using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Windows.Forms; using DocToolkit; namespace CraftSynth.ImageEditor { /// /// Working area. /// Handles mouse input and draws graphics objects. /// internal partial class DrawArea : UserControl, IDisposable { #region Constructor, Dispose public DrawArea() { // create list of Layers, with one default active visible layer _layers = new Layers(); _layers.CreateNewLayer("Default"); _panning = false; _panX = 0; _panY = 0; this.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.DrawArea_MouseWheel); // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); //DrawImage o = new DrawImage(0, 0); //DrawTools.ToolObject.AddNewObject(this, new DrawImage(0, 0)); } // Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers. public new void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } // Flag: Has Dispose already been called? bool _disposed = false; // Protected implementation of Dispose pattern. protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this._disposed) { if (disposing) { // Free any managed objects here. // if (this._currentBrush != null) { this._currentBrush.Dispose(); } if (this.CurrentPen != null) { this._currentPen.Dispose(); } if (this._layers != null) { this._layers.Dispose(); } if ( != null) { foreach (Tool tool in tools) { if (tool != null) { tool.Dispose(); } } } if (this.undoManager != null) { this.undoManager.Dispose(); } if (components != null) { components.Dispose(); } // Free any unmanaged objects here. } this._disposed = true; } base.Dispose(disposing); } ~DrawArea() { this.Dispose(false); } #endregion Constructor, Dispose #region Enumerations public enum DrawToolType { Pointer, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, PolyLine, Polygon, Text, Image, Connector, NumberOfDrawTools } ; #endregion Enumerations #region Members private float _zoom = 1.0f; private float _rotation = 0f; private int _panX = 0; private int _panY; private int _originalPanY; private bool _panning = false; private Point lastPoint; private Color _lineColor = Color.Red; private Color _fillColor = Color.White; private bool _drawFilled = false; private int _lineWidth = 5; private LineCap _endCap = LineCap.Round; private Pen _currentPen; private DrawingPens.PenType _penType; private Brush _currentBrush; private FillBrushes.BrushType _brushType; // Define the Layers collection private Layers _layers; private DrawToolType activeTool; // active drawing tool private Tool[] tools; // array of tools // Information about owner form private MainForm owner; private DocManager docManager; // group selection rectangle private Rectangle netRectangle; private bool drawNetRectangle = false; private MainForm myparent; public MainForm MyParent { get { return myparent; } set { myparent = value; } } private UndoManager undoManager; #endregion Members #region Properties /// /// Allow tools and objects to see the type of brush set /// public FillBrushes.BrushType BrushType { get { return _brushType; } set { _brushType = value; } } public Brush CurrentBrush { get { return _currentBrush; } set { _currentBrush = value; } } /// /// Allow tools and objects to see the type of pen set /// public DrawingPens.PenType PenType { get { return _penType; } set { _penType = value; } } /// /// Arrow or Rounded. /// public LineCap EndCap { get { return _endCap; } set { _endCap = value; } } /// /// Current Drawing Pen /// public Pen CurrentPen { get { return _currentPen; } set { _currentPen = value; } } /// /// Current Line Width /// public int LineWidth { get { return _lineWidth; } set { _lineWidth = value; } } /// /// Flag determines if objects will be drawn filled or not /// public bool DrawFilled { get { return _drawFilled; } set { _drawFilled = value; } } /// /// Color to draw filled objects with /// public Color FillColor { get { return _fillColor; } set { _fillColor = value; } } /// /// Color for drawing lines /// public Color LineColor { get { return _lineColor; } set { _lineColor = value; } } /// /// Original Y position - used when panning /// public int OriginalPanY { get { return _originalPanY; } set { _originalPanY = value; } } /// /// Flag is true if panning active /// public bool Panning { get { return _panning; } set { _panning = value; } } /// /// Current pan offset along X-axis /// public int PanX { get { return _panX; } set { _panX = value; } } /// /// Current pan offset along Y-axis /// public int PanY { get { return _panY; } set { _panY = value; } } /// /// Degrees of rotation of the drawing /// public float Rotation { get { return _rotation; } set { _rotation = value; } } /// /// Current Zoom factor /// public float Zoom { get { return _zoom; } set { _zoom = value; } } /// /// Group selection rectangle. Used for drawing. /// public Rectangle NetRectangle { get { return netRectangle; } set { netRectangle = value; } } /// /// Flag is set to true if group selection rectangle should be drawn. /// public bool DrawNetRectangle { get { return drawNetRectangle; } set { drawNetRectangle = value; } } /// /// Reference to the owner form /// public MainForm Owner { get { return owner; } set { owner = value; } } /// /// Reference to DocManager /// public DocManager DocManager { get { return docManager; } set { docManager = value; } } /// /// Active drawing tool. /// public DrawToolType ActiveTool { get { return activeTool; } set { activeTool = value; } } /// /// List of Layers in the drawing /// public Layers TheLayers { get { return _layers; } set { _layers = value; } } /// /// Return True if Undo operation is possible /// public bool CanUndo { get { if (undoManager != null) { return undoManager.CanUndo; } return false; } } /// /// Return True if Redo operation is possible /// public bool CanRedo { get { if (undoManager != null) { return undoManager.CanRedo; } return false; } } public Rectangle GetBounds() { int furthestLeft = int.MaxValue; int furthestTop = int.MaxValue; int furthestRight = int.MinValue; int furthestBottom = int.MinValue; Rectangle rect; Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); if (_layers != null) { int lc = _layers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < lc; i++) { // Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Layer {0} is Visible: {1}", i.ToString(), _layers[i].IsVisible.ToString())); if (_layers[i].IsVisible) { if (_layers[i].Graphics != null) { for (int ig = 0; ig < _layers[i].Graphics.Count; ig++) { rect = _layers[i].Graphics[ig].GetBounds(g); furthestLeft = Math.Min(furthestLeft, rect.Left); furthestTop = Math.Min(furthestTop, rect.Left); furthestRight = Math.Max(furthestRight, rect.Right); furthestBottom = Math.Max(furthestBottom, rect.Bottom); } } } } } rect = new Rectangle(furthestLeft, furthestTop, Math.Abs(furthestRight-furthestLeft), Math.Abs(furthestBottom-furthestTop)); return rect; } internal void ReplaceInitialImage(Image image) { ((CraftSynth.ImageEditor.DrawImage) (this._layers[0].Graphics[this._layers[0].Graphics.Count - 1])).TheImage = (Bitmap)image; // this.AddCommandToHistory(new CommandAdd(this.TheLayers[0].Graphics[this._layers[0].Graphics.Count - 1])); this.Invalidate(); } internal KeyValuePair? GetInitialImageGraphic() { for (int i = this._layers[0].Graphics.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this._layers[0].Graphics[i] is DrawImage && (this._layers[0].Graphics[i] as DrawImage).IsInitialImage) { return new KeyValuePair(i, this._layers[0].Graphics[i] as DrawImage); } } return null; } internal void DeselectAll() { ActiveTool = DrawToolType.Pointer; int al = this.TheLayers.ActiveLayerIndex; this.TheLayers[al].Graphics.UnselectAll(); this.Invalidate(); } #endregion #region Event Handlers /// /// Draw graphic objects and group selection rectangle (optionally) /// /// /// private void DrawArea_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Matrix mx = new Matrix(); mx.Translate(-ClientSize.Width / 2f, -ClientSize.Height / 2f, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Rotate(_rotation, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Translate(ClientSize.Width / 2f + _panX, ClientSize.Height / 2f + _panY, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Scale(_zoom, _zoom, MatrixOrder.Append); e.Graphics.Transform = mx; // Determine center of ClientRectangle Point centerRectangle = new Point(); centerRectangle.X = ClientRectangle.Left + ClientRectangle.Width / 2; centerRectangle.Y = ClientRectangle.Top + ClientRectangle.Height / 2; // Get true center point centerRectangle = BackTrackMouse(centerRectangle); // Determine offset from current mouse position SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, ClientRectangle); // Draw objects on each layer, in succession so we get the correct layering. Only draw layers that are visible if (_layers != null) { int lc = _layers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < lc; i++) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Layer {0} is Visible: {1}", i.ToString(), _layers[i].IsVisible.ToString())); if (_layers[i].IsVisible) { if (_layers[i].Graphics != null) _layers[i].Graphics.Draw(e.Graphics); } } } DrawNetSelection(e.Graphics); brush.Dispose(); } /// /// Back Track the Mouse to return accurate coordinates regardless of zoom or pan effects. /// Courtesy of /// /// Point to backtrack /// Backtracked point public Point BackTrackMouse(Point p) { // Backtrack the mouse... Point[] pts = new Point[] { p }; Matrix mx = new Matrix(); mx.Translate(-ClientSize.Width / 2f, -ClientSize.Height / 2f, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Rotate(_rotation, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Translate(ClientSize.Width / 2f + _panX, ClientSize.Height / 2f + _panY, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Scale(_zoom, _zoom, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Invert(); mx.TransformPoints(pts); return pts[0]; } /// /// Mouse down. /// Left button down event is passed to active tool. /// Right button down event is handled in this class. /// /// /// private void DrawArea_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { lastPoint = BackTrackMouse(e.Location); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) tools[(int)activeTool].OnMouseDown(this, e); else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (_panning) _panning = false; if (activeTool == DrawToolType.PolyLine || activeTool == DrawToolType.Connector) tools[(int)activeTool].OnMouseDown(this, e); ActiveTool = DrawToolType.Pointer; OnContextMenu(e); } } // else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) //{ //if (_panning == true) //_panning = false; //if (activeTool == DrawToolType.PolyLine) //tools[(int)activeTool].OnMouseDown(this, e); //ActiveTool = TETemplateDrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer; //} /// /// Mouse move. /// Moving without button pressed or with left button pressed /// is passed to active tool. /// /// /// private void DrawArea_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point curLoc = BackTrackMouse(e.Location); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.None) if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && _panning) { if (curLoc.X != lastPoint.X) _panX += curLoc.X - lastPoint.X; //this.MyParent.ManualScroll(true, -curLoc.X + lastPoint.X); if (curLoc.Y != lastPoint.Y) _panY += curLoc.Y - lastPoint.Y; //this.MyParent.ManualScroll(false, -curLoc.Y + lastPoint.Y); Invalidate(); } else tools[(int)activeTool].OnMouseMove(this, e); else Cursor = Cursors.Default; lastPoint = BackTrackMouse(e.Location); } /// /// Mouse up event. /// Left button up event is passed to active tool. /// /// /// private void DrawArea_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { //lastPoint = BackTrackMouse(e.Location); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { tools[(int)activeTool].OnMouseUp(this, e); if (activeTool != DrawToolType.Pointer && activeTool!= DrawToolType.Text && activeTool!= DrawToolType.Image) { int al = this.TheLayers.ActiveLayerIndex; this.AddCommandToHistory(new CommandAdd(this.TheLayers[al].Graphics[0])); } if (this.PanX != 0 || this.PanY != 0) { this.myparent.ManualScroll(true, -(int)Math.Round(this.PanX*this._zoom)); this.myparent.ManualScroll(false, -(int)Math.Round(this.PanY*this._zoom)); this.PanX = 0; this.PanY = 0; this.Invalidate(); this.myparent.pnlDrawArea.Invalidate(); } this.ActiveTool = DrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer;//Selected tool is automatically dropped after drawing item } } public void CutObject() { MessageBox.Show("Cut (from drawarea)"); } private void DrawArea_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { } #endregion #region Other Functions /// /// Initialization /// /// Reference to the owner form /// Reference to Document manager public void Initialize(MainForm owner, DocManager docManager, Image initialImage, string initialImageAsFilePath, byte[] initialImageAsPngBytes) { SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); Invalidate(); // Keep reference to owner form Owner = owner; DocManager = docManager; // set default tool activeTool = DrawToolType.Pointer; // Create undo manager undoManager = new UndoManager(_layers); // create array of drawing tools tools = new Tool[(int)DrawToolType.NumberOfDrawTools]; tools[(int)DrawToolType.Pointer] = new ToolPointer(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Rectangle] = new ToolRectangle(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Ellipse] = new ToolEllipse(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Line] = new ToolLine(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.PolyLine] = new ToolPolyLine(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Polygon] = new ToolPolygon(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Text] = new ToolText(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Image] = new ToolImage(); tools[(int)DrawToolType.Connector] = new ToolConnector(); LineColor = Color.Red; FillColor = Color.White; LineWidth = 5; LoadInitialImage(initialImage, initialImageAsFilePath, initialImageAsPngBytes, null); } public void LoadInitialImage(Image initialImage, string initialImageAsFilePath, byte[] initialImageAsPngBytes, DrawImage paradigm) { if (initialImage != null) { ((ToolImage) tools[(int) DrawToolType.Image]).InsertImage(this, initialImage, true, true, paradigm); } if (initialImageAsFilePath != null) { ((ToolImage) tools[(int) DrawToolType.Image]).InsertImage(this, initialImageAsFilePath, true, true, paradigm); } if (initialImageAsPngBytes != null) { ((ToolImage) tools[(int) DrawToolType.Image]).InsertImage(this, initialImageAsPngBytes, true, true, paradigm); } // int al = _layers.ActiveLayerIndex; //var temp = this.TheLayers[al].Graphics[0]; //this.TheLayers[al].Graphics.RemoveAt(0); //this.TheLayers[al].Graphics.Add(temp); this.Invalidate(); } /// /// Add command to history. /// public void AddCommandToHistory(Command command) { undoManager.AddCommandToHistory(command); } /// /// Clear Undo history. /// public void ClearHistory() { undoManager.ClearHistory(); } /// /// Undo /// public void Undo() { undoManager.Undo(); Refresh(); } /// /// Redo /// public void Redo() { undoManager.Redo(); Refresh(); } /// /// Draw group selection rectangle /// /// public void DrawNetSelection(Graphics g) { if (!DrawNetRectangle) return; ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, NetRectangle, Color.Black, Color.Transparent); } /// /// Right-click handler /// /// private void OnContextMenu(MouseEventArgs e) { // Change current selection if necessary Point point = BackTrackMouse(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); Point menuPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y); int al = _layers.ActiveLayerIndex; int n = _layers[al].Graphics.Count; DrawObject o = null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (_layers[al].Graphics[i].HitTest(point) == 0) { o = _layers[al].Graphics[i]; break; } } if (o != null) { if (!o.Selected) _layers[al].Graphics.UnselectAll(); // Select clicked object o.Selected = true; } else { _layers[al].Graphics.UnselectAll(); } Refresh(); Owner.ctxtMenu.Show(this, menuPoint); } #endregion } }