--[[ This is the basic template for adding a variable: ["variable"] = { func = function(text, unit) code that creates the value that replaces your variable text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, 'variable', value); return text; end, variable - Can be anything you want and doesn't necessarily have to be preceded with a $. func - This is the function called when the variable needs to be updated. text - This is the entire text of the TextBox and must be returned after it is modified. unit - This is the unit ID (party1, player, target, etc.) that the TextBox refers to. No other parameters will be passed to your function and those 2 will always be passed. text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, 'variable', value) - This line is used to replace the variable with the value you generated in the preceding code. It handles trimming leading spaces if value is nil or false. --]] TB_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS = { -- New Line (resets coloring) ["$nl"] = { func = function(text, unit) text = string.gsub(text, '$nl', "\n"); return text; end, }, -- Carriage Return (resets coloring) ["\n"] = { func = function(text, unit) text = string.gsub(text, "\n", "|r\n"); return text; end, }, -- Name ["$nm"] = { func = function(text, unit) local unitname = UnitName(unit); if (not unitname) then unitname = unit; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nm', unitname, "nm"); return text; end, }, --Guild - Returns guild name for PCs, title for NPCs ["$gu"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TipBuddy.gtt_guild; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$gu', value, "gu"); return text; end, }, --Guild Title - returns the player's title rank in their guild ["$gt"] = { func = function(text, unit) local _, value = GetGuildInfo(unit); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$gt', value, "gt"); return text; end, }, -- Level ["$lv"] = { func = function(text, unit) TipBuddy.gtt_level = UnitLevel(unit); local level = TipBuddy.gtt_level; if (level == -1) then level = "??"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$lv', level, "lv"); return text; end, }, -- Unit's Class ["$cl"] = { func = function(text, unit) --local class = TipBuddy.gtt_class; local class = UnitClass(unit); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cl', class, "cl"); return text; end, }, -- Race (players only) ["$rc"] = { func = function(text, unit) local race = UnitRace(unit); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$rc', race, "rc"); return text; end, }, -- Faction - Horde, Alliance, or nothing (players only) ["$fa"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitFactionGroup(unit); if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "faction"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$fa', value, "fa"); return text; end, }, -- City Faction - Stormwind, Darkspear Trolls, etc. (NPCs only) ["$cf"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac; if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "city faction"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cf', value, "cf"); return text; end, }, -- Current Health (actual) ["$hc"] = { func = function(text, unit) local health = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "current" ); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hc', health, "hc"); return text; end, }, -- Max Health (actual) ["$hm"] = { func = function(text, unit) local healthmax = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "max" ); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hm', healthmax, "hm"); return text; end, }, -- Health as a percent ["$hp"] = { func = function(text, unit) local health = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "percent" ); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hp', health, "hp"); return text; end, }, -- Current Mana (actual) ["$mc"] = { func = function(text, unit) local mana = UnitMana(unit); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mc', mana, "mc"); return text; end, }, -- Max Mana (actual) ["$mm"] = { func = function(text, unit) local manamax = UnitManaMax(unit); if (not manamax) then manamax = 0; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mm', manamax, "mm"); return text; end, }, -- Mana as a percent ["$mp"] = { func = function(text, unit) local mana = UnitMana(unit); local manamax = UnitManaMax(unit); local percent = 0; if (manamax == 0) then percent = 0; else percent = math.floor(mana/manamax * 100); end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mp', percent, "mp"); return text; end, }, --[[ Death Status - DEAD, GHOST, or nothing ["$ds"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value; if (UnitIsGhost(unit)) then value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Ghost; elseif (UnitIsDead(unit)) then value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Dead; elseif (not UnitName(unit)) then value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Dead; else value = ""; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ds', value); return text; end, },]] --[[In Combat - COMBAT or nothing ["$ic"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = ""; if (UnitAffectingCombat(unit) or (not UnitName(unit))) then value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Combat; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ic', value); return text; end, },]] -- NPC Classification - Elite, Boss, etc. ["$ns"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitClassification(unit); if (value == "normal") then value = ""; elseif (value == "elite" or (not UnitName(unit))) then value = TB_elite; elseif (value == "worldboss") then value = TB_worldboss; elseif (value == "rare") then value = TB_rare; elseif (value == "rareelite") then value = TB_rareelite; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ns', value, "ns"); return text; end, }, -- NPC Type - Beast, Humanoid, Undead, etc. ["$nt"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitCreatureType(unit); if (UnitIsPlayer(unit)) then value = nil; end if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "beast"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nt', value, "nt"); return text; end, }, -- NPC Family - Bear, Crab, Cat, etc. ["$nf"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitCreatureFamily(unit); if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "cat"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nf', value, "nf"); return text; end, }, -- Tapped - TAPPED or nothing ["$tp"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value; if (UnitIsTapped(unit) and (not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit))) then value = TB_tapped; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$tp', value, "tp"); return text; end, }, -- Unit Reaction - Hostile, Neutral, Friendly ["$re"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitReaction("player", unit); if (value) then if (value < 4) then value = FACTION_STANDING_LABEL2; elseif (value == 4) then value = FACTION_STANDING_LABEL4; else value = FACTION_STANDING_LABEL5; end end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$re', value, "re"); return text; end, }, --PVP Rank ["$pr"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = GetPVPRankInfo(UnitPVPRank(unit), unit); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pr', value, "pr"); return text; end, }, --PVP Rank Number ["$pn"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitPVPRank(unit); if (value > 0) then value = value - 4; else value = nil; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pn', value, "pn"); return text; end, }, --PVP Flagged - PvP or PvP Free For All ["$pv"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value; if (UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit)) then value = "FFA"; elseif (UnitIsPVP(unit)) then value = PVP_ENABLED; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pv', value, "pv"); return text; end, }, --Mana Label - Mana, Energy, Rage, Focus ["$ml"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitPowerType(unit); if (value == 0) then value = MANA; elseif (value == 1) then value = RAGE; elseif (value == 2) then value = FOCUS; elseif (value == 3) then value = ENERGY; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ml', value, "ml"); return text; end, }, --Unit Difficulty - Trivial, Minor, Suicide, etc. ["$df"] = { func = function(text, unit) local _, value = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(UnitLevel(unit)); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$df', value, "df"); return text; end, }, -- Unit Target's Target Name ["$tn"] = { func = function(text, unit) local target = TipBuddy_Adv_TargetsTarget( unit ); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$tn', target, "tn"); return text; end, }, -- Civilian --[[["$cv"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value; if (UnitIsCivilian(unit)) then value = "Civilian"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cv', value, "cv"); return text; end, },]] -- Shorthand Elite Text ["$cx"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = UnitClassification(unit); if (value == "normal") then value = nil; elseif (value == "elite" or (not UnitName(unit))) then value = "+"; elseif (value == "worldboss") then value = "++"; elseif (value == "rare") then value = "(R)"; elseif (value == "rareelite") then value = "(R)+"; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cx', value, "cx"); return text; end, }, ---- COLORS ---- -- Reaction Name ["@Crn"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = getglobal("tbcolor_nam_"..TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit )); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crn', value); return text; end, }, -- Reaction Guild ["@Crg"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = getglobal("tbcolor_gld_"..TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit )); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crg', value); return text; end, }, -- Difficulty ["@Cdf"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(UnitLevel(unit)); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cdf', value); return text; end, }, -- Class Color ["@Ccl"] = { func = function(text, unit) if (UnitClass(unit) == TB_mage) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_mage; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warlock) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warlock; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_priest) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_priest; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_druid) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_druid; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_shaman) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_shaman; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_paladin) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_paladin; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_rogue) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_rogue; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_hunter) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_hunter; elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warrior) then TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warrior; else TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_other; end local value = TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ccl', value); return text; end, }, -- Target's Target Color (only color's if the unit has a target) ["@Ctt"] = { func = function(text, unit) local _, value = TipBuddy_Adv_TargetsTarget( unit ); text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ctt', value); return text; end, }, -- Corpse Color -- Will only color text if unit is a corpse ["@Ccp"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value; if (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then value = tbcolor_corpse; --TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = tbcolor_corpse; --TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse = " "..CORPSE; else value = ""; end text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ccp', value); return text; end, }, -- Orange ["@Cor"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_NML_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cor', value); return text; end, }, -- White ["@Cwt"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_WHT_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cwt', value); return text; end, }, -- Grey ["@Cgy"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_GRY_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cgy', value); return text; end, }, -- Red ["@Crd"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_RED_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crd', value); return text; end, }, -- Green ["@Cgn"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_GRN_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cgn', value); return text; end, }, -- Yellow ["@Cyw"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_YLW_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cyw', value); return text; end, }, -- Blue ["@Cbl"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_BLE_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cbl', value); return text; end, }, -- Pink ["@Cpk"] = { func = function(text, unit) local value = TB_PNK_TXT; text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cpk', value); return text; end, } }; function TipBuddy_gsub(text, variable, value, tag) if (not tag) then tag = ""; end if (value and value ~= "") then if (string.find(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-<\/"..tag..">")) then --TB_AddMessage("found pattern: "..variable); text = string.gsub(text, "<"..tag..">(.-)"..variable.."(.-)<\/"..tag..">", "%1"..value.."%2"); else --TB_AddMessage("didn't find pattern...: "..variable); text = string.gsub(text, variable, value); end elseif (string.find(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-<\/"..tag..">")) then text = string.gsub(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-", ""); else text = string.gsub(text, variable, "", 1); end --TB_AddMessage("start: "..text); return text; end