--namesliste der minigames (in übersetzter form) function mgames_minigames() local minigamesliste = { "WoWonid", "Sweep", "Goblin Minesweeper", "Tetris", "Solitaire", "Sudoku", "Gems", "MiniGames Multiplayer (Cosmos)", } mgames_minigamesliste = {} for i=1, table.getn(minigamesliste) do if (mgames_minigames_addonloadedliste[i]) then table.insert(mgames_minigamesliste, minigamesliste[i]) else table.insert(mgames_minigamesliste, "|cFFFF0000"..minigamesliste[i].."|r") end end end --addon-namesliste der minigames (programmname der addons) function mgames_minigames_addon() mgames_minigames_addonliste = { "WoWonid", "Sweep", "Minesweeper", "Tetris", "Solitaire", "Sudoku", "Gems", "MiniGames", } end function mgames_game_Go() if (mgames_minigames_addonloadedliste[MinigamesUI.game]) then if (MinigamesUI.game==1) then wowon_cmd(msg) elseif (MinigamesUI.game==2) then Sweep_SlashCommand("") elseif (MinigamesUI.game==3) then Minesweeper_SlashHandler("") elseif (MinigamesUI.game==4) then Tetris_SlashCommand("") elseif (MinigamesUI.game==5) then Solitaire_SlashHandler("") elseif (MinigamesUI.game==6) then Sudoku_SlashCommand("") elseif (MinigamesUI.game==7) then Gems_SlashCommand("") else ShowUIPanel(GamesListFrame) end end end function mgames_credit_text() local credits = { [1] = { -- wowonid "0.3", -- version "Rewad", -- autor "/wowon", -- slashcommand "Timex", -- dependencies "A Arcanoid Clone for WoW", -- info }, [2] = { --sweep "1.0", -- version "Vallerius", -- autor "/sweep", -- slashcommand "none", -- dependencies "Simple Mineswweper Clone", -- info }, [3] = { -- goblin minesweeper "1.0", -- version "Necrophob", -- autor "/minesweeper", -- slashcommand "none", -- dependencies "Minesweeper Clone with Goblin feeling", -- info }, [4] = { -- tetris "1.2", -- version "Rewad", -- autor "/tetris", -- slashcommand "Timex", -- dependencies "Nice Tetris Clone with sound and music", -- info }, [5] = { -- solitar "1.2", -- version "Necrophob", -- autor "/sol", -- slashcommand "none", -- dependencies "The classic Solitaire card-game", -- info }, [6] = { -- sudoku "1.2", -- version "Fricks", -- autor "/sudo", -- slashcommand "none", -- dependencies "Sudoku for WoW, learn mathematics ;)", -- info }, [7] = { -- gems "1.6", -- version "Vallerius", -- autor "/gems", -- slashcommand "none", -- dependencies "The Gems minigame from EQ", -- info }, [8] = { -- cosmos minigames "none", -- version "www.cosmosui.org", -- autor "none", -- slashcommand "Chronos, Sea", -- dependencies "The Cosmos multiplayer minigames\nTicTacToe, Chess and more ", -- info }, } local e = "\n" local a = MinigamesUI.game local load = "|cFFFF0000Note: Addon not active|r"..e if (mgames_minigames_addonloadedliste[a]) then load = e end return e..mgames_minigamesliste[a]..e..load..e.."Version: "..credits[a][1]..e.."Author: "..credits[a][2]..e.."SlashCommand: "..credits[a][3]..e.."Dependencies: "..credits[a][4]..e..e.."About the game:"..e..credits[a][5] end