Minimalist by Grennon I try to credit the original sources as much as possible in the comments around functions. Here is a list of some mods I borrowed from: Tweaks kr_gryphons AutoRepair ct_questlevels goodinspect Reputation Autorez idMinimap idChat ChatScroll by Random Minimalist is meant to be the core of a UI for UI Minimalists like myself. The working compilation as of now is: General Tweaks: Minimalist StopTheLagness Catalyst DuctTape Bags: MyBags KC_Items:Inventory,Bank Item Links: ItemDB Raiding: oRa WitchHunt DamageMeters Equipment Sets: AceWardrobe Unit Frames: LucenUnitFrames Libraries: Ace AceGUI Timex The compilation is meant to be the bare minimum for a good raiding experience and general gameplay to which class, profession, and other specialized mods can be added by the user.