--[[ Healers Assist Localization file -- UTF8 Converter : http://black-fraternity.de/lua/utf8converter.php ]] -- Buff textures HA_BLESSING_OF_LIGHT_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing02"; HA_GREATER_BLESSING_OF_LIGHT_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_GreaterBlessingofLight"; HA_POWER_INFUSION_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PowerInfusion"; HA_DIVINE_FAVOR_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Heal"; HA_UNSTABLE_POWER_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Lightning_LightningBolt01"; HA_HEALING_OF_THE_AGES_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_HealingWaveGreater"; -- Debuff textures HA_MORTAL_STRIKE_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warrior_SavageBlow"; HA_MORTAL_WOUND_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_CriticalStrike"; HA_VEIL_OF_SHADOW_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_GatherShadows"; -- Reduce healing effects by 75% HA_NECROTIC_POISON_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Creature_Poison_03"; -- Reduce healing effects by 90% HA_GREEN_AFFLICTION_TEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Head_Dragon_Green"; -- Chromaggus Green affliction -- Reduce healing effects by 50% if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then -- French localized variables -- à(à) á(á) â(â) ã(ã) ä(ä) æ(æ) ç(ç) è(è) é(é) ê(ê) ë(ë) î(î) ï(ï) ò(ò) ó(ó) ô(ô) õ(õ) ö(ö) ù(ù) ú(ú) û(û) ü(ü) '(’) -- => Displayed strings HA_CHAT_MISC_LOADED = "Chargé ! (/ha pour l’aide)"; HA_CHAT_HELP_CHANNEL = "Indique le canal a utiliser. Ne rien indiquer pour ne plus utiliser de canal (Désactive l'addon)"; HA_CHAT_HELP_SHOW = "Afficher la fenêtre principale de l'addon."; HA_CHAT_HELP_LOCK = "Verrouille ou non la fenêtre principale de l'addon."; HA_CHAT_HELP_AUTO = "Affichage automatiquement la fenêtre principale de l'addon quand vous etes dans un groupe ou un raid. La cache quand vous n'etes pas en groupé."; HA_CHAT_HELP_DEBUG = "Affiche ou non la fenêtre de debug."; HA_CHAT_HELP_VERSIONS = "Affiche la version de HA des membres du groupe/raid"; HA_CHAT_HELP_MSG = "Envoie un message aux utilisateurs de HA dans votre groupe/raid"; HA_CHAT_CMD_UNKNOWN = "Commande inconnue. Essayez /ha help"; HA_CHAT_CMD_PARAM_ERROR = "Erreur de paramètre pour la commande "; HA_CHAT_LOCK_ON = "La fenêtre principale est maintenant verrouillée"; HA_CHAT_LOCK_OFF = "La fenêtre principale n’est plus verrouillée"; HA_TEXT_UPGRADE_NEEDED = "Une nouvelle version majeure de HealersAssist (incompatible avec celle-ci) est disponible. Il faut mettre à jour."; HA_TEXT_MINOR_VERSION = "Une nouvelle version mineure de HealersAssist est disponible. Vous devriez mettre à jour."; HA_CHAT_MSG_IN_REGEN = "%s entre en mode repos !"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_OUT_OF_REGEN = "%s sort du mode repos !"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_INNERVATED = "TU AS RECU UNE INNERVATION. TU PEUX CONTINUER A LANCER DES SORTS !!"; HA_CHAT_MSG_INFUSED = "TU AS RECU UNE INFUSION DE PUISSANCE !! BLAST OU SOIGNE PENDANT 15 SEC !!!"; HA_RANK = "Rang"; HA_PASSIVE = "Passif"; HA_Spells = { -- Druid ["Toucher guérisseur"] = { short="Toucher"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_TOUCH }, ["Rétablissement"] = { short="Rétabl"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH }, ["Tranquilité"] = { short="Tranq"; iname=HA_SPELL_TRANQUILITY; group=true }, ["Renaissance"] = { short="Résurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_REBIRTH; cooldown=true; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Priest ["Soins inférieurs"] = { short="Soins Inf"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEAL }, ["Soins"] = { short="Soins"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEAL }, ["Soins rapides"] = { short="S Rapides"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_HEAL }, ["Soins supérieurs"] = { short="Soins Sup"; iname=HA_SPELL_GREATER_HEAL }, ["Prière de soins"] = { short="Prière"; iname=HA_SPELL_PRAYER_OF_HEALING; group=true }, ["Résurrection"] = { short="Résurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_RESURRECTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, ["Puits de lumière"] = { short="Puits"; iname=HA_SPELL_LIGHTWELL; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Vague de soins"] = { short="Vague soin"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Vague de soins inférieurs"] = { short="Vague inf"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Salve de guérison"] = { short="Salve"; iname=HA_SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL; group=true }, ["Esprit ancestral"] = { short="Résurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Lumière sacrée"] = { short="Lumière"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_LIGHT }, ["Eclair lumineux"] = { short="Eclair"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_OF_LIGHT }, ["Rédemption"] = { short="Résurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_REDEMPTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, }; HA_InstantSpells = { -- Druid ["Récupération"] = { short="Récup"; iname=HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION }, ["Rétablissement sur le temps"] = { short="Rétabl"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT }, ["Innervation"] = { short="Innerv"; iname=HA_SPELL_INNERVATE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Délivrance de la malédiction"] = { short="Malédiction"; iname=HA_SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE; nonheal=true }, ["Abolir le poison"] = { short="Abolir"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Guérison du poison"] = { short="Poison"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Prompte guérison"] = { short="Prompte"; iname=HA_SPELL_SWIFTMEND }, -- Priest ["Rénovation"] = { short="Rénov"; iname=HA_SPELL_RENEW }, ["Mot de pouvoir : Bouclier"] = { short="Bouclier"; iname=HA_SPELL_PWS; nonheal=true }, ["Nova sacrée"] = { short="Nova"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_NOVA; group=true }, ["Infusion de puissance"] = { short="Infusion"; iname=HA_SPELL_POWER_INFUSION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Abolir maladie"] = { short="Abolir"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Guérison des maladies"] = { short="Maladie"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Dissipation de la magie"] = { short="Dispel"; iname=HA_SPELL_DISPEL_MAGIC; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Horion sacré"] = { short="Horion"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_SHOCK }, ["Intervention divine"] = { short="Intervention"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_INTERVENTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Bouclier divin"] = { short="Bouc. divin"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_SHIELD; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Purification"] = { short="Purifi"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURIFY; nonheal=true }, ["Epuration"] = { short="Epuration"; iname=HA_SPELL_CLEANSE; nonheal=true }, ["Imposition des mains"] = { short="Imposition"; iname=HA_SPELL_LAY_ON_HANDS }, ["B\195\169n\195\169diction de protection"] = { short="Protection"; iname=HA_SPELL_BLESSING_OF_PROTECTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Totem de Vague de mana"] = { short="Vague mana"; iname=HA_SPELL_MANA_TIDE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Expiation"] = { short="Expiation"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURGE; nonheal=true }, }; HA_HotSpells = { -- Druid ["Récupération"] = HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION, ["Rétablissement"] = HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT, -- Priest ["Rénovation"] = HA_SPELL_RENEW, }; HA_PassiveSpells = { -- Shaman ["Réincarnation"] = { short="Réincarnation"; iname=HA_SPELL_REINCARNATION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true}, }; HA_ZONE_FELWOOD = "Gangrebois (Felwood)"; HA_ZONE_RUINS_AHNQIRAJ = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_TEMPLE_AHNQIRAJ = "Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_MOLTEN_CORE = "Coeur du Magma"; HA_ZONE_BLACKWING_LAIR = "Le repaire de l'Aile Noire"; HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS = "Naxxramas"; HA_DEBUF_NAME_NEFARIUS = "Voile de l'ombre"; HA_PARSE_SPELL_FAILED_REASON = "Vous n'avez pas réussi à lancer (.+) : (.+)%."; function HA_FixLogStrings(str) return string.gsub(str, "(%%%d?$?s) de (%%%d?$?s)", "%1 DE %2"); end elseif ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then HA_CHAT_MISC_LOADED = "geladen! (/ha f\195\188r die Hilfe)"; HA_CHAT_HELP_CHANNEL = "legt den zu benutzenden Channel fest. Um das Addon zu deaktivieren gebe keinen Channel an."; HA_CHAT_HELP_SHOW = "Zeigt das \195\156bersichtsfenster."; HA_CHAT_HELP_LOCK = "Fixiert das \195\156bersichtsfenster."; HA_CHAT_HELP_AUTO = "Legt fest ob das \195\156bersichtsfenster automatisch in gruppen angezeigt werden soll."; HA_CHAT_HELP_DEBUG = "Zeigt/Versteckt das Debug fenster"; HA_CHAT_HELP_VERSIONS = "Prints version of all HA users in your group/raid"; HA_CHAT_HELP_MSG = "Sends a message to all HA users in your group/raid"; HA_CHAT_CMD_UNKNOWN = "Unbekannter Befehlt. Gebe /ha ein um die Hilfe zu sehen"; HA_CHAT_CMD_PARAM_ERROR = "Falsche Parameter"; HA_CHAT_LOCK_ON = "Das \195\156bersichtsfenster ist jetzt fixiert"; HA_CHAT_LOCK_OFF = "Das \195\156bersichtsfenster ist jetzt beweglich"; HA_TEXT_UPGRADE_NEEDED = "Es gibt ein wichtiges Update von Healers Assist. Du musst upgraden um die Funktionalit\195\164t zu gew\195\164hrleisten!."; HA_TEXT_MINOR_VERSION = "Es gibt ein Update von Healers Assist. Du solltest upgraden."; HA_CHAT_MSG_IN_REGEN = "%s regeneriert jetzt!"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_OUT_OF_REGEN = "%s regeneriert nicht mehr!"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_INNERVATED = "Du hast Anregen! Du solltest zu einer Waffe mit viel Willenskraft wechseln!"; HA_CHAT_MSG_INFUSED = "Du hast Seele der Macht! Heilen!"; HA_RANK = "Rang"; HA_PASSIVE = "Passiv"; HA_Spells = { -- Druid ["Heilende Ber\195\188hrung"] = { short="Touch"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_TOUCH }, ["Nachwachsen"] = { short="Regrowth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH }, ["Gelassenheit"] = { short="Tranq"; iname=HA_SPELL_TRANQUILITY; group=true }, ["Wiedergeburt"] = { short="Rebirth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REBIRTH; cooldown=true; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Priest ["Geringes Heilen"] = { short="Lesser heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEAL }, ["Heilen"] = { short="Heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEAL }, ["Blitzheilung"] = { short="Flash heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_HEAL }, ["Gro\195\159e Heilung"] = { short="Greater heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_GREATER_HEAL }, ["Gebet der Heilung"] = { short="Prayer"; iname=HA_SPELL_PRAYER_OF_HEALING; group=true }, ["Auferstehung"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_RESURRECTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, ["Brunnen des Lichts"] = { short="Brunnen"; iname=HA_SPELL_LIGHTWELL; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Welle der Heilung"] = { short="Wave"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Geringe Welle der Heilung"] = { short="Lesser wave"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Kettenheilung"] = { short="Chain heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL; group=true }, ["Geist der Ahnen"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Heiliges Licht"] = { short="Holy light"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_LIGHT }, ["Lichtblitz"] = { short="Flash light"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_OF_LIGHT }, ["Erl\195\182sung"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_REDEMPTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, }; HA_InstantSpells = { -- Druid ["Verj\195\188ngung"] = { short="Rejuv"; iname=HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION }, ["Nachwachsen (HoT)"] = { short="Regrowth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT }, ["Anregen"] = { short="Innerv"; iname=HA_SPELL_INNERVATE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Fluch aufheben"] = { short="Curse"; iname=HA_SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE; nonheal=true }, ["Vergiftung aufheben"] = { short="Abolish"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Vergiftung heilen"] = { short="Poison"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Rasche Heilung"] = { short="Swift"; iname=HA_SPELL_SWIFTMEND }, -- Priest ["Erneuerung"] = { short="Renew"; iname=HA_SPELL_RENEW }, ["Machtwort: Schild"] = { short="Shield"; iname=HA_SPELL_PWS; nonheal=true }, ["Heilige Nova"] = { short="Nova"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_NOVA; group=true }, ["Seele der Macht"] = { short="Infusion"; iname=HA_SPELL_POWER_INFUSION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Krankheit aufheben"] = { short="Abolish"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Krankheit heilen"] = { short="Disease"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Magiebannung"] = { short="Dispel"; iname=HA_SPELL_DISPEL_MAGIC; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Heiliger Schock"] = { short="Shock"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_SHOCK }, ["G\195\182ttliches Eingreifen"] = { short="Intervention"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_INTERVENTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Gottesschild"] = { short="Div. shield"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_SHIELD; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["L\195\164utern"] = { short="Purify"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURIFY; nonheal=true }, ["Reinigung des Glaubens"] = { short="Cleanse"; iname=HA_SPELL_CLEANSE; nonheal=true }, ["Handauflegung"] = { short="Legung"; iname=HA_SPELL_LAY_ON_HANDS }, ["Segen des Schutzes"] = { short="Protection"; iname=HA_SPELL_BLESSING_OF_PROTECTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Totem der Manaflut"] = { short="Mana Tide"; iname=HA_SPELL_MANA_TIDE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Reinigen"] = { short="Purge"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURGE; nonheal=true }, }; HA_HotSpells = { -- Druid ["Verj\195\188ngung"] = HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION, ["Nachwachsen"] = HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT, -- Priest ["Erneuerung"] = HA_SPELL_RENEW, }; HA_PassiveSpells = { -- Shaman ["Reinkarnation"] = { short="Reinkarnation"; iname=HA_SPELL_REINCARNATION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true}, }; HA_ZONE_FELWOOD = "Teufelswald"; HA_ZONE_RUINS_AHNQIRAJ = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_TEMPLE_AHNQIRAJ = "Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_MOLTEN_CORE = "Geschmolzener Kern"; HA_ZONE_BLACKWING_LAIR = "Pechschwingenhort"; HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS = "Naxxramas"; HA_DEBUF_NAME_NEFARIUS = "Schleier des Schattens"; HA_PARSE_SPELL_FAILED_REASON = "Ihr scheitert beim Wirken von (.+): (.+)%." function HA_FixLogStrings(str) return str; end else -- Default English values HA_CHAT_MISC_LOADED = "Loaded ! (/ha for help)"; HA_CHAT_HELP_CHANNEL = "Specifies the channel to use. Specify nothing to stop using a channel (disables the addon)."; HA_CHAT_HELP_SHOW = "Shows the main window."; HA_CHAT_HELP_LOCK = "Locks or not the main window."; HA_CHAT_HELP_AUTO = "Automatically display the main window when you are in a group ou raid. Hide it when not grouped."; HA_CHAT_HELP_DEBUG = "Shows or not, the debug window."; HA_CHAT_HELP_VERSIONS = "Prints version of all HA users in your group/raid"; HA_CHAT_HELP_MSG = "Sends a message to all HA users in your group/raid"; HA_CHAT_CMD_UNKNOWN = "Unknown command. Try /ha help"; HA_CHAT_CMD_PARAM_ERROR = "Parameter error for command "; HA_CHAT_LOCK_ON = "Main window is now locked"; HA_CHAT_LOCK_OFF = "Main window is now unlocked"; HA_TEXT_UPGRADE_NEEDED = "There is a new major version of HealersAssist (incompatible with yours) available. Please upgrade."; HA_TEXT_MINOR_VERSION = "There is a new minor verson of HealersAssist available. You should upgrade."; HA_CHAT_MSG_IN_REGEN = "%s enters regen state !"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_OUT_OF_REGEN = "%s leaves regen state !"; -- $1=from HA_CHAT_MSG_INNERVATED = "YOU HAVE BEEN INNERVATED !! YOU CAN KEEP CASTING !!!"; HA_CHAT_MSG_INFUSED = "YOU HAVE BEEN INFUSED WITH POWER !! GO BLAST OR HEAL FOR 15 SEC !!!"; HA_RANK = "Rank"; HA_PASSIVE = "Passive"; HA_Spells = { -- Druid ["Healing Touch"] = { short="Touch"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_TOUCH }, ["Regrowth"] = { short="Regrowth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH }, ["Tranquility"] = { short="Tranq"; iname=HA_SPELL_TRANQUILITY; group=true }, ["Rebirth"] = { short="Rebirth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REBIRTH; cooldown=true; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Priest ["Lesser Heal"] = { short="Lesser heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEAL }, ["Heal"] = { short="Heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEAL }, ["Flash Heal"] = { short="Flash heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_HEAL }, ["Greater Heal"] = { short="Greater heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_GREATER_HEAL }, ["Prayer of Healing"] = { short="Prayer"; iname=HA_SPELL_PRAYER_OF_HEALING; group=true }, ["Resurrection"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_RESURRECTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, ["Lightwell"] = { short="Well"; iname=HA_SPELL_LIGHTWELL; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Healing Wave"] = { short="Wave"; iname=HA_SPELL_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Lesser Healing Wave"] = { short="Lesser wave"; iname=HA_SPELL_LESSER_HEALING_WAVE }, ["Chain Heal"] = { short="Chain heal"; iname=HA_SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL; group=true }, ["Ancestral Spirit"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT; rez=true; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Holy Light"] = { short="Holy light"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_LIGHT }, ["Flash of Light"] = { short="Flash light"; iname=HA_SPELL_FLASH_OF_LIGHT }, ["Redemption"] = { short="Resurrect"; iname=HA_SPELL_REDEMPTION; rez=true; nonheal=true }, }; HA_InstantSpells = { -- Druid ["Rejuvenation"] = { short="Rejuv"; iname=HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION }, ["Regrowth over time"] = { short="Regrowth"; iname=HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT }, ["Innervate"] = { short="Innerv"; iname=HA_SPELL_INNERVATE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Remove Curse"] = { short="Curse"; iname=HA_SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE; nonheal=true }, ["Abolish Poison"] = { short="Abolish"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Cure Poison"] = { short="Poison"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_POISON; nonheal=true }, ["Swiftmend"] = { short="Swift"; iname=HA_SPELL_SWIFTMEND }, -- Priest ["Renew"] = { short="Renew"; iname=HA_SPELL_RENEW }, ["Power Word: Shield"] = { short="Shield"; iname=HA_SPELL_PWS; nonheal=true }, ["Holy Nova"] = { short="Nova"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_NOVA; group=true }, ["Power Infusion"] = { short="Infusion"; iname=HA_SPELL_POWER_INFUSION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Abolish Disease"] = { short="Abolish"; iname=HA_SPELL_ABOLISH_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Cure Disease"] = { short="Disease"; iname=HA_SPELL_CURE_DISEASE; nonheal=true }, ["Dispel Magic"] = { short="Dispel"; iname=HA_SPELL_DISPEL_MAGIC; nonheal=true }, -- Paladin ["Holy Shock"] = { short="Shock"; iname=HA_SPELL_HOLY_SHOCK }, ["Divine Intervention"] = { short="Intervention"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_INTERVENTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Divine Shield"] = { short="Div. shield"; iname=HA_SPELL_DIVINE_SHIELD; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Purify"] = { short="Purify"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURIFY; nonheal=true }, ["Cleanse"] = { short="Cleanse"; iname=HA_SPELL_CLEANSE; nonheal=true }, ["Lay on Hands"] = { short="Lay"; iname=HA_SPELL_LAY_ON_HANDS }, ["Blessing of Protection"] = { short="Protection"; iname=HA_SPELL_BLESSING_OF_PROTECTION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, -- Shaman ["Mana Tide Totem"] = { short="Mana Tide"; iname=HA_SPELL_MANA_TIDE; cooldown=true; nonheal=true }, ["Purge"] = { short="Purge"; iname=HA_SPELL_PURGE; nonheal=true }, }; HA_HotSpells = { -- Druid ["Rejuvenation"] = HA_SPELL_REJUVENATION, ["Regrowth"] = HA_SPELL_REGROWTH_HOT, -- Priest ["Renew"] = HA_SPELL_RENEW, }; HA_PassiveSpells = { -- Shaman ["Reincarnation"] = { short="Reincarnation"; iname=HA_SPELL_REINCARNATION; cooldown=true; nonheal=true}, }; HA_ZONE_FELWOOD = "Felwood"; HA_ZONE_RUINS_AHNQIRAJ = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_TEMPLE_AHNQIRAJ = "Ahn'Qiraj"; HA_ZONE_MOLTEN_CORE = "Molten Core"; HA_ZONE_BLACKWING_LAIR = "Blackwing Lair"; HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS = "Naxxramas"; HA_DEBUF_NAME_NEFARIUS = "Veil of Shadow"; HA_PARSE_SPELL_FAILED_REASON = "You fail to cast (.+): (.+)%." function HA_FixLogStrings(str) return str; end end -- Variables depending on localization HA_HealDebuffs = { [HA_MORTAL_STRIKE_TEXTURE] = { -- No need for zone, always Mortal Strike -- Use name if another spell/ability uses the same texture malus = 0.50, }, [HA_MORTAL_WOUND_TEXTURE] = { -- Healing debuff in Ahn'Qiraj zones = { [HA_ZONE_RUINS_AHNQIRAJ] = 0.10, [HA_ZONE_TEMPLE_AHNQIRAJ] = 0.10, -- Fankriss [HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS] = 0.10, }, }, [HA_VEIL_OF_SHADOW_TEXTURE] = { zones = { [HA_ZONE_FELWOOD] = 0.50, -- Curse of the Deadwood [HA_ZONE_MOLTEN_CORE] = 0.75, -- Curse of gehennas [HA_ZONE_BLACKWING_LAIR] = { names = { -- Needed to prevent catching Ebonroc self heal debuf [HA_DEBUF_NAME_NEFARIUS] = 0.75, -- Nefarius }, }, [HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS] = 0.75, -- ?? }, }, [HA_NECROTIC_POISON_TEXTURE] = { zones = { [HA_ZONE_NAXXRAMAS] = 0.90, -- ?? }, }, [HA_GREEN_AFFLICTION_TEXTURE] = { zones = { [HA_ZONE_BLACKWING_LAIR] = 0.50, -- Chromaggus Green affliction }, }, -- Hex of weakness (20% HR) (http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=19285) };