function ReagentData_LoadFirstAid() ReagentData['crafted']['firstaid'] = { ['Linen Bandage'] = { skill = 1, description = 'Requires First Aid (1), Use: Heals 66 damage over 6 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['linen']] = 1, } }, ['Heavy Linen Bandage'] = { skill = 40, description = 'Requires First Aid (20), Use: Heals 114 damage over 6 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['linen']] = 2, } }, ['Anti-Venom'] = { skill = 80, description = 'Use: Target is cured of poisons up to level 25.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 3, reagents = { [ReagentData['monster']['smallvenomsac']] = 1, } }, ['Wool Bandage'] = { skill = 80, description = 'Requires First Aid (50), Use: Heals 161 damage over 7 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['wool']] = 1, } }, ['Heavy Wool Bandage'] = { skill = 115, description = 'Requires First Aid (75), Use: Heals 301 damage over 7 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['wool']] = 2, } }, ['Strong Anti-Venom'] = { skill = 130, description = 'Use: Target is cured of poisons up to level 35.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Drop:Manual: Strong Anti-Venom', sourcerarity = 'Uncommon', result = 3, reagents = { [ReagentData['monster']['largevenomsac']] = 1, } }, ['Silk Bandage'] = { skill = 150, description = 'Requires First Aid (100), Use: Heals 400 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['silk']] = 1, } }, ['Heavy Silk Bandage'] = { skill = 180, description = 'Requires First Aid (125), Use: Heals 640 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Vendor:Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['silk']] = 2, } }, ['Mageweave Bandage'] = { skill = 210, description = 'Requires First Aid (150), Use: Heals 800 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Vendor:Manual: Mageweave Bandage', sourcerarity = 'Uncommon', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['mageweave']] = 1, } }, ['Heavy Mageweave Bandage'] = { skill = 240, description = 'Requires First Aid (175), Use: Heals 1104 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['mageweave']] = 2, } }, ['Runecloth Bandage'] = { skill = 260, description = 'Requires First Aid (200), Use: Heals 1360 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['rune']] = 1, } }, ['Heavy Runecloth Bandage'] = { skill = 290, description = 'Requires First Aid (225), Use: Heals 2000 damage over 8 sec.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Trainer', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['cloth']['rune']] = 2, } }, ['Powerful Anti-Venom'] = { skill = 300, description = 'Use: Target is cured of poisons up to level 60.', type = 'Reagent', source = 'Vendor:Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom', result = 1, reagents = { [ReagentData['monster']['hugevenomsac']] = 1, } }, } end