AC_ROOT = .. include $(AC_ROOT)/common.mak MP_FILES = aircrack-ng.1 airdecap-ng.1 ivstools.1 kstats.1 makeivs-ng.1 \ packetforge-ng.1 airdecloak-ng.1 wpaclean.1 besside-ng-crawler.1 SMP_FILES = aireplay-ng.8 airmon-ng.8 airodump-ng.8 besside-ng.8 \ airserv-ng.8 airtun-ng.8 airbase-ng.8 airodump-ng-oui-update.8 \ ifeq ($(subst TRUE,true,$(filter TRUE true,$(sqlite) $(SQLITE))),true) MP_FILES += airolib-ng.1 endif ifeq ($(subst TRUE,true,$(filter TRUE true,$(experimental) $(EXPERIMENTAL))),true) MP_FILES += buddy-ng.1 SMP_FILES += tkiptun-ng.8 easside-ng.8 wesside-ng.8 endif default: all all: @echo Nothing to do install: uninstall install -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(smandir) install -m 644 $(MP_FILES) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) install -m 644 $(SMP_FILES) $(DESTDIR)$(smandir) # Uninstall just calls cleanfiles with all possible switches enabled to # ensure all previously installed manpages are cleaned uninstall: $(MAKE) cleanfiles sqlite=true experimental=true cleanfiles: @-$(foreach CUR_MP,$(MP_FILES), rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/$(CUR_MP); echo rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/$(CUR_MP); ) @-$(foreach CUR_SMP,$(SMP_FILES), rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(smandir)/$(CUR_SMP); echo rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(smandir)/$(CUR_SMP); )