name = plugin_lang_get('title'); $this->description = plugin_lang_get('description'); $this->page = 'config'; $this->version = '1.0'; $this->requires = array( 'MantisCore' => '1.3.0', ); $this->author = 'Robin van Nunen & Wizardry and Steamworks'; $this->contact = ' /'; $this->url = ''; } function install() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { plugin_error(ERROR_PHP_VERSION, ERROR); return false; } if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { plugin_error(ERROR_NO_CURL, ERROR); return false; } return true; } function config() { return array( 'url_webhooks' => array(), 'url_webhook' => '', 'skip_bulk' => true, 'link_names' => true, 'language' => 'english', 'usernames' => array(), 'hook_bug_report' => true, 'hook_bug_update' => true, 'hook_bug_deleted' => true, 'hook_bugnote_add' => true, 'hook_bugnote_edit' => true, 'hook_bugnote_deleted' => true, 'columns' => array( 'status', 'handler_id', 'priority', 'severity', 'description', ), ); } function hooks() { return array( 'EVENT_REPORT_BUG' => 'bug_report', 'EVENT_UPDATE_BUG' => 'bug_update', 'EVENT_BUG_DELETED' => 'bug_deleted', 'EVENT_BUG_ACTION' => 'bug_action', 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_ADD' => 'bugnote_add_edit', 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_EDIT' => 'bugnote_add_edit', 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_DELETED' => 'bugnote_deleted', 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_ADD_FORM' => 'bugnote_add_form', ); } function bugnote_add_form($event, $bug_id) { if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] !== '/bug_update_page.php') { return; } echo ''; echo '' . plugin_lang_get('skip') . ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } function bug_report_update($event, $bug, $bug_id) { lang_push(plugin_config_get('language')); $this->skip = $this->skip || gpc_get_bool('slack_skip') || $bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE; $project = project_get_name($bug->project_id); $url = string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($bug_id); $summary = $this->format_summary($bug); $reporter = $this->get_user_name(auth_get_current_user_id()); $handler = $this->format_value($bug, 'handler_id'); // TODO: The page anchors do not work. $msg = sprintf( plugin_lang_get($event === 'EVENT_REPORT_BUG' ? 'bug_created' : 'bug_updated'), $project, $reporter, $url, $summary, $handler ); $attachments = array('color' => hexdec('ef2929')); $t_columns = (array) plugin_config_get('columns'); foreach ($t_columns as $t_column) { $title = column_get_title($t_column); $value = $this->format_value($bug, $t_column); if ($title && $value) { $attachments['fallback'] .= $title . ': ' . $value . "\n"; $attachments['fields'][] = array( 'name' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'inline' => !column_is_extended($t_column), ); } } $this->notify($msg, $this->get_webhook($project), $attachments); lang_pop(); } function bug_report($event, $bug, $bug_id) { if (plugin_config_get('hook_bug_report', false)) { $this->bug_report_update($event, $bug, $bug_id); } } function bug_update($event, $bug_existing, $bug_updated) { if (plugin_config_get('hook_bug_update', false)) { $this->bug_report_update($event, $bug_updated, $bug_updated->id); } } function bug_action($event, $action, $bug_id) { $this->skip = $this->skip || gpc_get_bool('slack_skip') || plugin_config_get('skip_bulk'); if ($action !== 'DELETE') { $bug = bug_get($bug_id); $this->bug_update('EVENT_UPDATE_BUG', null, $bug); } } function bug_deleted($event, $bug_id) { if (!plugin_config_get('hook_bug_deleted', false)) { return; } lang_push(plugin_config_get('language')); $bug = bug_get($bug_id); $this->skip = $this->skip || gpc_get_bool('slack_skip') || $bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE; $project = project_get_name($bug->project_id); $reporter = $this->get_user_name(auth_get_current_user_id()); $summary = $this->format_summary($bug); // TODO: The page anchors do not work. $msg = sprintf(plugin_lang_get('bug_deleted'), $project, $reporter, $summary); $attachments = array('color' => hexdec('ef2929')); $attachments['title'] = $msg; $this->notify(null, $this->get_webhook($project), $attachments); lang_pop(); } function bugnote_add_edit($event, $bug_id, $bugnote_id) { $type = ($event === 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_ADD') ? 'add' : 'edit'; if (!plugin_config_get('hook_bugnote_' . $type, false)) { return; } lang_push(plugin_config_get('language')); $bug = bug_get($bug_id); $bugnote = bugnote_get($bugnote_id); $this->skip = $this->skip || gpc_get_bool('slack_skip') || $bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE || $bugnote->view_state == VS_PRIVATE; $url = string_get_bugnote_view_url_with_fqdn($bug_id, $bugnote_id); $project = project_get_name($bug->project_id); $summary = $this->format_summary($bug); $reporter = $this->get_user_name(auth_get_current_user_id()); $note = bugnote_get_text($bugnote_id); // TODO: The page anchors do not work. $msg = sprintf( plugin_lang_get($event === 'EVENT_BUGNOTE_ADD' ? 'bugnote_created' : 'bugnote_updated'), $project, $reporter, $url, $summary ); $attachments = array('color' => hexdec("3366ff")); $attachments['title'] = $msg . ' : ' . $this->bbcode_to_discord($note); $this->notify(null, $this->get_webhook($project), $attachments); lang_pop(); } function bugnote_deleted($event, $bug_id, $bugnote_id) { if (!plugin_config_get('hook_bugnote_deleted', false)) { return; } lang_push(plugin_config_get('language')); $bug = bug_get($bug_id); $bugnote = bugnote_get($bugnote_id); $this->skip = $this->skip || gpc_get_bool('slack_skip') || $bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE || $bugnote->view_state == VS_PRIVATE; $project = project_get_name($bug->project_id); $url = string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($bug_id); $summary = $this->format_summary($bug); $reporter = $this->get_user_name(auth_get_current_user_id()); // TODO: The page anchors do not work. $msg = sprintf(plugin_lang_get('bugnote_deleted'), $project, $reporter, $url, $summary); $attachments = array('color' => hexdec("3366ff")); $attachments['title'] = $msg; $this->notify(null, $this->get_webhook($project), $attachments); lang_pop(); } function format_summary($bug) { $summary = bug_format_id($bug->id) . ': ' . string_display_line_links($bug->summary); return strip_tags(html_entity_decode($summary)); } function format_text($bug, $text) { $t = string_display_line_links($this->bbcode_to_discord($text)); return strip_tags(html_entity_decode($t)); } function format_value($bug, $field_name) { $self = $this; $values = array( 'id' => function ($bug) { return sprintf('<%s|%s>', string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($bug->id), $bug->id); }, 'project_id' => function ($bug) { return project_get_name($bug->project_id); }, 'reporter_id' => function ($bug) { return $this->get_user_name($bug->reporter_id, true); }, 'handler_id' => function ($bug) { return empty($bug->handler_id) ? plugin_lang_get('no_user') : $this->get_user_name($bug->handler_id, true); }, 'duplicate_id' => function ($bug) { return sprintf('<%s|%s>', string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($bug->duplicate_id), $bug->duplicate_id); }, 'priority' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('priority', $bug->priority); }, 'severity' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('severity', $bug->severity); }, 'reproducibility' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('reproducibility', $bug->reproducibility); }, 'status' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('status', $bug->status); }, 'resolution' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('resolution', $bug->resolution); }, 'projection' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('projection', $bug->projection); }, 'category_id' => function ($bug) { return category_full_name($bug->category_id, false); }, 'eta' => function ($bug) { return get_enum_element('eta', $bug->eta); }, 'view_state' => function ($bug) { return $bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE ? lang_get('private') : lang_get('public'); }, 'sponsorship_total' => function ($bug) { return sponsorship_format_amount($bug->sponsorship_total); }, 'os' => function ($bug) { return $bug->os; }, 'os_build' => function ($bug) { return $bug->os_build; }, 'platform' => function ($bug) { return $bug->platform; }, 'version' => function ($bug) { return $bug->version; }, 'fixed_in_version' => function ($bug) { return $bug->fixed_in_version; }, 'target_version' => function ($bug) { return $bug->target_version; }, 'build' => function ($bug) { return $bug->build; }, 'summary' => function ($bug) use ($self) { return $self->format_summary($bug); }, 'last_updated' => function ($bug) { return date(config_get('short_date_format'), $bug->last_updated); }, 'date_submitted' => function ($bug) { return date(config_get('short_date_format'), $bug->date_submitted); }, 'due_date' => function ($bug) { return date(config_get('short_date_format'), $bug->due_date); }, 'description' => function ($bug) use ($self) { return $self->format_text($bug, $bug->description); }, 'steps_to_reproduce' => function ($bug) use ($self) { return $self->format_text($bug, $bug->steps_to_reproduce); }, 'additional_information' => function ($bug) use ($self) { return $self->format_text($bug, $bug->additional_information); }, ); // Discover custom fields. $t_related_custom_field_ids = custom_field_get_linked_ids($bug->project_id); foreach ($t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id) { $t_def = custom_field_get_definition($t_id); $values['custom_' . $t_def['name']] = function ($bug) use ($t_id) { return custom_field_get_value($t_id, $bug->id); }; } if (isset($values[$field_name])) { $func = $values[$field_name]; return $func($bug); } else { return false; } } function get_webhook($project) { $webhooks = plugin_config_get('url_webhooks'); return array_key_exists($project, $webhooks) ? $webhooks[$project] : plugin_config_get('url_webhook'); } function notify($msg, $webhook, $attachments) { if ($this->skip) { return; } if (empty($webhook)) { return; } $payload['content'] = $msg; if ($attachments != null) { $payload['embeds'] = array($attachments); } $ch = curl_init($webhook); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($payload)); $result = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) !== 204 && $result !== 'ok') { trigger_error(curl_errno($ch) . ': ' . curl_error($ch) . ": ", E_USER_WARNING); echo '
' . json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
'; echo '
' . $result . '
'; plugin_error('ERROR_CURL', E_USER_ERROR); } curl_close($ch); } function bbcode_to_discord($bbtext) { $bbextended = array( "/\[code(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is" => "`$2`", "/\[list(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/list\]/is" => "$2", "/\[color(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/is" => "$2", "/\[size=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/size\]/is" => "$2", "/\[highlight(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/highlight\]/is" => "$2", "/\[url](.*?)\[\/url]/i" => "$1", "/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i" => "$1", "/\[email=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/email\]/i" => "$1", "/\[img\]([^[]*)\[\/img\]/i" => "$1", ); foreach ($bbextended as $match => $replacement) { $bbtext = preg_replace($match, $replacement, $bbtext); } $bbtags = array( '[b]' => '*', '[/b]' => '** ', '[i]' => '*', '[/i]' => '* ', '[u]' => '__', '[/u]' => '__ ', '[s]' => '~~', '[/s]' => '~~ ', '[sup]' => '', '[/sup]' => '', '[sub]' => '', '[/sub]' => '', '[list]' => '', '[/list]' => "\n", '[*]' => 'ā€¢ ', '[hr]' => "\nā€”ā€”ā€”\n", '[left]' => '', '[/left]' => '', '[right]' => '', '[/right]' => '', '[center]' => '', '[/center]' => '', '[justify]' => '', '[/justify]' => '', ); $bbtext = str_ireplace(array_keys($bbtags), array_values($bbtags), $bbtext); $bbtext = preg_replace_callback( "/\[quote(=)?(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is", function ($matches) { if (!empty($matches[2])) { $result = "\n> _*" . $matches[2] . "* wrote:_\n> \n"; } $lines = explode("\n", $matches[3]); foreach ($lines as $line) { $result .= "> " . $line . "\n"; } return $result; }, $bbtext ); return $bbtext; } function get_user_name($user_id, $discord = false) { $user = user_get_row($user_id); $username = $user['username']; if (!$discord || !plugin_config_get('link_names')) { return $username; } $usernames = plugin_config_get('usernames'); if (array_key_exists($username, $usernames)) { return '<@' . $usernames[$username] . '>'; } return $username; } }