Readme.txt for MoveAnything! MoveAnything! is a mod that lets you move, scale, and hide...well...anything at all! To use it, open up your main game menu (by hitting escape until it shows up) and pushing the MoveAnything! button there, or by using the "/move" command on the chat entry line. ***NOTES on vJ1.0*** MoveAnything! vJ1.0 Based on MA! 1.12 by Skrag Notes: Apparently MoveAnything has been discontinued by Skrag ( This version of MoveAnything! is updated to get rid of the UNIT_NAME_UPDATE reliance. It also now has a framefinder (ripped from Discord, hope you don't mind Loz!) and a nudge function (idea also from Discord, man Loz rocks :) Just open up the MoveAnything! panel (/move) or move a frame as you normally would (/move framename) to see the additions. ***QUICK REFERENCE*** To show the MA Options window: /move or use the main game menu Option menu buttons: Move: Start moving the window. Hide: click the "Hide" button in the option menu Reset: Move back to default position While moving: Left-Drag in the grey movable area: Move the window Left-Drag in the smaller buttons on the edges: Resize the window Right-Click on the movable area: Stop moving Shift-Right-Click on the movable area or resizing buttons: Hide the "Moving XXX window" text and background, while still leaving the window available for moving/scaling Slash Commands: /move : open the MoveAnything options window /move framename : move the frame named "framename" /movelist : list all the valid character specific settings /movecopy servername playername : copy layout from another character /movedelete servername playername : delete settings for that character ***MORE DETAILED REFERENCE*** You will then see the MoveAnything! options window, with a list of things that are predefined as movable. I've put a good chuck of the default interface in here, to allow you to move things like the tooltip, the casting bar, the minimap, your bags, and your action buttons. To move a window, click on the "Move" checkbox next to the name of the window you want to move. A grey area will appear over the top of whatever you're trying to move, showing you where it is currently, and what it's current size is. Note that the window itself doesn't actually have to be visible to be able to move it, but some windows have some odd positioning (the Player window is a prime example), so it's easier if the window is visible. But even if you only have 2 party members, you can still move all the party member windows. To actually move it, just click and drag anywhere in the grey area. The newly visible grey area has 4 small boxes located in the center of each edge. These are the resizing boxes. Dragging one of those will move that edge. I placed the boxes in the center of the edge rather than the corner because the way scaling works in WoW means that you can only scale proportionally, so when you drag one direction, the other will scale the proper amount as well. Right-clicking the movable area (or unchecking the "Move" box in the options menu) will complete the movement, locking the window to the location and scale you left it at. If you hold shift while right-clicking, the text ("Moving XXX Window") and the movable background will disappear, giving you a clear view of the thing you're actually trying to move. The resizing buttons stay there, and movable area is still there, so you can drag and right-click to stop moving just as if it were still there, it's just invisible. If you want to undo your moving and scaling, just hit the "Reset" button next to the name on the list. ***INFO PANELS*** The info panels are the two panels that show up on the left and center of your screen, such as the character info screen, the tradeskill window, the bank window, and your spellbook. Most (if not all) of these frames are already defined as movable, and will show up in your list. When you move any of these panels, they detach from the normal panel spaces, meaning that you can have any or all of them on the screen at one time, but also meaning that you may end up with overlapping windows. In addition to the ability to move each info panel independently, you have the ability to move the panel areas themselves around. There are two special items in the list of movable windows called "Info Panel 1" and "Info Panel 2". You can move and scale these at will, and the next panel that shows up in that spot will take the position and size specified. However, moving these doesn't affect panels that are currently on the screen, so you're going to have to close and reopen the panel to see the results. ***VERTICAL BARS*** All of the built-in button bars (action, pet action, bags, micro buttons, etc) are movable and scalable. But in the window list, there are two individual entries that will move each of these bars differently. Each of them has a normal setting and a vertical setting. So, if you want your pet buttons to be arranged vertically, click the "Move" checkbox next to "Pet Action Buttons (Vertical)", and your pet buttons will line up one on top of the other. At that point, scaling and moving works just like it would normally. ***BANK BAGS*** Due to some oddities about how the bank works (The game doesn't even know how many slots each of your bank bags have until you open them), it is unfortunately necessary to open the bag first, click "Move", clear it, and click "Move" again to get the proper size locked in. If you're not at the bank, or don't want to do this, you can move your bank bag windows around, but the actual positioning is probably not going to be exactly what you expect. Your normal inventory bags don't have these issues, since the game doesn't try to hide anything about your inventory from you. ***MOVING THINGS NOT IN THE PREDEFINED LIST*** "You said you could move *anything*, but all I see is a predefined list of things! Wtf?" If you want to move anything that's not in the predefined list, you need to figure out what the name of the frame you want to move is. Generally you do this by looking in the .xml file for the addon in question, and trying to figure out which of the frames defined in there is the one you really want to use. For example, if AllInOneInventory wasn't already in the list, you would go look at AllInOneInventory.xml. The line you're looking for is going to look something like this: