--[[ path: /ChatParse/ filename: PFChatParse.lua author: "Daniel Risse" created: Thu, 03 Feb 2004 00:38:00 -0600 updated: Chat Parse: Used to scrap information from Chat Messages COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1_GROUP = "%s dies, you gain %d experience. (%s exp %s bonus, +%d group bonus)"; local spec = PFChatParse_FormatToPattern(COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1_GROUP, "creepName", "xp", CHAT_PARSE_VALUE1, CHAT_PARSE_NAME1, "group"); local message = format(COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1_GROUP, "Creep X", 100, "+20", "rested", 10); -- Creep X dies, you gain 100 experience. (+20 exp rested bonus, +10 group bonus) local match = PFChatParse_MatchPattern(message, spec); if ( match ) then PFDebugMessage("test", "Wahoo!!!"..match.creepName, "info"); end ]] local PFChatParse_Events = { }; function PFChatParse_OnLoad() end function PFChatParse_OnEvent(event) if ( not PFChatParse_Events[event] ) then --this:UnregisterEvent(event); PFDebugMessage("CP", "OnEvent("..event..") called but nothing registered...", "warning"); else local index, info, match, processed, string; processed = { }; for index, info in PFChatParse_Events[event] do if ( not info.AddOn or not processed[info.AddOn] ) then if ( info.input ) then string = info.input() else string = arg1; end match = PFChatParse_MatchPattern(string, info.patternSpec); if ( match ) then result = info.func(match); if ( not result and info.AddOn ) then processed[info.AddOn] = true; end end end end end end function PFChatParse_RegisterEvent(info) if ( type(info) ~= "table" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_RegisterEvent must be a table!", "error"); return nil; elseif ( not info.event or type(info.event) ~= "string" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_RegisterEvent must contain an event to watch!", "error"); return nil; elseif ( not info.func or type(info.func) ~= "function" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_RegisterEvent must contain a function to call back to!", "error"); return nil; elseif ( not info.template or type(info.template) ~= "string" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_RegisterEvent must contain a template to match against the Chat message!", "error"); return nil; elseif ( not PFChatParse_Events[info.event] ) then PFChatParseFrame:RegisterEvent(info.event); PFChatParse_Events[info.event] = { }; table.setn(PFChatParse_Events[info.event], 0); end if ( not info.AddOn ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_RegisterEvent did not contain AddOn name; this is needed to PFChatParse_UnregisterEvent and to stop looking for additional matches.", "warning"); end PFDebugMessage("CP", "new spec for event: "..info.event, "helper"); local spec = PFChatParse_FormatToPattern(info.template, info.fields, info.english); if ( spec ) then table.insert(PFChatParse_Events[info.event], { func = info.func, patternSpec = spec, AddOn = info.AddOn, input = info.input }); end end function PFChatParse_UnregisterEvent(info) if ( type(info) ~= "table" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_UnregisterEvent must be a table!", "error"); return nil; elseif ( not info.AddOn or type(info.AddOn) ~= "string" ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "Input to PFChatParse_UnregisterEvent must contain an AddOn to stop watching!", "error"); return nil; end local event, specList, index, spec; for event, specList in PFChatParse_Events do if ( not info.event or event == info.event ) then for index, spec in specList do if ( info.AddOn == spec.AddOn ) then table.remove(PFChatParse_Events[event], index); end end if ( table.getn(PFChatParse_Events[event]) == 0 ) then PFChatParse_Events[event] = nil; PFChatParseFrame:UnregisterEvent(event); end end end end -- ("%s hits you for %d damage.", "creep", "damage"); -- this function will convert a format string into a pattern that will extract -- named parameters from the string function PFChatParse_FormatToPattern(template, fields, english) PFDebugMessage("CP", "template: "..template, "helper"); local ret = { pattern = template }; ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%(", "%%("); ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%)", "%%)"); ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%.", "%%."); ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%+", "%%+"); ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%[", "%%["); ret.pattern = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%]", "%%]"); local index, field, count, matchCount, fieldCount; matchCount = 0; fieldCount = 0; local replaceFunc = function(i, m) if ( i == "" ) then matchCount = matchCount + 1; i = matchCount; else i = 0 + i; end PFDebugMessage("CP", "Match: "..i..", "..m, "helper"); if ( not fields[i] ) then if ( m == "d" ) then return "[0-9]+"; elseif ( m == "s" ) then return ".+"; end else fieldCount = fieldCount + 1; ret[fieldCount] = fields[i]; fields[i] = nil; if ( m == "d" ) then return "([0-9]+)"; elseif ( m == "s" ) then return "(.+)"; end end end; ret.pattern, count = string.gsub(ret.pattern, "%%(%d*)$?([ds])", replaceFunc); if ( next(fields) ) then if ( english ) then PFDebugMessage("CP", "More names passed than substitution items!\n "..template.."\n "..english, "error"); else PFDebugMessage("CP", "More names passed than substitution items!", "error"); end end PFDebugMessage("CP", "pattern: "..ret.pattern, "helper"); return ret; end function PFChatParse_MatchPattern(message, spec) local match = { string.gfind(message, spec.pattern)() }; if ( table.getn(match) ~= 0 ) then local ret = { }; local index; for index=1, table.getn(match), 1 do if ( spec[index] ) then ret[spec[index]] = match[index]; end end return ret; end return nil; end