if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then -- German localisation METAKB_MAIN_HEADER = "MetaMap Knowledge Base" METAKB_OPTIONS_HEADER = "MetaKB Optionen" METAKB_RETAIN = "Always load on startup"; METAKB_MOB_LEVEL = "Stufe" METAKB_SHOW_ALLZONES = "Show All Zones"; METAKB_SHOW_LOCALZONE = "Show Local Zone"; METAKB_MAPNOTES_NW_BOUND = "NW Grenze" METAKB_MAPNOTES_NE_BOUND = "NE Grenze" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SE_BOUND = "SE Grenze" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SW_BOUND = "SW Grenze" METAKB_MAPNOTES_CENTER = "Zentrum" METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES = "Updates anzeigen" METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX = "Erzeuge MapNotes Zeichenbox" METAKB_SEARCH_BOX = "Suchen" METAKB_CLOSE_BUTTON = "Schlie\195\159en" METAKB_OPTIONS_BUTTON = "Optionen" METAKB_REFRESH_BUTTON = "Refresh" METAKB_AUTO_TRACK = "Auto Tracking"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH = "Use Dynamic Search"; METAKB_USE_KB = "Add to Database"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE = "Add new target note"; METAKB_OPTIONS_RANGETEXT = "Targeting Range:"; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW = "Set map note on map query"; METAKB_EMBED_KB = "Embed KB in WorldMap"; METAKB_HEADER_NAME = "Name"; METAKB_HEADER_DESC = "Description"; METAKB_HEADER_LEVEL = "Level"; METAKB_HEADER_LOCATION = "Location"; METAKB_QUICK_MENU_1 = "Set as map note" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_2 = "Set as Mininote" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_3 = "Remove from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_4 = "Remove ALL from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_5 = "Remove from database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_6 = "Trim database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_7 = "Insert in message box" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_8 = "Show on WorldMap"; METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES_HELP = "\195\132nderungen in der Datenbank werden im Chatfenster angezeigt." METAKB_CLEAR_NOTES_HELP = "Clears ALL notes created by KB only from the maps. All information is still retained in the database." METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX_HELP = "Links-Klicken um eine MapNote hinzuzuf\195\188gen, f\195\188gt einen ".. "Mittelpunkt und Punkte f\195\188r die 4 Eckpunkte die mit Linien verbunden werden hinzu. ".. "Andernfalls wird nur der Mittelpunkt hinzugef\195\188gt." METAKB_AUTO_TRACK_HELP = "Turns on/off the automatic adding of NPCs/Mobs on mouseover"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH_HELP = "Searches database as you type the text. Otherwise, search is initiated when pressing "; METAKB_USE_KB_HELP = "Turns on/off the adding of new targets to database"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE_HELP = "Turns on/off the adding of notes to the map for new targets. This can be over-ridden ".. "by using the + combination."; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW_HELP = "Sets a map note for the selected KB display item when selecting 'Show on WorldMap from the popup menu"; METAKB_EMBED_KB_HELP = "Embeds the KB to display in the WorldMap, giving additional flexibility."; METAKB_RETAIN_HELP = "Always loads the MetaMapWKB module when starting a session"; METAKB_NO_NPC_MOB_FOUND = "Kein NPC oder Mob mit diesem Namen gefunden: \"%s\" " METAKB_REMOVED_FROM_DATABASE = "\"%s\" in \"%s\" wurde von der Datenbank entfernt" METAKB_DISCOVERED_UNIT = "%s! gefunden" METAKB_ADDED_UNIT_IN_ZONE = "%s in %s hinzugef\195\188gt" METAKB_UPDATED_MINMAX_XY = "Aktualisiert Min/Max X/Y f\195\188r %s in %s" METAKB_UPDATED_INFO = "Updated information for %s in %s" METAKB_IMPORT_SUCCESSFUL = "MetaKB Data imported successfully, added %u entries from a total of %u with %u unknown and %u duplicates not imported." METAKB_STATS_LINE = "%u NPCs in %u Zones/Instances" METAKB_NOTARGET = "You must have something targeted to create a record." METAKB_TRIM_DBASE = "This will delete all entries from the database listed by search results.\nIf search box is empty, ALL listed entries will be removed from the database."; elseif (GetLocale() == "frFR") then -- French localisation METAKB_MAIN_HEADER = "Base de donn\195\169es de MetaMap" METAKB_OPTIONS_HEADER = "MetaKB Options" METAKB_RETAIN = "Always load on startup"; METAKB_MOB_LEVEL = "Niveau" METAKB_SHOW_ALLZONES = "Afficher toutes les zones"; METAKB_SHOW_LOCALZONE = "Show Local Zone"; METAKB_MAPNOTES_NW_BOUND = "Limite NO" METAKB_MAPNOTES_NE_BOUND = "Limite NE" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SE_BOUND = "Limite SE" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SW_BOUND = "Limite SO" METAKB_MAPNOTES_CENTER = "Centre" METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES = "Afficher la mise \195\160 jour" METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX = "Notes de carte centr\195\169es" METAKB_SEARCH_BOX = "Recherche" METAKB_OPTIONS_BUTTON = "Options" METAKB_REFRESH_BUTTON = "Actualiser" METAKB_AUTO_TRACK = "Auto Tracking"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH = "Utiliser recherche dynamique"; METAKB_USE_KB = "Ajouter dans la Base"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE = "Ajouter sur la carte"; METAKB_OPTIONS_RANGETEXT = "Distance de ciblage:"; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW = "Set map note on map query"; METAKB_EMBED_KB = "Embed KB in WorldMap"; METAKB_HEADER_NAME = "Nom"; METAKB_HEADER_DESC = "Description"; METAKB_HEADER_LEVEL = "Niveau"; METAKB_HEADER_LOCATION = "Localisation"; METAKB_QUICK_MENU_1 = "Set as map note" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_2 = "Set as Mininote" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_3 = "Remove from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_4 = "Remove ALL from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_5 = "Remove from database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_6 = "Trim database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_7 = "Insert in message box" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_8 = "Show on WorldMap"; METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES_HELP = "Les modifications de la base seront annonc\195\169es dans le chat." METAKB_CLEAR_NOTES_HELP = "Clears ALL notes created by KB only from the maps. All information is still retained in the database." METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX_HELP = "Un Click Gauche ajoute une notes sous forme d'un point centr\195\169 ".. "au milieu de 4 autes points reli\195\169s. Sinon seul le point du centre s\'affiche ".. "." METAKB_AUTO_TRACK_HELP = "Ajout automatique des PNJ/Mob au passage de la souris"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH_HELP = "Searches database as you type the text. Otherwise, search is initiated when pressing "; METAKB_USE_KB_HELP = "Ajout de nouvelles cibles dans la base"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE_HELP = "Ajout de nouvelles cibles sur la carte. Peut \195\170tre edit\195\169 ".. "en utilisant la combinaison: +."; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW_HELP = "Sets a map note for the selected KB display item when selecting 'Show on WorldMap from the popup menu"; METAKB_EMBED_KB_HELP = "Embeds the KB to display in the WorldMap, giving additional flexibility."; elseif (GetLocale() == "esES") then -- Spanish localisation METAKB_MAIN_HEADER = "MetaMap BaseDatos Conocimiento" METAKB_OPTIONS_HEADER = "MetaKB Opciones" METAKB_RETAIN = "Always load on startup"; METAKB_MOB_LEVEL = "Nevel" METAKB_SHOW_ALLZONES = "Muestra Todas las Zonas"; METAKB_SHOW_LOCALZONE = "Show Local Zone"; METAKB_MAPNOTES_NW_BOUND = "NW Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_NE_BOUND = "NE Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SE_BOUND = "SE Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SW_BOUND = "SW Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_CENTER = "Centro" METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES = "Actualizaciones" METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX = "Crea MapNotes Bounding Box" METAKB_SEARCH_BOX = "Busca" METAKB_OPTIONS_BUTTON = "Opciones" METAKB_REFRESH_BUTTON = "Refresca" METAKB_AUTO_TRACK = "Auto Seguimiento"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH = "Usa Busqueda Dinamica"; METAKB_USE_KB = "Añade a BaseDatos"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE = "Añade neva nota Objetivo"; METAKB_OPTIONS_RANGETEXT = "Rango Objetivo:"; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW = "Set map note on map query"; METAKB_EMBED_KB = "Embed KB in WorldMap"; METAKB_HEADER_NAME = "Nombre"; METAKB_HEADER_DESC = "Descripcion"; METAKB_HEADER_LEVEL = "Nivel"; METAKB_HEADER_LOCATION = "Localizacion"; METAKB_QUICK_MENU_1 = "Como nota mapa" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_2 = "Como Mininota" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_3 = "Borra del mapa" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_4 = "Borra TODAS del mapa" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_5 = "Borra de la BaseDatos" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_6 = "Trim BaseDatos" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_7 = "Inserta en cuadro mensaje" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_8 = "Show on WorldMap"; METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES_HELP = "Cualquier cambio de la BaseDatos se mostrara en la ventana chat." METAKB_CLEAR_NOTES_HELP = "Borra TODAS notas creadas por KB solo de los mapas. Toda la información se mantendra en la BaseDatos." METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX_HELP = "LClick-Izq. añadira un MapNotes como punto central de los ".. "puntos para los cuatro esquinas cardinals y lineas que la conecten. De todas formas solo el punto ".. "central es añadido." METAKB_AUTO_TRACK_HELP = "Enciende/Apaga el añadir automatico de NPCs/Mobs al pasar el raton"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH_HELP = "Rebusca en la BaseDAtos tu tipo de texto. De otra forma, busqueda es iniciada pulsando "; METAKB_USE_KB_HELP = "Enciende/Apaga el añadir objetivos a la BaseDatos"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE_HELP = "Enciende/Apaga el añadir las notas al mapa para nuevos objetivos. Esto puede ser sobreescrito ".. "usando el + combinacion."; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW_HELP = "Sets a map note for the selected KB display item when selecting 'Show on WorldMap from the popup menu"; METAKB_EMBED_KB_HELP = "Embeds the KB to display in the WorldMap, giving additional flexibility."; METAKB_RETAIN_HELP = "Always loads the MetaMapWKB module when starting a session"; METAKB_NO_NPC_MOB_FOUND = "No NPCs/mobs pedidos \"%s\" encontrados" METAKB_REMOVED_FROM_DATABASE = "Borrado \"%s\" en \"%s\" de la BaseDatos" METAKB_DISCOVERED_UNIT = "Discobierto %s!" METAKB_ADDED_UNIT_IN_ZONE = "Añadido %s en %s" METAKB_UPDATED_MINMAX_XY = "Actualizado Min/Max X/Y para %s en %s" METAKB_UPDATED_INFO = "Actualizada informacion para %s en %s" METAKB_IMPORT_SUCCESSFUL = "MetaKB Datos importados satisfactoriamente, a\195\177adido %u entradas de un total de %u con %u desconocidas y %u duplicadas no importadas." METAKB_STATS_LINE = "%u NPCs en %u Zonas/Instances" METAKB_NOTARGET = "Debes de tener algo en objetivos para crear registro." METAKB_TRIM_DBASE = "Este borrara todas las entradas de la BaseDatos listadas por resultados de busqueda.\nSi cuadro busqueda esta vacio, TODAS listadas las entradas se borraran de la BaseDatos."; else -- English localisation METAKB_MAIN_HEADER = "MetaMap Knowledge Base" METAKB_OPTIONS_HEADER = "MetaKB Options" METAKB_RETAIN = "Always load on startup"; METAKB_MOB_LEVEL = "Level" METAKB_SHOW_ALLZONES = "Show All Zones"; METAKB_SHOW_LOCALZONE = "Show Local Zone"; METAKB_MAPNOTES_NW_BOUND = "NW Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_NE_BOUND = "NE Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SE_BOUND = "SE Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_SW_BOUND = "SW Bound" METAKB_MAPNOTES_CENTER = "Center" METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES = "Show Updates" METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX = "Create MapNotes Bounding Box" METAKB_SEARCH_BOX = "Search" METAKB_OPTIONS_BUTTON = "Options" METAKB_REFRESH_BUTTON = "Refresh" METAKB_AUTO_TRACK = "Auto Tracking"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH = "Use Dynamic Search"; METAKB_USE_KB = "Add to Database"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE = "Add new target note"; METAKB_OPTIONS_RANGETEXT = "Targeting Range:"; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW = "Set map note on map query"; METAKB_EMBED_KB = "Embed KB in WorldMap"; METAKB_HEADER_NAME = "Name"; METAKB_HEADER_DESC = "Description"; METAKB_HEADER_LEVEL = "Level"; METAKB_HEADER_LOCATION = "Location"; METAKB_QUICK_MENU_1 = "Set as map note" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_2 = "Set as Mininote" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_3 = "Remove from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_4 = "Remove ALL from map" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_5 = "Remove from database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_6 = "Trim database" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_7 = "Insert in message box" METAKB_QUICK_MENU_8 = "Show on WorldMap"; METAKB_SHOW_UPDATES_HELP = "Any change to the database will be displayed in the chat frame." METAKB_CLEAR_NOTES_HELP = "Clears ALL notes created by KB only from the maps. All information is still retained in the database." METAKB_BOUNDING_BOX_HELP = "Left-Clicking to add MapNotes will add a center point as well as ".. "points for the four bounding corners and lines connecting them. Otherwise only the center ".. "point is added." METAKB_AUTO_TRACK_HELP = "Turns on/off the automatic adding of NPCs/Mobs on mouseover"; METAKB_SET_DSEARCH_HELP = "Searches database as you type the text. Otherwise, search is initiated when pressing "; METAKB_USE_KB_HELP = "Turns on/off the adding of new targets to database"; METAKB_TARGET_NOTE_HELP = "Turns on/off the adding of notes to the map for new targets. This can be over-ridden ".. "by using the + combination."; METAKB_SET_MAPSHOW_HELP = "Sets a map note for the selected KB display item when selecting 'Show on WorldMap from the popup menu"; METAKB_EMBED_KB_HELP = "Embeds the KB to display in the WorldMap, giving additional flexibility."; METAKB_RETAIN_HELP = "Always loads the MetaMapWKB module when starting a session"; METAKB_NO_NPC_MOB_FOUND = "No NPCs/mobs matching \"%s\" found" METAKB_REMOVED_FROM_DATABASE = "Removed \"%s\" in \"%s\" from the database" METAKB_DISCOVERED_UNIT = "Discovered %s!" METAKB_ADDED_UNIT_IN_ZONE = "Added %s in %s" METAKB_UPDATED_MINMAX_XY = "Updated Min/Max X/Y for %s in %s" METAKB_UPDATED_INFO = "Updated information for %s in %s" METAKB_IMPORT_SUCCESSFUL = "MetaKB Data imported successfully, added %u entries from a total of %u with %u unknown and %u duplicates not imported." METAKB_STATS_LINE = "%u NPCs in %u Zones/Instances" METAKB_NOTARGET = "You must have something targeted to create a record." METAKB_TRIM_DBASE = "This will delete all entries from the database listed by search results.\nIf search box is empty, ALL listed entries will be removed from the database."; end