/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2014, openmetaverse.org * All rights reserved. * * - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Neither the name of the openmetaverse.org nor the names * of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData; using OpenMetaverse.Http; using OpenMetaverse.Packets; namespace OpenMetaverse { #region Enums /// /// Map layer request type /// public enum GridLayerType : uint { /// Objects and terrain are shown Objects = 0, /// Only the terrain is shown, no objects Terrain = 1, /// Overlay showing land for sale and for auction LandForSale = 2 } /// /// Type of grid item, such as telehub, event, populator location, etc. /// public enum GridItemType : uint { /// Telehub Telehub = 1, /// PG rated event PgEvent = 2, /// Mature rated event MatureEvent = 3, /// Popular location Popular = 4, /// Locations of avatar groups in a region AgentLocations = 6, /// Land for sale LandForSale = 7, /// Classified ad Classified = 8, /// Adult rated event AdultEvent = 9, /// Adult land for sale AdultLandForSale = 10 } #endregion Enums #region Structs /// /// Information about a region on the grid map /// public struct GridRegion { /// Sim X position on World Map public int X; /// Sim Y position on World Map public int Y; /// Sim Name (NOTE: In lowercase!) public string Name; /// public SimAccess Access; /// Appears to always be zero (None) public RegionFlags RegionFlags; /// Sim's defined Water Height public byte WaterHeight; /// public byte Agents; /// UUID of the World Map image public UUID MapImageID; /// Unique identifier for this region, a combination of the X /// and Y position public ulong RegionHandle; /// /// /// /// public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0} ({1}/{2}), Handle: {3}, MapImage: {4}, Access: {5}, Flags: {6}", Name, X, Y, RegionHandle, MapImageID, Access, RegionFlags); } /// /// /// /// public override int GetHashCode() { return X.GetHashCode() ^ Y.GetHashCode(); } /// /// /// /// /// public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is GridRegion) return Equals((GridRegion)obj); else return false; } private bool Equals(GridRegion region) { return (this.X == region.X && this.Y == region.Y); } } /// /// Visual chunk of the grid map /// public struct GridLayer { public int Bottom; public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public UUID ImageID; public bool ContainsRegion(int x, int y) { return (x >= Left && x <= Right && y >= Bottom && y <= Top); } } #endregion Structs #region Map Item Classes /// /// Base class for Map Items /// public abstract class MapItem { /// The Global X position of the item public uint GlobalX; /// The Global Y position of the item public uint GlobalY; /// Get the Local X position of the item public uint LocalX { get { return GlobalX % 256; } } /// Get the Local Y position of the item public uint LocalY { get { return GlobalY % 256; } } /// Get the Handle of the region public ulong RegionHandle { get { return Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(GlobalX - (GlobalX % 256)), (uint)(GlobalY - (GlobalY % 256))); } } } /// /// Represents an agent or group of agents location /// public class MapAgentLocation : MapItem { public int AvatarCount; public string Identifier; } /// /// Represents a Telehub location /// public class MapTelehub : MapItem { } /// /// Represents a non-adult parcel of land for sale /// public class MapLandForSale : MapItem { public int Size; public int Price; public string Name; public UUID ID; } /// /// Represents an Adult parcel of land for sale /// public class MapAdultLandForSale : MapItem { public int Size; public int Price; public string Name; public UUID ID; } /// /// Represents a PG Event /// public class MapPGEvent : MapItem { public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2 public string Description; } /// /// Represents a Mature event /// public class MapMatureEvent : MapItem { public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2 public string Description; } /// /// Represents an Adult event /// public class MapAdultEvent : MapItem { public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2 public string Description; } #endregion Grid Item Classes /// /// Manages grid-wide tasks such as the world map /// public class GridManager { #region Delegates /// The event subscribers. null if no subcribers private EventHandler m_CoarseLocationUpdate; /// Raises the CoarseLocationUpdate event /// A CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs object containing the /// data sent by simulator protected virtual void OnCoarseLocationUpdate(CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = m_CoarseLocationUpdate; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } /// Thread sync lock object private readonly object m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock = new object(); /// Raised when the simulator sends a /// containing the location of agents in the simulator public event EventHandler CoarseLocationUpdate { add { lock (m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock) { m_CoarseLocationUpdate += value; } } remove { lock (m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock) { m_CoarseLocationUpdate -= value; } } } /// The event subscribers. null if no subcribers private EventHandler m_GridRegion; /// Raises the GridRegion event /// A GridRegionEventArgs object containing the /// data sent by simulator protected virtual void OnGridRegion(GridRegionEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = m_GridRegion; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } /// Thread sync lock object private readonly object m_GridRegionLock = new object(); /// Raised when the simulator sends a Region Data in response to /// a Map request public event EventHandler GridRegion { add { lock (m_GridRegionLock) { m_GridRegion += value; } } remove { lock (m_GridRegionLock) { m_GridRegion -= value; } } } /// The event subscribers. null if no subcribers private EventHandler m_GridLayer; /// Raises the GridLayer event /// A GridLayerEventArgs object containing the /// data sent by simulator protected virtual void OnGridLayer(GridLayerEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = m_GridLayer; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } /// Thread sync lock object private readonly object m_GridLayerLock = new object(); /// Raised when the simulator sends GridLayer object containing /// a map tile coordinates and texture information public event EventHandler GridLayer { add { lock (m_GridLayerLock) { m_GridLayer += value; } } remove { lock (m_GridLayerLock) { m_GridLayer -= value; } } } /// The event subscribers. null if no subcribers private EventHandler m_GridItems; /// Raises the GridItems event /// A GridItemEventArgs object containing the /// data sent by simulator protected virtual void OnGridItems(GridItemsEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = m_GridItems; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } /// Thread sync lock object private readonly object m_GridItemsLock = new object(); /// Raised when the simulator sends GridItems object containing /// details on events, land sales at a specific location public event EventHandler GridItems { add { lock (m_GridItemsLock) { m_GridItems += value; } } remove { lock (m_GridItemsLock) { m_GridItems -= value; } } } /// The event subscribers. null if no subcribers private EventHandler m_RegionHandleReply; /// Raises the RegionHandleReply event /// A RegionHandleReplyEventArgs object containing the /// data sent by simulator protected virtual void OnRegionHandleReply(RegionHandleReplyEventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = m_RegionHandleReply; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } /// Thread sync lock object private readonly object m_RegionHandleReplyLock = new object(); /// Raised in response to a Region lookup public event EventHandler RegionHandleReply { add { lock (m_RegionHandleReplyLock) { m_RegionHandleReply += value; } } remove { lock (m_RegionHandleReplyLock) { m_RegionHandleReply -= value; } } } #endregion Delegates /// Unknown public float SunPhase { get { return sunPhase; } } /// Current direction of the sun public Vector3 SunDirection { get { return sunDirection; } } /// Current angular velocity of the sun public Vector3 SunAngVelocity { get { return sunAngVelocity; } } /// Microseconds since the start of SL 4-hour day public ulong TimeOfDay { get { return timeOfDay; } } /// A dictionary of all the regions, indexed by region name internal Dictionary Regions = new Dictionary(); /// A dictionary of all the regions, indexed by region handle internal Dictionary RegionsByHandle = new Dictionary(); private GridClient Client; private float sunPhase; private Vector3 sunDirection; private Vector3 sunAngVelocity; private ulong timeOfDay; /// /// Constructor /// /// Instance of GridClient object to associate with this GridManager instance public GridManager(GridClient client) { Client = client; //Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapLayerReply, MapLayerReplyHandler); Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapBlockReply, MapBlockReplyHandler); Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapItemReply, MapItemReplyHandler); Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.SimulatorViewerTimeMessage, SimulatorViewerTimeMessageHandler); Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.CoarseLocationUpdate, CoarseLocationHandler, false); Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.RegionIDAndHandleReply, RegionHandleReplyHandler); } /// /// /// /// public void RequestMapLayer(GridLayerType layer) { Uri url = Client.Network.CurrentSim.Caps.CapabilityURI("MapLayer"); if (url != null) { OSDMap body = new OSDMap(); body["Flags"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)layer); CapsClient request = new CapsClient(url); request.OnComplete += new CapsClient.CompleteCallback(MapLayerResponseHandler); request.BeginGetResponse(body, OSDFormat.Xml, Client.Settings.CAPS_TIMEOUT); } } /// /// Request a map layer /// /// The name of the region /// The type of layer public void RequestMapRegion(string regionName, GridLayerType layer) { MapNameRequestPacket request = new MapNameRequestPacket(); request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID; request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID; request.AgentData.Flags = (uint)layer; request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in on the sim request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in on the sim request.NameData.Name = Utils.StringToBytes(regionName); Client.Network.SendPacket(request); } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public void RequestMapBlocks(GridLayerType layer, ushort minX, ushort minY, ushort maxX, ushort maxY, bool returnNonExistent) { MapBlockRequestPacket request = new MapBlockRequestPacket(); request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID; request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID; request.AgentData.Flags = (uint)layer; request.AgentData.Flags |= (uint)(returnNonExistent ? 0x10000 : 0); request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in at the simulator request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in at the simulator request.PositionData.MinX = minX; request.PositionData.MinY = minY; request.PositionData.MaxX = maxX; request.PositionData.MaxY = maxY; Client.Network.SendPacket(request); } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public List MapItems(ulong regionHandle, GridItemType item, GridLayerType layer, int timeoutMS) { List itemList = null; AutoResetEvent itemsEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); EventHandler callback = delegate(object sender, GridItemsEventArgs e) { if (e.Type == GridItemType.AgentLocations) { itemList = e.Items; itemsEvent.Set(); } }; GridItems += callback; RequestMapItems(regionHandle, item, layer); itemsEvent.WaitOne(timeoutMS, false); GridItems -= callback; return itemList; } /// /// /// /// /// /// public void RequestMapItems(ulong regionHandle, GridItemType item, GridLayerType layer) { MapItemRequestPacket request = new MapItemRequestPacket(); request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID; request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID; request.AgentData.Flags = (uint)layer; request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in on the sim request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in on the sim request.RequestData.ItemType = (uint)item; request.RequestData.RegionHandle = regionHandle; Client.Network.SendPacket(request); } /// /// Request data for all mainland (Linden managed) simulators /// public void RequestMainlandSims(GridLayerType layer) { RequestMapBlocks(layer, 0, 0, 65535, 65535, false); } /// /// Request the region handle for the specified region UUID /// /// UUID of the region to look up public void RequestRegionHandle(UUID regionID) { RegionHandleRequestPacket request = new RegionHandleRequestPacket(); request.RequestBlock = new RegionHandleRequestPacket.RequestBlockBlock(); request.RequestBlock.RegionID = regionID; Client.Network.SendPacket(request); } /// /// Get grid region information using the region name, this function /// will block until it can find the region or gives up /// /// Name of sim you're looking for /// Layer that you are requesting /// Will contain a GridRegion for the sim you're /// looking for if successful, otherwise an empty structure /// True if the GridRegion was successfully fetched, otherwise /// false public bool GetGridRegion(string name, GridLayerType layer, out GridRegion region) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Logger.Log("GetGridRegion called with a null or empty region name", Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client); region = new GridRegion(); return false; } if (Regions.ContainsKey(name)) { // We already have this GridRegion structure region = Regions[name]; return true; } else { AutoResetEvent regionEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); EventHandler callback = delegate(object sender, GridRegionEventArgs e) { if (e.Region.Name == name) regionEvent.Set(); }; GridRegion += callback; RequestMapRegion(name, layer); regionEvent.WaitOne(Client.Settings.MAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, false); GridRegion -= callback; if (Regions.ContainsKey(name)) { // The region was found after our request region = Regions[name]; return true; } else { Logger.Log("Couldn't find region " + name, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client); region = new GridRegion(); return false; } } } protected void MapLayerResponseHandler(CapsClient client, OSD result, Exception error) { if (result == null) { Logger.Log("MapLayerResponseHandler error: " + error.Message + ": " + error.StackTrace, Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client); return; } OSDMap body = (OSDMap)result; OSDArray layerData = (OSDArray)body["LayerData"]; if (m_GridLayer != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layerData.Count; i++) { OSDMap thisLayerData = (OSDMap)layerData[i]; GridLayer layer; layer.Bottom = thisLayerData["Bottom"].AsInteger(); layer.Left = thisLayerData["Left"].AsInteger(); layer.Top = thisLayerData["Top"].AsInteger(); layer.Right = thisLayerData["Right"].AsInteger(); layer.ImageID = thisLayerData["ImageID"].AsUUID(); OnGridLayer(new GridLayerEventArgs(layer)); } } if (body.ContainsKey("MapBlocks")) { // TODO: At one point this will become activated Logger.Log("Got MapBlocks through CAPS, please finish this function!", Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client); } } /// Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events /// The sender /// The EventArgs object containing the packet data protected void MapBlockReplyHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) { MapBlockReplyPacket map = (MapBlockReplyPacket)e.Packet; foreach (MapBlockReplyPacket.DataBlock block in map.Data) { if (block.X != 0 || block.Y != 0) { GridRegion region; region.X = block.X; region.Y = block.Y; region.Name = Utils.BytesToString(block.Name); // RegionFlags seems to always be zero here? region.RegionFlags = (RegionFlags)block.RegionFlags; region.WaterHeight = block.WaterHeight; region.Agents = block.Agents; region.Access = (SimAccess)block.Access; region.MapImageID = block.MapImageID; region.RegionHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(region.X * 256), (uint)(region.Y * 256)); lock (Regions) { Regions[region.Name] = region; RegionsByHandle[region.RegionHandle] = region; } if (m_GridRegion != null) { OnGridRegion(new GridRegionEventArgs(region)); } } } } /// Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events /// The sender /// The EventArgs object containing the packet data protected void MapItemReplyHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) { if (m_GridItems != null) { MapItemReplyPacket reply = (MapItemReplyPacket)e.Packet; GridItemType type = (GridItemType)reply.RequestData.ItemType; List items = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.Data.Length; i++) { string name = Utils.BytesToString(reply.Data[i].Name); switch (type) { case GridItemType.AgentLocations: MapAgentLocation location = new MapAgentLocation(); location.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; location.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; location.Identifier = name; location.AvatarCount = reply.Data[i].Extra; items.Add(location); break; case GridItemType.Classified: //FIXME: Logger.Log("FIXME", Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client); break; case GridItemType.LandForSale: MapLandForSale landsale = new MapLandForSale(); landsale.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; landsale.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; landsale.ID = reply.Data[i].ID; landsale.Name = name; landsale.Size = reply.Data[i].Extra; landsale.Price = reply.Data[i].Extra2; items.Add(landsale); break; case GridItemType.MatureEvent: MapMatureEvent matureEvent = new MapMatureEvent(); matureEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; matureEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; matureEvent.Description = name; matureEvent.Flags = (DirectoryManager.EventFlags)reply.Data[i].Extra2; items.Add(matureEvent); break; case GridItemType.PgEvent: MapPGEvent PGEvent = new MapPGEvent(); PGEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; PGEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; PGEvent.Description = name; PGEvent.Flags = (DirectoryManager.EventFlags)reply.Data[i].Extra2; items.Add(PGEvent); break; case GridItemType.Popular: //FIXME: Logger.Log("FIXME", Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client); break; case GridItemType.Telehub: MapTelehub teleHubItem = new MapTelehub(); teleHubItem.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; teleHubItem.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; items.Add(teleHubItem); break; case GridItemType.AdultLandForSale: MapAdultLandForSale adultLandsale = new MapAdultLandForSale(); adultLandsale.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; adultLandsale.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; adultLandsale.ID = reply.Data[i].ID; adultLandsale.Name = name; adultLandsale.Size = reply.Data[i].Extra; adultLandsale.Price = reply.Data[i].Extra2; items.Add(adultLandsale); break; case GridItemType.AdultEvent: MapAdultEvent adultEvent = new MapAdultEvent(); adultEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X; adultEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y; adultEvent.Description = Utils.BytesToString(reply.Data[i].Name); adultEvent.Flags = (DirectoryManager.EventFlags)reply.Data[i].Extra2; items.Add(adultEvent); break; default: Logger.Log("Unknown map item type " + type, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client); break; } } OnGridItems(new GridItemsEventArgs(type, items)); } } /// Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events /// The sender /// The EventArgs object containing the packet data protected void SimulatorViewerTimeMessageHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) { SimulatorViewerTimeMessagePacket time = (SimulatorViewerTimeMessagePacket)e.Packet; sunPhase = time.TimeInfo.SunPhase; sunDirection = time.TimeInfo.SunDirection; sunAngVelocity = time.TimeInfo.SunAngVelocity; timeOfDay = time.TimeInfo.UsecSinceStart; // TODO: Does anyone have a use for the time stuff? } /// Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events /// The sender /// The EventArgs object containing the packet data protected void CoarseLocationHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) { CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)e.Packet; // populate a dictionary from the packet, for local use Dictionary coarseEntries = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < coarse.AgentData.Length; i++) { if(coarse.Location.Length > 0) coarseEntries[coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID] = new Vector3((int)coarse.Location[i].X, (int)coarse.Location[i].Y, (int)coarse.Location[i].Z * 4); // the friend we are tracking on radar if (i == coarse.Index.Prey) e.Simulator.preyID = coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID; } // find stale entries (people who left the sim) List removedEntries = e.Simulator.avatarPositions.FindAll(delegate(UUID findID) { return !coarseEntries.ContainsKey(findID); }); // anyone who was not listed in the previous update List newEntries = new List(); lock (e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary) { // remove stale entries foreach(UUID trackedID in removedEntries) e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary.Remove(trackedID); // add or update tracked info, and record who is new foreach (KeyValuePair entry in coarseEntries) { if (!e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) newEntries.Add(entry.Key); e.Simulator.avatarPositions.Dictionary[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } } if (m_CoarseLocationUpdate != null) { WorkPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object o) { OnCoarseLocationUpdate(new CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs(e.Simulator, newEntries, removedEntries)); }); } } /// Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events /// The sender /// The EventArgs object containing the packet data protected void RegionHandleReplyHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) { if (m_RegionHandleReply != null) { RegionIDAndHandleReplyPacket reply = (RegionIDAndHandleReplyPacket)e.Packet; OnRegionHandleReply(new RegionHandleReplyEventArgs(reply.ReplyBlock.RegionID, reply.ReplyBlock.RegionHandle)); } } } #region EventArgs classes public class CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly Simulator m_Simulator; private readonly List m_NewEntries; private readonly List m_RemovedEntries; public Simulator Simulator { get { return m_Simulator; } } public List NewEntries { get { return m_NewEntries; } } public List RemovedEntries { get { return m_RemovedEntries; } } public CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs(Simulator simulator, List newEntries, List removedEntries) { this.m_Simulator = simulator; this.m_NewEntries = newEntries; this.m_RemovedEntries = removedEntries; } } public class GridRegionEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly GridRegion m_Region; public GridRegion Region { get { return m_Region; } } public GridRegionEventArgs(GridRegion region) { this.m_Region = region; } } public class GridLayerEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly GridLayer m_Layer; public GridLayer Layer { get { return m_Layer; } } public GridLayerEventArgs(GridLayer layer) { this.m_Layer = layer; } } public class GridItemsEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly GridItemType m_Type; private readonly List m_Items; public GridItemType Type { get { return m_Type; } } public List Items { get { return m_Items; } } public GridItemsEventArgs(GridItemType type, List items) { this.m_Type = type; this.m_Items = items; } } public class RegionHandleReplyEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly UUID m_RegionID; private readonly ulong m_RegionHandle; public UUID RegionID { get { return m_RegionID; } } public ulong RegionHandle { get { return m_RegionHandle; } } public RegionHandleReplyEventArgs(UUID regionID, ulong regionHandle) { this.m_RegionID = regionID; this.m_RegionHandle = regionHandle; } } #endregion }