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gdb provides a port
interface to target memory.
This allows Guile code to read/write target memory using Guile's port and
bytevector functionality. The main routine is open-memory
returns a port object. One can then read/write memory using that object.
Return a port object that can be used for reading and writing memory. The port will be open according to mode, which is the standard mode argument to Guile port open routines, except that the ‘"a"’ and ‘"l"’ modes are not supported. See File Ports. The ‘"b"’ (binary) character may be present, but is ignored: memory ports are binary only. If ‘"0"’ is appended then the port is marked as unbuffered. The default is ‘"r"’, read-only and buffered.
The chunk of memory that can be accessed can be bounded. If both start and size are unspecified, all of memory can be accessed. If only start is specified, all of memory from that point on can be accessed. If only size if specified, all memory in the range [0,size) can be accessed. If both are specified, all memory in the rane [start,start+size) can be accessed.
if object is an object of type<gdb:memory-port>
. Otherwise return#f
Return the range of
memory-port as a list of two elements:(start end)
. The range is start to end inclusive.
Return the size of the read buffer of
Set the size of the read buffer of
memory-port to size. The result is unspecified.
Return the size of the write buffer of
Set the size of the write buffer of
memory-port to size. The result is unspecified.
A memory port is closed like any other port, with close-port
Combined with Guile's bytevectors
, memory ports provide a lot
of utility. For example, to fill a buffer of 10 integers in memory,
one can do something like the following.
;; In the program: int buffer[10]; (use-modules (rnrs bytevectors)) (use-modules (rnrs io ports)) (define addr (parse-and-eval "buffer")) (define n 10) (define byte-size (* n 4)) (define mem-port (open-memory #:mode "r+" #:start (value->integer addr) #:size byte-size)) (define byte-vec (make-bytevector byte-size)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i n)) (bytevector-s32-native-set! byte-vec (* i 4) (* i 42))) (put-bytevector mem-port byte-vec) (close-port mem-port)