PvPLog Author: Josh Estelle Version: 0.4.6 README Installation: You should have just downloaded PvPLog.zip This file will unzip to: PvPLog/ PvPLog/CHANGES.txt PvPLog/PvPLog.lua PvPLog/PvPLog.toc PvPLog/PvPLog.xml PvPLog/README.txt PvPLog/TODO.txt Place the entire PvPLog directory in your WoW/Interface/AddOns directory. Use: PvPLog will automatically log your PvP wins and losses as well as your duel wins and losses. You can enable/disable PvPLog with: /pvplog enable /pvplog disable When disabled PvPLog will *not* track any of your PvP activites. When you win/lose a PvP battle, or duel, PvPLog will notify you as the data is recorded. You may change the notification location from overhead to the chat panel or turn it off all together. /pvplog location overhead /pvplog location chat /pvplog location none Whenever you mouseover someone for which you have a PvP record the mouseover tool tip will contain the number of wins and losses you have against that player. It will also produce an audible ding on mouseover to inform you of a player you have a record with. At this time a message is also displayed overhead with your record. The sound used for this audible ding may be changed with: /pvplog dingsound AuctionWindowOpen /pvplog dingsound igMainMenuOpen If you don't want this ding to pop-up for people you've dueled against you can use the following: /pvplog ding noduel Or if you only want the ding to happen when its someone you've killed or whos killed you, and not someone who belongs to a guild that's killed you or you've killed, then use: /pvplog ding noguild Or if you don't want notifications for either duels or guilds, rather just individuals that you've killed or have killed you, use: /pvplog ding noGuildOrDuel You may also change the timeout on this ding, the default is to only ding every 2 minutes (120 seconds), you may change this with: /pvplog dingtimeout seconds When targetting a player you have a PvP record with, your record will be displayed below the target window. This text is movable. /pvplog targetreset May be used to reset the text to its original position. You may search for a specific players record against you using: /pvplog find The search string can be found in the players name, class, race, or guild. Examples include: /pvplog find Interrupt /pvplog find int /pvplog find tauren /pvplog find shaman /pvplog find syndicate You may get some basic statistics using: /pvplog stats You may get the version of PvPLog with: /pvplog version When you kill or are killed, you may have this information reported via chat to your party, guild, raid, or another channel. To change this setting use: /pvplog notifykills none /pvplog notifykills party /pvplog notifykills guild /pvplog notifykills raid /pvplog notifykills channelname (for your kills) or similarly /pvplog notifydeath none /pvplog notifydeath party /pvplog notifydeath guild /pvplog notifydeath raid /pvplog notifydeath channelname (for your deaths) The text that is used for this nofication can be customized using: /pvplog notifykillstext short /pvplog notifykillstext medium /pvplog notifykillstext long /pvplog notifykillstext custom PvPLog: Custom Chat Noftifications Type the following to use a custom chat notification: /pvplog notifykillstext "custom string" /pvplog notifydeathtext "custom string" Where "custom string" is the text you want used, with format codes as follows: %n - name, %l - level, %r - race, %c - class, %g - guild %x - X:coordinate, %y - Y:coordinate, %z - zone Example: /pvplog notifykillstext "I killed %n (Level %l %r %c) at [%x,%y] in %z." You may reset your PvPLog settings using: /pvplog reset confirm Be careful as this will erase all your records! In the development versions of PvPLog you can type: /pvplog listall to see a list of all your PvP records. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to email me at: pvplog@joshestelle.com Thanks: Special Thanks to Whizzer and MasterMike for patches to fix double death bug. Thanks to DamageWatch author, early reference Thanks to WMD BodyCount author, early reference Thanks to TargetLog author, early reference Thanks to Michai@Eredar for helping me test Thanks to Iriel@Silver Hand for great insights in how to fix variable loss issues Thanks to AutoTrade authors, channel code Thanks to Cosmos authors, more channel code