------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Necrosis LdC -- -- Créateur initial (US) : Infernal (http://www.revolvus.com/games/interface/necrosis/) -- Implémentation de base (FR) : Tilienna Thorondor -- Reprise du projet : Lomig & Nyx des Larmes de Cenarius, Kael'Thas -- -- Skins et voix Françaises : Eliah, Ner'zhul -- Version Allemande par Arne Meier et Halisstra, Lothar -- Remerciements spéciaux pour Sadyre (JoL) -- Version 06.05.2006-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -- VERSION FRANCAISE DES FONCTIONS -- ------------------------------------------------ if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then NECROSIS_UNIT_WARLOCK = "D\195\169moniste"; NECROSIS_ANTI_FEAR_SPELL = { -- Buffs giving temporary immunity to fear effects ["Buff"] = { "Gardien de peur", -- Dwarf priest racial trait "Volont\195\169 des r\195\169prouv\195\169", -- Forsaken racial trait "Sans peur", -- Trinket "Furie Berzerker", -- Warrior Fury talent "T\195\169m\195\169rit\195\169", -- Warrior Fury talent "Souhait mortel", -- Warrior Fury talent "Courroux bestial", -- Hunter Beast Mastery talent (pet only) "Carapace de glace", -- Mage Ice talent "Protection divine", -- Paladin Holy buff "Bouclier divin", -- Paladin Holy buff "Totem de s\195\169isme", -- Shaman totem "Abolir la magie" -- Majordomo (NPC) spell -- "Grounding Totem" is not considerated, as it can remove other spell than fear, and only one each 10 sec. }, -- Debuffs and curses giving temporary immunity to fear effects ["Debuff"] = { "Mal\195\169diction de t\195\169m\195\169rit\195\169" -- Warlock curse } }; -- Creature type absolutly immune to fear effects NECROSIS_ANTI_FEAR_UNIT = { "Mort-vivant" }; -- Word to search for spell immunity. First (.+) replace the spell's name, 2nd (.+) replace the creature's name NECROSIS_ANTI_FEAR_SRCH = "Votre (.+) rate. (.+) y est insensible." NECROSIS_SPELL_TABLE = { [1] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'un palefroi corrompu", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [2] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'un Destrier de l'Effroi", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [3] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'un diablotin", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [4] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'un marcheur du Vide", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [5] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'une succube", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [6] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invocation d'un chasseur corrompu", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [7] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Trait de l'ombre", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [8] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Inferno", Length = 3600, Type = 3}, [9] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Bannir", Length = 30, Type = 2}, [10] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Asservir d\195\169mon", Length = 30000, Type = 2}, [11] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "R\195\169surrection de Pierre d'\195\162me", Length = 1800, Type = 1}, [12] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Immolation", Length = 15, Type = 5}, [13] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Peur", Length = 15, Type = 5}, [14] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Corruption", Length = 17, Type = 5}, [15] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Domination corrompue", Length = 900, Type = 3}, [16] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction funeste", Length = 60, Type = 3}, [17] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Sacrifice", Length = 30, Type = 3}, [18] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Feu de l'\195\162me", Length = 60, Type = 3}, [19] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Voile mortel", Length = 120, Type = 3}, [20] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Br\195\187lure de l'ombre", Length = 15, Type = 3}, [21] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Conflagration", Length = 10, Type = 3}, [22] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction d'agonie", Length = 24, Type = 4}, [23] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction de faiblesse", Length = 120, Type = 4}, [24] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction de t\195\169m\195\169rit\195\169", Length = 120, Type = 4}, [25] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction des langages", Length = 30, Type = 4}, [26] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction des \195\169l\195\169ments", Length = 300, Type = 4}, [27] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction de l'ombre", Length = 300, Type = 4}, [28] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Siphon de vie", Length = 30, Type = 5}, [29] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Hurlement de terreur", Length = 40, Type = 3}, [30] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Rituel de mal\195\169diction", Length = 3600, Type = 0}, [31] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Armure d\195\169moniaque", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [32] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Respiration interminable", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [33] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Invisibilit\195\169", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [34] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Oeil de Kilrogg", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [35] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Asservir d\195\169mon", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [36] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Peau de d\195\169mon", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [37] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Rituel d'invocation", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [38] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Lien spirituel", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [39] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "D\195\169tection des d\195\169mons", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [40] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction de fatigue", Length = 12, Type = 4}, [41] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Connexion", Length = 0, Type = 0}, [42] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Mal\195\169diction amplifi\195\169e", Length = 180, Type = 3}, [43] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Gardien de l'ombre", Length = 30, Type = 3}, [44] = {ID = nil, Rank = nil, CastTime = nil, Mana = nil, Name = "Sacrifice d\195\169moniaque", Length = 0, Type = 0}, }; -- Type 0 = Pas de Timer -- Type 1 = Timer permanent principal -- Type 2 = Timer permanent -- Type 3 = Timer de cooldown -- Type 4 = Timer de malédiction -- Type 5 = Timer de combat NECROSIS_ITEM = { ["Soulshard"] = "Fragment d'\195\162me", ["Soulstone"] = "Pierre d'\195\162me", ["Healthstone"] = "Pierre de soins", ["Spellstone"] = "Pierre de sort", ["Firestone"] = "Pierre de feu", ["Offhand"] = "Tenu en main gauche", ["Twohand"] = "Deux mains", ["InfernalStone"] = "Pierre infernale", ["DemoniacStone"] = "Figurine d\195\169moniaque", ["Hearthstone"] = "Pierre de foyer", ["SoulPouch"] = {"Bourse d'\195\162me", "Sac en gangr\195\169toffe", "Sac en gangr\195\169toffe du Magma"} }; NECROSIS_STONE_RANK = { [1] = " (mineure)", -- Rank Minor [2] = " (inf\195\169rieure)", -- Rank Lesser [3] = "", -- Rank Intermediate, no name [4] = " (sup\195\169rieure)", -- Rank Greater [5] = " (majeure)" -- Rank Major }; NECROSIS_NIGHTFALL = { ["BoltName"] = "Trait", ["ShadowTrance"] = "Transe de l'ombre", }; NECROSIS_CREATE = { [1] = "Cr\195\169ation de Pierre d'\195\162me", [2] = "Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de soins", [3] = "Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de sort", [4] = "Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de feu" }; NECROSIS_PET_LOCAL_NAME = { [1] = "Diablotin", [2] = "Marcheur du Vide", [3] = "Succube", [4] = "Chasseur corrompu", [5] = "Infernal", [6] = "Garde funeste" }; NECROSIS_TRANSLATION = { ["Cooldown"] = "Temps", ["Hearth"] = "Pierre de foyer", ["Rank"] = "Rang", ["Invisible"] = "D\195\169tection de l'invisibilit\195\169", ["LesserInvisible"] = "D\195\169tection de l'invisibilit\195\169 inf\195\169rieure", ["GreaterInvisible"] = "D\195\169tection de l'invisibilit\195\169 sup\195\169rieure", ["SoulLinkGain"] = "Vous gagnez Lien spirituel.", ["SacrificeGain"] = "Vous gagnez Sacrifice.", ["SummoningRitual"] = "Rituel d'invocation" }; end