'modification time', 'atime'=>'access time'); $lang['label_olderthan'] = 'older than '; $lang['label_days'] = ' days'; $lang['label_all'] = 'all '; $lang['btn_purge'] = 'Delete!'; $lang['legend_preamble'] = "LaTeX preamble settings"; $lang['refresh_note'] = "If you have modified rendering settings (such as colour or image size), force-refresh (CTRL-F5) your browser's cache on each page (or clear your cache fully) to download the new images."; /// title tags (ie. tooltips) for failed renders. $lang['fail1'] = 'Fail: formula too long (in characters)'; $lang['fail2'] = 'Fail: triggered security filter; contains blacklisted LaTeX tags.'; //$lang['fail3'] = ''; // there is no fail #3; $lang['fail4'] = 'Fail: LaTeX compilation failed.'; $lang['fail5'] = 'Fail: image too wide or too tall: '; $lang['fail6'] = 'Fail: error during graphic processing.'; $lang['fail7'] = 'Fail: error saving to cache.'; $lang['failX'] = 'Fail: unknown error.'; $lang['failmax'] =', maximum allowed:';