Geospatial and Imagery Access Service (GIAS) see To generate the gias dissector from the .idl documents run: omniidl -p ../../tools -b wireshark_be gias.idl (Note this is similar to the command that idl2wrs would run but explicitly identifies the backend is to be used.) The gias.idl file includes all the other .idl files to create one dissector for gias. Note that due to a bug in ommniidl, the following needs to be manually added to the generated dissector: Errors ====== Define the heading field: static int hf_UCO_InvalidInputParameter_badInputParameters = -1; Register the headings fields: {&hf_UCO_CompressedImage_data_loop, {"Seq length of CompressedImage_data","",FT_UINT32,BASE_DEC,NULL,0x0,NULL, {&hf_UCO_Buffer_octet_buffer_loop, {"Seq length of Buffer_octet_buffer","giop-gias.UCO.Buffer.octet_buffer.size",FT_UINT32,BASE_DEC,NULL,0x0,NULL,HFILL}}, {&hf_GIAS_Domain_bd_loop, {"Seq length of Domain_bd","",FT_UINT32,BASE_DEC,NULL,0x0,NULL,HFILL}}, Warnings ======== Make the following 3 variables const gchar * : binary_seq_UCO_CompressedImage_data binary_seq_UCO_Buffer_octet_buffer binary_seq_GIAS_Domain_bd