-- Minion support lazyr.minion = {} lazyr.minion.lastUpdate = 0 lazyr.minion.updateInterval = 0.1 function lazyr.minion.OnUpdate() if (not lazyr.addOnIsActive) then return end if (not lazyr.perPlayerConf.minionIsVisible) then return end local now = GetTime() if (now >= (lazyr.minion.lastUpdate + lazyr.minion.updateInterval)) then lazyr.minion.lastUpdate = now if (lazyr.perPlayerConf.minionHidesOutOfCombat) then if (not lazyr.isInCombat and LazyRogueMinionFrame:IsShown()) then lazyr.d("You're not in combat, and the thing's showing, so I'm hiding it") LazyRogueMinionFrame:Hide() end if (lazyr.isInCombat and not LazyRogueMinionFrame:IsShown()) then lazyr.d("You're IN combat, and the thing's hidden, so I'm showing it") LazyRogueMinionFrame:Show() end end if (lazyr.isInCombat) then local actions = lazyr.FindParsedForm(lazyr.perPlayerConf.defaultForm) if (actions) then lazyr.mock = true local whichAction = lazyr.TryActions(actions) lazyr.mock = false if (not whichAction) then whichAction = "...zzz..." end lazyr.minion.SetText(whichAction) end end end end function lazyr.minion.OnEnter(button) GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_RIGHT") GameTooltip:AddLine("LazyRogue v"..lazyr.version.." Minion.\n") GameTooltip:AddLine("Shift + Left Click to move me around.\n") GameTooltip:Show() end function lazyr.minion.OnLeave(button) GameTooltip:Hide() end function lazyr.minion.SetText(text) if (not text) then text = "" end LazyRogueMinionText:SetText(text) end