Minimalist_Defaults = { QUESTLEVEL = TRUE, IGNOREDUELS = FALSE, GRYPH = TRUE, PVPPERCENT = TRUE, AUTOREPAIR = TRUE, AUTOSELL = FALSE, REPUTATION = TRUE, AUTOREZ = TRUE, SMARTTAXI = TRUE, CHATARROWS = TRUE, CHATBUTTONS = FALSE, CHATEDIT = FALSE, CHATSCROLL = FALSE, CHATTIME = FALSE, CHATCLEAN = FALSE, MAPHIDE = FALSE, MAPLOC = FALSE, MAPSCROLL = FALSE, GOSSIPSKIP = TRUE, } Minimalist_Gossip_Show = false Minimalist_Merchant_Show = false Minimalist_Chat_Parse = false --change this if you want autorepair costs to be displayed elsewhere Minimalist_ChatFrame = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME --checkbuttons for the GUI config window Minimalist_CheckButtons = { ["Auto-Ignore Duels"] = { index = 2, tooltipText = "Auto-Ignore Duel Requests (a.k.a. CGF Shield)", var = "IGNOREDUELS", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:RegisterEvent("DUEL_REQUESTED", "MinAutoDuel") else Minimalist:UnregisterEvent("DUEL_REQUESTED") end end }, ["Auto-Repair"] = { index = 3, tooltipText = "Repair All Equipment and Inventory Automagically", var = "AUTOREPAIR", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MHOn() else Minimalist:MHOff() end end }, ["Auto-Resurrect"] = { index = 4, tooltipText = "Automatically Accept Resurrection Requests", var = "AUTOREZ", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:RegisterEvent("RESURRECT_REQUEST", "MinAutoRez") else Minimalist:UnregisterEvent("RESURRECT_REQUEST") end end }, ["Auto-Sell Grey Items"] = { index = 5, tooltipText = "Sell Grey (Junk) Items in Your Bags Automatically", var = "AUTOSELL", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MHOn() else Minimalist:MHOff() end end }, ["Better Reputation"] = { index = 6, tooltipText = "Display Reputation Amounts Numerically and Detailed Information in the Chat Frame", var = "REPUTATION", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MinRepOn() else Minimalist:MinRepOff() end end }, ["Disable Gryphons"] = { index = 7, tooltipText = "Toggle Display of Gryphons on Main Toolbar", var = "GRYPH", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:GryphOn() else Minimalist:GryphOff() end end }, ["Display Quest Levels"] = { index = 8, tooltipText = "Display Numeric Quest Level in the Quest Frame, Quest Completion Frame, and NPC Quest Window", var = "QUESTLEVEL", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MinQLOn() else Minimalist:MinQLOff() end end }, ["Honor Progress Percent"] = { index = 10, tooltipText = "Show Honor Progress as a Percent on Honor Tab", var = "PVPPERCENT", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:Hook("HonorFrame_Update", "MinHonorFrame_Update") HonorFrame_Update() else Minimalist:Unhook("HonorFrame_Update") HonorFrame_Update() end end }, ["Smart Taxi"] = { index = 12, tooltipText = "Auto-Dismounts You at Flightmasters", var = "SMARTTAXI", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:SmartTaxiOn() else Minimalist:SmartTaxiOff() end end }, ["Fix Arrow Keys"] = { index = 13, tooltipText = "Make Arrow Keys Move the Cursor in the Input Box", var = "CHATARROWS", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatArrowsOn() else Minimalist:ChatArrowsOff() end end }, ["Hide Buttons"] = { index = 14, tooltipText = "Hide the Chat Frame Buttons, Good to Use in Conjunction with Mouse Scrolling", var = "CHATBUTTONS", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatButtonsOff() else Minimalist:ChatButtonsOn() end end }, ["Move Input Box"] = { index = 15, tooltipText = "Move the Input Box to the Top of the Chat Frame", var = "CHATEDIT", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatMoveEditBox() else Minimalist:ChatRestoreEditBox() end end }, ["Mouse Scrolling"] = { index = 16, tooltipText = "Scroll Chat Frame with the Mouse Wheel, Shift-Scroll to Hit the Top/Bottom", var = "CHATSCROLL", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatScrollOn() else Minimalist:ChatScrollOff() end end }, ["Time Stamps"] = { index = 17, tooltipText = "Add Time Stamps to Chat Messages", var = "CHATTIME", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatParseOn() else Minimalist:ChatParseOff() end end }, ["Hide Clutter"] = { index = 18, tooltipText = "Hide clock, scroll buttons, location frame. Best used in conjunction with MouseWheel scrolling.", var = "MAPHIDE", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MinMapHide() else Minimalist:MinMapShow() end end }, ["Location X,Y"] = { index = 19, tooltipText = "Adds Numeric X,Y Coordinates to the MiniMap.", var = "MAPLOC", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MapLocOn() else Minimalist:MapLocOff() end end }, ["MouseWheel Zoom"] = { index = 20, tooltipText = "Enables MouseWheel to Zoom the Minimap When Over It.", var = "MAPSCROLL", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:MapScrollOn() else Minimalist:MapScrollOff() end end }, ["Auto-Skip Useless Gossips"] = { index = 21, tooltipText = "Skip MC/BWL, Flightmaster, Banker, and Battlemaster Gossip. Disable to complete seasonal quests.", var = "GOSSIPSKIP", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:GHOn() else Minimalist:GHOff() end end }, ["Reduce Chat Clutter"] = { index = 22, tooltipText = "Shorten Channel Names to Reduce Chat Window Clutter", var = "CHATCLEAN", func = function(switch) if (switch) then Minimalist:ChatParseOn() else Minimalist:ChatParseOff() end end }, } --add items here if you want to keep a grey item Minimalist_AutoSell_Blacklist = { -- darkmoon faire turnins "Small Furry Paw", "Torn Bear Pelt", "Soft Bushy Tail", "Vibrant Plume", "Evil Bat Eye", "Glowing Scorpid Blood", -- AV un-sellable junk "Broken I.W.I.N. Button", "Document from Boomstick Imports", "Nubless Pacifier", }