using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CraftSynth.ImageEditor
/// Base class for all draw objects
public abstract class DrawObject : IComparable, IDisposable
#region Members
// Object properties
private bool selected;
private Color color;
private Color fillColor;
private bool filled;
private int penWidth;
private Pen drawpen;
private Brush drawBrush;
private DrawingPens.PenType _penType;
private LineCap _endCap;
private FillBrushes.BrushType _brushType;
private string tipText;
// Last used property values (may be kept in the Registry)
private static Color lastUsedColor = Color.Black;
private static int lastUsedPenWidth = 1;
// Entry names for serialization
private const string entryColor = "Color";
private const string entryPenWidth = "PenWidth";
private const string entryPen = "DrawPen";
private const string entryBrush = "DrawBrush";
private const string entryFillColor = "FillColor";
private const string entryFilled = "Filled";
private const string entryZOrder = "ZOrder";
private const string entryRotation = "Rotation";
private const string entryTipText = "TipText";
private bool dirty;
private int _id;
private int _zOrder;
private int _rotation = 0;
private Point _center;
private bool _disposed;
#endregion Members
#region Properties
/// Center of the object being drawn.
public Point Center
get { return _center; }
set { _center = value; }
/// Rotation of the object in degrees. Negative is Left, Positive is Right.
public int Rotation
get { return _rotation; }
if (value > 360)
_rotation = value - 360;
else if (value < -360)
_rotation = value + 360;
_rotation = value;
/// ZOrder is the order the objects will be drawn in - lower the ZOrder, the closer the to top the object is.
public int ZOrder
get { return _zOrder; }
set { _zOrder = value; }
/// Object ID used for Undo Redo functions
public int ID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
/// Set to true whenever the object changes
public bool Dirty
get { return dirty; }
set { dirty = value; }
/// Draw object filled?
public bool Filled
get { return filled; }
set { filled = value; }
/// Selection flag
public bool Selected
get { return selected; }
set { selected = value; }
/// Fill Color
public Color FillColor
get { return fillColor; }
set { fillColor = value; }
/// Border (line) Color
public Color Color
get { return color; }
set { color = value; }
/// Pen width
public int PenWidth
get { return penWidth; }
set { penWidth = value; }
public FillBrushes.BrushType BrushType
get { return _brushType; }
set { _brushType = value; }
/// Brush used to paint object
public Brush DrawBrush
get { return drawBrush; }
set { drawBrush = value; }
public DrawingPens.PenType PenType
get { return _penType; }
set { _penType = value; }
public LineCap EndCap
get { return _endCap; }
set { _endCap = value; }
/// Pen used to draw object
public Pen DrawPen
get { return drawpen; }
set { drawpen = value; }
/// Number of handles
public virtual int HandleCount
get { return 0; }
/// Number of Connection Points
public virtual int ConnectionCount
get { return 0; }
/// Last used color
public static Color LastUsedColor
get { return lastUsedColor; }
set { lastUsedColor = value; }
/// Last used pen width
public static int LastUsedPenWidth
get { return lastUsedPenWidth; }
set { lastUsedPenWidth = value; }
/// Text to display when mouse is over an object
public string TipText
get { return tipText; }
set { tipText = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Constructor
protected DrawObject()
// ReSharper disable DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
ID = GetHashCode();
// ReSharper restore DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
#region Virtual Functions
/// Clone this instance.
public abstract DrawObject Clone();
/// Draw object
/// Graphics object will be drawn on
public virtual void Draw(Graphics g)
#region Selection handle methods
/// Get handle point by 1-based number
/// 1-based handle number to return
/// Point where handle is located, if found
public virtual Point GetHandle(int handleNumber)
return new Point(0, 0);
/// Get handle rectangle by 1-based number
/// Rectangle structure to draw the handle
public virtual Rectangle GetHandleRectangle(int handleNumber)
Point point = GetHandle(handleNumber);
// Take into account width of pen
return new Rectangle(point.X - (penWidth + 3), point.Y - (penWidth + 3), 7 + penWidth, 7 + penWidth);
/// Draw tracker for selected object
/// Graphics to draw on
public virtual void DrawTracker(Graphics g)
if (!Selected)
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
for (int i = 1; i <= HandleCount; i++)
g.FillRectangle(brush, GetHandleRectangle(i));
#endregion Selection handle methods
#region Connection Point methods
/// Get connection point by 0-based number
/// 0-based connection number to return
/// Point where connection is located, if found
public virtual Point GetConnection(int connectionNumber)
return new Point(0, 0);
/// Get connectionPoint rectangle that defines the ellipse for the requested connection
/// 0-based connection number
/// Rectangle structure to draw the connection
public virtual Rectangle GetConnectionEllipse(int connectionNumber)
Point p = GetConnection(connectionNumber);
// Take into account width of pen
return new Rectangle(p.X - (penWidth + 3), p.Y - (penWidth + 3), 7 + penWidth, 7 + penWidth);
public virtual void DrawConnection(Graphics g, int connectionNumber)
SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
Pen p = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Red, -1.0f);
g.DrawEllipse(p, GetConnectionEllipse(connectionNumber));
g.FillEllipse(b, GetConnectionEllipse(connectionNumber));
/// Draws the ellipse for the connection handles on the object
/// Graphics to draw on
public virtual void DrawConnections(Graphics g)
if (!Selected)
SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);
Pen p = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, -1.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < ConnectionCount; i++)
g.DrawEllipse(p, GetConnectionEllipse(i));
g.FillEllipse(b, GetConnectionEllipse(i));
#endregion Connection Point methods
/// Hit test to determine if object is hit.
/// Point to test
/// (-1) no hit
/// (0) hit anywhere
/// (1 to n) handle number
public virtual int HitTest(Point point)
return -1;
/// Test whether point is inside of the object
/// Point to test
/// true if in object, false if not
protected virtual bool PointInObject(Point point)
return false;
public abstract Rectangle GetBounds(Graphics g);
/// Get cursor for the handle
/// handle number to return cursor for
/// Cursor object
public virtual Cursor GetHandleCursor(int handleNumber)
return Cursors.Default;
/// Test whether object intersects with rectangle
/// Rectangle structure to test
/// true if intersect, false if not
public virtual bool IntersectsWith(Rectangle rectangle)
return false;
/// Move object
/// Distance along X-axis: (+)=Right, (-)=Left
/// Distance along Y axis: (+)=Down, (-)=Up
public virtual void Move(int deltaX, int deltaY)
/// Move handle to the point
/// Point to Move Handle to
/// Handle number to move
public virtual void MoveHandleTo(Point point, int handleNumber)
/// Dump (for debugging)
public virtual void Dump()
Trace.WriteLine("Selected = " + selected.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
/// Normalize object.
/// Call this function in the end of object resizing.
public virtual void Normalize()
// Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers.
public void Dispose()
// Protected implementation of Dispose pattern.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this._disposed)
if (disposing)
// Free any managed objects here.
if (this.drawpen != null)
if (this.drawBrush != null)
// Free any unmanaged objects here.
this._disposed = true;
#region Save / Load methods
/// Save object to serialization stream
/// The data being written to disk
/// Index of the Layer being saved
/// Index of the object on the Layer
public virtual void SaveToStream(SerializationInfo info, int orderNumber, int objectIndex)
entryColor, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryPenWidth, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryPen, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryBrush, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryFillColor, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryFilled, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryZOrder, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryRotation, orderNumber, objectIndex),
entryTipText, orderNumber, objectIndex),
/// Load object from serialization stream
/// Data from disk to parse into an object
/// Index of the layer object resides on
/// Index of the object on the layer
public virtual void LoadFromStream(SerializationInfo info, int orderNumber, int objectData)
int n = info.GetInt32(
entryColor, orderNumber, objectData));
Color = Color.FromArgb(n);
PenWidth = info.GetInt32(
entryPenWidth, orderNumber, objectData));
PenType = (DrawingPens.PenType)info.GetValue(
entryPen, orderNumber, objectData),
BrushType = (FillBrushes.BrushType)info.GetValue(
entryBrush, orderNumber, objectData),
n = info.GetInt32(
entryFillColor, orderNumber, objectData));
FillColor = Color.FromArgb(n);
Filled = info.GetBoolean(
entryFilled, orderNumber, objectData));
ZOrder = info.GetInt32(
entryZOrder, orderNumber, objectData));
Rotation = info.GetInt32(
entryRotation, orderNumber, objectData));
tipText = info.GetString(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
entryTipText, orderNumber, objectData));
// Set the Pen and the Brush, if defined
//if (PenType != DrawingPens.PenType.Generic)
// DrawPen = DrawingPens.SetCurrentPen(PenType);
if (BrushType != FillBrushes.BrushType.NoBrush)
DrawBrush = FillBrushes.SetCurrentBrush(BrushType);
#endregion Save/Load methods
#endregion Virtual Functions
#region Other functions
/// Initialization
protected void Initialize()
// private
/// Copy fields from this instance to cloned instance drawObject.
/// Called from Clone functions of derived classes.
/// Object being cloned
protected void FillDrawObjectFields(DrawObject drawObject)
drawObject.selected = selected;
drawObject.color = color;
drawObject.penWidth = penWidth;
drawObject._endCap = _endCap;
drawObject.ID = ID;
drawObject._brushType = _brushType;
drawObject._penType = _penType;
drawObject.drawBrush = drawBrush;
drawObject.drawpen = drawpen;
drawObject.filled = filled;
drawObject.fillColor = fillColor;
drawObject._rotation = _rotation;
drawObject._center = _center;
drawObject.tipText = tipText;
#endregion Other functions
#region IComparable Members
/// Returns (-1), (0), (+1) to represent the relative Z-order of the object being compared with this object
/// DrawObject that is compared to this object
/// (-1) if the object is less (further back) than this object.
/// (0) if the object is equal to this object (same level graphically).
/// (1) if the object is greater (closer to the front) than this object.
public int CompareTo(object obj)
DrawObject d = obj as DrawObject;
int x = 0;
if (d != null)
if (d.ZOrder == ZOrder)
x = 0;
else if (d.ZOrder > ZOrder)
x = -1;
x = 1;
return x;
#endregion IComparable Members