Sound 1" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SOUND2 = "Sound 2" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SOUND3 = "Sound 3" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINTEXT = "Use skin" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKINS_STD = "Standard" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINTEXTURE = "Texture" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINHEIGHT = "Height" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINWIDTH = "Width" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINNUMCOLS = "No. columns" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINBRSPACE = "Row spacer" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINBCSPACE = "Col spacer" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_EXTRASORT = "Sort extra bars by" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SORTBY_NAME = "Name" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SORTBY_CLASS = "Class" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SORTBY_GROUP = "Group" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SORTBY_MAXHEALTH = "Max health" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_DELSKIN = "Delete" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_NEWSKINTEXT = "New skin" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SAVESKIN = "Save" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINBARS = "Bar options" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINPANEL = "Panel colours" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKIN_ENTEXT = "Enabled" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKIN_DISTEXT = "Disabled" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKIN_DEBTEXT = "Debuff" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKIN_BACKTEXT = "Background" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_SKIN_BORDERTEXT = "Border" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_HIDEABORT = "Hide abort button" -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWHEADERS = "Show headers" HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWTOOLTIP = "Show tooltips"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWDETTOOLTIP = "Show detailed spell information"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWUNITTOOLTIP = "Show target information"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SHOWRECTOOLTIP = "Show instant cast recommendation"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_POSDEFAULT = "Default location"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_POSLEFT = "Left of Healbot"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_POSRIGHT = "Right of Healbot"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_POSABOVE = "Above Healbot"; -- *************** needs French translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_POSBELOW = "Below Healbot"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_SKINFHEIGHT = "Font Size" -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_ABORTSIZE = "Abort size" -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_OPTIONS_BARALPHADIS = "Disabled opacity" -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_RECOMMENDTEXT = "Instant Cast Recommendation"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_NONE = "none available"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_ITEMBONUS = "Item bonuses"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_ACTUALBONUS = "Actual bonus is"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_TOOLTIP_SHIELD = "Wards" HEALBOT_WORDS_OVER = "over"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_WORDS_SEC = "sec"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_WORDS_TO = "to"; -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_WORDS_CAST = "Cast" -- *************** needs translation *************** HEALBOT_WORDS_FOR = "for"; -- *************** needs translation *************** end