BGvar_save = {} BGvar_declined = {} BGvar_hideingroup = {} BGvar_hideinvite = {} BGvar_nothere = {} BGvar_ingroup = {} BGvar_dropgroupmessagesent = {} BGvar_blacklist = {} BGvar_timers_convertspam = GetTime() BGvar_save.purge = "disabled" = "disabled" BGvar_save.magicword = "invite" BGvar_version = "2.0 alpha" function BGinvite_OnLoad() this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED") this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent = ChatFrame_OnEvent ChatFrame_OnEvent = BGinvite_hidealreadyingroupmsg SLASH_BGINVITE1 = "/bginvite"; SlashCmdList["BGINVITE"] = function ( msg ) BGinvite_SlashCmdHandler(msg); end end function BGinvite_OnEvent(event) if (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then if string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION_FIND) BGvar_declined[player] = GetTime() BGvar_ingroup[player] = nil BGvar_dropgroupmessagesent[player] = 1 -- because they aren't going to want to be told to drop group if they previously declined your invite elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU_FIND) BGvar_declined[player] = GetTime() BGvar_ingroup[player] = nil elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID_FIND) BGvar_ingroup[player] = nil elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY_FIND) BGvar_ingroup[player] = nil elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_FIND) if BGvar_dropgroupmessagesent[player] == nil then if (BGinvite_DominantGroup() == true) then BGinvite_localizevarvar(GetLocale()) SendChatMessage(BGlocal_LEAVE_GROUP_WHISPER, "WHISPER", this.language, player) BGvar_dropgroupmessagesent[player] = 1 end end elseif (arg1 == BGlocal_YOU_JOINED_RAID_GROUP) and (BGvar_restofinvitespending == 1) then BGinvite_autoinvites() BGvar_restofinvitespending = 0 elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_SOMEONE_JOINED_BG) then BGinvite_autoinvites() -- debug BGinvite_print("someone joined the BG! invite!") -- debug elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_SOMEONE_LEFT_BG) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_SOMEONE_LEFT_BG_FIND) -- debug BGinvite_print(player.." left the BG! kick him!") if (BGvar_save.purge == "disabled") then return end if IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() then SendChatMessage(BGlocal_YOU_APPEAR_GONE, "WHISPER", this.language, name) UninviteByName(name) end end elseif (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then BGinvite_localize(GetLocale()) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_MOD_LOADED) BGinvite_autoinvites() elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") then if string.find(string.lower(arg1), BGvar_save.magicword) and (strlen(arg1) <= (strlen(BGvar_save.magicword) + 8)) then if BGvar_blacklist[arg2] ~= 1 then InviteByName(arg2) end end elseif (event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") then BGvar_declined = {} BGvar_nothere = {} BGvar_hideinvite = {} BGvar_ingroup = {} BGvar_messageinsay = 0 BGvar_dropgroupmessagesent = {} end end function BGinvite_SlashCmdHandler(msg) if strlen(msg) <= 1 then BGInviteUI:Show() elseif string.lower(msg) == "purge on" then BGvar_save.purge = "enabled" BGInviteAutoPurgeEnable:SetChecked(1) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_NOW_PURGING) elseif string.lower(msg) == "purge off" then BGvar_save.purge = "disabled" BGinvite_print(BGlocal_NOT_PURGING) BGInviteAutoPurgeEnable:SetChecked(0) elseif (string.lower(msg) == "auto on") then = "enabled" BGinvite_autoinvites() BGinvite_print(BGlocal_AUTO_INVITING) BGInviteAutoInviteEnable:SetChecked(1) elseif (string.lower(msg) == "auto off") then = "disabled" BGinvite_print(BGlocal_NOT_AUTO_INVITING) BGInviteAutoInviteEnable:SetChecked(0) elseif (string.lower(msg) == "promote all") then BGinvite_promoteall() elseif (string.lower(msg) == "demote all") then BGinvite_demoteall() elseif (string.lower(msg) == "invite") then BGinvite_sendinvite() elseif (string.lower(msg) == "blacklist") then BGinvite_print(BGlocal_BLACKLISTED_PLAYERS) table.foreach(BGvar_blacklist, BGinvite_displayblacklist) elseif (strsub(string.lower(msg), 1, 13) == "blacklist add") then local name = string.upper(strsub(msg, 15, 15))..string.lower(strsub(msg, 16)) BGinvite_blacklistadd(name) elseif (strsub(string.lower(msg), 1, 16) == "blacklist remove") then local name = string.upper(strsub(msg, 18, 18))..string.lower(strsub(msg, 19)) BGinvite_blacklistremove(name) elseif (strsub(string.lower(msg), 1, 9) == "magicword") then BGvar_save.magicword = string.lower(strsub(msg, 11)) BGinvite_magicwordchanged() elseif (string.lower(msg) == "help") then BGinvite_help() elseif (string.lower(msg) == "version") then BGinvite_print(BGlocal_VERSION_STR) else BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_ERR) end end function BGinvite_sendinvite() local status = BGinvite_GetBattlefieldStatus() if (BGvar_messageinsay == 0) and (status == "active") then SendChatMessage(BGlocal_SAY_INVITING, "SAY") BGvar_messageinsay = 1 end if (GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) and (GetNumBattlefieldPositions() >= 5) then for i=1,5 do local x, y, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i) if (not BGvar_declined[name]) and (name) then if BGvar_blacklist[name] ~= 1 then InviteByName(name) end end end else for i=1,GetNumBattlefieldPositions() do local x, y, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i) if (not BGvar_declined[name]) then if BGvar_blacklist[name] ~= 1 then InviteByName(name) end end end end end function BGinvite_ConvertToRaid() BGinvite_print(BGlocal_CONVERTING_TO_RAID) ConvertToRaid() BGvar_restofinvitespending = 1 end --function BGinvite_purge() -- if (BGvar_save.purge == "disabled") then return end -- if IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() then -- BGinvite_print(BGlocal_PURGING_PLAYERS) -- if GetBattlefieldScore(1) == nil then -- BGinvite_print(BGlocal_ERROR_SCANNING) -- elseif GetBattlefieldScore(1) ~= nil then -- for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do -- local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) -- BGvar_inbg = false -- if (BGinvite_inbattleground(name) ~= true) then -- SendChatMessage(BGlocal_YOU_APPEAR_GONE, "WHISPER", _, name) -- UninviteByName(name) -- end -- end -- end -- end --end function BGinvite_inbattleground(name) for i=1,80 do local bgname = GetBattlefieldScore(i) if (bgname == name) then BGvar_inbg = true end end if BGvar_inbg == false then if (BGvar_nothere[name]) then BGvar_nothere[name] = BGvar_nothere[name] + 1 if BGvar_nothere[name] >= 2 then return false end else BGvar_nothere[name] = 1 return true end elseif BGvar_inbg == true then BGvar_nothere[name] = 0 return true end end function BGinvite_autoinvites() if ( == "disabled") then return end if IsRaidLeader() then if (GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) and (GetNumBattlefieldPositions() >= 5) then for i=1,5 do local x, y, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i) if (not BGvar_declined[name]) then if BGvar_blacklist[name] ~= 1 then BGvar_hideingroup[name] = 1 BGvar_hideinvite[name] = 1 InviteByName(name) end end end else for i=1,GetNumBattlefieldPositions() do local x, y, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i) if (not BGvar_declined[name]) then if BGvar_blacklist[name] ~= 1 then BGvar_hideingroup[name] = 1 BGvar_hideinvite[name] = 1 InviteByName(name) end end end end end BGvar_timers_BGAUTOINVITE = GetTime() + 3 end function BGinvite_hidealreadyingroupmsg(event) if (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then if string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_FIND) if (BGvar_hideingroup[player] == 1) then BGvar_hideingroup[player] = 0 else Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) end elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED) then local _, _, player = string.find(arg1, BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED_FIND) if (BGvar_hideinvite[player] == 1) then BGvar_hideinvite[player] = 0 else Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) end else Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) end else Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) end end function BGinvite_displayblacklist(name) if BGvar_blacklist[name] == 1 then BGinvite_print(name) end end function BGinvite_OnUpdate() if BGvar_timers_BGAUTOINVITE then if BGvar_timers_BGAUTOINVITE <= GetTime() then BGinvite_autoinvites() BGvar_timers_BGAUTOINVITE = GetTime() + 3 end end if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) and (GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) and (BGvar_timers_convertspam <= GetTime()) and (IsRaidLeader()) then local status = BGinvite_GetBattlefieldStatus() if (status == "active") then BGvar_timers_convertspam = GetTime()+3 BGinvite_ConvertToRaid() end end end function BGinvite_DominantGroup() local numpeople_notingroup = GetNumBattlefieldPositions() local numpeople_ingroup = GetNumRaidMembers() if numpeople_notingroup < numpeople_ingroup then return true else return false end end function BGinvite_print(msg) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg, 0, .5, 1) end function BGinvite_promoteall() for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) PromoteToAssistant(name) end end function BGinvite_demoteall() for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) DemoteAssistant(name) end end function BGinvite_help() BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_1) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_2) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_3) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_4) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_5) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_6) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_7) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_8) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_9) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_HELP_10) end function BGinvite_magicwordchanged() BGinvite_localizevarvar(GetLocale()) BGinvite_print(BGlocal_MAGICWORD_CHANGE) end function BGinvite_blacklistremove(name) if (BGvar_blacklist[name]) then BGvar_blacklist[name] = nil BGinvite_print(name..BGlocal_HAS_BEEN_REMOVED) else BGinvite_print(name..BGlocal_WASNT_ON_BLACKLIST) end end function BGinvite_blacklistadd(name) if (BGvar_blacklist[name]) then if BGvar_blacklist[name] == 1 then BGinvite_print(name..BGlocal_IS_ALREADY_BLACKLISTED) elseif BGvar_blacklist[name] ~= 1 then BGvar_blacklist[name] = 1 BGinvite_print(name..BGlocal_HAS_BEEN_ADDED_BLACKLIST) end else BGvar_blacklist[name] = 1 BGinvite_print(name..BGlocal_HAS_BEEN_ADDED_BLACKLIST) end end function BGinvite_GetBattlefieldStatus() for i=1,MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do if GetBattlefieldStatus(i) == "active" then local status = "active" end end if status == "active" then return "active" else return "none" end end