Index of new symbols in 2.26


GBinding, struct in GBinding
GBinding:flags, object property in GBinding
GBinding:source, object property in GBinding
GBinding:source-property, object property in GBinding
GBinding:target, object property in GBinding
GBinding:target-property, object property in GBinding
GBindingFlags, enum in GBinding
GBindingTransformFunc, user_function in GBinding
g_binding_get_flags, function in GBinding
g_binding_get_source, function in GBinding
g_binding_get_source_property, function in GBinding
g_binding_get_target, function in GBinding
g_binding_get_target_property, function in GBinding


g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT, function in Closures


G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE, macro in Type Information
G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE_WITH_CODE, macro in Type Information
G_DEFINE_POINTER_TYPE, macro in Type Information
G_DEFINE_POINTER_TYPE_WITH_CODE, macro in Type Information


G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_VARIANT, macro in Standard Parameter and Value Types


g_object_bind_property, function in GBinding
g_object_bind_property_full, function in GBinding
g_object_bind_property_with_closures, function in GBinding
g_object_class_install_properties, function in The Base Object Type
g_object_notify_by_pspec, function in The Base Object Type


GParamSpecVariant, struct in Standard Parameter and Value Types
G_PARAM_SPEC_VARIANT, macro in Standard Parameter and Value Types
g_param_spec_variant, function in Standard Parameter and Value Types


G_TYPE_DATE_TIME, macro in Boxed Types
G_TYPE_ERROR, macro in Boxed Types
G_TYPE_PARAM_VARIANT, macro in Standard Parameter and Value Types
G_TYPE_VARIANT, macro in Type Information


g_value_dup_variant, function in Standard Parameter and Value Types
g_value_get_variant, function in Standard Parameter and Value Types
G_VALUE_HOLDS_VARIANT, macro in Standard Parameter and Value Types
g_value_set_variant, function in Standard Parameter and Value Types
g_value_take_variant, function in Standard Parameter and Value Types