NURFED_GENERAL_VERS = "07.01.2006"; NURFED_GENERAL_DEFAULT = { repair = 1; repairinv = 1; repairlimit = 20; ping = 1; traineravailable = 1; timestamps = 1; timeoffset = 0; ampm = 1; raidgroup = 1; raidclass = 1; hidechat = 1; chatfade = 1; chatfadetime = 120; autoinvite = 1; chatprefix = 1; keyword = "invite"; }; ChatTypeInfo["CHANNEL"].sticky = 1; ChatTypeInfo["OFFICER"].sticky = 1; UnitPopupButtons["INSPECT"] = { text = TEXT(INSPECT), dist = 0 }; ManaBarColor[0] = { r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 1.00, prefix = TEXT(MANA) }; local utility = Nurfed_Utility:New(); local unitlib = Nurfed_Units:New(); local framelib = Nurfed_Frames:New(); local lib = Nurfed_General:New(); local options = Nurfed_Options:New(); local currtime = 0; local pingflood = {}; local raidtarget = { [RAID_TARGET_1] = 1, [RAID_TARGET_2] = 2, [RAID_TARGET_3] = 3, [RAID_TARGET_4] = 4, [RAID_TARGET_5] = 5, [RAID_TARGET_6] = 6, [RAID_TARGET_7] = 7, [RAID_TARGET_8] = 8, }; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Slash Commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLASH_NURFEDEQUIP1 = "/nequip"; SlashCmdList["NURFEDEQUIP"] = function(msg) lib:itemswitch(msg); end SLASH_NURFEDWHISPER1 = "/wtar"; SlashCmdList["NURFEDWHISPER"] = function(msg) if (UnitExists("target")) then SendChatMessage(msg, "WHISPER", this.language, UnitName("target")); end end SLASH_NURFEDRAIDTARGET1 = "/rtar"; SlashCmdList["NURFEDRAIDTARGET"] = function(msg) Nurfed_RaidTarget(msg); end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Put a -- in front of DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT to change back the damage font (cannot be in game). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT = "Fonts\\skurri.ttf"; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Chat Frame Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function Nurfed_AddMessage(this, msg, r, g, b, id) if (msg) then local prefix = options:GetOption("general", "chatprefix"); local text = {}; if(options:GetOption("general", "timestamps") == 1) then local hour, minute = GetGameTime(); local second = GetTime() - currtime; if (second > 59) then second = 0; end hour = hour + options:GetOption("general", "timeoffset"); if( hour > 23 ) then hour = hour - 24; elseif( hour < 0 ) then hour = 24 + hour; end if (options:GetOption("general", "ampm") == 1) then if (hour >= 12) then hour = hour - 12; end if (hour == 0) then hour = 12; end end local timestamp = format("[%d:%02d:%02d]", hour, minute, second); table.insert(text, timestamp); end if (string.find(msg, "["..RAID.."]", 1, true)) then local info = unitlib:GetUnit(arg2); if (info) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..RAID.."%] ", ""); if (prefix == 1) then table.insert(text, "["..RAID.."]"); end if (options:GetOption("general", "raidgroup") == 1) then table.insert(text, "[""]"); end if (options:GetOption("general", "raidclass") == 1) then table.insert(text, "[""]"); end end end if (prefix ~= 1) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_OFFICER.."%] ", ""); msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_GUILD.."%] ", ""); msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_PARTY.."%] ", ""); msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_RAID.."%] ", ""); msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER.."%] ", ""); msg = string.gsub(msg, "%["..CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING.."%] ", ""); end table.insert(text, msg); this:Original_AddMessage(table.concat(text, " "), r, g, b, id); end end local Original_ChatFrame_OnEvent = ChatFrame_OnEvent; local function Nurfed_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) if (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" and arg1 ~= nil) then local _, _, name, id, days, hours, minutes, seconds = string.find(arg1, "(.+) %(ID=(%x+)%): (%d+)d (%d+)h (%d+)m (%d+)s") if (name ~= nil) then local timeTable = date("*t"); timeTable["sec"] = timeTable["sec"] + (days * 86400) + (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds; arg1 = name.." (ID=""): ""%A %B %d at %I:%M %p", time(timeTable))..""; end if (options:GetOption("general", "autoinvite") == 1) then if (string.find(arg1, ERR_GROUP_FULL, 1, true)) then local lastTell = ChatEdit_GetLastTellTarget(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox); SendChatMessage("Party Full", "WHISPER", this.language, lastTell); else local ingroup = utility:FormatGS(ERR_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_S, true); local result = { string.find(arg1, ingroup) }; if (result[1]) then SendChatMessage("Drop group and resend '"..options:GetOption("general", "keyword").."'", "WHISPER", this.language, result[3]); end end end elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER" and arg1 ~= nil) then if (options:GetOption("general", "autoinvite") == 1) then if (IsPartyLeader() or IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer()) then local text = string.lower(arg1); local keyword = string.lower(options:GetOption("general", "keyword")); if (string.find(text, "^"..keyword)) then InviteByName(arg2); end end end elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM") then if (string.find(arg1, "^%!ndkp")) then return; end end Original_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event); if(not this.Original_AddMessage) then this.Original_AddMessage = this.AddMessage; this.AddMessage = Nurfed_AddMessage; end end utility:Hook("replace", "ChatFrame_OnEvent", Nurfed_ChatFrame_OnEvent); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Buff Duration Add Seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function Nurfed_SecondsToTimeAbbrev(seconds) local time = ""; local tempTime; local tempTime2; if ( seconds > 86400 ) then tempTime = ceil(seconds / 86400); time = tempTime.." "..DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR; return time; end if ( seconds > 3600 ) then tempTime = ceil(seconds / 3600); time = tempTime.." "..HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR; return time; end if ( seconds > 60 ) then tempTime = floor(seconds / 60); tempTime2 = floor(seconds-(tempTime)*60); time = format("%02d:%02d", tempTime, tempTime2); return time; end time = format("00:%02d", seconds); return time; end SecondsToTimeAbbrev = Nurfed_SecondsToTimeAbbrev; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create Frame -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- adds guild info to a line in the inspect frame local function Nurfed_InspectOnShow() InspectPaperDollFrame_OnShow(); local guildname, guildtitle = GetGuildInfo("target"); if(guildname and guildtitle) then InspectTitleText:SetText(format(TEXT(GUILD_TITLE_TEMPLATE), guildtitle, guildname)); InspectTitleText:Show(); else InspectTitleText:Hide(); end end local orig_chatframeOnShow = ChatFrame1:GetScript("OnShow"); local function togglechat() local hidden = options:GetOption("general", "hidechat"); local fade = options:GetOption("general", "chatfade"); local fadetime = options:GetOption("general", "chatfadetime"); for i = 1, 7 do local chatframe = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i); local up = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i.."UpButton"); local down = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i.."DownButton"); local bottom = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i.."BottomButton"); if (hidden == 1) then chatframe:SetScript("OnShow", function() SetChatWindowShown(this:GetID(), 1) end); up:Hide(); down:Hide(); bottom:Hide(); if (i == 1) then ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide(); end else chatframe:SetScript("OnShow", orig_chatframeOnShow); up:Show(); down:Show(); bottom:Show(); if (i == 1) then ChatFrameMenuButton:Show(); end end chatframe:SetFading(fade); chatframe:SetTimeVisible(fadetime); end end local function Nurfed_General_OnEvent() if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then this:UnregisterEvent(event); togglechat(); elseif (event == "TRAINER_SHOW") then if(options:GetOption("general", "traineravailable") == 1) then SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter("unavailable",0); end elseif (event == "MERCHANT_SHOW") then if (options:GetOption("general", "repair") == 1) then lib:repair(options:GetOption("general", "repairlimit"), options:GetOption("general", "repairinv")); end elseif (event == "MINIMAP_PING") then if(options:GetOption("general", "ping") == 1) then local name = UnitName(arg1); if (name ~= UnitName("player") and not pingflood[name]) then utility:Print(name.." Ping.", 1, 1, 1, 0); pingflood[name] = GetTime(); end end elseif (event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "Blizzard_InspectUI") then InspectPaperDollFrame:SetScript("OnShow", Nurfed_InspectOnShow); end end function Nurfed_General_OnUpdate(arg1) this.update = this.update + arg1; if (this.update > 0.5) then local hour, minute = GetGameTime(); if (minute ~= this.lastmin) then currtime = GetTime(); this.lastmin = minute; end local svol = GetCVar("MasterVolume")+0; if (svol > 0.5) then SetCVar("MasterVolume", svol-0.05); else SetCVar("MasterVolume", svol+0.05); end SetCVar("MasterVolume", svol); for n, t in pingflood do if (GetTime() - t > 1) then pingflood[n] = nil; end end end end local tbl = { type = "Frame", events = { "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", "MINIMAP_PING", "ADDON_LOADED", "TRAINER_SHOW", "MERCHANT_SHOW" }, OnEvent = function() Nurfed_General_OnEvent() end, OnUpdate = function() Nurfed_General_OnUpdate(arg1) end, vars = { update = 0, lastmin = 0 }, }; local config = { type = "Frame", Anchor = { "TOP", "$parenttitlebg", "BOTTOM", 0, -1 }, children = { check1 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 }, vars = { text = NRF_AUTOREPAIR, option = "repair", }, }, }, check2 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_INVREPAIR, option = "repairinv", }, }, }, check3 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck2", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_PINGWARNING, option = "ping", }, }, }, check4 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck3", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_UNTRAINABLE, option = "traineravailable", }, }, }, check5 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck4", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_CHATTIMESTAMPS, option = "timestamps", }, }, }, check6 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck5", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_TWELVEHOUR, option = "ampm", }, }, }, check7 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck6", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_RAIDGROUP, option = "raidgroup", }, }, }, check8 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck7", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_RAIDCLASS, option = "raidclass", }, }, }, check9 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck8", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_CHATBUTTONS, option = "hidechat", func = function() togglechat() end, }, }, }, check10 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck9", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 }, vars = { text = NRF_CHATPREFIX, option = "chatprefix", }, }, }, slider1 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionSlider", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parent", "TOPRIGHT", -2, -12 }, vars = { text = NRF_REPAIRLIMIT, option = "repairlimit", max = 100, min = 0, step = 1, format = "%.0f", }, }, }, slider2 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionSlider", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentslider1", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -15 }, vars = { text = NRF_TIMEOFFSET, option = "timeoffset", max = 12, min = -12, step = 0.5, format = "%.1f", }, }, }, check11 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentslider2", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -14 }, vars = { right = true, text = NRF_AUTOINVITE, option = "autoinvite", }, }, }, input1 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionInput", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck11", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 3 }, vars = { text = NRF_KEYWORD, option = "keyword", }, }, }, check12 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentinput1", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -10 }, vars = { right = true, text = NRF_CHATFADE, option = "chatfade", func = function() togglechat() end, }, }, }, slider3 = { template = "Nurfed_OptionSlider", properties = { Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck12", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -15 }, vars = { text = NRF_CHATFADETIME, option = "chatfadetime", max = 250, min = 0, step = 1, format = "%.0f", func = function() togglechat() end, }, }, }, }, vars = { width = 350, height = 240 }, }; local function chatOnMouseWheel() if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then if (arg1 > 0) then this:PageUp() elseif (arg1 < 0) then this:PageDown(); end elseif (IsControlKeyDown()) then if (arg1 > 0) then this:ScrollToTop() elseif (arg1 < 0) then this:ScrollToBottom(); end else if (arg1 > 0) then this:ScrollUp(); elseif (arg1 < 0) then this:ScrollDown(); end end end function Nurfed_General_Init() framelib:ObjectInit("Nurfed_GeneralFrame", tbl, UIParent); framelib:ObjectInit("Nurfed_General_Menu", config, Nurfed_OptionsFrame); tbl = nil; config = nil; lib:updatemount(); lib:updateaqmount(); for i = 1, 7 do local chatframe = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i); chatframe:EnableMouseWheel(1); chatframe:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function() chatOnMouseWheel(); end); end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Nurfed_Mount() local bag, slot = lib:getmount(); if (bag and slot) then UseContainerItem(bag, slot); end end function Nurfed_RaidTarget(tar) if (not string.find(tar, "[1-9]")) then tar = string.lower(tar); tar = string.gsub(tar, "^%l", string.upper); if (raidtarget[tar]) then tar = raidtarget[tar]; end end tar = tonumber(tar); for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers() do local unit = "raid"..i; local target = "raid"..i.."target"; if (UnitExists(unit) and UnitExists(target)) then if (GetRaidTargetIndex(target) == tar) then TargetUnit(target); return; end end end end