-- English text strings -- Binding Configuration BINDING_HEADER_MAILTO = "MailTo" BINDING_NAME_MAILTOLOG = "Display MailTo log" BINDING_NAME_MAILTOEX = "Display Inbox expirations" BINDING_NAME_MAILTOMAIL = "Toggle MailTo Inbox window" -- MailTo option list with text MAILTO_OPTION = { alert= {flag='noalert', name="Delivery alert"}, auction={flag='noauction', name="Auction click"}, chat= {flag='nochat', name="Chat click"}, coin= {flag='nocoin', name="Coin letters"}, ding= {flag='noding', name="Ding sound"}, click= {flag='noclick', name="Inventory"}, login= {flag='nologin', name="Login notice"}, shift= {flag='noshift', name="Shift-click"}, trade= {flag='notrade', name="Trade click"}, } MAILTO_DAYS = {icon=28, long=3, new=7, short=1, soon=3, warn=2} -- Message text MAILTO_ON = "%s has been turned on." MAILTO_OFF = "%s has been turned off." MAILTO_TIME = "The time for '%s' expiration has been set to %s" MAILTO_TOOLTIP = "Click to select recipient." MAILTO_CLEARED = "The MailTo list has been cleared!" MAILTO_LISTEMPTY = "Empty list." MAILTO_LISTFULL = "Warning: List is full!" MAILTO_ADDED = " added to MailTo list." MAILTO_REMOVED = " removed from MailTo list." MAILTO_F_ADD = "(Add %s)" MAILTO_F_REMOVE = "(Remove %s)" MAILTO_YOU = "you" MAILTO_DELIVERED = "delivered." MAILTO_DUE = "due in %d min." MAILTO_SENT = "%s sent to %s by %s is %s" MAILTO_NEW = "%s%s from %s delivered to %s" MAILTO_NONEW = "No new mail items found." MAILTO_NEWMAIL = "(possible new mail)" MAILTO_LOGEMPTY = "The mail log is empty." MAILTO_NODATA = "No inbox data." MAILTO_NOITEMS = "No items in inbox." MAILTO_NOTFOUND = "No items found." MAILTO_INBOX = "#%d, %s, from %s" MAILTO_EXPIRES = " expires in " MAILTO_EXPIRED = " has expired!" MAILTO_UNDEFINED = "Undefined command, " MAILTO_RECEIVED = "Received %s from %s, %s" MAILTO_SALE = "%s bought %s for %s (net=%s)." MAILTO_NONAME = "Missing name." MAILTO_NODESC = "Missing description." MAILTO_MAILOPEN = "Mailbox is open." MAILTO_MAILCHECK = "Mailbox not checked." MAILTO_TITLE = "MailTo Inbox" MAILTO_SELECT = "Select:" MAILTO_SERVER = "Server" MAILTO_SERVERTIP = "Check to select characters on other servers" MAILTO_FROM = "From: " MAILTO_EXPIRES2 = "Expires in " MAILTO_EXPIRED2 = "Has expired!" MAILTO_LOCATE = "Locating items matching '%s':" MAILTO_REMOVE2 = "Removed %s of %s." MAILTO_BACKPACK = "No empty backpack slot for split." MAILTO_EMPTYNEW = "You may have new mail..." MAILTO_MAIL = "Mail" MAILTO_INV = "Inv" MAILTO_BANK = "Bank" MAILTO_SOLD = "Auction successful" MAILTO_OUTBID = "Outbid" MAILTO_CANCEL = "Auction cancelled" MAILTO_CASH = "Received cash: Total=%s, Sales=%s, Refunds=%s, Other=%s"