Minimalist = AceAddon:new({ name = "Minimalist", version = "2.9.0", description = "Useful Tweaks and Automations for a Good Gameplay Experience", author = "Grennon of Argent Dawn", email = "", releaseDate = "07/18/06", aceCompatible = "103", category = "interface", db = AceDatabase:new("MinimalistDB"), defaults = Minimalist_Defaults, }) function Minimalist:Initialize() self.GetOpt = function(var) return self.db:get(self.profilePath,var) end self.SetOpt = function(var,val) self.db:set(self.profilePath,var,val) end end function Minimalist:Enable() SlashCmdList["MINIMALIST"] = MinCmdHandler SLASH_MINIMALIST1 = "/minimalist" SLASH_MINIMALIST2 = "/min" local checkbox, func for _, checkbox in Minimalist_CheckButtons do if (self.GetOpt(checkbox.var)) then func = checkbox.func func(true) end end for i=1, 4 do local sf = getglobal("MinimalistSubFrame"..i) sf:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4) sf:SetBackdropColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15) getglobal("MinimalistSubFrame"..i.."Title"):SetText(getglobal("MinimalistFrameTab"..i):GetText()) end end function MinCmdHandler() Minimalist:Show() end function Minimalist:Show() if (MinimalistFrame:IsVisible()) then return end local key, value, button, string, checked for key, value in Minimalist_CheckButtons do button = getglobal("MinimalistFrame_CheckButton"..value.index) string = getglobal("MinimalistFrame_CheckButton"..value.index.."Text") checked = nil button.disabled = nil if (value.var) then if (self.GetOpt(value.var)) then checked = 1 else checked = 0 end else checked = 0 end OptionsFrame_EnableCheckBox(button) button:SetChecked(checked) string:SetText(key) button.tooltipText = value.tooltipText end MinimalistFrame:Show() self:TabHandler("MinimalistFrameTab1") end function Minimalist:CheckButton_OnClick() local key, value, button for key, value in Minimalist_CheckButtons do if (this:GetName() == "MinimalistFrame_CheckButton"..value.index) then button = getglobal("MinimalistFrame_CheckButton"..value.index) if (button:GetChecked()) then self.SetOpt(value.var, TRUE) if (value.func) then local func = value.func func(true) end else self.SetOpt(value.var, FALSE) if (value.func) then local func = value.func func(false) end end end end end function Minimalist:CheckButton_OnEnter() if (this.tooltipText ) then GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_LEFT") GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltipText, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1) end end -- the following function is for ace hooking nils function Minimalist:DummyFunc() end function Minimalist:TabHandler(tab) for i=1, 4 do if (tab == "MinimalistFrameTab"..i) then getglobal("MinimalistSubFrame"..i):Show() else getglobal("MinimalistSubFrame"..i):Hide() end end end -- merchant handlers function Minimalist:MHOn() if (not Minimalist_Merchant_Show) then self:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_SHOW", "MinMerchantHandler") Minimalist_Merchant_Show = true end end function Minimalist:MHOff() if (self.GetOpt("AUTOSELL") or self.GetOpt("AUTOREPAIR") or not Minimalist_Merchant_Show) then return end self:UnregisterEvent("MERCHANT_SHOW") Minimalist_Merchant_Show = false end function Minimalist:MinMerchantHandler() if (self.GetOpt("AUTOSELL")) then self:MinSellJunk() end if (CanMerchantRepair() and self.GetOpt("AUTOREPAIR")) then self:RepairHandler() end end -- gossip handlers function Minimalist:GHOn() if (not Minimalist_Gossip_Show) then self:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW", "MinGossipHandler") Minimalist_Gossip_Show = true end end function Minimalist:GHOff() if (self.GetOpt("GOSSIPSKIP") or self.GetOpt("QUESTLEVEL") or not Minimalist_Gossip_Show) then return end self:UnregisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW") Minimalist_Gossip_Show = false end function Minimalist:MinGossipHandler() if (self.GetOpt("QUESTLEVEL")) then self:GossipQuestLevelShow() end if (self.GetOpt("GOSSIPSKIP")) then self:SkipGossip() end end function Minimalist:SkipGossip() local bwl = "The orb's markings match the brand on your hand." local mc = "You see large cavernous tunnels" local t = GetGossipText() if (t == bwl or (strsub(t,1,31) == mc)) then SelectGossipOption(1) return end local list = {GetGossipOptions()} for i = 2,getn(list),2 do if(list[i]=="taxi" or list[i]=="battlemaster" or list[i]=="banker") then SelectGossipOption(i/2) return end end end -- smart taxi functions function Minimalist:SmartTaxiOn() self:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_OPENED", "MinDisMount") end function Minimalist:SmartTaxiOff() self:UnregisterEvent("TAXIMAP_OPENED") end function Minimalist:MinDisMount() for i=0,15 do if GetPlayerBuffTexture(i) then if string.find(GetPlayerBuffTexture(i),"Mount") then CancelPlayerBuff(i) end end end end -- hide/unhide default UI toolbar gryphons function Minimalist:GryphOn() MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide() MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide() end function Minimalist:GryphOff() MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Show() MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Show() end -- functions to display quest level function Minimalist:MinQLOn() self:Hook("GetQuestLogTitle", "MinGetQuestLogTitle") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING", "MinCheckQuestDetail") self:GHOn() end function Minimalist:MinQLOff() self:Unhook("GetQuestLogTitle") self:UnregisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING") self:GHOff() end -- the following MinGetQuestLogTitle is based on the method ct_questlevels uses function Minimalist:MinGetQuestLogTitle(questIndex) local questLogTitleText, level, questTag, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = self:CallHook("GetQuestLogTitle", questIndex) if ( not isHeader and level ) then if ( questLogTitleText ) then questLogTitleText = "[" .. level .. "] " .. questLogTitleText end end return questLogTitleText, level, questTag, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete end -- display quest level in a gossip window, inspired by AutoSelect function Minimalist:GossipQuestLevelShow() local buttonindex = 1 local list, button if (GetGossipAvailableQuests()) then list,button = {GetGossipAvailableQuests()} for i = 2,getn(list),2 do button = getglobal("GossipTitleButton"..(buttonindex)) button:SetText(format('[%d] %s',list[i],list[i-1])) buttonindex = buttonindex + 1 end buttonindex = buttonindex + 1 end if (GetGossipActiveQuests()) then list,button = {GetGossipActiveQuests()} for i = 2,getn(list),2 do button = getglobal("GossipTitleButton"..(buttonindex)) button:SetText(format('[%d] %s',list[i],list[i-1])) buttonindex = buttonindex + 1 end end end -- display quest level in a quest detail window, based on AutoSelect function Minimalist:MinCheckQuestDetail() local nact,navl = GetNumActiveQuests(), GetNumAvailableQuests() local title,level,button local o,GetTitle,GetLevel = 0,GetActiveTitle,GetActiveLevel for i = 1,nact+navl do if(i==nact+1) then o,GetTitle,GetLevel = nact,GetAvailableTitle,GetAvailableLevel end title,level = GetTitle(i-o), GetLevel(i-o) button = getglobal("QuestTitleButton"..i) button:SetText(format('[%d] %s',level,title)) end end -- honor progress bar override this is my own and not based on the other mods out there function Minimalist:MinHonorFrame_Update(updateAll) self:CallHook("HonorFrame_Update", updateALL) local RankProgress = GetPVPRankProgress()*100 local RankProgress = string.format("%.2f", RankProgress) local RankProgress = " - "..RankProgress.."%" local oldranktext = HonorFrameCurrentPVPRank:GetText() HonorFrameCurrentPVPRank:SetText("("..oldranktext.." "..RankProgress..")") HonorFrameCurrentPVPTitle:SetPoint("TOP", "HonorFrame", "TOP", - HonorFrameCurrentPVPRank:GetWidth()/2, -83) end -- autorepair functions based on KC_AutoRepair by Kaelten function Minimalist:setAmountString(amt) local str = "" local sep = " " local copper = mod(floor(amt + .5), 100) local silver = mod(floor(amt/100), 100) local gold = mod(floor(amt/(100*100)), 100) if ( gold > 0 ) then str = gold .. " Gold" end if ( silver > 0 ) then if ( str ~= "" ) then str = str .. sep end str = str .. silver .. " Silver" end if ( copper > 0 ) then if ( str ~= "" ) then str = str .. sep end str = str .. copper .. " Copper" end return str end function Minimalist:RepairHandler() local STATUS_COLOR = "|c00FFFF66" local equipcost = GetRepairAllCost() local funds = GetMoney() if (funds < equipcost) then Minimalist_ChatFrame:AddMessage(STATUS_COLOR.."Insufficient Funds to Repair") end if (funds > equipcost and equipcost > 0) then Minimalist_ChatFrame:AddMessage(STATUS_COLOR.."Total Repair Costs: "..self:setAmountString(equipcost)) if (equipcost > 0) then RepairAllItems() end end end -- autosell grey junk, adapted from AutoProfit function Minimalist:MinSellJunk() local bag, slot for bag = 0, 4 do if GetContainerNumSlots(bag) > 0 then for slot = 0, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local _, _, _, quality = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot) if (quality == 0 or quality == -1) then if (self:ProcessLink(GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot))) then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot) MerchantItemButton_OnClick("LeftButton") end end end end end end function Minimalist:ProcessLink(link) local color local name for color, _, name in string.gfind(link, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do if (color == "ff9d9d9d") then for i=1,table.getn(Minimalist_AutoSell_Blacklist) do if (name == Minimalist_AutoSell_Blacklist[i]) then return false end end return true end return false end end -- Improved Repututation Handlers and Functions function Minimalist:MinRepOn() -- the next three lines display the faction text/numbers on the Rep Bar (1.10 replacement for the xpbar) self:RepBarSet() self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", "RepBarSet") self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_FACTION", "RepChat_Update") for i=1, 15 do self:HookScript(getglobal("ReputationBar"..i), "OnEnter", "DummyFunc") self:HookScript(getglobal("ReputationBar"..i), "OnLeave", "DummyFunc") end self:Hook("ReputationFrame_Update", "RepFrame_Update") end function Minimalist:MinRepOff() ReputationWatchBar.cvarLocked = nil ReputationWatchBar.textLocked = nil ReputationWatchStatusBarText:Hide() self:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_FACTION") for i=1, 15 do self:UnhookScript(getglobal("ReputationBar"..i), "OnEnter") self:UnhookScript(getglobal("ReputationBar"..i), "OnLeave") end self:Unhook("ReputationFrame_Update") self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") ReputationFrame_Update() end function Minimalist:RepBarSet() ReputationWatchBar.cvarLocked = 1 ReputationWatchBar.textLocked = 1 ReputationWatchStatusBarText:Show() end --based on Reputation Mod, displays the raw honor numbers on the reputation frame function Minimalist:RepFrame_Update() self:CallHook("ReputationFrame_Update") local numFactions = GetNumFactions() local factionOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(ReputationListScrollFrame) local factionIndex, factionStanding, standingID, barValue, isHeader for i=1, NUM_FACTIONS_DISPLAYED, 1 do factionIndex = factionOffset + i if ( factionIndex <= numFactions ) then _, _, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, isHeader = GetFactionInfo(factionIndex) if ( not isHeader ) then factionStanding = getglobal("FACTION_STANDING_LABEL"..standingID) getglobal("ReputationBar"..i.."FactionStanding"):SetText( factionStanding.." - "..barValue-barMin.."/"..barMax-barMin) end end end end -- based on Rep Mod, displays faction until next standing in the combat or main chat window local MinReps = { } function Minimalist:RepChat_Update() self:RepBarSet() local RepRemains for factionIndex=1, GetNumFactions(), 1 do local name, _, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, isHeader, _ = GetFactionInfo(factionIndex) if ( not isHeader ) then if (MinReps[name]) then local difference = barValue - MinReps[name].Value if (difference > 0 and standingID ~= 8) then RepRemains = barMax-barValue Minimalist_ChatFrame:AddMessage(format("%d faction needed until %s with %s.",RepRemains,getglobal("FACTION_STANDING_LABEL"..standingID+1),name), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) elseif (difference < 0 and standingID ~= 1) then difference=abs(difference) RepRemains = barValue-barMin Minimalist_ChatFrame:AddMessage(format("%d faction left until %s with %s.",RepRemains,getglobal("FACTION_STANDING_LABEL"..standingID-1),name), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) end MinReps[name].Value = barValue else MinReps[name] = { } MinReps[name].Value = barValue end end end end --autorez function based on work from AutoRez mod, pretty simple, huh? function Minimalist:MinAutoRez() if (arg1 == "Chained Spirit") then return end if (GetCorpseRecoveryDelay() ~= 0) then return end HideUIPanel(StaticPopup1) AcceptResurrect() end -- ignore duel function function Minimalist:MinAutoDuel() HideUIPanel(StaticPopup1) CancelDuel() end --minimap functions based on idminimap function Minimalist:MapLocOn() MinMapFrame:Show() MinMapFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", MinMapLoc) self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA", "Fix_Zone") end function Minimalist:Fix_Zone() local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") if x == 0 and y == 0 then SetMapToCurrentZone() end end function Minimalist:MapLocOff() MinMapLocText:SetText('') MinMapFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) self:UnregisterEvent(" ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") if (not self.GetOpt("MAPSCROLL")) then MinMapFrame:Hide() end end function MinMapLoc() local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") if x == 0 and y == 0 then MinMapLocText:SetText('') else MinMapLocText:SetText(string.format('%s,%s', floor(x*100), floor(y*100))) end end function Minimalist:MapScrollOn() MinMapFrame:Show() MinMapFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", MinMapZoom) MinMapFrame:EnableMouseWheel(1) end function Minimalist:MapScrollOff() MinMapFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", nil) MinMapFrame:EnableMouseWheel(FALSE) if (not self.GetOpt("MAPLOC")) then MinMapFrame:Hide() end end function MinMapZoom() if arg1 < 0 then if Minimap:GetZoom() ~= 0 then Minimap:SetZoom(Minimap:GetZoom() - 1) end else if Minimap:GetZoom() ~= 5 then Minimap:SetZoom(Minimap:GetZoom() + 1) end end end function Minimalist:MinMapHide() MinimapZoomIn:Hide() MinimapZoomOut:Hide() GameTimeFrame:Hide() MinimapToggleButton:Hide() MinimapZoneTextButton:Hide() MinimapBorderTop:Hide() end function Minimalist:MinMapShow() MinimapZoomIn:Show() MinimapZoomOut:Show() GameTimeFrame:Show() MinimapToggleButton:Show() MinimapZoneTextButton:Show() MinimapBorderTop:Show() end -- chat mods based on Industrial's idChat and Random's ChatScroll function Minimalist:ChatScrollOn() for i = 1, 7 do local cf = getglobal('ChatFrame'..i) self:HookScript(cf, 'OnMouseWheel', 'ChatScroll') cf:EnableMouseWheel(1) end end function Minimalist:ChatScrollOff() for i = 1, 7 do local cf = getglobal('ChatFrame'..i) self:UnhookScript(cf, 'OnMouseWheel') cf:EnableMouseWheel(FALSE) end end function Minimalist:ChatScroll() self:CallScript(this, 'OnMouseWheel') if arg1 > 0 then if IsShiftKeyDown() then this:ScrollToTop() else this:ScrollUp() end elseif arg1 < 0 then if IsShiftKeyDown() then this:ScrollToBottom() else this:ScrollDown() end end end function Minimalist:ChatButtonsOn() if (ChatFrameMenuButton:IsVisible()) then return end local cf ChatFrameMenuButton:Show() for i = 1, 7 do cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'UpButton') self:UnhookScript(cf, 'OnShow') cf:Show() cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'DownButton') self:UnhookScript(cf, 'OnShow') cf:Show() cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'BottomButton') self:UnhookScript(cf, 'OnShow') cf:Show() end end function Minimalist:ChatButtonsOff() if (not ChatFrameMenuButton:IsVisible()) then return end local cf ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide() for i = 1, 7 do cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'UpButton') cf:Hide() self:HookScript(cf, 'OnShow', function() this:Hide() end) cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'DownButton') cf:Hide() self:HookScript(cf, 'OnShow', function() this:Hide() end) cf=getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'BottomButton') cf:Hide() self:HookScript(cf, 'OnShow', function() this:Hide() end) end end function Minimalist:ChatMoveEditBox() local eb = VisorEditBox or ChatFrameEditBox eb:ClearAllPoints() eb:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 'ChatFrame1', 'TOPLEFT', -5, 0) eb:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', 'ChatFrame1', 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0) end function Minimalist:ChatRestoreEditBox() local eb = VisorEditBox or ChatFrameEditBox eb:ClearAllPoints() eb:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 'ChatFrame1', 'BOTTOMLEFT', -5, 0) eb:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', 'ChatFrame1', 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0) end function Minimalist:ChatArrowsOn() local eb = VisorEditBox or ChatFrameEditBox eb:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false) end function Minimalist:ChatArrowsOff() local eb = VisorEditBox or ChatFrameEditBox eb:SetAltArrowKeyMode(enabled) end function Minimalist:ChatParseOn() if Minimalist_Chat_Parse then return end for i = 1, 7 do local cf = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i) self:Hook(cf, "AddMessage", function(cf, msg, r, g, b, id) msg = msg or '' r = r or '' g = g or '' b = b or '' id = id or nil if (self.GetOpt("CHATTIME")) then msg = date("%H:%M:%S").."| "..msg end if (self.GetOpt("CHATCLEAN")) then msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Guild%]', '(G)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Party%]', '(P)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Raid%]', '(R)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Raid Leader%]', '(R)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Raid Warning%]', '(!)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[Officer%]', '(O)') msg = string.gsub(msg, '%[(%d)%..-%]', '(%1)') end self:CallHook(cf, "AddMessage", msg, r, g, b, id) end) end Minimalist_Chat_Parse = true end function Minimalist:ChatParseOff() if (self.GetOpt("CHATCLEAN") or self.GetOpt("CHATTIME") or not Minimalist_Chat_Parse) then return end for i=1,7 do self:Unhook(getglobal('ChatFrame'..i), 'AddMessage') end Minimalist_Chat_Parse = false end Minimalist:RegisterForLoad()