registerWithPassword($username="foobar", $password="monkey"); * $room = $client->createRoom("myroom"); * $room->sendImage($fileLikeObject); * * Send a message with an already logged in user:: * * $client = new MatrixClient("", $token="foobar", $userId=""); * $client->addListener(func); // NB: event stream callback * $client->rooms[0]->addListener(func); // NB: callbacks just for this room. * $room = $client->joinRoom(""); * $response = $room->sendText("Hello!"); * $response = $room->kick(""); * * Incoming event callbacks (scopes):: * * function userCallback($user, $incomingEvent); * * function $roomCallback($room, $incomingEvent); * * function globalCallback($incoming_event); * * @package MatrixPhp */ class MatrixClient { /** * @var int */ protected $cacheLevel; /** * @var bool */ protected $encryption; /** * @var MatrixHttpApi */ protected $api; /** * @var array */ protected $listeners = []; protected $presenceListeners = []; protected $inviteListeners = []; protected $leftListeners = []; protected $ephemeralListeners = []; protected $deviceId; /** * @var OlmDevice */ protected $olmDevice; protected $syncToken; protected $syncFilter; protected $syncThread; protected $shouldListen = false; /** * @var int Time to wait before attempting a /sync request after failing. */ protected $badSyncTimeoutLimit = 3600; protected $rooms = []; /** * @var array A map from user ID to `User` object. * It is populated automatically while tracking the membership in rooms, and * shouldn't be modified directly. * A `User` object in this array is shared between all `Room` * objects where the corresponding user is joined. */ public $users = []; protected $userId; protected $token; protected $hs; /** * MatrixClient constructor. * @param string $baseUrl The url of the HS preceding /_matrix. e.g. (ex: https://localhost:8008 ) * @param string|null $token If you have an access token supply it here. * @param bool $validCertCheck Check the homeservers certificate on connections? * @param int $syncFilterLimit * @param int $cacheLevel One of Cache::NONE, Cache::SOME, or Cache::ALL * @param bool $encryption Optional. Whether or not to enable end-to-end encryption support * @param array $encryptionConf Optional. Configuration parameters for encryption. * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws Exceptions\MatrixHttpLibException * @throws Exceptions\MatrixRequestException * @throws ValidationException */ public function __construct( string $baseUrl, ?string $token = null, bool $validCertCheck = true, int $syncFilterLimit = 20, int $cacheLevel = Cache::ALL, $encryption = false, protected $encryptionConf = [], ) { // @phpstan-ignore-next-line if ($encryption && ENCRYPTION_SUPPORT) { throw new ValidationException('Failed to enable encryption. Please make sure the olm library is available.'); } $this->api = new MatrixHttpApi($baseUrl, $token); $this->api->validateCertificate($validCertCheck); $this->encryption = $encryption; if (!in_array($cacheLevel, Cache::$levels)) { throw new ValidationException('$cacheLevel must be one of Cache::NONE, Cache::SOME, Cache::ALL'); } $this->cacheLevel = $cacheLevel; $this->syncFilter = sprintf('{ "room": { "timeline" : { "limit" : %d } } }', $syncFilterLimit); if ($token) { $response = $this->api->whoami(); $this->userId = $response['user_id']; $this->sync(); } } /** * Register a guest account on this HS. * * Note: HS must have guest registration enabled. * * @return string|null Access Token * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function registerAsGuest(): ?string { $response = $this->api->register([], 'guest'); return $this->postRegistration($response); } /** * Register for a new account on this HS. * * @param string $username Account username * @param string $password Account password * @return string|null Access Token * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function registerWithPassword(string $username, string $password): ?string { $auth = ['type' => 'm.login.dummy']; $response = $this->api->register($auth, 'user', false, $username, $password); return $this->postRegistration($response); } protected function postRegistration(array $response) { $this->userId = array_get($response, 'user_id'); $this->token = array_get($response, 'access_token'); $this->hs = array_get($response, 'home_server'); $this->api->setToken($this->token); $this->sync(); return $this->token; } public function login(string $username, string $password, bool $sync = true, int $limit = 10, ?string $deviceId = null): ?string { $response = $this->api->login('m.login.password', [ 'identifier' => [ 'type' => '', 'user' => $username, ], 'user' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'device_id' => $deviceId ]); return $this->finalizeLogin($response, $sync, $limit); } /** * Log in with a JWT. * * @param string $token JWT token. * @param bool $refreshToken Whether to request a refresh token. * @param bool $sync Indicator whether to sync. * @param int $limit Sync limit. * * @return string Access token. * * @throws \MatrixPhp\Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function jwtLogin(string $token, bool $refreshToken = false, bool $sync = true, int $limit = 10): ?string { $response = $this->api->login( 'org.matrix.login.jwt', [ 'token' => $token, 'refresh_token' => $refreshToken, ] ); return $this->finalizeLogin($response, $sync, $limit); } /** * Finalize login, e.g. after password or JWT login. * * @param array $response Login response array. * @param bool $sync Sync flag. * @param int $limit Sync limit. * * @return string Access token. * * @throws \MatrixPhp\Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws \MatrixPhp\Exceptions\MatrixRequestException */ protected function finalizeLogin(array $response, bool $sync, int $limit): string { $this->userId = array_get($response, 'user_id'); $this->token = array_get($response, 'access_token'); $this->hs = array_get($response, 'home_server'); $this->api->setToken($this->token); $this->deviceId = array_get($response, 'device_id'); if ($this->encryption) { $this->olmDevice = new OlmDevice($this->api, $this->userId, $this->deviceId, $this->encryptionConf); $this->olmDevice->uploadIdentityKeys(); $this->olmDevice->uploadOneTimeKeys(); } if ($sync) { $this->syncFilter = sprintf('{ "room": { "timeline" : { "limit" : %d } } }', $limit); $this->sync(); } return $this->token; } /** * Logout from the homeserver. * * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function logout() { $this->stopListenerThread(); $this->api->logout(); } /** * Create a new room on the homeserver. * TODO: move room creation/joining to User class for future application service usage * NOTE: we may want to leave thin wrappers here for convenience * * @param string|null $alias The canonical_alias of the room. * @param bool $isPublic The public/private visibility of the room. * @param array $invitees A set of user ids to invite into the room. * @return Room * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function createRoom(?string $alias = null, bool $isPublic = false, array $invitees = []): Room { $response = $this->api->createRoom($alias, null, $isPublic, $invitees); return $this->mkRoom($response['room_id']); } /** * Join a room. * * @param string $roomIdOrAlias Room ID or an alias. * @return Room * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException */ public function joinRoom(string $roomIdOrAlias): Room { $response = $this->api->joinRoom($roomIdOrAlias); $roomId = array_get($response, 'room_id', $roomIdOrAlias); return $this->mkRoom($roomId); } public function getRooms(): array { return $this->rooms; } /** * Add a listener that will send a callback when the client recieves an event. * * @param callable $callback Callback called when an event arrives. * @param string $eventType The event_type to filter for. * @return string Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. */ public function addListener(callable $callback, string $eventType) { $listenerId = uniqid(); $this->listeners[] = [ 'uid' => $listenerId, 'callback' => $callback, 'event_type' => $eventType, ]; return $listenerId; } /** * Remove listener with given uid. * * @param string $uid Unique id of the listener to remove. */ public function removeListener(string $uid) { $this->listeners = array_filter($this->listeners, function (array $a) use ($uid) { return $a['uid'] != $uid; }); } /** * Add a presence listener that will send a callback when the client receives a presence update. * * @param callable $callback Callback called when a presence update arrives. * @return string Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. */ public function addPresenceListener(callable $callback) { $listenerId = uniqid(); $this->presenceListeners[$listenerId] = $callback; return $listenerId; } /** * Remove presence listener with given uid * * @param string $uid Unique id of the listener to remove */ public function removePresenceListener(string $uid) { unset($this->presenceListeners[$uid]); } /** * Add an ephemeral listener that will send a callback when the client recieves an ephemeral event. * * @param callable $callback Callback called when an ephemeral event arrives. * @param string|null $eventType Optional. The event_type to filter for. * @return string Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. */ public function addEphemeralListener(callable $callback, ?string $eventType = null) { $listenerId = uniqid(); $this->ephemeralListeners[] = [ 'uid' => $listenerId, 'callback' => $callback, 'event_type' => $eventType, ]; return $listenerId; } /** * Remove ephemeral listener with given uid. * * @param string $uid Unique id of the listener to remove. */ public function removeEphemeralListener(string $uid) { $this->ephemeralListeners = array_filter($this->ephemeralListeners, function (array $a) use ($uid) { return $a['uid'] != $uid; }); } /** * Add a listener that will send a callback when the client receives an invite. * @param callable $callback Callback called when an invite arrives. */ public function addInviteListener(callable $callback) { $this->inviteListeners[] = $callback; } /** * Add a listener that will send a callback when the client has left a room. * * @param callable $callback Callback called when the client has left a room. */ public function addLeaveListener(callable $callback) { $this->leftListeners[] = $callback; } public function listenForever(int $timeoutMs = 30000, ?callable $exceptionHandler = null, int $badSyncTimeout = 5) { $tempBadSyncTimeout = $badSyncTimeout; $this->shouldListen = true; // @phpstan-ignore-next-line while ($this->shouldListen) { try { $this->sync($timeoutMs); $tempBadSyncTimeout = $badSyncTimeout; } catch (MatrixRequestException $e) { // TODO: log error if ($e->getHttpCode() >= 500) { sleep($badSyncTimeout); $tempBadSyncTimeout = min($tempBadSyncTimeout * 2, $this->badSyncTimeoutLimit); } elseif (is_callable($exceptionHandler)) { $exceptionHandler($e); } else { throw $e; } } catch (\Exception $e) { if (is_callable($exceptionHandler)) { $exceptionHandler($e); } else { throw $e; } } // TODO: we should also handle MatrixHttpLibException for retry in case no response } } public function startListenerThread(int $timeoutMs = 30000, ?callable $exceptionHandler = null) { // Just no } public function stopListenerThread() { if ($this->syncThread) { $this->shouldListen = false; } } /** * Upload content to the home server and recieve a MXC url. * TODO: move to User class. Consider creating lightweight Media class. * * @param mixed $content The data of the content. * @param string $contentType The mimetype of the content. * @param string|null $filename Optional. Filename of the content. * @return mixed * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws Exceptions\MatrixHttpLibException * @throws MatrixRequestException If the upload failed for some reason. * @throws MatrixUnexpectedResponse If the homeserver gave a strange response */ public function upload($content, string $contentType, ?string $filename = null) { try { $response = $this->api->mediaUpload($content, $contentType, $filename); if (array_key_exists('content_uri', $response)) { return $response['content_uri']; } throw new MatrixUnexpectedResponse('The upload was successful, but content_uri wasn\'t found.'); } catch (MatrixRequestException $e) { throw new MatrixRequestException($e->getHttpCode(), 'Upload failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * @param string $roomId * @return Room * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws MatrixRequestException */ private function mkRoom(string $roomId): Room { $room = new Room($this, $roomId); if ($this->encryption) { try { $event = $this->api->getStateEvent($roomId, ""); if ($event['algorithm'] === "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2") { $room->enableEncryption(); } } catch (MatrixRequestException $e) { if ($e->getHttpCode() != 404) { throw $e; } } } $this->rooms[$roomId] = $room; return $room; } /** * TODO better handling of the blocking I/O caused by update_one_time_key_counts * * @param int $timeoutMs * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws MatrixRequestException */ public function sync(int $timeoutMs = 30000) { $response = $this->api->sync($this->syncToken, $timeoutMs, $this->syncFilter); $this->syncToken = $response['next_batch']; foreach (array_get($response, '', []) as $presenceUpdate) { foreach ($this->presenceListeners as $cb) { $cb($presenceUpdate); } } foreach (array_get($response, 'rooms.invite', []) as $roomId => $inviteRoom) { foreach ($this->inviteListeners as $cb) { $cb($roomId, $inviteRoom['invite_state']); } } foreach (array_get($response, 'rooms.leave', []) as $roomId => $leftRoom) { foreach ($this->leftListeners as $cb) { $cb($roomId, $leftRoom); } if (array_key_exists($roomId, $this->rooms)) { unset($this->rooms[$roomId]); } } if ($this->encryption && array_key_exists('device_one_time_keys_count', $response)) { $this->olmDevice->updateOneTimeKeysCounts($response['device_one_time_keys_count']); } foreach (array_get($response, 'rooms.join', []) as $roomId => $syncRoom) { if (!empty($inviteRoom)) { foreach ($this->inviteListeners as $cb) { $cb($roomId, $inviteRoom['invite_state']); } } if (!array_key_exists($roomId, $this->rooms)) { $this->mkRoom($roomId); } $room = $this->rooms[$roomId]; // TODO: the rest of this for loop should be in room object method $room->prevBatch = $syncRoom["timeline"]["prev_batch"]; foreach (array_get($syncRoom, "", []) as $event) { $event['room_id'] = $roomId; $room->processStateEvent($event); } foreach (array_get($syncRoom, "", []) as $event) { $event['room_id'] = $roomId; $room->putEvent($event); // TODO: global listeners can still exist but work by each // $room.listeners[$uuid] having reference to global listener // Dispatch for client (global) listeners foreach ($this->listeners as $listener) { if ($listener['event_type'] == null || $listener['event_type'] == $event['type']) { $listener['callback']($event); } } } foreach (array_get($syncRoom, "", []) as $event) { $event['room_id'] = $roomId; $room->putEphemeralEvent($event); // Dispatch for client (global) listeners foreach ($this->ephemeralListeners as $listener) { if ($listener['event_type'] == null || $listener['event_type'] == $event['type']) { $listener['callback']($event); } } } } } /** * Remove mapping of an alias * * @param string $roomAlias The alias to be removed. * @return bool True if the alias is removed, false otherwise. * @throws Exceptions\MatrixException * @throws Exceptions\MatrixHttpLibException */ public function removeRoomAlias(string $roomAlias): bool { try { $this->api->removeRoomAlias($roomAlias); } catch (MatrixRequestException $e) { return false; } return true; } public function api(): MatrixHttpApi { return $this->api; } public function userId():?string { return $this->userId; } public function cacheLevel() { return $this->cacheLevel; } }