--[[ Extra common usage commands not significant enough for a new module. --Thott Refactored it so that it uses the localization.lua. Added save settings by class. --sarf ]] function UltimateUI_RegisterUltimateUIChatCommands() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register the help command. local comlist = ULTIMATEUI_HELP_COMM; local desc = ULTIMATEUI_HELP_COMM_INFO; local id = "ULTIMATEUIHELP"; local func = function (msg) UltimateUIMaster_ChatCommandsHelpDisplay(); end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc, CSM_CHAINNONE ); -- Overwrite old help command. UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( "HELP", comlist, func, "", CSM_CHAINPRE ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register the version command. comlist = ULTIMATEUI_VERSION_COMM; desc = ULTIMATEUI_VERSION_COMM_INFO; id = "ULTIMATEUIVERSION"; func = function (msg) UltimateUIMaster_ChatVersionDisplay(); end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc, CSM_CHAINNONE ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register the reload ui command. comlist = ULTIMATEUI_RELOADUI_COMM; desc = ULTIMATEUI_RELOADUI_COMM_INFO; id = "RELOADUI"; func = function() ReloadUI(); end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register (and setup) /stop UltimateUIStop_OnLoad(); comlist = ULTIMATEUI_STOP_COMM; desc = ULTIMATEUI_STOP_COMM_INFO; id = "STOP"; func = function() UltimateUI_Stop(); end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register the class CVar settings commands. comlist = ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_COMM; desc = format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_COMM_INFO, ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_PARAM_SAVE, ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_PARAM_LOAD); id = "SETTINGSBYCLASS"; func = function(msg) if ( ( not msg ) or ( strlen(msg) <= 0 ) ) then -- Sea.io.print(format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_HELP1, ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_PARAM_LOAD, ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_PARAM_SAVE)); return; end local command = strlower(msg); local class = UnitClass("player"); if( strfind("save", command) ) then UltimateUIMaster_StoreVariables() if ( UltimateUI_SaveDefaultSettingsForClass(class) ) then -- Sea.io.print(format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_SAVED, class)); else -- Sea.io.print(format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_SAVED_ERROR, class)); end elseif( strfind("load", command) ) then if ( UltimateUI_LoadDefaultSettingsForClass(class) ) then UltimateUIMaster_LoadVariables(); -- Sea.io.print(format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_LOADED, class)); else -- Sea.io.print(format(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_LOADED_ERROR, class)); end else -- Sea.io.print(ULTIMATEUI_CLASS_SETTINGS_HELP2); end end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register the /f x command if (SLASH_FOLLOW4 == "/f") then SLASH_FOLLOW1 = "/fol"; SLASH_FOLLOW4 = "/fol"; end comlist = FCOMMAND_COMM; desc = FCOMMAND_COMM_INFO; id = "FRIENDSCOMMAND"; func = function(msg) local tbl = split(msg, " "); if (not tbl[1]) then return; end if (tbl[1] == "l" or tbl[1] == "list") then local m = "" local bool = 0; local numFriends = GetNumFriends(); for i = 1, numFriends, 1 do local name, level, class, area, connected = GetFriendInfo(i); if (not connected) then if (bool == 0) then bool = 1; print1(FCOMMAND_ONLINE); print1(m); m = ""; end m = m..MakeHyperLink("Player:"..name, name, "FF0000").." "; else m = m..MakeHyperLink("Player:"..name, name, "00FF00").." "; end end print1(FCOMMAND_OFFLINE); print1(m); elseif (tbl[1] == "a" or tbl[1] == "add") then if (tbl[2]) then AddFriend(tbl[2]); end elseif (tbl[1] == "r" or tbl[1] == "remove") then if (tbl[2]) then RemoveFriend(tbl[2]); end elseif (tbl[1] == "m" or tbl[1] == "message") then local m = strsub(msg, strlen(tbl[1]) + 1); if (not m or strlen(m) < 1) then return; end local numFriends = GetNumFriends(); for i = 1, numFriends, 1 do local name, level, class, area, connected = GetFriendInfo(i); if (not connected) then break; end SendChatMessage(m, "WHISPER", this.language, name); end end end UltimateUI_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end -- UltimateUI /stop command functions. This command is obviously for macros. function UltimateUIStop_OnLoad() -- Sea.util.hook("MoveForwardStop","UltimateUIStop_AutoStop"); -- Sea.util.hook("MoveBackwardStop","UltimateUIStop_AutoStop"); -- Sea.util.hook("ToggleAutoRun","UltimateUIStop_AutoToggle"); end function UltimateUIStop_AutoStop() UltimateUIStopAuto = false; end function UltimateUIStop_AutoToggle() UltimateUIStopAuto = not UltimateUIStopAuto; end function UltimateUI_Stop() if(UltimateUIStopAuto) then UltimateUIStopAuto = false; ToggleAutoRun(); end MoveForwardStop(); MoveBackwardStop(); TurnLeftStop(); TurnRightStop(); end