--[[ CommonFunctions This file is for commonly used functions available to any UltimateUI Mod. Thanks to Chitinous, Skrag and Thott for most of these functions. :-) by Alexander Brazie ]]-- DEBUG_CHAT_FRAME = ChatFrame1; -- Output functions -- NOTE*** ChatTimeStamps is completely overloading this function when enabled function Print(msg, r, g, b, frame, id) if (not r) then r = 1.0; end if (not g) then g = 1.0; end if (not b) then b = 1.0; end if (not frame) then frame = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME; end if (frame) then if (not id) then frame:AddMessage(msg,r,g,b); else frame:AddMessage(msg,r,g,b,id); end end end -- Prints a table in an organized format function PrintTable(table, rowname, level) if ( rowname == nil ) then rowname = "ROOT"; end if ( level == nil ) then level = 1; end local msg = ""; for i=1,level, 1 do msg = msg .. " "; end if ( table == nil ) then Print (msg.."["..rowname.."] := nil "); return end if ( type(table) == "table" ) then Print (msg..rowname.." { "); for k,v in table do PrintTable(v,k,level+1); end Print(msg.."} "); elseif (type(table) == "function" ) then Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => {{FunctionPtr*}}"); elseif (type(table) == "userdata" ) then Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => {{UserData}}"); elseif (type(table) == "boolean" ) then local value = "true"; if ( not table ) then value = "false"; end Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => "..value); else Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => "..table); end end -- DebugPrint takes a message and a debug key. -- -- The default is "ULTIMATEUI_DEBUG", but you can set it to any -- value you like. The result is that if setglobal(debugkey,1); -- has been called, your debug message will be output. -- function DebugPrint(msg, debugkey) if ( not debugkey ) then debugkey = "ULTIMATEUI_DEBUG"; end if ( type(msg) == "string" ) then if ( getglobal(debugkey) == 1 ) then Print("DBG: "..msg, 1, 1, .5, DEBUG_CHAT_FRAME); end end end -- Prints an error message function ErrorPrint(msg) local info = ChatTypeInfo["YELL"]; UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(msg, info.r, info.g, info.b, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME); end -- Table functions function GetIndexInList(list,item) for k,v in list do if ( v == item ) then return k; end end return -1; end -- Function Hooking (From ThottbotUtil.lua) -- HookFunction("some_blizzard_function","my_function","before|after|hide") -- calls "my_function" before/after "some_blizzard_function". -- if type is "hide", calls "my_function" before all others, and only continues if it returns true -- This method is used so the hook can be later undone without screwing up someone else's later hook. HookFunction = function (...) -- Sea.io.error (this:GetName(), " is using HookFunction, which is outdated. Please upgrade to -- Sea.util.hook!" ); -- Sea.util.hook(unpack(arg)); end -- same format as HookFunction -- UnHookFunction = -- Sea.util.unhook; -- Tooltip Scanning and Changing Functions -- Clears a tooltip for usage. function ClearTooltip(TooltipNameBase) for i=1, 15, 1 do getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextLeft"..i):SetText(""); getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextRight"..i):SetText(""); end end -- -- Prints an items' text into the chat window. -- function PrintItemText( bag, slot, TooltipNameBase ) if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then TooltipNameBase = "UltimateUITooltip"; end local tooltip = getglobal (TooltipNameBase); --ClearToolTip(TooltipNameBase); tooltip:SetOwner( getglobal("UIParent"), "ANCHOR_CURSOR" ); -- Sea.wow.tooltip.protectTooltipMoney(); tooltip:SetBagItem( bag, slot ); -- Sea.wow.tooltip.unprotectTooltipMoney(); if( tooltip:IsVisible() ) then Print( "Visible tooltip" ); tooltip:Hide(); for i=1, tooltip:NumLines(), 1 do show = 0; str = "Left"..i..": "; str2 = getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextLeft"..i):GetText(); if( str2 ~= nil ) then show = 1; str = str..str2; end str = str.." Right"..i..": "; str2 = getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextRight"..i):GetText(); if( str2 ~= nil ) then show = 1; str = str..str2; end if( show == 1 ) then Print( str ); end end end end -- Gets all lines out of a tooltip. function ScanTooltip(TooltipNameBase) if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then TooltipNameBase = "UltimateUITooltip"; end local strings = {}; for idx = 1, 10 do local textLeft = nil; local textRight = nil; ttext = getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextLeft"..idx); if(ttext and ttext:IsVisible() and ttext:GetText() ~= nil) then textLeft = ttext:GetText(); end ttext = getglobal(TooltipNameBase.."TextRight"..idx); if(ttext and ttext:IsVisible() and ttext:GetText() ~= nil) then textRight = ttext:GetText(); end if (textLeft or textRight) then strings[idx] = {}; strings[idx].left = textLeft; strings[idx].right = textRight; end end return strings; end function GetItemName(bag, slot) local name = ""; local strings = nil; if ( bag > -1 ) then strings = GetItemInfoStrings(bag, slot, "UltimateUITooltip"); else -- Sea.wow.tooltip.protectTooltipMoney(); local hasItem, hasCooldown = UltimateUITooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", slot); -- Sea.wow.tooltip.unprotectTooltipMoney(); strings = ScanTooltip("UltimateUITooltip"); if ( not hasItem) then if ( strings[1] ) then strings[1].left = ""; end end end -- Determine if the item is an ore, gem or herb if ( strings[1] ) then name = strings[1].left; end return name; end --Sets the tooltip relative to the owner in a position --appropriate for where the owner is on the screen. --owner - optional, the owner object, defaults to this --tooltip, optional, the tooltip to set, defaults to GameTooltip --setX, optional, sets the x offset(flipped based on screen corner) --setY, optional, sets the y offset(flipped based on screen corner) function SmartSetOwner(owner, tooltip, setX, setY) if (not owner) then owner = this; end if (not tooltip) then tooltip = GameTooltip; end if (not setX) then setX = 0; end if (not setY) then setY = 0; end if (owner and (owner ~= UIParent)) then local x,y = owner:GetCenter(); local left = owner:GetLeft(); local right = owner:GetRight(); local top = owner:GetTop(); local bottom = owner:GetBottom(); local screenWidth = UIParent:GetWidth(); local screenHeight = UIParent:GetHeight(); local scale = owner:GetScale(); if (x~=nil and y~=nil and left~=nil and right~=nil and top~=nil and bottom~=nil and screenWidth>0 and screenHeight>0) then setX = setX * scale; setY = setY * scale; x = x * scale; y = y * scale; left = left * scale; right = right * scale; width = right - left; top = top * scale; bottom = bottom * scale; local anchorPoint = ""; if (y <= (screenHeight * (1/2))) then top = top + setY; anchorPoint = "TOP"; if (top < 0) then setY = setY - top; end else setY = -setY; bottom = bottom + setY; anchorPoint = "BOTTOM"; if (bottom > screenHeight) then setY = setY + (screenHeight - bottom); end end if (x <= (screenWidth * (1/2))) then left = left + setX; if (anchorPoint == "BOTTOM") then anchorPoint = anchorPoint.."RIGHT"; setX = setX - width; if (left < 0) then setX = setX - left; end else anchorPoint = anchorPoint.."LEFT"; if (left < 0) then setX = setX - left; end end else setX = -setX; right = right + setX; if (anchorPoint == "BOTTOM") then anchorPoint = anchorPoint.."LEFT"; setX = setX + width; if (right > screenWidth) then setX = setX - (right - screenWidth); end else anchorPoint = anchorPoint.."RIGHT"; if (right > screenWidth) then setX = setX + (screenWidth - right); end end end if (anchorPoint == "") then anchorPoint = "TOPLEFT"; end scale = tooltip:GetScale(); if (scale) then setX = setX / scale; setY = setY / scale; end tooltip:SetOwner(owner, "ANCHOR_"..anchorPoint, setX, setY); end elseif (owner == UIParent) then local x,y = GetCursorPosition(); local width = tooltip:GetWidth(); local height = tooltip:GetHeifht(); local screenWidth = UIParent:GetWidth(); local screenHeight = UIParent:GetHeight(); local scale = owner:GetScale(); if (x~=nil and y~=nil and width and height and screenWidth>0 and screenHeight>0) then setX = setX * scale; setY = setY * scale; x = x * scale; y = y * scale; width = width * scale; height = height * scale; local anchorPoint = ""; if (y <= (screenHeight * (1/2))) then local top = (y + height) + setY; if (top < 0) then setY = setY - top; end else setY = -setY; local bottom = (y - height) + setY; setY = setY - height; if (bottom > screenHeight) then setY = setY + (screenHeight - bottom); end end if (x <= (screenWidth * (1/2))) then local left = x + setX; setX = setX + (width / 2); if (left < 0) then setX = setX - left; end else setX = -setX; local right = x + setX; setX = setX - (width / 2); if (right > screenWidth) then setX = setX - (right - screenWidth); end end scale = tooltip:GetScale(); if (scale) then setX = setX / scale; setY = setY / scale; end tooltip:SetOwner(owner, "ANCHOR_CURSOR", setX, setY); end else tooltip:SetOwner(owner, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT"); end end -- Obtains all information about a bag/slot and returns it as an array function GetItemInfoStrings(bag,slot, TooltipNameBase) if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then TooltipNameBase = "UltimateUITooltip"; end ClearTooltip(TooltipNameBase); local tooltip = getglobal(TooltipNameBase); -- Open tooltip & read contents -- Sea.wow.tooltip.protectTooltipMoney(); tooltip:SetBagItem( bag, slot ); -- Sea.wow.tooltip.protectTooltipMoney(); local strings = ScanTooltip(TooltipNameBase); -- Done our duty, send report return strings; end -- Item Classification -- Thanks to Zatharas, Narands, Xdra, Mirodin and Reima for this list HerbList = { "Peacebloom", "Silverleaf", "Snakeroot", "Magebloom", "Bruiseweed", "Swiftthistle", "Fadeleaf", "Briarthorn", "Kingsblood", "Wild Steelbloom", "Grave Moss", "Liferoot", "Firebloom", "Goldthorn", "Stranglekelp", "Khadgar's Whiskers" }; -- Baccarus for Truesilver OreList = { "Copper Ore", "Tin Ore", "Silver Ore", "Mithril Ore", "Iron Ore", "Gold Ore", "Truesilver Ore", "Thorium Ore" }; -- Melwein for Malachite GemList = { "Malachite", "Pearl", "Moss Agate", "Tigerseye", "Citrine", "Jade", "Shadowgem", "Aquamarine", "Blue Pearl", "Star Ruby" }; -- Potion List ugh... -- Thanks to Zatharas for linking holy spring water PotionList = { "Potion", "Elixir", "Oil", "Holy Spring Water" }; -- Tailoring List... ugh... -- Thanks to Able for Silk (Spider etc) TailorList = { "Bolt", "Cloth", "Thread", "Dye", "Silk", "Bleach", "Magewave", "Runecloth", "Felcloth" } -- Leathercrafting ... ugh... LeatherList = { "Leather", "Hide", "Scales" }; -- Fishing FishingList = { "Bauble", "Nightcrawler", "Fishing Pole", "Fish Attractor" }; -- Warlock Items WarlockList = { "Soul Shard", "Healthstone", "Manastone", "Soulstone" }; -- Shaman Items ShamanList = { "Earth Totem", "Fire Totem", "Water Totem", "Air Totem", "Sapta" }; -- And the worst ones: (Prepare for bad humor) -- HP restoring items FoodList = { "Bread", -- Boring but important first "Cornbread", "Haunch", "Mutton Chop", "Hog Shank", "Tough Jerky", "Stormwind Brie", -- What is Brie anyways? "Aged Cheddar", "Alterac Swiss", "Apple", "Watermelon", "Banana", "Ham Steak", -- I Love Ham Steak! "Dalaran Sharp", -- Ouch "Bleu", -- Ewwww Bleu cheese "Dwarven Mild", -- About time them dorfs got it right "Wolf Meat", -- Hawooooo "Roasted Boar Meat", "Mackerel", "Smallfish", "Kaldorei Caviar", "Scorpid Surprise", "Beer Basted", "Smoked Bear Meat", "Roasted Kodo Meat", "Mud Snapper", "Rainbow Fin Albacore", "Halibut", "Strider Stew", "Fillet of Frenzy", "Boiled Clams", "Goretusk Liver Pie", "Loch Frenzy Delights", "Coyote Steak", "Blood Sausage", "Westfall Stew", "Crab Cake", "Crispy Lizard", "Pork Ribs", "Croclist Steak", "Savory Deviate", "Scorpid Surprise", "Cooked Crab Claw", "Dig Rat Stew", "Murloc Fin Soup", "Clam Chowder", "Seasoned Wolf", "Spider Cake", "Bear Steak", "Venison", "Pork Ribs", "Gumbo", "Lion Chops", "Goblin Deviled", "Omelet", "Tasty Lion Steak", "Barbecued Buzzard", "Giant Clam Scorcho", "Soothing Turtle", "Rockscale Cod", "Cave Mold", "eckled Mushroom", "Mushroom Cap", "Bolete", "Morel", "Truffle", "Strider Stew", "Mystery Stew", "Roast Raptor", "Carrion Surprise", "Dragonbreath Chi", "Spiced Chi", "Monster Om", "Spiced Wolf", "Goldthorn Tea", "Squid", "Pumpkin", "Ice Cream" -- Tigule's specialty }; -- Mana restoring items DrinkList = { "Cherry Grog", -- The ONE AND ONLY BABY! "Moonberry Juice", "Cold Milk", "Melon Juice", "Sweet Nectar", "Spring Water", "Glory Dew" }; -- Checks if any item from a list is in a specified word function IsListItemInWord(list, word) for k,v in list do if ( string.find(word,v) ~= nil ) then return true; end end return false; end -- This function obtains all the information you could ever want about an item... -- ... if its available. -- -- classification, name, quality, itemCount, leftString, rightString, minLevel, unique, soulbound, bindsOnPickup, bindsOnEquip, questItem; function ClassifyItem(bag, slot, TooltipNameBase) if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then TooltipNameBase = "UltimateUITooltip"; end local strings = GetItemInfoStrings(bag, slot, TooltipNameBase); local classification = "Misc"; local leftString, rightString, minLevel; local unique = false; local soulbound = false; local bindsOnPickup = false; local bindsOnEquip = false; local questItem = false; local isHerb = false; local isGem = false; local isOre = false; local isLeather = false; local isTailor = false; local isFishing = false; local isFood = false; local isDrink = false; local isShaman = false; local isWarlock = false; local isJunk = false; local engineering = false; local firstaid = false; local classitem = false; local class = ""; local texture, itemCount, locked, quality = GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot); local name = ""; -- Look for the target line that identifies an item; it'll either be line 2, 3, or 4. -- Determine if the item is an ore, gem or herb if ( strings[1] ) then name = strings[1].left; end isHerb = IsListItemInWord(HerbList, name); isGem = IsListItemInWord(GemList, name); isOre = IsListItemInWord(OreList, name); isLeather = IsListItemInWord(LeatherList, name); isFishing = IsListItemInWord(FishingList, name); isTailor = IsListItemInWord(TailorList, name); isPotion = IsListItemInWord(PotionList, name); isFood = IsListItemInWord(FoodList, name); isDrink = IsListItemInWord(DrinkList, name); isShaman = IsListItemInWord(ShamanList, name); isWarlock = IsListItemInWord(WarlockList, name); if ( ( quality ) and ( quality < 0 ) ) then isJunk = true; end for i = 2, 5, 1 do if (not strings[i]) then break; end if (strings[i].left == ITEM_UNIQUE or strings[i].left == ITEM_UNIQUE_MULTIPLE ) then unique = true; end if (strings[i].left == ITEM_SOULBOUND ) then soulbound = true; end if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP ) then bindsOnPickup = true; end if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP ) then bindsOnEquip = true; end if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_QUEST ) then questItem = true; end if (string.find(strings[i].left,"First Aid", 0, true ) ) then firstaid = true; end if (string.find(strings[i].left,"Engineering", 0, true ) ) then engineering = true; end if (string.find(strings[i].left,"Classes:", 0, true ) ) then classitem = true; class = string.sub(strings[i].left, string.find(strings[i].left,":", 0, true )+2); end if (strings[i].left and strings[i].left ~= ITEM_UNIQUE and strings[i].left ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND and strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP and strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP and strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_QUEST) then leftString = strings[i].left; rightString = strings[i].right; break; end end -- Find last line local lastLine; for i = 1, 10, 1 do if (strings[i] and strings[i].left) then lastLine = strings[i].left; else break; end end -- look at last line to see if it's a level requirement local minLevel = 0; if (lastLine) then local index, length, levelString = string.find(lastLine, "^Requires Level (%d+)$"); if (index) then minLevel = MakeIntFromString(levelString); end end -- classify item based on found strings if (leftString) then if (leftString == "Main Hand" or leftString == "Two-Hand" or leftString == "One-Hand") then classification = "Weapon"; elseif (leftString == "Head" or leftString == "Hand" or leftString == "Waist" or leftString == "Shoulders" or leftString == "Legs" or leftString == "Back" or leftString == "Feet" or leftString == "Chest" or leftString == "Wrist") then classification = "Armor"; elseif (leftString == "Off Hand") then classification = "Shield"; elseif (leftString == "Wand" or leftString == "Ranged" or leftString == "Gun" ) then classification = "Ranged"; elseif (leftString == "Projectile") then classification = "Ammo"; elseif (leftString == "Shirt" or leftString == "Tabard" or leftString == "Finger" or leftString == "Neck" or leftString == "Trinket" or leftString == "Held In Hand") then classification = "Clothing"; end end if ( classification == "Misc" ) then if ( isGem ) then classification = "Gem"; end if ( isOre ) then classification = "Ore"; end if ( isHerb ) then classification = "Herb"; end if ( engineering ) then classification = "Engineering"; end if ( firstaid ) then classification = "First Aid"; end if ( isLeather ) then classification = "Leather"; end if ( isTailor ) then classification = "Thread"; end if ( isPotion ) then classification = "Potion"; end if ( isFishing ) then classification = "Fishing"; end if ( isFood ) then classification = "Food"; end if ( isDrink ) then classification = "Drink"; end if ( isShaman ) then classification = "Shaman"; end if ( isWarlock ) then classification = "Warlock"; end if ( classitem ) then classification = class; end if ( questItem ) then classification = "QuestItem"; end if ( isJunk ) then classification = "Junk"; end end return classification, name, quality, itemCount, leftString, rightString, minLevel, unique, soulbound, bindsOnPickup, bindsOnEquip, questItem; end -- String Functions function MakeIntFromString(str) DebugPrint("MakeIntFromString("..str..")", 4); local remain = str; local amount = 0; while (remain ~= "") do amount = amount * 10; amount = amount + (string.byte(strsub(remain, 1, 1)) - string.byte("0")); remain = strsub(remain, 2); end DebugPrint("MakeIntFromStr("..str..") = "..amount, 4); return amount; end function MakeIntFromHexString(str) DebugPrint("MakeIntFromHexString("..str..")", 4); local remain = str; local amount = 0; while (remain ~= "") do amount = amount * 16; local byteVal = string.byte(strupper(strsub(remain, 1, 1))); if (byteVal >= string.byte("0") and byteVal <= string.byte("9")) then amount = amount + (byteVal - string.byte("0")); elseif (byteVal >= string.byte("A") and byteVal <= string.byte("F")) then amount = amount + 10 + (byteVal - string.byte("A")); end remain = strsub(remain, 2); end DebugPrint("MakeIntFromHexStr("..str..") = "..amount, 4); return amount; end function MakeHexStringFromInt(intval, minlength) return string.format("%"..minlength.."x", intval ); end function EscapeString(plainString, disallowedChars) -- yay URL-encoding local str = ""; local remain = plainString; disallowedChars = disallowedChars.."%"; while (remain ~= "") do local char = strsub(remain, 1, 1); if (string.find(disallowedChars, char, 1, true)) then str = str.."%"; local hexRepresentation = string.format("%02x", string.byte(char)); str = str..hexRepresentation; else str = str..char; end remain = strsub(remain, 2); end return str; end function UnescapeString(escapedString) local str = ""; local remain = escapedString; while (remain ~= "") do local char = strsub(remain, 1, 1); if (char == "%") then str = str..string.char(MakeIntFromHexString(strsub(remain, 2, 3))); remain = strsub(remain, 4); else str = str..char; remain = strsub(remain, 2); end end return str; end -- Converts numeric time into readable time. function GetTimeString(time) if (time < 0) then time = 0; end local seconds = mod(floor(time), 60); if (seconds < 10) then seconds = "0"..seconds; end local minutes = mod(floor(time/60), 60); local hours = floor(time/(60*60)); local timeString; if (hours > 0) then if (minutes < 10) then minutes = "0"..minutes; end timeString = hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds; else timeString = minutes..":"..seconds; end return timeString; end function GetRGBAFromHexColor(hexColor) local alpha = MakeIntFromHexString(strsub(hexColor, 1, 2)) / 256; local red = MakeIntFromHexString(strsub(hexColor, 3, 4)) / 256; local green = MakeIntFromHexString(strsub(hexColor, 5, 6)) / 256; local blue = MakeIntFromHexString(strsub(hexColor, 7, 8)) / 256; return red, green, blue; end -- Mathematical Functions (yuck!) function CheckBits(field, bits) local result = true; while (bits > 0) do if (mod(bits, 2) > 0) then if (mod(field, 2) == 0) then result = false; break; end end field = floor(field / 2); bits = floor(bits / 2); end return result; end function SetBit(field, bit) local source = 2^31; -- 1 in highest-order bit local shiftCount = 1; local result = 0; while (bit > 0) do result = floor(result / 2); -- if we're about to shift off a 1, put a 1 on the destination. if ((mod(bits, 2) == 1) or (mod(field, 2) == 1)) then result = result + source; end field = floor(field / 2); bits = floor(bits / 2); shiftCount = shiftCount + 1; end for i = shiftCount, 32, 1 do result = floor(result / 2); -- if we're about to shift off a 1, put a 1 on the destination. if (mod(bits, 2) == 1) then result = result + source; end field = floor(field / 2); end return result; end function ClearBit(field, bit) local source = 2^31; -- 1 in highest-order bit local shiftCount = 1; local result = 0; while (bit > 0) do result = floor(result / 2); -- if we're about to shift off a 1, put a 1 on the destination. AS LONG AS this is not the bit to clear if ((mod(field, 2) == 1) and not (mod(bit, 2) == 1)) then result = result + source; end field = floor(field / 2); bits = floor(bits / 2); shiftCount = shiftCount + 1; end for i = shiftCount, 32, 1 do result = floor(result / 2); -- if we're about to shift off a 1, put a 1 on the destination. if (mod(bits, 2) == 1) then result = result + source; end field = floor(field / 2); end return result; end function UnitFaction(who) local faction; local race = UnitRace(who); local HordeRaces = {"Orc", "Tauren", "Troll", "Undead" }; for index, hordeRace in HordeRaces do if (race == hordeRace) then return 1; -- Horde end end return 0; -- Alliance end function BaseConversion(input, inputBase, outputBase) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Function made by KaTTaNa ! -- -- -------------------------- -- -- http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=JASS&ID=37&sid= -- -- -------------------------- -- -- Converted in LUA by vjeux -- -- -- -- Usage : BaseConversion(255, 10, 16) -- -- => Return "ff" -- -- -- -- Usage : BaseConversion("ff", 16, 10) -- -- => Return "10" -- ----------------------------------------------------------- local charMap = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]"; local s; local result = ""; local val = 0; local i; local p = 0; local pow = 1; local sign = ""; if ( inputBase < 2 or inputBase > strlen(charMap) or outputBase < 2 or outputBase > strlen(charMap) ) then -- Bases are invalid or out of bounds return "Invalid bases given"; end if ( strsub(input, 1, 1) == "-" ) then sign = "-"; input = strsub(input, 1, strlen(input)); end i = strlen(input); -- Get the integer value of input while (i > 0) do s = strsub(input, i, i); p = 0; local bool = false; while (bool == false) do if ( p >= inputBase ) then -- Input cannot match base return "Input does not match base!\n P = "..p; end if ( s == strsub(charMap, p+1, p+1) ) then val = val + pow * p; pow = pow * inputBase; bool = true; end p = p + 1; end i = i - 1; end while (val > 0) do p = mod(val, outputBase); result = strsub(charMap, p+1, p+1)..result; val = val / outputBase; end for i = 1, strlen(result), 1 do if (strsub(result, 1, 1) == "0") then result = strsub(result, 2, strlen(result)); else return sign..result end end if (strlen(sign..result) == 0) then return "0"; else return sign..result.."-"..strlen(sign..result); end end -- Thott's personalized functions function dbanner(...) if ( (Thottbot) and (Thottbot.Debug) ) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(join(arg,""), 0.9, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME); dprint(join(arg,"")); end end function banner(...) UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(join(arg,""), 0.9, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME); end function dbyte(c) return string.format("<%02X>",string.byte(c)); end --function dprint_runqueue() -- if(dprint_nextmsg) then -- print2(dprint_nextmsg); -- dprint_nextmsg = nil; -- end -- if(dprint_queue and dprint_queue[1]) then -- local msg = table.remove(dprint_queue,1); -- dprint_nextmsg = msg; -- msg = string.gsub(msg,"([^%w%s])",dbyte) -- print2("Next: ",msg); -- UltimateUI_Schedule(0.01,dprint_runqueue); -- dprint_queue_scheduled = true; -- else -- dprint_queue_scheduled = false; -- end --end function dprint(...) if ( ( Thottbot ) and (Thottbot.Debug) ) then local msg = join(arg,""); msg = string.gsub(msg,"|",""); msg = string.gsub(msg,"([^%w%s%a%p])",dbyte); if(Thottbot.DebugFrame) then printframe(Thottbot.DebugFrame,msg); else print2(msg); end -- if(not dprint_queue) then -- dprint_queue = {}; -- end -- table.insert(dprint_queue,join(arg,"")); -- if(not dprint_queue_scheduled) then -- dprint_queue_scheduled = true; -- UltimateUI_Schedule(0.01,dprint_runqueue); -- -- -- end end end -- Thottbot.PrintCount = Thottbot.PrintCount + 1; -- if(Thottbot.PrintCount < 60) then -- for key,value in arg do -- arg[key] = string.gsub(value,"[^%w%s%p]","."); -- end -- print2(Thottbot.PrintCount,":",join(arg,"")); function dprint1(...) if ( (Thottbot) and (Thottbot.Debug) ) then print1(join(arg,"")); end end function split(s,seperator) local t = {}; t.n = 0; for value in string.gfind(s,"[^"..seperator.."]+") do t.n = t.n + 1; t[t.n] = value; end return t; end function join(list,seperator) local i; local c = ""; local msg = ""; if(type(list) ~= "table") then dbanner("unknown type ",type(list)," table passed to join, seperator ",seperator); return; end if(not list.n) then dbanner("ERROR: no .n variable in list!"); return ""; end for i=1, list.n, 1 do if(list[i]) then if(type(list[i]) ~= "string" and type(list[i]) ~= "number") then dbanner("found ",type(list[i])," in list!"); msg = msg .. c .. "(" .. type(list[i]) .. ")"; else msg = msg .. c .. list[i]; end else msg = msg .. c .. "(nil)"; end c = seperator; end return msg; end function dprintlist(list) if ( (Thottbot) and (Thottbot.Debug) ) then if(list) then dprint(join(list,",")); else dprint("nil list"); end end end function dprintcomma(...) dprint(join(arg,",")); end function printframe(frame,...) if(frame) then frame:AddMessage(join(arg,""), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); end end function print2(...) if(ChatFrame2) then ChatFrame2:AddMessage(join(arg,""), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); end end function print1(...) if(ChatFrame1) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(join(arg,""), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); end end function push(t,v) if(not t or not t.n) then dbanner("Bad table passed to push"); return nil; end t.n = t.n+1; t[t.n] = v; end function pop(t) if(not t or not t.n) then dbanner("Bad table passed to push"); return nil; end local v = t[t.n]; t.n = t.n - 1; return v; end function push2(t,x,y) if(not t or not t.n) then dbanner("Bad table passed to push2"); return nil; end t.n = t.n+1; t[t.n] = x; t.n = t.n+1; t[t.n] = y; end function pop2(t) if(not t or not t.n) then --dbanner("Bad table passed to pop2"); return nil; end if(t.n < 2) then return nil; end local tt = {}; tt.n = 2; tt[1] = t[t.n-1]; tt[2] = t[t.n]; t.n = t.n - 2; return tt; end function fixnil(...) for i=1, arg.n, 1 do if(not arg[i]) then arg[i] = "(nil)"; end end return arg; end function fixnilempty(...) for i=1, arg.n, 1 do if(not arg[i]) then arg[i] = ""; end end return arg; end function fixnilzero(...) for i=1, arg.n, 1 do if(not arg[i]) then arg[i] = 0; end end return arg; end function HookHandler(name,arg) --dprint("HookHandler ",name); local called = false; local continue = true; local retval; for key,value in Hooks[name].hide do if(type(value) == "function") then --dprint("calling before ",name); if(not value(unpack(arg))) then continue = false; end called = true; end end if(not continue) then dprint("hide returned false, aborting call to ",name); return; end for key,value in Hooks[name].before do if(type(value) == "function") then --dprint("calling before ",name); value(unpack(arg)); called = true; end end --dprint("calling original ",name); retval = Hooks[name].orig(unpack(arg)); for key,value in Hooks[name].after do if(type(value) == "function") then --dprint("calling after ",name); value(unpack(arg)); called = true; end end if(not called) then dprint("no hooks left for ",name,", clearing"); setglobal(name,Hooks[name].orig); Hooks[name] = nil; end return retval; end -- Thanks to George Warner for suggesting this refactoring suggestion... as always, I modified it a bit :) /sarf -- Source : http://www.ultimateuiui.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=158 function UltimateUI_IsUltimateUIUser(name) if ( not name ) then return false; end if ( UltimateUIMaster_UltimateUIUsers ) then if ( UltimateUIMaster_UltimateUIUsers[name] ) then return true; end end return false; end -- helper function - returns value as a byte function UltimateUI_GetByteValue(pValue) local value = tonumber(pValue); if ( value <= 0 ) then return 0; end if ( value >= 255 ) then return 255; end return value; end -- Yet another function from George Warner, modified a bit to fit my own nefarious purposes. -- It can now accept r, g and b specifications, too (leaving out a), as well as handle 255 255 255 -- Source : http://www.ultimateuiui.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=159 function UltimateUI_GetColorFormatString(a, r, g, b) local percent = false; if ( ( ( not b ) or ( b <= 1 ) ) and ( a <= 1 ) and ( r <= 1 ) and ( g <= 1) ) then percent = true; end if ( ( not b ) and ( a ) and ( r ) and ( g ) ) then b = g; g = r; r = a; if ( percent ) then a = 1; else a = 255; end end if ( percent ) then a = a * 255; r = r * 255; g = g * 255; b = b * 255; end a = UltimateUI_GetByteValue(a); r = UltimateUI_GetByteValue(r); g = UltimateUI_GetByteValue(g); b = UltimateUI_GetByteValue(b); return format("|c%02X%02X%02X%02X%%s|r", a, r, g, b); end -- global localization string functions START function loc_format(...) ret = arg[1]; for i=2, arg.n, 1 do ret = string.gsub (ret, "<"..(i-1)..">", arg[i]); end return ret; end function loc_read(str, fmt, ord, n) local ret = {}; fmt1 = string.gsub (fmt, "%b<>", "(.+)"); for i=1, n, 1 do ret[ord[i]] = string.gsub(str, fmt1, "%"..i); end return unpack(ret); end -- global localization string functions END --Returns true if variable is not nill and a table function isTable(var) if (var and (type(var) == "table")) then return true; end return false; end function MakeHyperLink(type, name, color) local link = "["..name.."]"; if (color) then link = "|cFF"..color.."["..name.."]|r"; end return "|H"..type.."|h"..link.."|h"; end -- elite frame functions function UUISetElite() PlayerFrameTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-TargetingFrame-Elite"); end