-- Text Inserts NUN_NEW_NOTE = "New Note"; NUN_SAVED_NOTE = "Saved Note"; NUN_QUEST_NOTE = "Quest History Detail"; NUN_SAVE = "Save"; NUN_CANCEL = "Cancel"; NUN_DELETE = "Delete"; NUN_WHO = "Who Info"; NUN_TARGET = "Target Info"; NUN_NPC_TARGET = "NPC Info"; NUN_CLASS = "Class"; NUN_RACE = "Race"; NUN_SEX = "Sex"; NUN_PROF1 = "Primary Profession"; NUN_PROF2 = "Secondary Profession"; NUN_CURR_RANK = "Current PvP Rank"; NUN_HIGH_RANK = "Highest PvP Rank"; NUN_EDIT_DETAIL = "Edit Detail"; NUN_SAVE_DETAIL = "Save"; NUN_CANCEL_DETAIL = "Cancel"; NUN_CONFIRM = "Confirm"; NUN_RESTORE_DETAIL = "Restore Default"; NUN_OPTIONS = "Options"; NUN_OPTIONS_HEADER = "NotesUNeed Options"; NUN_IMPORT = "Add to Friend & Ignore Lists from Notes"; NUN_EXPORT = "Create Notes from Friend & Ignore Lists"; NUN_AUTO_GUILD = "Add to Friends even when in same Guild"; NUN_AUTO_ADD = "Auto-create Notes for Friends/Ignores"; NUN_AUTO_DELETE = "Auto-delete Notes when Friends/Ignores are Removed"; NUN_AUTO_DELETE2 = "(Manually Saved notes will not be deleted)"; NUN_AUTO_IGNORE = "Ignore. Auto-Noted on : "; NUN_AUTO_FRIEND = "Friend. Auto-Noted on : "; NUN_AUTO_PARTIED = "Party. Auto-Noted on : "; NUN_RESET = "Reset Defaults"; NUN_SEARCH = "Search"; NUN_CLOSE = "Close"; NUN_SEARCH_CRITERIA = "Search for : "; NUN_NOTE_HEIGHT = 16; NUN_SHOWN = 23; NUN_GOBACK = "Back"; NUN_HELP = "-h"; -- must be lowercase; command to display help NUN_NOTE_NAME = ""; -- must be Capitalised when searching for Contacts, else use given case for General Note search NUN_ALL = "-a"; -- must be lowercase; command to search all notes NUN_CONTACT = "-t"; NUN_NOTE = "-g "; NUN_CC = "-ca OR -ch "; -- must Capitalise NUN_HTT = "-tt"; NUN_TMICRO = "-micro"; NUN_HELP_TEXT = " "; NUN_HELP_TEXT0 = "|cffffff00NotesUNeed command help :|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT1 = "|cff00ff00Use |r|cffffffff/nun|r|cff00ff00 without any arguments to toggle the NotesUNeed Options Window.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT2 = "|cff00ff00Use |r|cffffffff/nun |r|cff00ff00 to perform the following commands:|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT3 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_HELP.."|r|cff00ff00: displays these help messages.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT4 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_ALL.."|r|cff00ff00: displays a list of all Contact and General notes for you to browse.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT5 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_NOTE_NAME.."|r|cff00ff00: entering a note name will display that Contact's note if one has been saved, or display the General note of that name if one has been saved.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT6 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_CONTACT.."|r|cff00ff00: will Generate a Contact note for your current target, if you have targetted a valid player controlled character.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT7 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_NOTE.."|r|cff00ff00: will Generate a Generic note with the title provided, or display the note if it already exists.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT8 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_HTT.."|r|cff00ff00: will Toggle NotesUNeed ToolTips on/off.|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT9 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_CC.."|r|cff00ff00: will Create an Alliance or Horde Contact note respectively for the provided name, without Validation !|r"; NUN_HELP_TEXT10 = " |cffffffff"..NUN_TMICRO.."|r|cff00ff00: will Toggle the NotesUNeed MicroButtons.|r"; NUN_STAMP = "TimeStamp"; NUN_LOC = "Location"; NUN_LVL_REACHED = "\nReached Level "; NUN_QLVL = "Quest Lvl : "; NUN_CLRDD = "ClearDropDown"; NUN_SAVE_AS_DEFAULT = "Save as Default"; NUN_NEW = "New"; NUN_PLAYER = "Me"; NUN_AUTO = "Auto"; NUN_SELF = "Alt"; NUN_MANU = "Manual"; NUN_PARTY = "Party"; NUN_DFLTHEADINGS = {}; NUN_DFLTHEADINGS = { "Guild : ", "Guild Rank : ", "Real Name : ", "e-mail : ", "WWW : " }; NUN_HRACES = {}; NUN_HRACES = { "Orc", "Tauren", "Troll", "Undead" }; NUN_ARACES = {}; NUN_ARACES = { "Dwarf", "Gnome", "Human", "Night Elf" }; NUN_ALLCLASSES = {}; NUN_ALLCLASSES = { "Druid", "Hunter", "Mage", "Paladin", "Priest", "Rogue", "Shaman", "Warlock", "Warrior" }; NUN_HCLASSES = {}; NUN_HCLASSES = { "Druid", "Hunter", "Mage", "Priest", "Rogue", "Shaman", "Warlock", "Warrior" }; NUN_ACLASSES = {}; NUN_ACLASSES = { "Druid", "Hunter", "Mage", "Paladin", "Priest", "Rogue", "Warlock", "Warrior" }; NUN_HRANKS = {}; NUN_HRANKS = { "Scout", "Grunt", "Sergeant", "Senior Sergeant", "First Sergeant", "Stone Guard", "Blood Guard", "Legionnaire", "Centurion", "Champion", "Lieutenant General", "General", "Warlord", "High Warlord" }; NUN_ARANKS = {}; NUN_ARANKS = { "Private", "Corporal", "Sergeant", "Master Sergeant", "Sergeant Major", "Knight", "Knight Lieutenant", "Knight Captain", "Knight Champion", "Lieutenant Commander", "Commander", "Marshal", "Field Marshal", "Grand Marshal" }; NUN_PROFESSIONS = {}; NUN_PROFESSIONS = { "Alchemist", "Blacksmith", "Blacksmith:Armoursmith", "Blacksmith:Weaponsmith:Axe", "Blacksmith:Weaponsmith:Hammer", "Blacksmith:Weaponsmith:Sword", "Enchanter", "Engineer", "Engineer: Gnomish", "Engineer: Goblin", "Herbalist", "Leatherworker", "Leatherworker: Elemental", "Leatherworker: Dragonscale", "Leatherworker: Tribal", "Miner", "Skinner", "Tailor" }; -- The following array can be rearranged and sorted by the Translated Display values, BUT the Command Values must NOT be Translated NUN_SEARCHFOR = {}; NUN_SEARCHFOR = { { Display = "All", -- Only translate Display Command = "All"}, { Display = "Class", -- Only translate Display Command = "Class"}, { Display = "Notes", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes"}, { Display = "Notes:Generic", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes:Generic"}, { Display = "Notes:Items", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes:Items"}, { Display = "Notes:Logs", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes:Logs"}, { Display = "Notes:NPCs", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes:NPCs"}, { Display = "Notes:Quests", -- Only translate Display Command = "Notes:Quests"}, { Display = "Profession", -- Only translate Display Command = "Profession"}, { Display = "Quest History", -- Only translate Display Command = "Quest History"}, { Display = "Text", -- Only translate Display Command = "Text"} }; NUN_SEXES = {}; NUN_SEXES = { "Male", "Female" }; -- The following array can be rearranged and sorted by the Translated Display values, BUT the Command Values must NOT be Translated NUN_TRANSMITTO = {}; NUN_TRANSMITTO = { { Display = "Guild", -- Only translate Display Command = "GUILD" }, { Display = "Party", -- Only translate Display Command = "PARTY" }, { Display = "Raid", -- Only translate Display Command = "RAID" }, { Display = "Say", -- Only translate Display Command = "SAY" }, { Display = "Self", -- Only translate Display Command = "SELF" }, { Display = "Whisper", -- Only translate Display Command = "WHISPER" }, -- { Display = "NotesUNeed User", -- Future Development -- Command = "NuN" } -- Future Development }; -- The following array can be rearranged and sorted by the Translated Display values, BUT the Command Values must NOT be Translated -- Keep Blank Entry at the top. NUN_NOTETYPES = {}; NUN_NOTETYPES = { { Display = " ", -- Keep first Command = " "}, { Display = "ITM", -- Only translate Display Command = "ITM"}, { Display = "LOG", -- Only translate Display Command = "LOG"}, { Display = "NPC", -- Only translate Display Command = "NPC"}, { Display = "QST", -- Only translate Display Command = "QST"} }; -- Equipment Order, not Alphabetical, and NOT to be rearranged in Translation NUN_INVENTORY_SLOT_LIST = {}; NUN_INVENTORY_SLOT_LIST = { { name = "Head : " }, { name = "Neck : " }, { name = "Shoulder : " }, { name = "Shirt : " }, { name = "Chest : " }, { name = "Waist : " }, { name = "Legs : " }, { name = "Feet : " }, { name = "Wrists : " }, { name = "Hands : " }, { name = "Finger : " }, { name = "Finger : " }, { name = "Trinket : " }, { name = "Trinket : " }, { name = "Back : " }, { name = "MainHand : " }, { name = "OffHand : " }, { name = "Ranged : " }, { name = "Tabard : " }, }; NUN_MALE = "Male"; NUN_FEMALE = "Female"; NUN_MICROOPTIONS_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "NotesUNeed Options"; NUN_MICROOPTIONS_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to Toggle the NotesUNeed Options Frame"; NUN_MICROBROWSEA_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "NotesUNeed Browse"; NUN_MICROBROWSEA_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to Browse ALL Notes"; NUN_MICROCONTACT_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "NotesUNeed Contact"; NUN_MICROCONTACT_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to check/create a note for current Target"; NUN_MICROCONTACT_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " or View Own Contact note if no Target"; NUN_MICROGENNOTE_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "NotesUNeed General Note"; NUN_MICROGENNOTE_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to create a new blank General Note"; NUN_RESETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Reset Checkboxes, & Contact Detail Headings to :"; NUN_RESETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Guild, Guild Rank, Real Name, e-mail, WWW."; NUN_LOCBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Record Current Location"; NUN_LOCBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Your Current Location will be added to the Main Text Box"; NUN_GNOTETITLE_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Note Title must be Specified"; NUN_GNOTETITLE_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Press to Confirm and Edit Note"; NUN_SAVEDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Check to Save a New Default Heading"; NUN_SAVEDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Change will take affect immediately."; NUN_RESTOREDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Click to Replace Current text with Default Heading"; NUN_RESTOREDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " To Restore NotesUNeed Original Headings use the"; NUN_RESTOREDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " 'Reset Defaults' button in the Options Frame"; NUN_RESTOREDEF_TOOLTIP_TXT4 = " Change will take affect immediately."; NUN_TARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Retrieve Target-style Information"; NUN_TARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Distance to target restricts the information. If the"; NUN_TARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " current Contact is not Targetted, NotesUNeed will "; NUN_TARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT4 = " attempt to Target them"; NUN_NPCTARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Retrieve Target-style Information"; NUN_NPCTARGETBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Must have an NPC Targetted"; NUN_WHOBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Retrieve Who-style Information"; NUN_WHOBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " The Contact must be online for the /who command to work"; NUN_WHOBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " Several clicks may be required while the /who command refreshes."; NUN_USERBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "User Definable Headings & Details"; NUN_USERBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to alter. Headings may be saved for individuals"; NUN_USERBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " or new Defaults Saved"; NUN_CLEARDD_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Clear Drop Down List"; NUN_CLEARDD_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Clears the Last Changed Drop Down Box"; NUN_FFBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Edit NotesUNeed Note"; NUN_FFBUTTON_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Must have a contact selected"; NUN_TT_PIN_TOOLTIP_TXT1 = "Pin Up NotesUNeed Tooltip"; NUN_TT_PIN_TOOLTIP_TXT2 = " Click to display a draggable"; NUN_TT_PIN_TOOLTIP_TXT3 = " tooltip for the current Note"; NUN_TT_PIN_EDIT_TXT1 = "Edit Note"; NUN_TT_PIN_EDIT_TXT2 = " Edit the details of this Tooltips Note"; NUN_TT_OPENCHAT_TXT1 = "Send Note"; NUN_TT_OPENCHAT_TXT2 = " Send Note via Whisper, or Party Chat, or"; NUN_TT_OPENCHAT_TXT3 = " Guild Chat, etc."; NUN_TT_CHATCHECK_TXT1 = "Only send Scroll Box Text"; NUN_TT_CHATCHECK_TXT2 = " Check here if you wish to skip the information"; NUN_TT_CHATCHECK_TXT3 = " in the DropDown boxes and User Details Buttons"; NUN_TT_LEVEL_TXT1 = "Save at Account Level"; NUN_TT_LEVEL_TXT2 = " Leave Unchecked to save and view this note only"; NUN_TT_LEVEL_TXT3 = " on this Server Realm"; NUN_TT_GTYPE_TXT1 = "Select General Note Type"; NUN_TT_GTYPE_TXT2 = " Redefining a note type can help when searching"; NUN_TT_GTYPE_TXT3 = " for it again. May leave/select blank type."; NUN_TT_SCALE_TXT1 = "Change Frame Scale"; NUN_TT_SCALE_TXT2 = " Use to shrink or enlarge the Frames and / or "; NUN_TT_SCALE_TXT3 = " the NotesUNeed Tooltip Text to suit your needs"; NUN_TT_GDELETE_TXT1 = "!! PLEASE NOTE !!"; NUN_TT_GDELETE_TXT2 = " Currently this button will NOT delete the"; NUN_TT_GDELETE_TXT3 = " Quest Note - but WILL delete the entry"; NUN_TT_GDELETE_TXT4 = " in this character's Quest History"; NUN_TT_PDOWN_TXT1 = "Decrement Party Count"; NUN_TT_PDOWN_TXT2 = " Click to manually reduce the counter of the"; NUN_TT_PDOWN_TXT3 = " number of times you have partied together."; NUN_TT_BHAVE_TXT1 = "Change Edit Note Frame Behaviour"; NUN_TT_BHAVE_TXT2 = "Leave Unchecked for Edit Frames to behave as"; NUN_TT_BHAVE_TXT3 = " they have in earlier versions. Check to stop"; NUN_TT_BHAVE_TXT4 = " Note Edit Boxes automatically getting focus,"; NUN_TT_BHAVE_TXT5 = " and to lose Focus when Escape is pressed."; NUN_TT_MAPNOTES_TXT1 = "MapNotes Note Creation"; NUN_TT_MAPNOTES_TXT2 = " Click to create a MapNote at YOUR current"; NUN_TT_MAPNOTES_TXT3 = " location, based on this Notes Name."; NUN_TT_MAPCHECK_TXT1 = "Auto Create NPC MapNotes"; NUN_TT_MAPCHECK_TXT2 = " Requires separate MapNotes AddOn."; NUN_TT_MAPCHECK_TXT3 = " Check to automatically create MapNote"; NUN_TT_MAPCHECK_TXT4 = " Icons on the Map when Noting NPCs."; NUN_TT_MAPCHECK_TXT5 = " Also marks NPC Quest Givers"; NUN_TT_HYPERLINKS_TXT1 = "Note Hyperlinks"; NUN_TT_HYPERLINKS_TXT2 = " Outputs the Note's HyperLinks to"; NUN_TT_HYPERLINKS_TXT3 = " the Chat Frame for easy access"; NUN_TT_RUN_TXT1 = "Run Script"; NUN_TT_RUN_TXT2 = " Execute note as Lua Script"; NUN_NOTESUNEED_INFO = "NotesUNeed Noted"; NUN_TT_PIN_TXT = "Pin Up Tooltip"; NUN_LEVEL_TXT = "Account Level"; NUN_CHAT_HEADER = "Send Note"; NUN_CHAT_NOTETITLE_LABEL = "Note Title : "; NUN_CHAT_DROPDOWN_LABEL = "Send Note to..."; NUN_CHAT_SEND = "Transmit"; NUN_CHATCHECKBOX_LABEL = "Only send Scroll Box Text"; NUN_TRANSMISSION_PREFIX1 = "NotesUNeed NOTE TRANSMISSION FROM : "; NUN_TRANSMISSION_PREFIX2 = "NotesUNeed NOTE BEGINS : "; NUN_TRANSMISSION_POSTFIX = "NotesUNeed NOTE ENDS : "; NUN_TRANSMISSION_ERROR = "Error Occurred constructing NotesUNeed message for Transmission : "; NUN_TRANSMISSION_MISSING = "Note not Found !"; NUN_COLOUR_ERROR_REPORT = "Malformed Colour Codes in Body of Scroll Text : Sending via Chat would probably result in Disconnect From Server !"; NUN_NONCRITICAL_ERROR = "Non-critical Error(s) occurred. See transmission log in Note : "; NUN_LINEERROR_TEXT = "Line in Error "; NUN_CONFLICT_LABEL1 = "Saving this Note at Account Level will replace"; NUN_CONFLICT_LABEL2 = " Server Level Notes on the following Realms :"; NUN_FRAME_SCALE_TXT = "Frames"; NUN_FONT_SCALE_TXT = "Tooltips"; NUN_MAPNOTES_TXT = "MapNote"; NUN_NOMAPNOTES = "|cffff0000MapNotes AddOn NOT Present|r"; NUN_REWARDS = "Quest Rewards : "; NUN_CHOICES = "Choose From : "; NUN_CREATED = "CREATED"; NUN_COMPLETE = "COMPLETED"; NUN_FINISHED = "HANDED IN"; NUN_QUEST = "Quest : "; NUN_DUPLICATE = "A NotesUNeed Note Already\nExists with that Name"; NUN_TEXTLIM1 = "NotesUNeed Text Limit of "; NUN_TEXTLIM2 = " Exceeded\nSome text may not be saved.\n"; NUN_TTLENGTH_TEXTBOX_LABEL = "Enter the maximum number of characters to appear in Tooltips : "; NUN_DEFAULTLEVEL_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Save General Notes at Account Level by Default"; NUN_SHOWHELPTT_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Show NotesUNeed Tooltips"; NUN_MINOVERTT_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Minimise MouseOver Target Tooltips"; NUN_AUTONOTE_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Auto-maintain a note for current character"; NUN_QUESTNOTE_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Auto-maintain notes on Quest Log entries & History"; NUN_AUTOPARTY_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Auto-maintain notes on Party Members"; NUN_BEHAVE_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Alternative Note Edit Frame Behaviour"; NUN_TTTOTAL_LABEL = "Total"; NUN_TTLINEL_LABEL = "~ Per Line"; NUN_AUTOMAP_CHECKBOX_LABEL = "Auto-MapNote NPCs"; NUN_QUESTS_TEXT = "Quests"; NUN_STAGE_TEXT = "Quest Stage "; NUN_QUEST_GIVER = "Quest Giver"; BINDING_HEADER_NUN = "NotesUNeed"; BINDING_NAME_NUN_OPTIONS = "Toggle NotesUNeed Options"; BINDING_NAME_NUN_TARGET = "Create Note from Target Without Opening Note"; BINDING_NAME_NUN_MICRO = "Toggle NotesUNeed MicroButtons"; BINDING_NAME_NUN_LAST = "Re-Open Last Note"; NUN_AUTONOTED = " : Noted by NotesUNeed"; NUN_COMPLETED = " completed."; -- WoW Tooltip Text Search Patterns : Care should be taken to ensure that Translation of the following words -- is equivalent to the words used in-game by WoW. For example there may be several translations for the -- word "Damage", but the word required is the one that appears in Tooltips to indicate the amount of damage -- that a weapon does. Or a given translation might not use the plural for "Legs", but equal "Leg" instead. -- These words are used to search the WoW in-game tooltip text and must be based on the -- words Blizzard uses in that translation. Therefore correct translations MUST be taken from the tooltip -- text that appears when hovering over the corresponding slots in the character sheet, or over weapons/armour. NUN_HEAD = "Head"; NUN_NECK = "Neck"; NUN_SHOULDER = "Shoulder"; NUN_SHIRT = "Shirt"; NUN_CHEST = "Chest"; NUN_WAIST = "Waist"; NUN_LEGS = "Legs"; NUN_FEET = "Feet"; NUN_WRIST = "Wrist"; NUN_HANDS = "Hands"; -- The text for the Hands Character Slot i.e. what gloves they are wearing NUN_FINGER = "Finger"; NUN_TRINKET = "Trinket"; NUN_BACK = "Back"; NUN_HAND = "Hand"; -- The text associated with the equipped weapon and shield slots NUN_HAND2 = "~~~~~"; -- Only used in German Localisation; Never want to find this string in English Version NUN_GUN = "Gun"; NUN_BOW_U = "Bow"; NUN_BOW_L = "bow"; NUN_WAND = "Wand"; NUN_THROWN = "Thrown"; NUN_RANGED = "Ranged"; NUN_TABARD = "Tabard"; NUN_DAMAGE = "Damage"; NUN_SLOWSERVER = "Slow Server Response Retrieving Quest Text. Please try again. "; NUN_NOROOM = "No Room to store entire transmission log"; NUN_LEVEL = "Level"; NUN_PROF = "Profession"; NUN_CONTACT_TXT = "Contact Note"; NUN_GENERAL_TXT = "General Note"; NUN_LIMITED = "(Limited Availibility)"; NUN_PARTIED_WITH = "Parties :"; NUN_LINKFAILURE = "Unknown Note Type : Can not process HyperLinks"; NUN_NOLINKS = "No HyperLinks detected in Note"; NUN_POPUP_TITLE = "NotesUNeed"; NUN_MERGING = "Merging..."; NUN_LOADED = "Loaded"; NUN_MAX_MERGED = "Maximum of 5 Notes Merged Already"; NUN_MAPNOTESVERSION_WARNING = "CAUTION : NotesUNeed has NOT been Tested with the Installed Version of MapNotes. (See NotesUNeed Readme.txt for Approved Versions)"; NUN_RUN = "Run Script"; -- ??