TIMERS_LOC_DISABLEALL = "Disable all"; TIMERS_LOC_ENABLEALL = "Enable all"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEBYGROUP = "Delete by Group"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEXPIRED = "Delete expired"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETALL = "Delete all"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETBYGROUP = "Reset by Group"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETEXPIRED = "Reset expired"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALL = "Reset all"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAMALLTO = "Spam all to"; TIMERS_LOC_BACK = "Back"; TIMERS_LOC_REPLY = "Reply"; TIMERS_LOC_SELF = "Self"; TIMERS_LOC_PARTY = "Party"; TIMERS_LOC_RAID = "Raid"; TIMERS_LOC_CTRAID = "CT Raid"; TIMERS_LOC_OFFICER = "Officer"; TIMERS_LOC_DEFAULT = "Default"; TIMERS_LOC_CONTINUE = "Continue"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE = "Delete"; TIMERS_LOC_RESET = "Reset"; TIMERS_LOC_INC = "Incremental"; TIMERS_LOC_WARNONLY = "Warn only"; TIMERS_LOC_MULTIPLE = "Multiple"; TIMERS_LOC_ONCE = "Once"; TIMERS_LOC_ONCEGROUP = "Once/Grp"; TIMERS_LOC_PAUSE = "Pause"; TIMERS_LOC_RESUME = "Resume"; TIMERS_LOC_STOP = "Stop"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAMTO = "Spam to"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLINACTIVSHOW = "Show inactiv"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLINACTIVHIDE = "Hide inactiv"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLFOLD = "Unfold/Fold all groups"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALL = "De-/Activate all"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALLCNT = "Reset all counter"; TIMERS_LOC_ADDGROUP = "Add a new group"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEGROUP = "Delete a group"; TIMERS_LOC_ADDTRIGGER = "Add a trigger"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETCNT = "Reset counter"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETETRIGGER = "Delete trigger"; TIMERS_LOC_TIMERADDED = "Timer added"; TIMERS_LOC_INVOKED = "invoked by: "; TIMERS_LOC_SPAM_TRIGGER = "Spam trigger: "; TIMERS_LOC_USE_NAMEBAR = "use Name Bar"; TIMERS_LOC_ALL = "all"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAM_FIRST = "Spam first "; TIMERS_LOC_MINTIMERS = "minutes/timers"; TIMERS_LOC_TITLE_TEXT = "Title text: "; TIMERS_LOC_TRIGGER = "trigger"; TIMERS_LOC_CONFIG = "config"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP = "help"; TIMERS_LOC_LIGHT = "light"; TIMERS_LOC_NORMAL = "normal"; TIMERS_LOC_NAME = "Name"; TIMERS_LOC_TIME = "Time"; TIMERS_LOC_PREWARN = "Warn."; TIMERS_LOC_TEXT = "Text"; TIMERS_LOC_CHANNEL = "Channel"; TIMERS_LOC_MESSAGE = "Message"; TIMERS_LOC_CNT = "Cnt."; TIMERS_LOC_THRES = "Thr."; TIMERS_LOC_MODE = "Mode"; TIMERS_LOC_TYPE = "Type"; TIMERS_LOC_SHOWINACTIVE = "Inactive trigger are now visible"; TIMERS_LOC_HIDEINACTIVE = "Inactive trigger are now hidden"; TIMERS_LOC_NEW_GROUP_NAME = "Enter name for the new group: "; TIMERS_LOC_NEW_TIMER_NAME = "Enter name for this timer: "; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE_GROUP_NOT_EMPTY = "The group has triggers. Also delete the triggers?"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_DELETE_DEFAULT = "non default groups only"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_NAME_SET = "no name"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_EDIT_DEFAULT_GROUPS = "editing default group names is not allowd"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_EDIT_DEFAULT = "renaming the default trigger is not allowd"; TIMERS_LOC_MOVETOGROUP = "move to group: "; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_TEXT = "the default trigger can not have a text"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TIMERS = "no timers"; TIMERS_LOC_ALLTRIGGER_DISABLED = "All triggers have been disabled."; TIMERS_LOC_ALLTRIGGER_ENABLED = "All triggers have been enabled."; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_IN_RAID = "Not in a Raid"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_IN_PARTY = "Not in a Party"; TIMERS_LOC_EXPIRES_IN = "expires in"; TIMERS_LOC_IS_CURRENTLY_AT = "is currently at"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBATSTART = "starting combat"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBATSTOP = "leaving combat"; TIMERS_LOC_ZONEENTER = "entering zone:"; TIMERS_LOC_ENTERDCOMBAT = "you have reenterd combat at !time"; TIMERS_LOC_LEFTCOMBAT = "you have left combat at !time"; TIMERS_LOC_DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "the timer !name is about to expire in !time"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALLTRIGGER = "reload default triggers"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETTRIGGER = "reset to default"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE_ALL_NON_DEFAULT = "delete non default triggers?"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TIMERS_EXPIRING = "not timers are expiring within the given time."; TIMERS_LOC_INVOKED_MANUAL = "Invoked manual"; TIMERS_LOC_BYPLAYTIME = "by playtime"; TIMERS_LOC_WHENSTARTING = "when starting:"; TIMERS_LOC_IMPORTING = "Importing self defined version 2.xx triggers"; TIMERS_LOC_IMPORTED = " triggers imported."; TIMERS_LOC_RESETTED = "Configuration and positions have been resetted."; TIMERS_LOC_MSGINVOKED = " has been invoked."; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TRIGGERNAME = "No trigger with this name is present."; TIMERS_LOC_EMPTYTEXT = "your triggertext here"; TIMERS_LOC_ADVANCED_TRIGGERS = "Advanced triggers config"; TIMERS_LOC_WARNING = "Warning"; TIMERS_LOC_EXPIRE = "Expiring"; TIMERS_LOC_COUNT = "Count"; TIMERS_LOC_THRESHOLD = "Threshold"; TIMERS_LOC_ADVANCEDCONF = "show advanced config"; TIMERS_LOC_SPELL_CAST = "Spellcast:"; -- Titan TIMERS_TITAN_HIDE_NAME = "Hide Timers Name"; -- Groups TIMERS_LOC_NOGROUP = "no group"; TIMERS_LOC_MOLTENCORE = "Molten Core"; TIMERS_LOC_MOBS = "other Mobs"; TIMERS_LOC_TAILORING = "Tailoring"; TIMERS_LOC_ALCHEMY = "Alchemy"; TIMERS_LOC_LEATHER = "Leatherworking"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBAT = "Combat"; TIMERS_LOC_SILITHUS = "Silithus"; TIMERS_LOC_PRIEST = "Priest"; TIMERS_LOC_WARLOCK = "Warlock"; TIMERS_LOC_MAGE = "Mage"; TIMERS_LOC_DRUID = "Druid"; -- Help TIMERS_LOC_HELP1 = "What does this plugin do?"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP2 = "The Timers"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP3 = "The Triggers"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP4 = "The Configuration"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP5 = "Variables and Slashcommands"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP6 = "Frequently Asked Questions"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP7 = "Credits"; -- complete Text TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = "This plugin is build to give the player\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."control over timers and warnings, triggerd\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."by selfdefined events. This plugin will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."simply check every incoming event,with\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."a table of triggers. If the event matches\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."a trigger, a timer will be started, or\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."a warning be send. You can also manually\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT1.."invoke timers, a.E. for your pizza ;)"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = " 2.1 The Mainframe\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."The Mainframe is accsessible by the \"normal\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."tab. It will show you all timers and there\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."current time. You can sort this table by\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."name or time with clicking onto the column\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."headers. Shift-Click onto the the column\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."headers, will spam the first x timers, or\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."all timers expiring withing x minutes, to\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."the current active chatsend. You can define\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."this x in the config frame.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."When siwtching to the \"light\" tab, the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."background will become transparent, so it\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."does hide less.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."You can edit the name and the current time,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."by simply clicking onto the according text.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will start the edit mode. Enter will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."save the change, ESC will discard it.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."The \"T\" Button at the right upper edge will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."show/hide the NameBox (when activated).\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."The \"D\" Button of every timer will delete it.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2 The Mainmenu\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."The Mainmenu is accsessible by the \"!\" Button\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."at the right-top edge. You will have a\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."dropdown menu with the following options:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.1 Dis-/Enable all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will dis-/enable all triggers.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."When disabled, timers will still run, and\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."you can still invoke them manual, but they\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."will not be invoked by events. This will not\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."affect, the dis-/enabled status of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."triggers in in the triggers frame.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.2 Delete Expired\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will delete all timers, that are expired.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.3 Delete by Group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will allow you to delete all timers, that\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."are invoked by triggers of the same group.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.4 Delete All Times\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."Simply deletes all timers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.5 Reset Expired\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will reset the time of all timers, that\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."are expired.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.6 Reset by Group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will allow you to reset the time of all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."timers, that are invoked by triggers of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."same group.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.2.7 Reset All Times\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."Simply reset the time of all timers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3 The Timermenu\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."The Timermenu is accsessible by the \"!\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."Button, left of every timer row. This will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."open a dropdownmenu with options, that will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."change this timer only:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.1 invoked by\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."Shows, with trigger started this timer. When\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."starting a timer manual without a trigger,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."it will be invoked by the \"Default\" Trigger.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.2 Delete Timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will delete the timer.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.3 Reset Timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will reset the time of the timer.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.4 Pause/Resume Timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This is only availible, when the timer is\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."not stopped. It will pause/resume the timer.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.5 Stop Timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This is only availible for incermental timers.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."It will stop the timer.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.." 2.3.6 Spam To\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."This will spam the timer and it's time to the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."selected channel. Reply will send the data\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT2.."as an answer to the last whisper.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = " 3.1 The Triggerframe\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The Triggerframe is accsessible by the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."\"trigger\" tab. It will show you all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."triggers, groups and the settings of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."triggers/groups. You can sort the triggers,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."by clicking onto the column headers. This\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."will not affect the groups, the will stay\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."in the same order. You can edit nearly all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."values and text by clicking onto the text.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Some fields will have a Button for a dropdown\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."box. The checkbox at the beginning of every\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."row, will de-/activate the according\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."trigger/group. When checked, it's active.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2 The Mainmenu\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The Mainmenu is accsessible by the \"!\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Button at the right-top edge. You will have\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."a dropdown menu with the following options:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.1 Show/Hide inactive\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When \"Hide inactive\" is selected, all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."inactive groups and triggers will be hidden.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.2 Unfold/Fold all groups\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When fold, only the groups are visible, when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."unfold also all there trigger are visible.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.3 De-/Activate all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Will De-/Active all groups and triggers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.4 Reset all counter\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will reset all trigger counters to 0.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.5 Add a new group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Will add a new group with a selfdefined name.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.6 Delete a group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Will delete a non predefined group.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.7 Add a trigger\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will add a trigger named \"New trigger\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."to the \"no group\" group.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.2.8 Reload default triggers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will reload the default values of all\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."predefined triggers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.3 The groups\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."A group is written as --- --- in blue\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."text. It has the follwing options:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.3.1 by playtime\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When checked, the timer will pause, when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."leaving the game. It will resume when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."reentering.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.3.1 When starting, Reset counter\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When checked, all counters from triggers of\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."this group will be resetted to 0 when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."starting the game.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.3.2 When starting, Delete timers.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When checked, all timers, inherited by\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."triggers of this group, will be delete when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."starting.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.3.3. The fold/unfold Button\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The fold(\"+\")/unfold(\"-\") Button can be\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."found, left of the name. It will show(unfold)\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."or hide(fold) all triggers of this group. The\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."triggers will remaine active.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4 The triggers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."A trigger has a name in white text.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."It has the following options:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.1 Name\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The name of the trigger.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.2 Time\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The time, the trigger will start with.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.3 Warn\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When this value is not 0, a warning will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."be send x-minutes bevor the timer expires.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.4 Text\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When this text is part of the text of an\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."event, a timer will be started.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.5 Message\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This message will be send as a warning, when\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."the timer expires or the warntime is reached.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.6 Channel\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The channel, the message will be send to.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.7 Cnt. (Count)\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The count, how often this trigger has been\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."invoked.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.8 Thr. (Threshold)\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The minimum time in seconds bevor this\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."trigger can be reinvoked.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.9 Type\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Defines, what will happen, when this\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."trigger is invoked:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Default\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Will be of the same type, as the \"Default\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."trigger in the group \"no group\".\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Multiple\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Everytime this trigger is invoked, a timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."will be started.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Once\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When a timer of this trigger is running,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."no new timer will be started.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Once/Group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When a timer of a trigger of this group is\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."runnung, no new timer will be started.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Pause\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When a timer of a trigger of this group is\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."running, it's pause state will be toggled.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Stop\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."When a timer of a trigger of this group is\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."running, it will be stopped.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Warn only\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."No timer will be started. Only the warning\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."will be send instantly.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.10 Mode\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Defines, what will happen when a timer of\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."this trigger is expired.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Default\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."Will be of the same mode, as the \"Default\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."trigger in the group \"no group\".\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Continue\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The timer will continue to count down.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Delete\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The timer will be deleted.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Reset\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The time of the timer will be reseted.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Incremental\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The time will count up from the beginning.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."So it will never expire.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." 3.4.11 The Triggermenu\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."The Triggermenu is accsessible by the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."\"!\" Button, left of the name.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Show advanced config\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will open the advanced configuration\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."menu for the selected timer.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Reset counter\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will reset the counter of this trigger\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."to 0.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Delete trigger\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will delete the trigger. Only availible\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."for non predefined triggers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Move to group\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will move the trigger to an other group.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.." Reset to default\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."This will reset a predefined trigger to it's\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT3.."default values.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = "The Configframe is accsessible from the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."\"config\" tab. It has the following\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."settings:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.." 4.1 use Namebar\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."When checked, a floating input box will\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."appear. The text in this box will be used\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."as the name for new timers. You can use the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."variables as described in the \"Variables\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."and Slashcommands\" section. When not\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."checked, an input box will popup, everytime\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."a new timer is starting.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.." 4.2 Title text\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This defines the title of the Timersframe.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."You can use variables as described in the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."\"Variables and Slashcommands\" section.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."If this text is empty, the minmized frame,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."will be half sized.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.." 4.3 Spam first X minutes/timers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This defines how many timer will be spammed,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."when shift-clicking onto the column headers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."in the timersframe.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."4.4 Timers Name Size\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This will define how big the namebox at the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."timersframe is.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."4.5. Timers Frame Scale\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This will define how big all frames are.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This feature is not yet 100% stable.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."4.6 Reset\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."This button will reset, all configuration\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."values to default. This includes the namebar\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT4.."text and the window positions.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = "This plugin has a variousity of variables,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."that can be use as placeholders for different\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."texts. Here is a list of what the variables\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."will do and where to use them:\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." 5.1.1 Namevariables\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."These variables can be used as part of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."namebox text or at the inputbox for a timers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."name.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!count\" will be replaced with the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." current value of the counter of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." trigger, that has been invoked to start\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." the timer.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!trigger\" will be replaced with the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." name of the trigger, that has been invoked\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." to start the timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!coord\" will be replaced with you\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." current coordinates on the map.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." 5.1.2 Messagevariables\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."These variables can be used as part of the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."message of a trigger. When a timer invoked\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."by this trigger, sends a warning, the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."variables will be replaced.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!count\" will be replaced with the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." current value of the counter of this\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." trigger.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!trigger\" will be replaced with the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." name of the trigger.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!name\" will be replaced with the name\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." of the timer.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!group\" will be replaced with the name\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." of the group of this trigger.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!time\" will be replaced with the current\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." time of the timer.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!msg\" will be replaced with the message,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." that invoked the trigger.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!msgsub\" will be replaced with the message,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." that invoked the trigger, but without the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." part that stands in the triggertext.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." A.E.: triggertext=\"Mob looks at\", invoked\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." by message=\"Mob looks at Player\", then\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." !msgsub will be replaced with \"Player\".\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." 5.1.3 Titlevariables\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."These variables are used for the timers title\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."text. (See the configuration)\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!tNext\" will be replaced with the time\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." of the next expiring timer.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!nNext\" will be replaced with the name\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." of the next expiring timer.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!iAll\" will be replaced with the number\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." of timers.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"!iExpired\" will be replaced with the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." number of expired timers.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." 5.2 Slashcommands\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."The following slashcommands are availible.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."They are invoked with /ati command.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."A.E.: \"/ati show\". Parameters in [] are\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."optional.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"add name time [trigger]\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." This will add a new timer\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"show\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." This will show the Userinterface,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." when hidden.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"reset\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." This will reset all configuration and\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." positions.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"invoke name\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." This will invoke the trigger \"name\".\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."- \"debug\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."This will show the internal name of a skill\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."or spell, when an action button is pressed.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.." 5.3 Whispercommands\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."Anyone how whispers you \"showtime x\"\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."(x is optional) will get a list of all timers\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."expiring in x minutes. If no x is defined,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."the Spam first value from the configframe\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT5.."will be used.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = "6.1 I don't want this popupbox, everytime a\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."trigger is invoked?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Go to the configuation and check the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."\"use Namebar\" checkbox. You can no set the\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."name of the timers with the floating inputbox.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.2 I can't see the namebar, for changing\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."the timer names?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- If it's activated in the configuration,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."press the \"T\" Button at the top right of\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."the frame.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.3 How can i edit values and text?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Simply click the text - you can change\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."it direct.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.4 Is it possible to use the Message that\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."invoked the trigger, as a warning message?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."A. E. when names are part of the Message.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Yes, it is. Check the variables section\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."for the variables \"!msg\" and \"!msgsub\"\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.5 I don't want to have a timer,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."just a warning?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Switch the type of the trigger to\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."\"Warn only\". When the warning should go off\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."with delay, use as type \"Multiple\" and\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."\"Delete\" as Mode. The delay is the time\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."of the trigger.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.6 I don't see any parts of the plugin\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."ingame, but it's listed at the addons list?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Try \"/ati reset\".\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."6.7 I want to make a new spellcast trigger,\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."but i don't know the spellmessage, i've to\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."use?\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."- Use \"/ati debug\" and press the button\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT6.."for the spell.\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = "This plugin is written by Tyrion WarMage.\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."It's inspired by the plugin\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."\"Timers by Darco modified by Pinus\".\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."You can contact me in WoW:\n" TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."EU-Server Antonidas, Horde, Player: Tyrion\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."by E-Mail: Tyrion@geek-squad.de\n\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."or by making a comment to this plugin on\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."\"www.curse-gaming.com\" or\n"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7 = TIMERS_LOC_HELP_CAT7.."\"ui.worldofwar.net\""; if (GetLocale()=="deDE") then TIMERS_LOC_DISABLEALL = "Alles Deaktivieren"; TIMERS_LOC_ENABLEALL = "Alles Aktivieren"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEBYGROUP = "L\195\182schen nach Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEXPIRED = "Abgelaufene L\195\182schen"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETALL = "Alle L\195\182schen"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETBYGROUP = "Zur\195\188cksetzen nach Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETEXPIRED = "Abgelaufene Zur\195\188cksetzen"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALL = "Alle Zur\195\188cksetzen"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAMALLTO = "Alle senden an:"; TIMERS_LOC_BACK = "Zur\195\188ck"; TIMERS_LOC_REPLY = "Antwort"; TIMERS_LOC_SELF = "Selbst"; TIMERS_LOC_PARTY = "Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_RAID = "Schlachtzug"; TIMERS_LOC_CTRAID = "CT Raid"; TIMERS_LOC_OFFICER = "Offiziere"; TIMERS_LOC_DEFAULT = "Standart"; TIMERS_LOC_CONTINUE = "Weiter"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE = "L\195\182schen"; TIMERS_LOC_RESET = "Zur\195\188cksetzen"; TIMERS_LOC_INC = "Aufw\195\164rts"; TIMERS_LOC_WARNONLY = "nur Warnen"; TIMERS_LOC_MULTIPLE = "Mehrfach"; TIMERS_LOC_ONCE = "Einfach"; TIMERS_LOC_ONCEGROUP = "Einfach/Grp"; TIMERS_LOC_PAUSE = "Pause"; TIMERS_LOC_RESUME = "Weiter"; TIMERS_LOC_STOP = "Stop"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAMTO = "Senden an"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLINACTIVSHOW = "Zeige Inaktive"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLINACTIVHIDE = "Verstecke Inaktive"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALLFOLD = "Auf-/Zuklappen aller Gruppen"; TIMERS_LOC_TOGGLEALL = "De-/Aktivieren aller Gruppen"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALLCNT = "Alle Z\195\164hler zur\195\188cksetzen"; TIMERS_LOC_ADDGROUP = "Neue Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETEGROUP = "Gruppe l\195\182schen"; TIMERS_LOC_ADDTRIGGER = "Neuer Ausl\195\182ser"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETCNT = "Z\195\164hler zur\195\188cksetzen"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETETRIGGER = "Ausl\195\182ser l\195\182schen"; TIMERS_LOC_TIMERADDED = "Timer hinzugef\195\188gt"; TIMERS_LOC_INVOKED = "ausgel\195\182st von: "; TIMERS_LOC_SPAM_TRIGGER = "Sende Ausl\195\182ser: "; TIMERS_LOC_USE_NAMEBAR = "benutze Namensleiste"; TIMERS_LOC_ALL = "Alle"; TIMERS_LOC_SPAM_FIRST = "Sende ersten"; TIMERS_LOC_MINTIMERS = "Minuten/Timer"; TIMERS_LOC_TITLE_TEXT = "Titel Text: "; TIMERS_LOC_TRIGGER = "Ausl\195\182ser"; TIMERS_LOC_CONFIG = "Konfig"; TIMERS_LOC_HELP = "Hilfe"; TIMERS_LOC_LIGHT = "Transp."; TIMERS_LOC_NORMAL = "Normal"; TIMERS_LOC_NAME = "Name"; TIMERS_LOC_TIME = "Zeit"; TIMERS_LOC_PREWARN = "Warn."; TIMERS_LOC_TEXT = "Text"; TIMERS_LOC_CHANNEL = "Kanal"; TIMERS_LOC_MESSAGE = "Nachricht"; TIMERS_LOC_CNT = "Z\195\164h."; TIMERS_LOC_THRES = "Verz."; TIMERS_LOC_MODE = "Modus"; TIMERS_LOC_TYPE = "Typ"; TIMERS_LOC_SHOWINACTIVE = "Inaktive Ausl\195\182ser sind nun sichtbar"; TIMERS_LOC_HIDEINACTIVE = "Inaktive Ausl\195\182ser sind nun versteckt"; TIMERS_LOC_NEW_GROUP_NAME = "Name der neuen Gruppe: "; TIMERS_LOC_NEW_TIMER_NAME = "Name des neuen Timer: "; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE_GROUP_NOT_EMPTY = "Die Gruppe hat Ausl\195\182ser. Ausl\195\182ser auch l\195\182schen?"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_DELETE_DEFAULT = "keine vorgegebenen Gruppen"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_NAME_SET = "kein Name"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_EDIT_DEFAULT_GROUPS = "vorgebenene Gruppennamen k\195\182nnen nicht editiert werden"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_EDIT_DEFAULT = "vorgebenene Ausl\195\182sernamen k\195\182nnen nicht editiert werden"; TIMERS_LOC_MOVETOGROUP = "verschieben zu Gruppe: "; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_TEXT = "Der Standartausl\195\182ser darf keinen Text haben"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TIMERS = "keine Timer"; TIMERS_LOC_ALLTRIGGER_DISABLED = "Alle Ausl\195\182ser wurden deaktiviert."; TIMERS_LOC_ALLTRIGGER_ENABLED = "Alle Ausl\195\182ser wurden aktiviert."; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_IN_RAID = "kein Schlachtzug"; TIMERS_LOC_NOT_IN_PARTY = "keine Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_EXPIRES_IN = "endet in"; TIMERS_LOC_IS_CURRENTLY_AT = "ist z.Z. bei"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBATSTART = "Kampf gestarted"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBATSTOP = "Kampf verlassen"; TIMERS_LOC_ZONEENTER = "betrete Zone:"; TIMERS_LOC_ENTERDCOMBAT = "Kampf wieder betereten bei !time"; TIMERS_LOC_LEFTCOMBAT = "Kampf verlassen bei !time"; TIMERS_LOC_DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "Der Timer !name endet in !time"; TIMERS_LOC_RESETALLTRIGGER = "Standart Ausl\195\182ser neu laden."; TIMERS_LOC_RESETTRIGGER = "Standart wiederherstellen"; TIMERS_LOC_DELETE_ALL_NON_DEFAULT = "Nicht vordefinierte Ausl\195\182ser l\195\182schen?"; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TIMERS_EXPIRING = "In der gegebenen Zeit, laufen keine Timer aus."; TIMERS_LOC_INVOKED_MANUAL = "Manuell gestarted"; TIMERS_LOC_BYPLAYTIME = "nach Spielzeit"; TIMERS_LOC_WHENSTARTING = "beim starten:"; TIMERS_LOC_IMPORTING = "Importiere selbsdefnierte 2.XX Ausl\195\182ser"; TIMERS_LOC_IMPORTED = " Ausl\195\182ser importiert."; TIMERS_LOC_RESETTED = "Konfigurationen und Positionen wurden zur\195\188ckgesetzt."; TIMERS_LOC_MSGINVOKED = " wurde ausgel\195\182st."; TIMERS_LOC_NO_TRIGGERNAME = "Es existiert kein Timer mit diesem Name."; TIMERS_LOC_EMPTYTEXT = "dein Ausl\195\182sertext"; TIMERS_LOC_ADVANCED_TRIGGERS = "Erweiterte Ausl\195\182ser Einstellungen"; TIMERS_LOC_WARNING = "Warnung"; TIMERS_LOC_EXPIRE = "Ablaufen"; TIMERS_LOC_COUNT = "Z\195\164hler"; TIMERS_LOC_THRESHOLD = "Verz\195\182gerung"; TIMERS_LOC_ADVANCEDCONF = "Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen"; TIMERS_LOC_SPELL_CAST = "Zauberspruch:"; -- Titan TIMERS_TITAN_HIDE_NAME = "Timername nicht anzeigen"; -- Groups TIMERS_LOC_NOGROUP = "keine Gruppe"; TIMERS_LOC_MOLTENCORE = "geschmolzener Kern"; TIMERS_LOC_MOBS = "andere Gegner"; TIMERS_LOC_TAILORING = "Schneidern"; TIMERS_LOC_ALCHEMY = "Alchemie"; TIMERS_LOC_LEATHER = "Lederarbeit"; TIMERS_LOC_COMBAT = "Kampf"; TIMERS_LOC_SILITHUS = "Silithus"; TIMERS_LOC_PRIEST = "Priester"; TIMERS_LOC_WARLOCK = "Hexenmeister"; TIMERS_LOC_MAGE = "Magier"; TIMERS_LOC_DRUID = "Druide"; end