# for libssl compatiblity required for .net 5.0 FROM debian:bullseye-slim # update package manager RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get upgrade -y && \ apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \ apt-get -y autoremove && \ apt-get clean # unzip required for unpacking Corrade and all the rest are libraries RUN apt-get install -y \ coreutils \ bash \ unzip \ libgssapi-krb5-2 \ libssl1.1 \ libicu67 \ curl \ libgdiplus \ libc6-dev # retrieve latest Corrade WORKDIR /tmp RUN curl -fsSSL https://corrade.grimore.org/download/corrade/linux-x64/LATEST.zip -o /tmp/Corrade.zip && \ unzip /tmp/Corrade.zip -d /corrade # open port declaration, in order: Nucleus, HTTP, MQTT, TCP, UDP and WebSockets EXPOSE 54377 8080 1883 8085 8086 8088 # add filesystem requirements ADD rootfs / # execute the bootstrapper that will start Corrade ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/usr/local/bin/run"]