--[[ This is a simple text file to allow players to change stance via the chat. By Alexander Brazie ]] UltimateUI_ShapeshiftList = { -- Stances ["Battle Stance"] = 1; ["Defensive Stance"] = 2; ["Beserker Stance"] = 3; -- Rogue Stealth ["Stealth"] = 1; -- Shapeshifts ["Bear Form"] = 1; ["Water Form"] = 2; ["Cat Form"] = 3; ["Travel Form"] = 4; -- Aliases -- Stances ["battle"] = 1; ["btl"] = 1; ["defensive"] = 2; ["def"] = 2; ["beserk"] = 3; ["bzrk"] = 3; -- Rogue Stealth ["stl"] = 1; -- Shapeshifts ["bear"] = 1; ["seal"] = 2; ["cat"] = 3; ["travel"] = 4; }; UltimateUI_ShapeshiftList_ByClass = { ["Druid"] = { -- Shapeshifts ["bear form"] = 1, ["water form"] = 2, ["cat form"] = 3, ["travel form"] = 4, -- Aliases ["bear"] = 1, ["seal"] = 2, ["cat"] = 3, ["travel"] = 4, ["tank"] = 1, ["aqua"] = 2, ["dps"] = 3; }, ["Rogue"] = { -- Rogue Stealth ["stealth"] = 1, -- Aliases ["stl"] = 1; }, ["Warrior"] = { -- Stances ["battle stance"] = 1, ["defensive stance"] = 2, ["beserker stance"] = 3, -- Aliases ["battle"] = 1, ["btl"] = 1, ["defensive"] = 2, ["def"] = 2, ["beserk"] = 3, ["bzrk"] = 3; } }; function ShapeshiftByNumber(id) CastShapeshiftForm(id); end function ShapeshiftByName(name) local list = UltimateUI_ShapeshiftList_ByClass[UnitClass("player")]; if ( not list ) then return false; end if ( not name ) then return false; end local text = string.lower(name); if ( not text ) then return false; end for k,v in list do if (text == v) then ShapeshiftByNumber(v); return true; end end for k,v in list do if (string.find(text,v) ~= nil) then ShapeshiftByNumber(v); return true; end end return false; end function ShapeshiftByChat(text) local shapeshiftId = tonumber(text); if ( shapeshiftId ) then ShapeshiftByNumber(text); else ShapeshiftByName(text); end end function ShapeshiftStealth() ShapeshiftByNumber(1); end function ShapeshiftCommands_Register() -- Register the chat bindings UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand( "SSC_STANCE", SHAPE_COMM1, ShapeshiftByChat, SHAPE_COMM1_INFO, CSM_CHAINNONE ); UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand( "SSC_STEALTH", SHAPE_COMM2, ShapeshiftStealth, SHAPE_COMM2_INFO, CSM_CHAINNONE ); UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand( "SSC_SHAPESHIFT", SHAPE_COMM3, ShapeshiftByChat, SHAPE_COMM3_INFO, CSM_CHAINNONE ); end