--Immunity Code - Thanks to Astryl - http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-3321-1-feralskills.html function lazyr.WatchForImmunes(text) if (lrLocale.IMMUNE) then if (not lrLocale.ImmunityProblemCreatures) then lazyr.d("Immune tracking is not 100% supported for your locale.") end for spell, creature in string.gfind(text, lrLocale.IMMUNE) do --Ignore non-targets (or at least, try, based on name), banished targets, -- or known problematic targets (targets that have temporary immunities) if (UnitName('target') ~= creature or lazyr.masks.HasBuffOrDebuff("target", "debuff", nil, "Cripple", nil)) then return end for _, problemCreature in lrLocale.ImmunityProblemCreatures do if string.find(creature, problemCreature) then return end end if UnitIsPlayer("target") then return end lazyr.d("IMMUNITY DETECTED! Spell: "..spell.." Creature: "..creature) if not lazyr.perPlayerConf.Immunities[spell] then lazyr.perPlayerConf.Immunities[spell] = {}; end lazyr.perPlayerConf.Immunities[spell][creature] = true; end end end