--[[ MonkeyLibrary: Common functions for the MonkeyMods Website: http://www.toctastic.net/ Author: Trentin (trentin@toctastic.net) --]] --[[ This function extracts the ARGB values out of a colour encoded string. @param strColour the string with the colour info. @return the alpha value @return the red value @return the green value @return the blue value --]] function MonkeyLib_ColourStrToARGB(strColour) -- "|cFFFFFFFF" local i = 3; local iAlpha = tonumber(string.sub(strColour, i, i + 1), 16); local iRed = tonumber(string.sub(strColour, i + 2, i + 3), 16); local iGreen = tonumber(string.sub(strColour, i + 4, i + 5), 16); local iBlue = tonumber(string.sub(strColour, i + 6, i + 7), 16); iAlpha = iAlpha / 255; iRed = iRed / 255; iGreen = iGreen / 255; iBlue = iBlue / 255; --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("A = "..iAlpha.." R = "..iRed.." G = "..iGreen.." B = "..iBlue); return iAlpha, iRed, iGreen, iBlue; end --[[ This function converts ARGB values into a colour encoded string. @param the alpha value @param the red value @param the green value @param the blue value @return the string colour encoded --]] function MonkeyLib_ARGBToColourStr(iAlpha, iRed, iGreen, iBlue) -- "|cFFFFFFFF" local strColour; -- floor it so it doesn't go over 255 iAlpha = floor(iAlpha * 255); iRed = floor(iRed * 255); iGreen = floor(iGreen * 255); iBlue = floor(iBlue * 255); strColour = format("|c%2x%2x%2x%2x", iAlpha, iRed, iGreen, iBlue); return strColour; end function MonkeyLib_DebugMsg(strMsg) if (MONKEYLIB_DEBUG) then if (DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("MonkeyLib: " .. strMsg); end end end