BWP_NAME = "MetaMapBWP"; BWP_IMAGE_PATH = "Interface\\AddOns\\MetaMapBWP\\Artwork\\Arrows\\" BWP_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 16; BWP_BUTTON_COUNT = 11; BWP_Options = {}; BWP_Data = {}; BWP_CZone = {}; BWP_Destination = nil; BWP_Data["Kalimdor"] = {}; BWP_Data["Eastern Kingdoms"] = {}; local BWPnode = {}; local BWPmeta = {}; local BWPDisp = {}; local BWPDispm = {}; BWP_CountDown = 0; BWP_SetDist = 0; BWP_ArrowIcon = nil; BWP_playerIsDead = false; BWP_GuardActive = false; BWP_Highlighttext ="|cffFFFFFF"; BWP_Redtext="|cffFF0000"; BWP_Greentext = "|cff00FF00"; local BWP_Zones = {}; local BWP_KalimdorZones = {}; local BWP_EasternZones = {}; local BWP_Player = nil; local BWP_SetSpecial = false; local BWP_SpecialDest = 0; local old_ToggleDropDownMenu = ToggleDropDownMenu; local Old_AbandonQuest = AbandonQuest oldBWPFOLLOW_UnitPopup_OnClick = UnitPopup_OnClick -- Query redirect BWPDispm.__index = SNDisp; -- Query redirect BWPmeta.__index = BWPnode; local BWP_FirstLoad = true; local gdpx, gdpy, gddx, gddy, gddir, gdclx, gdcly; --Map Variables below local MAX_LOC_SAMPLES = 50;-- Circular arrays to store X,Y,time locations local LOC_X_SAMPLES = {}; local LOC_Y_SAMPLES = {}; local LOC_T_SAMPLES = {}; -- The last index written into local lastIdx = 0; -- Last coordinates, used to avoid spamming location arrays local lastX,lastY = 0,0; -- Configuration/thresholds -- Tune these together with coordinate -- system for a balance of update speed and jitter reduction -- Make sure that MIN_CUMUL_RANGE is at least 2 times as large as -- MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE (Preferably between about 3-10 times) -- Minimum change in at least one direction to store something local MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE = 0.0001; -- Maximum age of an old record to look at local MAX_CUMUL_TIME = 2.0; -- Minimum range for a significant vector local MIN_CUMUL_RANGE = 0.0003; -- Square of minimum range to avoid an unnecessary sqrt local MIN_CUMUL_RANGE_SQ = MIN_CUMUL_RANGE * MIN_CUMUL_RANGE; -- Last degree value, just here for debugging sanity local lastDeg = nil; function BWP_SetVars() if(BWP_Options.ShowYards == nil) then BWP_Options.ShowYards = false; end if(BWP_Options.ShowCorpse == nil) then BWP_Options.ShowCorpse = false; end if(BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard == nil) then BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard = false; end if(BWP_Options.SetAlpha == nil) then BWP_Options.SetAlpha = 1.0; end if(BWP_Options.SetDistance == nil) then BWP_Options.SetDistance = 0.0040; end if(BWP_Options.ShowPoints == nil) then BWP_Options.ShowPoints = true; end if(BWP_Options.ShowNPC == nil) then BWP_Options.ShowNPC = true; end if(BWP_Options.ClearDest == nil) then BWP_Options.ClearDest = true; end end function BWP_OnLoad() SLASH_BWPCOMMAND1 = "/bwp"; SlashCmdList["BWPCOMMAND"] = BWP_LocCommand this:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED"); this:RegisterEvent("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA"); this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM"); this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_COMPLETE"); this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_FINISHED"); this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING"); this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM"); this:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_CLOSED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_DEAD"); table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["PLAYER"],"BWPFOLLOW") table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["PARTY"],"BWPFOLLOW") table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["RAID"],"BWPFOLLOW") UnitPopupButtons["BWPFOLLOW"] = { text = "Set As Waypoint", dist = 0 } end function BWP_OnEvent(event) if(event == "ADDON_LOADED") then BWP_SetVars() BWP_OptionsInit(); BWP_Generate() MetaKBMenu_RBSelect = BWP_ShowKBMenu; MetaMapNotes_RBSelect = BWP_ShowNoteMenu; end if(event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" or event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then BWP_OptionsInit(); end if (event == "UNIT_NAME_UPDATE" and arg1 == "player") then if (BWP_FirstLoad) then BWP_Player = UnitName("player"); if (playerName ~= UNKNOWNOBJECT) then BWP_FirstLoad = nil; end end end if(event == "GOSSIP_CLOSED") then BWP_SetSpecial = true; BWP_SpecialDest = 2; end if(event == "QUEST_COMPLETE") then local title = GetTitleText() or ""; clearquest(title) end if(strsub(event,1,16) == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then local msg = arg1; local plr = arg2; if ( (msg and msg ~= nil) and (plr and plr ~= nil) ) then local _,_,questname = string.find(msg,"Quest accepted: (.*)") if(questname) then BWP_AddQuest(questname) end end end end function BWP_OnUpdate(arg) if(UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player")) then DeadMan(); else BWP_Alive(); end if(BWP_SetSpecial) then BWP_Special_Dest(); end if(BWP_CountDown > 0) then BWP_CountDown = BWP_CountDown - 1; if(BWP_CountDown == 1 and BWP_Options.ClearDest) then BWP_CountDown = 0; if(BWP_SpecialDest) then BWP_SpecialOff(); else BWP_ClearDest(); end end return; end if(BWP_Destination) then local UpdateBWP = BWP_GetDir(); if(UpdateBWP) then BWP_SetRotation(UpdateBWP); end BWPDistanceText:SetText(BWP_GetDistText()) end end function BWP_LocCommand(msg) local name = "QuickLoc"; local i,j,x,y,tmp = string.find(msg,"%s*(%d+)%s*[,.]%s*(%d+)%s*([^%c]*)"); if(x == nil or y == nil) then SetMapToCurrentZone(); x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if(msg ~= "" and msg ~= nil) then name = msg; end else x = x / 100; y = y / 100; if(tmp ~= "" and tmp ~= nil) then name = tmp; end end setmininote(x, y, name, 7); BWP_OptionsInit(); end function BWP_SelectionDropDown_OnLoad() UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(BWP_OptionsDropDown, BWP_DropDownFrame_Initialize ); UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(80); end function ToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset) if(this:GetParent()) and (this:GetParent():GetName())and(this:GetParent():GetName()== "BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown")then BWP_MenuFrame:Show(); old_ToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame,"BWP_MenuFrame", xOffset, yOffset) else old_ToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset) BWP_MenuFrame:Hide(); end return nil end function BWP_OptionsInit() if(BWP_Options.SetAlpha < 0.15) then BWP_Options.SetAlpha = 0.15; end BWP_DistanceSlider:SetValue(BWP_Options.SetDistance); BWP_AlphaSlider:SetValue(BWP_Options.SetAlpha); if(BWP_Destination and == GetRealZoneText()) then BWPDestText:SetText("("")"); BWPDistanceText:SetText(BWP_GetDistText()) BWP_DisplayFrame:Show(); else BWP_DisplayFrame:Hide(); end end function MetaMapBWP_UpdateDistance() BWP_Options.SetDistance = this:GetValue(); local dist = MetaMap_round(this:GetValue() * 4000) BWP_SetDistText:SetText(dist); end function MetaMapBWP_UpdateAlpha() BWP_Options.SetAlpha = this:GetValue(); BWP_DisplayFrame:SetAlpha(BWP_Options.SetAlpha); end function MetaMapBWPMenu_Init() local items = 0; for i=1, BWP_BUTTON_COUNT, 1 do local button = getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option"..i); button:SetHeight(BWP_BUTTON_HEIGHT); if(i == 1) then button:SetText("Always load on startup"); button.toggle = MetaMapOptions.BWPalwaysOn; elseif(i == 2) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_CORPSE); button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowCorpse; elseif(i == 3) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_GUARD); button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard; elseif(i == 4) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_QNPC); button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowNPC; elseif(i == 5) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_MAPPOINTS); button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowPoints; elseif(i == 6) then button:SetText(BWP_CLEAR_ARRIVE); button.toggle = BWP_Options.ClearDest; elseif(i == 7) then if(BWP_Options.ShowYards) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_METRES); else button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_YARDS); end button.toggle = false; elseif(i == 8) then button:SetHeight(10); -- Spacer elseif(i == 9) then button:SetText(BWP_CLEAR_DEST); button.toggle = false; elseif(i == 10) then button:SetHeight(0); -- Spare button.toggle = false; elseif(i == 11) then button:SetHeight(0); -- Spare button.toggle = false; end if(button.toggle) then getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option"..i.."Check"):Show(); else getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option"..i.."Check"):Hide(); end button:Show(); items = i; end MetaMapBWPMenu:ClearAllPoints(); local yPos = "TOP"; local xPos = "RIGHT"; local x, y = GetCursorPosition(); x = x / UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() +15; y = y / UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() +15; if(y <= (UIParent:GetHeight() /2)) then yPos = "BOTTOM"; y = y +50; end if(x <= (UIParent:GetHeight() /2)) then xPos = "LEFT"; x = x -30; end MetaMapBWPMenu:SetPoint(yPos..xPos, "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y); MetaMapBWPMenu:SetHeight((BWP_BUTTON_HEIGHT *items) + (BWP_BUTTON_HEIGHT *2)); PlaySound("UChatScrollButton"); MetaMapBWPMenu:Show(); end function MetaMapBWPMenu_Select(id) local button = getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option"; if(id == 1) then MetaMapOptions.BWPalwaysOn = not MetaMapOptions.BWPalwaysOn; button.toggle = MetaMapOptions.BWPalwaysOn; elseif(id == 2) then BWP_Options.ShowCorpse = not BWP_Options.ShowCorpse; button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowCorpse; elseif(id == 3) then BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard = not BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard; button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowOnGuard; elseif(id == 4) then BWP_Options.ShowNPC = not BWP_Options.ShowNPC; button.toggle = BWP_Options.ShowNPC; elseif(id == 5) then BWP_Options.ShowPoints = not BWP_Options.ShowPoints; elseif(id == 6) then BWP_Options.ClearDest = not BWP_Options.ClearDest; button.toggle = BWP_Options.ClearDest; elseif(id == 7) then BWP_Options.ShowYards = not BWP_Options.ShowYards; if(BWP_Options.ShowYards) then button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_METRES); else button:SetText(BWP_SHOW_YARDS); end button.toggle = false; elseif(id == 8) then -- Spacer elseif(id == 9) then BWP_ClearDest(); button.toggle = false; elseif(id == 10) then -- spare elseif(id == 11) then -- spare end if(button.toggle) then getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option""Check"):Show(); else getglobal("MetaMapBWPMenu_Option""Check"):Hide(); end BWP_OptionsInit() end function MetaMapBWPMenu_OnUpdate() if (MetaMapBWPMenu:IsVisible()) then if (not MouseIsOver(MetaMapBWPMenu) and not MouseIsOver(MetaMapBWPMenuSliderMenu)) then MetaMapBWPMenu:Hide(); end end end function BWP_SetDest() --Sets the current Destination if(this.value.QuestGiver) then UIDropDownMenu_SetText(this.value.QuestGiver, BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown) setmininote(this.value.X,this.value.Y,this.value.QuestGiver,"7") elseif(this.value.title) then UIDropDownMenu_SetText(this.value.title, BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown) setmininote(this.value.xcoord, this.value.ycoord,this.value.title,"7") end BWP_OptionsInit(); end function BWP_GetDistText() local px , py = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") if(px == 0 and py==0) then return "Dead Zone"; end local dx, dy = nil,nil if(BWP_Destination and BWP_Destination.x and BWP_Destination.y) then dx, dy = BWP_Destination.x, BWP_Destination.y else return nil end local loc1,loc2 = {x = px , y= py},{x=dx,y=dy} local thisDistance, theseUnits , flag = BWP_FormatDist(loc1,loc2) if (flag == "A") then return BWPGreenText("("..BWP_ARRIVED..")") elseif flag == "Y" then return "("..thisDistance..theseUnits..")" end local colortext = getglobal("BWP"..flag.."Text") local testtext = colortext(thisDistance..theseUnits) return "("..testtext..")" end function DeadMan() if(BWP_playerIsDead) then return; end deadx, deady = GetCorpseMapPosition(); deadx = deadx * 100; deady = deady * 100; if(deadx and deady and deadx ~= 0 and deady ~= 0) then if(BWP_Destination) then BWP_OldDest = BWP_Destination; end BWP_playerIsDead = true; if(BWP_Options.ShowCorpse) then setmininote(deadx, deady, BWP_CORPSE_TEXT , "7"); else BWP_DisplayFrame:Hide(); end end end function BWP_Alive() if(not BWP_playerIsDead) then return; end if(BWP_OldDest)then local continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(; setmininote(BWP_OldDest.x, BWP_OldDest.y,, "7", continent, zone); BWP_OldDest = nil; BWP_playerIsDead = false; elseif(BWP_playerIsDead)then BWP_playerIsDead = false; BWP_ClearDest(); end end function BWP_SpecialOff() if(BWP_OldDest)then local continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(; setmininote(BWP_OldDest.x, BWP_OldDest.y,, "7", continent, zone); BWP_OldDest = nil; else BWP_ClearDest(); end BWP_SpecialDest = 0; end function UnitPopup_OnClick() if UnitPopupMenus[this.owner][this.value]=="BWPFOLLOW" then BWPFOLLOW_Name = UnitName(getglobal(UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU).unit) if(not BWPFOLLOWPLAYER) then BWP_TargetPlayer = string.lower(BWPFOLLOW_Name); BWP_SetSpecial = true; BWP_SpecialDest = 1 BWPFOLLOWPLAYER = 1 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Now Following "..BWPFOLLOW_Name) UnitPopupButtons["BWPFOLLOW"] = { text = "Stop Following", dist = 0 } else BWPFOLLOWPLAYER = nil BWP_SetSpecial = false; BWP_SpecialDest = 0; BWP_ClearDest() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("No Longer Following "..BWPFOLLOW_Name) UnitPopupButtons["BWPFOLLOW"] = { text = "Set As Waypoint", dist = 0 } end end oldBWPFOLLOW_UnitPopup_OnClick() end function BWP_DropDownFrame_Initialize() --Create Dropdown if( UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 1) then descript = {}; descript.text = BWPGreenText("-"..BWP_NAME.." "..BWP_OPTION_TEXT.."-") descript.func = BWP_ShowOptions; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(descript) info = {} info.text = BWP_SELECTMSG info.notClickable = 1; info.isTitle = 1; info.notCheckable = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if(x == 0 and y == 0)then --Header info = { text = BWP_NILLOCATION; notClickable = 1; isTitle = 1; notCheckable = 1; } UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); return; end end BWP_Generate(); bwpx,bwpy = nil,nil local BWP_BREAK_IT_DOWN = nil if(BWP_numpoints() > 20) then BWP_BREAK_IT_DOWN = 1 end if(BWP_Options.ShowPoints) then if(not BWP_BREAK_IT_DOWN) or ( UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 2 ) then local ZonePoints = {nil} local isExtra = nil if(this.value == "BWP_CZone") then ZonePoints = getglobal(this.value) elseif(this.value) and (BWP_CZone_XTRA) and (BWP_CZone_XTRA[this.value])then ZonePoints = BWP_CZone_XTRA[this.value] elseif(not this.value) then ZonePoints = BWP_CZone end if(ZonePoints) then for val,k in ZonePoints do if(k) then title = ZonePoints[val].title; end if (strlen(title) >= 24) then title = strsub(title, 1, 21).."..."; end if (title == "") then title = SN_CZone[val]:getNote1(); end descript = {} descript.text = val..". "..title; descript.func = BWP_SetDest; descript.value = k; descript.notCheckable = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(descript, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL); end end else --Break It Down Too many Points info = {}; info.text = BWP_Get_MenuTitle(BWP_CZone); info.hasArrow = 1; info.value = "BWP_CZone"; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); if(BWP_CZone_XTRA) then for k,v in BWP_CZone_XTRA do if(BWP_Get_MenuTitle(v)) then local info = {}; info.text = BWP_Get_MenuTitle(v); info.hasArrow = 1; info.value = k; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); descript.notCheckable = 1; end end end end end local LocalQList = BWP_GetQuestList() if(LocalQList and BWP_Options.ShowNPC) then if(not BWP_BREAK_IT_DOWN) or (( UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 2 ) and (this.value == "Q")) then table.sort(LocalQList,BWPSortByQuestGiverName) local thisindex = 0 for v, thisquest in LocalQList do if(thisquest) then descript = {};--Make our menu Options descript.text = BWP_NPC_TEXT..thisquest["QuestGiver"]; descript.func = BWP_SetDest; descript.value = thisquest; descript.notCheckable = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(descript,UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL ); end end elseif(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 1) then local info = {}; local info = {}; info.text = BWP_QUEST_NPCSTRING ; info.hasArrow = 1; info.value = "Q"; descript.notCheckable = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); end end end function BWP_Get_MenuTitle(MList) local tempstring = nil local firstword,lastword = nil, nil for k,v in MList do if(not tempstring) then -- if its our first word in the List if(v.title) then tempstring = v.title elseif (v.QuestGiver) then tempstring = v.QuestGiver end --set tempstring(so it will have a value) firstword = tempstring else if(v.title) then tempstring = v.title elseif (v.QuestGiver) then tempstring = v.QuestGiver end end end if(tempstring) and (firstword) then lastword = strsub(tempstring, 1, 5) firstword = strsub(firstword, 1, 5) return "Notes: "..firstword.." - "..lastword else return nil end end function BWP_ShowOptions() MetaMapBWPMenu_Init(); end function BWP_ClearDest() --Removes current destination UIDropDownMenu_SetText(nil, BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown) if(MiniNotePOI)then MetaMapNotes_ClearMiniNote(); end BWP_Destination = nil; BWP_SetSpecial = false; BWP_SpecialDest = 0; if(BWPFOLLOWPLAYER)then BWPFOLLOWPLAYER = nil; UnitPopupButtons["BWPFOLLOW"] = { text = "Set As Waypoint", dist = 0 }; end BWP_DisplayFrame:Hide(); BWP_Arrow:SetTexture(BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."forward"); end function BWPGreenText(inText) --TextOverride if (inText) then return BWP_Greentext..inText..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; end end function BWPRedText(inText) --Text Override if (inText) then return BWP_Redtext..inText..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; end end function BWPHilightText(inText) --Text Override if (inText) then return BWP_Highlighttext..inText..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; end end function BWP_SpecialOn() local continent, zone, currentZone, mapName = MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo(); local continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(GetRealZoneText()); local name, unknown, textureIndex, x, y; for landmarkIndex = 1, GetNumMapLandmarks(), 1 do name, unknown, textureIndex, x, y = GetMapLandmarkInfo(landmarkIndex); if (textureIndex == 6) then if(BWP_Destination) then BWP_OldDest = BWP_Destination; end setmininote(x, y, name, "7", continent, zone); end end end function clearquest(title) --Removes a quest/questgiver _,_,realtitle = string.find(title,".*%[%d%]% (.*)") if(realtitle)then title = realtitle end if(BWP_QuestList)then for v, thisquest in BWP_QuestList do if(string.find(thisquest["QuestName"],title))then if(thisquest["QuestName"] == title) then if(BWP_Destination) and (thisquest["QuestGiver"] == BWP_ClearDest() end BWP_QuestList[v]= nil tempQuestlist = {} local index = 1 for i,q in BWP_QuestList do tempQuestlist[index] = q index = index + 1 end BWP_QuestList = tempQuestlist else BWPqnamestring=BWP_QuestList[v]["QuestName"] _,_,tempstring1 = string.find(BWPqnamestring,"(.*)"..title) _,_,tempstring2 = string.find(BWPqnamestring,".*"..title.."%,(.*)") if(not tempstring1)and (tempstring2)then BWPqnamestring = tempstring2 elseif(not tempstring2)and(tempstring1)then BWPqnamestring = tempstring1 elseif(tempstring2) and (tempstring1) then BWPqnamestring = tempstring1..tempstring2 else DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("ERROR ON QUEST TURN IN:BWP[Unable to perform string operation]") end BWP_QuestList[v]["QuestName"]=BWPqnamestring end end end end end function BWP_numpoints() if(table.getn(BWP_CZone) > 20 ) then BWP_ChecknumPOI() end local tempnum = 0 if(BWP_CZone) then tempnum = table.getn(BWP_CZone) end if (BWP_CZone_XTRA) then if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[1]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[1]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[2]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[2]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[3]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[3]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[4]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[4]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[5]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[5]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[6]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[6]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[7]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[7]) end if(BWP_CZone_XTRA[8]) then tempnum = tempnum + table.getn(BWP_CZone_XTRA[8]) end -- max number of second menus end if(BWP_QuestList) then for v, thisquest in BWP_QuestList do if(thisquest)and(thisquest.Zone == GetCurrentMapZone())then tempnum = tempnum + 1 end end end return tempnum end function BWP_Special_Dest() if(BWPFOLLOWPLAYER)then if(BWP_TargetPlayer) then local bwpthisflag local playeridindex = GetNumRaidMembers() if (playeridindex == 0) then playeridindex = GetNumPartyMembers();bwpthisflag = nil else bwpthisflag = "R" end if (playeridindex == 0 ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(BWPGROUPERROR) BWP_SpecialDest = 0; BWP_SetSpecial = false; else if(bwpthisflag) then -- if its a raid group for x = 1, playeridindex do local Rname, Rrank, Rsubgroup, Rlevel, Rclass, RfileName, Rzone, Ronline = GetRaidRosterInfo(x) if (Rname) then local tempuid = "raid"..x if(string.lower(Rname) == BWP_TargetPlayer) then BWP_TargetUnitID = tempuid elseif(x == 1) then --If the player wasnt found in the current group DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(BWPGROUPERROR1) BWP_SpecialDest = 0; BWP_SetSpecial = false; BWPFOLLOWPLAYER = nil end end end else -- its a normal PARTy for x = 1,playeridindex do if (GetPartyMember(x)) then --Doesnt work in Raid :( local tempuid = "party"..x if(string.lower(UnitName(tempuid)) == BWP_TargetPlayer) then BWP_TargetUnitID = tempuid elseif(x == playeridindex) and (not BWP_TargetUnitID) then --If the player wasnt found in the current group DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(BWPGROUPERROR2) BWP_SpecialDest = 0; BWP_SetSpecial = flase; BWPFOLLOWPLAYER = nil; end end end end if(BWP_TargetUnitID) then local posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition(BWP_TargetUnitID) BWP_TargetUnitID = nil BWP_Destination = { name = BWP_TargetPlayer, x = posX , y = posY , zone = GetRealZoneText()} BWP_SetRotation(); end end end else if(BWP_SpecialDest == 2) then BWP_SetSpecial = false; BWP_SpecialOn(); end end end function BWP_GetQuestList() -- Returns an Array of QuestNPC Data local localquestlist = {} if(BWP_QuestList) then for k,v in BWP_QuestList do zone = GetCurrentMapZone() if(v.Zone == zone) then table.insert(localquestlist,v) end end end return localquestlist end function BWP_AddQuest(questname)--Adds a quest giver to waypoint menu if(UnitExists("target")) and(not UnitIsPlayer("Target")) and (UnitReaction("Player", "Target")>3)and (not UnitAffectingCombat("Player"))and ((UnitName("target")~= nil)or(UnitName("target")~= "")) then if (not BWP_QuestList) then BWP_QuestList = {} local Questlist ={} local questitem = {} questitem["QuestName"] = questname questitem["QuestGiver"] = UnitName("Target") questitem["X"],questitem["Y"] = GetPlayerMapPosition("Player") questitem["Zone"]= GetCurrentMapZone() Questlist[1] = questitem BWP_QuestList = Questlist else local Questlist = BWP_QuestList local questitem = {} local index = 0 questitem["QuestName"] = questname questitem["QuestGiver"] = UnitName("Target") questitem["Zone"]= GetCurrentMapZone() questitem["X"],questitem["Y"] = GetPlayerMapPosition("Player") for k,v in Questlist do index = index + 1 if(UnitName("Target") == v["QuestGiver"]) then if(v["QuestName"])then questitem = nil questitem = v if(questitem["QuestName"])then if(not string.find(questitem["QuestName"],questname))then questitem["QuestName"] = (questitem["QuestName"]..","..questname) end end end Questlist[index] = questitem BWP_QuestList = Questlist return 1 end end Questlist[index+1] = questitem BWP_QuestList = Questlist end end end --Abandon quest to know when you drop a quest and no longer require that questgiver function AbandonQuest() local title = GetAbandonQuestName() if(title)then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Abandoning:"..title) clearquest(title) end Old_AbandonQuest() return Old_AbandonQuest end function setmininote(x, y, name, icon, continent, zone) if(continent == nil or zone == nil) then continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(GetRealZoneText()); end if(type(continent) == "string") then return; end if(x >= 1) then x = x / 100; end if(y >= 1) then y = y / 100; end MetaMapNotes_AddNewNote(continent, zone, x, y, name, "", "", "MetaMapBWP", icon, 0, 0, 0, 2); BWP_Destination = {}; = name; BWP_Destination.x = x; BWP_Destination.y = y; = MetaMap_ZoneNames[continent][zone]; BWPDestText:SetText("("")"); BWPDistanceText:SetText(BWP_GetDistText()) BWP_DisplayFrame:Show(); end --Set up Mini Menu function BWP_MiniDropMenu_OnLoad() UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, BWP_MiniDropMenu_Initialize); UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(80, BWP_MiniDropMenu); end --Initialize minimenu with options function BWP_MiniDropMenu_Initialize() local info; if(tempitem_XBWP) then -- Make sure you have a valid object if(tempitem_XBWP.X and tempitem_XBWP.Y) then -- Make sure X and Y coords Exist(means were in same zone) info = {}; info.text = BWP_INFO_TEXT2..tempitem_XBWP.Name..BWP_INFO_TEXT3; --Option message "Set"..$name.."as waypoint" info.func = QuickSetMiniMenu; -- Function to set as destination info.value = tempitem_XBWP --Pass the object value tempitem_XBWP = nil UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); else --X and Y dont Exist so its not in out current zone info = {}; info.text = BWP_INFO_TEXT1..tempitem_XBWP.Name..BWP_INFO_TEXT3; --non click message "Must be in same zone blah blah" info.isTitle = 1 tempitem_XBWP = nil UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); end end end --sets a mininote from the value passed by the mini menu function QuickSetMiniMenu() UIDropDownMenu_SetText(this.value.Name, BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown); setmininote(this.value.X,this.value.Y,this.value.Name, "7", this.value.continent,; BWP_OptionsInit(); end function BWP_CallMenu() ToggleDropDownMenu(1,1,BWP_MenuFrame_DropDown, "cursor",-150,0) end function BWP_ShowKBMenu(id) local centerx, centery; local name = getglobal("MetaKB_ScrollFrameButton""Name"):GetText(); local zCheck = getglobal("MetaKB_ScrollFrameButton""Coords"):GetText(); if(string.find(zCheck, "%(%d+\.?-?%d*%)?, %(?%d+\.?-?%d*%)")) then local continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(GetRealZoneText()); local coords = MetaKB_Data[MetaKB_dbID][name][continent][zone]; local dx = coords[2]/100 - coords[4]/100; local dy = coords[3]/100 - coords[1]/100; centerx = MetaMap_round(coords[4]/100 + dx/2, 0); centery = MetaMap_round(coords[1]/100 + dy/2, 0); end local cx, cy = GetCursorPosition(); BWP_MiniDropMenu:ClearAllPoints() BWP_MiniDropMenu:SetPoint("BOTTOM","UIParent","BOTTOMLEFT", cx, cy) tempitem_XBWP ={X = centerx, Y = centery, Name = name, continent = continent, zone = zone}; ToggleDropDownMenu(1,1,BWP_MiniDropMenu) end function BWP_ShowNoteMenu(id) local continent, zone, currentZone, mapName = MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo(); if not currentZone then return end tempitem_XBWP ={X = currentZone[id].xPos,Y = currentZone[id].yPos ,Name = currentZone[id].name} --call our minimenu (only option is to set waypoint) ToggleDropDownMenu(1,1,BWP_MiniDropMenu,"cursor",-150,0) end function BWP_ChecknumPOI() BWP_CZone_XTRA = nil local POIinZone = table.getn(BWP_CZone) if( POIinZone > 20) then local temp_CZone = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[1] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[2] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[3] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[4] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[5] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[6] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[7] = {nil} BWP_CZone_XTRA[8] = {nil} local BWPcount = 0 table.sort(BWP_CZone,BWPsortbyName) for k,v in BWP_CZone do BWPcount = BWPcount + 1 if(BWPcount < 21) then tinsert(temp_CZone, v) elseif(BWPcount < 42) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[1], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 63) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[2], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 84) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[3], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 105) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[4], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 126) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[5], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 147) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[6], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 168) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[7], v ); elseif(BWPcount < 189) then tinsert(BWP_CZone_XTRA[8], v ); end end BWP_CZone = temp_CZone end end -- Constructor function BWPnode:new(x, y, text, who) return setmetatable( { xcoord = x, ycoord = y, note = text, author = who}, SNmeta); end -- Deconstructor function BWPnode:delete() return setmetatable({}, BWPmeta); end --Getters function BWPnode:getX() return self.xcoord; end function BWPnode:getY() return self.ycoord; end function BWPnode:getNote() return self.note; end function BWPnode:getAuthor() return; end -- Setters function BWPnode:setX(x) self.xcoord = x; end function BWPnode:setY(y) self.ycoord = y; end function BWPnode:setNote(text) self.note = text; end function BWPnode:setAuthor(text) = text; end -- Constructor function BWPDisp:new(x, y, who, desc, txt1, txt2, mod) return setmetatable( { xcoord = x, ycoord = y, author = who, title = desc, inf1 = txt1, inf2 = txt2, type = mod }, BWPDispm); end -- Deconstructor function BWPDisp:delete() return setmetatable({}, BWPDispm); end -- Getters function BWPDisp:getX() return self.xcoord; end function BWPDisp:getY() return self.ycoord; end function BWPDisp:getTitle() return self.title; end function BWPDisp:getNote1() return self.inf1; end function BWPDisp:getNote2() return self.inf2; end function BWPDisp:getAuthor() return; end function BWPDisp:getType() return self.type; end function BWP_FormatCoords(x, y) local rx, ry, fx, fy, nx, ny; nx = string.format("%i", x*10000); ny = string.format("%i", y*10000); fx = string.format("%i", x*1000); fy = string.format("%i", y*1000); rx = string.format("%i", x*100); ry = string.format("%i", y*100); fx = tonumber(strsub(fx, strlen(fx),strlen(fx))); fy = tonumber(strsub(fy, strlen(fy), strlen(fy))); if (tonumber(strsub(nx, strlen(nx), strlen(nx))) >= 5) then fx = fx + 1; end if (tonumber(strsub(ny, strlen(ny), strlen(ny))) >= 5) then fy = fy + 1; end return tonumber(rx.."."..fx), tonumber(ry.."."..fy); end --Returns Distance(in whatever units it recieves) function BWP_GetDist(loc1 , loc2) if(not loc1) or (not loc2) then return nil else return math.sqrt((loc1.x - loc2.x)^2 + (loc1.y - loc2.y)^2) end end --formats to yards or meters or clicks function BWP_FormatDist(loc1,loc2) local zone = GetRealZoneText(); local thisDistance = BWP_GetDist(loc1 , loc2) local flag = BWP_getflag(thisDistance) -- gets the color flag based on distance in Units thisDistance = BWP_ConvertToYards(loc1.x, loc1.y, loc2.x, loc2.y) /10; if(BWP_Options.ShowYards) then theseUnits = " Yds" else thisDistance = thisDistance * 0.9144 theseUnits = " Mtrs" end thisDistance = tonumber(string.format("%.0f" , thisDistance)) -- we dont really need decimal places with this small of units return thisDistance, theseUnits, flag end function BWP_getflag(distanceinUNITS)-- Really returns a color equivilent of a distance range local tcd = BWP_Options.SetDistance if(BWP_Options.SetDistance < 0.0040) then tcd = 0.0040 end if (distanceinUNITS <= (BWP_Options.SetDistance *1.215)) then return "A" elseif (distanceinUNITS < tcd * 2.452) then return "Green" --for Green Text elseif (distanceinUNITS < tcd * 242.5) then return "Y" --For Yellow text else return "Red" -- for red text end end function BWP_ConvertToYards(x1, y1, x2, y2) if(x1 == nil) then x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0; end local dx = (x1 - x2) * 40482.686754239; local dy = (y1 - y2) * (40482.686754239 / 1.5); return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) end function BWP_GetDir() if(not updCount)then updCount = 0 end updCount = updCount + 1; if (updCount < 2) then return; end updCount = 0; -- Find out where we are now local x,y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); local t = GetTime(); -- Store data if we've moved at least min sample distance local dx,dy = 0.00001,0.0001 if ((x ~= 0) or (y ~= 0)) then dx,dy = lastX - x, lastY - y end if ((math.abs(dx) >= MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE) or (math.abs(dy) >= MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE)) then lastIdx = lastIdx + 1; if (lastIdx > MAX_LOC_SAMPLES) then lastIdx = 1; end LOC_X_SAMPLES[lastIdx] = x; LOC_Y_SAMPLES[lastIdx] = y; LOC_T_SAMPLES[lastIdx] = t; lastX,lastY = x,y; end if (lastIdx == 0) then return; end local idx = lastIdx; local cx,cy,ct = LOC_X_SAMPLES[idx], LOC_Y_SAMPLES[idx]; local ct = LOC_T_SAMPLES[idx]; local cutoff = t - MAX_CUMUL_TIME; local tx,ty,tt; local found = nil; -- Scan back through the sample list for a long enough vector while (true) do idx = idx - 1; if (idx == 0) then idx = MAX_LOC_SAMPLES; end tx, ty, tt = LOC_X_SAMPLES[idx], LOC_Y_SAMPLES[idx], LOC_T_SAMPLES[idx]; -- If we ran out of samples without finding a long enough -- vector then stop if (not tt) or (tt >= ct) or (tt < cutoff) then break end dx = cx - tx; dy = cy - ty; -- If this vector is finally long enough, set found flag and break -- dx,dy, tx,ty,tt, and idx will all be useful if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) >= MIN_CUMUL_RANGE_SQ) then found = true; break; end end -- Not enough data if (not found) then if (lastDeg) then lastDeg = nil; end return end -- If we get here we have a vector, let's convert it to degrees local deg = math.deg(math.atan2(dx,-dy)); local loc1 , loc2 = {}, {} loc1.x, loc1.y = BWP_Destination.x, BWP_Destination.y loc2.x, loc2.y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") gdclx = (loc1.x - loc2.x ); gdcly = (loc1.y - loc2.y ); _,_,Arrivedyet = BWP_FormatDist(loc1,loc2) if (Arrivedyet == "A")and(not BWPFOLLOWPLAYER) then return "Arrived!" end local goaldeg = math.deg(math.atan2(gdclx,-gdcly)) return (goaldeg - deg) end function GetLocalPoints() local Waypoints = {} local countit = 0 local zone = GetRealZoneText(); local cont = nil; local cData; if (BWP_Zones and BWP_Zones[zone] == 1) then cont = "Kalimdor"; elseif (BWP_Zones and BWP_Zones[zone] == 2) then cont = "Eastern Kingdoms"; end if (BWP_Data[cont] and BWP_Data[cont][zone]) then text = "\n" local temp = BWP_Data[cont][zone]; local node = nil; for key in temp do node = setmetatable(temp[key], BWPmeta); cData = BWPDisp:new(node:getX(), node:getY(), node:getAuthor(), "", node:getNote(), "", "BWP"); tinsert(Waypoints, cData); countit = countit + 1 end end if (MetaMapNotes_Data) then local BWP_mnCont, BWP_mnZone = MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo(); if (MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont] and MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone]) then for key in MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone] do local adjx, adjy = MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].xPos * 100, MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].yPos* 100; cData = BWPDisp:new(adjx, adjy, MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].creator, MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].name, MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].inf1, MetaMapNotes_Data[BWP_mnCont][BWP_mnZone][key].inf2, "MN"); tinsert(Waypoints, cData); countit = countit + 1 end end end return Waypoints , countit end function BWP_Generate() BWP_CZone = {}; BWP_CZone , localpoints = GetLocalPoints() end function BWPsortbyName(a,b) return string.lower(a.title) < string.lower(b.title) end function BWPSortByQuestGiverName(a,b) return string.lower(a.QuestGiver) < string.lower(b.QuestGiver) end function BWP_SetRotation(dir) if(dir) then OffSet = tonumber(dir) if(OffSet)then if(OffSet > 180 )then OffSet = OffSet - 360 elseif(OffSet < -180) then OffSet = OffSet + 360 end end if(dir == "Arrived!") then BWP_CountDown = 75 BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."Arrived" elseif(OffSet)and ((OffSet >=-5) and ( OffSet <= 5))or(OffSet < -355) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."forward" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -5) and (OffSet >= -15) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FLeft+2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -15) and (OffSet >= -35) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FLeft+1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -35) and (OffSet >= -55) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FLeft" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -55) and (OffSet >= -65) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FLeft-1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -65) and (OffSet >= -80) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FLeft-2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -80) and (OffSet >= -100) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."left" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -100) and (OffSet >= -115) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BLeft-2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -115) and (OffSet >= -135) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BLeft-1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -135) and (OffSet >= -155) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BLeft" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -155) and (OffSet >= -165) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BLeft+1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet < -165) and (OffSet >= -175) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BLeft+2" elseif(OffSet)and ((OffSet < -175) and (OffSet >= -190)) or((OffSet > 175) and (OffSet <= 190)) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."Backward" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 165) and (OffSet <= 175) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BRight+2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 155) and (OffSet <= 165) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BRight+1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 135) and (OffSet <= 155) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BRight" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 115) and (OffSet <= 135) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BRight-1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 100) and (OffSet <= 115) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."BRight-2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 80) and (OffSet <= 100) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."right" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 65) and (OffSet <= 80) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FRight-2" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 55) and (OffSet <= 65) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FRight-1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 35) and (OffSet <= 55) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FRight" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 15) and (OffSet <= 35) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FRight+1" elseif(OffSet)and (OffSet > 5) and (OffSet <= 15) then BWP_ArrowIcon = BWP_IMAGE_PATH.."FRight+2" end end if(BWP_Destination) then BWP_Arrow:SetTexture(BWP_ArrowIcon); end end