-- This statement will load any translation that is present or default to English. if( not ace:LoadTranslation("myBindings") ) then ace:RegisterGlobals({ version = 1.01, ACEG_LABEL_ERROR = "|cffff6060[error]|r" }) -- These variables are a fix for the standard multiaction bars Blizzard added in -- the 03/22/2005 1.3.0 (4286) patch. BINDING_HEADER_MULTIACTIONBAR = "MultiActionBar Bottom Left" BINDING_HEADER_BLANK = "MultiActionBar Bottom Right" BINDING_HEADER_BLANK2 = "MultiActionBar Right Side 1" BINDING_HEADER_BLANK3 = "MultiActionBar Right Side 2" MYBINDINGS_NAME = "myBindings" MYBINDINGS_DESCRIPTION = "An enhanced key bindings interface" MYBINDINGS_MENU_TITLE = "Menu" MYBINDINGS_CONFIRM_REPLACE = "Confirm" MYBINDINGS_UNBIND_BUTTON = "Unbind" MYBINDINGS_BOUND_ERROR = "|cffff0000%s is already bound to %s. Confirm replacement.|r" MYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_GAME = "Standard Interface" MYBINDINGS_KEYBIND_OPEN = "Opens the myBindings interface" MYBINDINGS_TEXT_INVALID_ENTRY = "You have entered invalid options." MYBINDINGS_TEXT_CAT_INVALID = "'%s' is not a valid category." MYBINDINGS_TEXT_CAT_SET = "Key header '%s' will now appear in the '%s' category." MYBINDINGS_TEXT_HDR_INVALID = "'%s' does not seem to be a valid header to categorize. Be ".. "sure you enter the exact case and spelling." -- Chat command locals MYBINDINGS_COMMANDS = {"/mybindings", "/myb"} MYBINDINGS_CMD_OPTIONS = { { option = "setcat", desc = "Set a category for a specific binding header (found in the addon's Bindings.xml). ".. "Usage: /mybindings setcat
", input = TRUE, method = "SetCategory" }, { option = "bind", desc = "Bind a given key to a specific action. Example: bind SHIFT-BUTTON2 BuffBot would bind ".. "the BuffBot() function to SHIFT + Right-Mouseclick. Give no action to unbind.", input = TRUE, method = "SetBindOpt" } } MYBINDINGS_LABEL_BINDINGS_LOADED = "Profile: |cffffffff%s|r" MYBINDINGS_SAVE_BUTTON = "Save" MYBINDINGS_CANCEL_BUTTON = "Cancel" MYBINDINGS_GAME_DEFAULTS = "Game Defaults" end