--[[ The Original UltimateUI UI Configuration values This is the simplest example of how UltimateUIMaster can be used. Simply include this lua file in UltimateUIIncludes.xml file, then register it under the proper event handlers. Original code by Justin Crites (Xiphoris) Registration design by Alex Brazie (AlexanderYoshi) ]]-- -- allows you to scroll text in chat with the mouse wheel -- readded OnMouseWheel link in ChatFrame.xml, and made it optional. UltimateUI_UseMouseWheelToScrollChat = false; function UltimateUI_ChangeUseMouseWheelToScrollChat(value) if ( ( value == 1 ) or ( value == true ) ) then UltimateUI_UseMouseWheelToScrollChat = true; else UltimateUI_UseMouseWheelToScrollChat = false; end end UltimateUI_ShiftToSell = false; function UltimateUI_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick(button, ignoreShift) if ( button == "RightButton" ) then if ( UltimateUI_ShiftToSell == true ) then if ( MerchantFrame:IsVisible() ) then if ( IsShiftKeyDown() ) then UseContainerItem(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()); end else UseContainerItem(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()); end else UseContainerItem(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()); end else return true; end return false; end -- Sea.util.hook("ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick", "UltimateUI_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick", "hide"); -- Adds ALT Invites to WhoLinks function UltimateUI_SetItemRef (link) if ( strsub(link, 1, 6) == "Player" ) then local name = strsub(link, 8); if ( name and (strlen(name) > 0) ) then if ( IsAltKeyDown() ) then InviteByName(name); return false; else end end end return true; end -- Sea.util.hook("SetItemRef", "UltimateUI_SetItemRef", "hide"); --[[ function UltimateUI_SetPaperDollScale(scale,toggle) if ( scale == 0 or toggle==0 ) then scale=1; end PaperDollFrame:SetScale(scale); end ]]-- function UltimateUI_TurnOnFPSMove(toggle) -- Move the FPS if (toggle == 1) then FramerateLabel:ClearAllPoints(); FramerateLabel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0); else FramerateLabel:ClearAllPoints(); FramerateLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "WorldFrame", "BOTTOM", 0, 64); end end -- Begin Keypad stuff UltimateUI_UseAbbreviatedShortcutNames = 0; function UltimateUI_UpdateAllButtonHotKeys() if ( SideBarButton_UpdateAllHotkeys ) then SideBarButton_UpdateAllHotkeys(); end if ( PopBar_Update ) then PopBar_Update(true); end if ( SecondActionButton_UpdateAllHotkeys ) then SecondActionButton_UpdateAllHotkeys(); end local button = nil; local actionButtonFormatStr = "ActionButton%d"; local bonusActionButtonFormatStr = "BonusActionButton%d"; for i = 1, 12 do button = getglobal(format(actionButtonFormatStr, i)); if ( button ) then if ( SideBarButton_UpdateHotkeys ) then SideBarButton_UpdateHotkeys(nil, button); end end button = getglobal(format(bonusActionButtonFormatStr, i)); if ( button ) then if ( SideBarButton_UpdateHotkeys ) then SideBarButton_UpdateHotkeys(nil, button); end end end end function UltimateUI_SetUseAbbreviatedShortcutNames(toggle) if ( UltimateUI_UseAbbreviatedShortcutNames ~= toggle ) then UltimateUI_UseAbbreviatedShortcutNames = toggle; UltimateUI_UpdateAllButtonHotKeys(); end end UltimateUI_ShortcutAbbreviations = { ["Shift"] = "S", ["Alt"] = "A", ["Ctrl"] = "C", ["Control"] = "C", ["shift"] = "S", ["alt"] = "A", ["ctrl"] = "C", ["control"] = "C", ["SHIFT"] = "S", ["ALT"] = "A", ["CTRL"] = "C", ["CONTROL"] = "C" }; -- Begin Keypad stuff old_KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName = KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName; --[[ function KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(name, prefix) -- call the previous routine local text = old_KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(name, prefix); -- now rename the numeric keypad names -- Sea.io.print("MyKeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName: "..text.."."); if (text == "NUMPADEQUALS") then text = "KP ="; elseif(string.find(text,"Num Pad ")) then local startpos, endpos = string.find(text,"Num Pad "); if (startpos and (startpos > 1)) then text = string.sub(text, 1, startpos - 1).."KP "..string.sub(text, endpos + 1, strlen(text)); else text = "KP"..string.sub(text, 8); end end if ( UltimateUI_UseAbbreviatedShortcutNames == 1 ) then for str, repl in UltimateUI_ShortcutAbbreviations do text = string.gsub(text, str, repl); end end return text; end ]]-- -- End Keypad stuff function UltimateUI_ShiftSell(toggle) if ( toggle ~= 0 ) then UltimateUI_ShiftToSell = true; else UltimateUI_ShiftToSell = false; end end -- Quest Scroll speed function UltimateUI_SetQuestTextScrollSpeed(toggle, speed) if ( toggle ~= 0 ) then --setglobal('QUEST_FADING_ENABLE',true); setglobal('QUEST_DESCRIPTION_GRADIENT_CPS',speed); else --setglobal('QUEST_FADING_ENABLE',false); setglobal('QUEST_DESCRIPTION_GRADIENT_CPS',600000); end end function UltimateUI_ResetPartyFrames() local lastFrame = PartyMemberFrame1; lastFrame:ClearAllPoints(); lastFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", 10, -128); local newFrame = nil; for i = 2, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do newFrame = getglobal(string.format("PartyMemberFrame%d", i)); if ( newFrame ) then newFrame:ClearAllPoints(); newFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastFrame:GetName(), "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10); end lastFrame = newFrame; end end function UltimateUI_Registers() -- Register with the UltimateUIMaster UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_COS", "SECTION", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SEP), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SEP_INFO) ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_DEFAULTSEPARATOR", "SEPARATOR", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SEP), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SEP_INFO) ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_QUESTSCROLL", "BOTH", ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QUESTSCROLL, ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QUESTSCROLL_INFO, UltimateUI_SetQuestTextScrollSpeed, 0, 40, --Default Value 40, --Min value 400, --Max value ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QUESTSCROLL_CHARS, --Slider Text 20, --Slider Increment 1, --Slider state text on/off ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QUESTSCROLL_APPEND, --Slider state text append 1 --Slider state text multiplier ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_SHIFTSELL", "CHECKBOX", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_S2SELL), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_S2SELL_INFO), UltimateUI_ShiftSell, 0 ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_SCROLLCHATWITHMOUSEWHEEL", "CHECKBOX", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_MWHEELCHAT), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_MWHEELCHAT_INFO), UltimateUI_ChangeUseMouseWheelToScrollChat, 0 ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_FPSMOVE", "CHECKBOX", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_FPSMOVE), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_FPSMOVE_INFO), UltimateUI_TurnOnFPSMove, 0 ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_SHORTCUT_NAMES", "CHECKBOX", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SHORTCUT_NAMES), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_SHORTCUT_NAMES_INFO), UltimateUI_SetUseAbbreviatedShortcutNames, UltimateUI_UseAbbreviatedShortcutNames ); UltimateUI_RegisterConfiguration( "UUI_UUI_RESET_PARTY_FRAMES", "BUTTON", TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_RESET_PARTY_FRAMES), TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_RESET_PARTY_FRAMES_INFO), UltimateUI_ResetPartyFrames, 0, 0, 0, 0, TEXT(ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_RESET_PARTY_FRAMES_TEXT) ); --[[ -- UltimateUI Help Button UltimateUI_RegisterButton ( ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI_HELP, ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI_HELP_SUB, ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI_HELP_TIP, "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Book_08", function() LaunchURL("http://www.wowwiki.com/index.php/UltimateUI_Portal"); end ); ]]-- -- UltimateUI Configuration Button UltimateUI_RegisterButton ( ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI, ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI_SUB, ULTIMATEUI_BUTTON_ULTIMATEUI_TIP, "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Repair", function() if (UltimateUIMasterFrame:IsVisible()) then HideUIPanel(UltimateUIMasterFrame); else PlaySound("igMainMenuOption"); ShowUIPanel(UltimateUIMasterFrame); UltimateUIMasterFrame_Show(); end end ); end