Version History - Are labeled by the date of their public release in the format of either mm/dd/yy or m/d/y 122705 Curse Release 122705b Fixed a bug with the Bank frame resizing. Its a hack, and needs to be done better. 122705c Fixed yet another bug with the bank frame resizing. Automatic resizing is done cleaner now. The bank and bag frames can be disabled individually Added a slash command handler /bagnon or /bgn: /bgn onebag - Enable/Disable showing the player's inventory in a single frame. /bgn onebank - Enable/disable showing the player's bank in a single frame. Added rescaling detection 122805 Added a lock toggle to the right click menu Fixed a bug causing only the main inventory and main bank slots to properly update Fixed some usability problems (pressing escape, opening at a vendor) 123005 Added two optional addons: Bagnon_Forever and Bagnon_DB Bagnon_DB saves character inventory and bank data Bagnon_Forever adds the following abilities to Bagnon and Banknon: View other character data (you must log on to the character first) View your character's (or any other character you have) bank (must check bank first to enable) Bagnon_Forever currently requires Bagnon_DB, but I'll try and make it compatible with other database addons at a later point in time. To switch between characters, double click on the title of the frame. Added keybindings to toggle Bagnon and Banknon Added two new slash commands: /bgn bags - toggle Bagnon /bgn bank - toggle Banknon Dropdown menus now have different borders Fixed a bug causing frames not to remember their positions Bagnon item slots now call the ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick and OnEnter functions. This should make it a bit more compatible with other mods 123005b Did some event optimization Fixed red message of death bug 123005c Fixed a bug causing the first 24 bank tooltips not to display Added aucitoneer support 123105 Better support of all addons that use EnhancedTooltip, hopefully Frames with bags now have a minimum width of the bags if the bags are being shown Bagnon frames are now set to a lower frame level. Changed the maximum columns a frame can have from 32 to 144. Slight adjustments to the right click menu. Fixed a bug causing the cooldown of items to not display Fixed a bug where the keybindings for Bagnon and Banknon were named the same. 116 Fixed a bug causing CooldownCount to not function for addons that use it. Bagnon_Forever function overrides are now done cleaner. 116b: Bagnon frames are set to framestrata = HIGH Bagnon_Forever - fixed a bug causing tooltips to not display 116c: Fixed a problem with scaled frames not properly remembering their positions 136: Title is now smaller. Updated for 1.9 (hopefully) 146: Updated Bagnon's toc version to the right number. Removed the slash commands /bgn onebag and /bgn onebank. Disable or delete the addon you don't want to use instead. Banknon is now always viewable if enabled. But, if you haven't been to your bank yet and aren't running Bagnon_Forever, it will be empty. Increased the maximum slots Bagnon and Banknon can display to reflect 1.9 changes Bagnon_DB no longer needs to store texture data, so it doesn't anymore. Because of the changes to Bagnon_DB, and the possibility this is the first version people are updating to since 1.9, all item data has been reset. Item borders have been made more visible. Fixed a positioning bug with tooltips on normal items. Added an opaque background option to the right click menu Ammo or soul bag slots now have gold borders. Hovering over a bag will now highlight the items in that bag in Bagnon/Banknon. 1146: Renamed most of the files in Bagnon_Core. Please completely delete all bagnon folders before installing to prevent conflicts. Added a confirmation dialog to purchasing a bank slot. Dropdown menus now close if thier parent frame closes. Now using a completely custom item button to prevent conflicts with other mods. Added slash command /bgn reverse - Toggle to show bags in a descending/ascending order. The strata of of the bag frames is yet again set to medium. Fixed a bug causing problems with using other inventory mods with just Banknon. Fixed a bug that prevented linking a cached item in chat from showing all the information known about the item. Fixed a bug causing slots to be miscolored as ammo slots for cached items. Added bags to the inventory frame. You can now shift-click a bag on the bank/inventory frame to hide that frame for Bagnon/Banknon Bags are now cached. Fixed a bug causing the purchase frame to not hide when you have bought the maximum amount of bags. 1146b: Some event optimizations to the bags Fixed a bug causing a red screen of death for characters without any previous settings 1156: Items properly update when selling/trading. Improved tooltip positioning. Bagnon should properly open at the bank/vendor if Bagnon has not been loaded previously. Fixed a bug causing bags to not update properly Fixed an issue causing large amounts of memory to be used when hovering over an item with KC_Items installed. 1166: Fixed a bug causing bag slots to not properly update when switching to a character with less bag slots via BagnonForever. Fixed a bug causing the right click menu to not close if the parent frame closes. (needs more work) Fixed a bug causing the money frame to display the player's money for other characters 1196: Merged Bagnon_DB with Bagnon_Forever. Added an optional addon Bagnon_KC. Bagnon_KC provides the same functionality as Bagnon_Forever, but uses KC_Items for the database portion. Because of this, Bagnon_Forever shouldn't be used with Bagnon_KC. 1196b: Adding/Removing a bag should update the frame properly Scaling a frame should no longer scale the options frame along with it. 1206: Fixed a problem causing ammo/shard slots to not highlight for people using the non english version of WoW. 1316: Added some usability tooltips to the bags and title of Bagnon/Banknon. Added a close button to the right-click menu. Added a slider to change the level of a frame to the right-click menu. Added a tooltip to the money frame on Bagnon/Banknon that shows your total gold on the current realm. Added slash command /bgn overridebank: When enabled, talking to an NPC to open your bank will show Banknon, else it will show the normal bank. Added back the ability to highlight slots on hover of bags not in the Bagnon frame. Bagnon will now load only if you click on the main bag or a bag that is already viewable within Bagnon. Clicking on a bag that's hidden from Bagnon will open the normal display for that bag. The right-click and doubleclick menus will now open only if you right-click/doubleclick the title. Slot ordering can now be changed via a frame's right click menu. Because of this the slash command /bgn reverse has been removed. The Title of Bagnon/Banknon should no longer overlap inventory slots. Fixed a bug with AxuItemMenus and splitting items in Bagnon (hopefully). Fixed a bug causing the background of a frame to always be opaque. 246: Fixed an issue with Bagnon_Forever and the menu not showing up if the parent frame's level is set to "high". Added a close button to the settings menu Bagnon should now hopefully be localized into German. 336: Fixed a bug with slash commands in German by making all slash commands English. Localized slash commands can be enabled via uncommenting them in localization.lua Ammo/Shard slots will now be highlighted in the bank if for some reason you put an ammo/shard bag in the bank. Fixed a bug with reverse ordering on cached bags. Reduced the columns slider's maximum value down to 32 so that its easier to set exact values. The total gold tooltip now anchors properly depending on the position of the frame. Replaced the Opaque Background option with an option to set the frame background's color and opacity. Added the command /bgn tooltips to enable/disable the display of usage tooltips. 396: Fixed a bug causing a red message of death when messsing with bank slots Fixed a bug causing the size of a frame to not update properly when equipping bags of different sizes. Corrected a typo in the german translation. 3286: TOC updates for 1.10 Removed the warning before purchasing a bag slot, should be already present in 1.10 4196: Bagnon is no longer dependent on Infield. You can delete Infield if you don't use it for any other addons. All itembuttons are now dynamically created. Adjusted some toc entries to prevent some redundancy in loading. Modified the way Bagnon handles ammo and soul bags. It may no longer be localized for languages other than English. Bagnon should now highlight profession bags via green slot borders. 4206: Made Bagnon_KC compatable with the new version of Infield. Fixed a bug preventing the confirmation window for purchasing a bag slot to work. Purchasing a bag slot should now properly update the cost of buying a bag. Bagnon and Banknon now remember if their bagslots were shown or not. For non english users of Bagnon: Bagnon will now attempt to obtain information for localizing the names of certain bag types This data will be printed out on load unless you disable it via /bgn nodebug. Please report the data to wherever you downloaded the mod from. Added two temporary slash commands to obtain localized data. /bgn debug - enable debug info /bgn nodebug - disable debug info 4206b: Updated localization info for German. 4236: Fixed a bug with German localization. Fixed a bug with splitting of items, this may cause an incompatability with other addons. Fixed a bug causing the current character's bank data to not always be displayed when visiting the bank. Added a warning message when using Bagnon_KC and Bagnon_Forever at the same time. 4236b: Fixed a bug when moving items caused by 4236 4256: Fixed a bug involving shift clicking items caused by 4326/b 5116: Bagnon should now properly mimic container item buttons. Compatibility with other mods should be improved. Fixed a bug causing the bank to not show up away from the bank for characters who have not visited the bank. Fixed a logic bug with determining if a bag is a profession bag or not. 5116b: Fixed a bug between OmniCC and Bagnon when viewing cached data. 6.6.8: Fixed a bug causing soul bag slots to be displayed as green. Fixed a bug causing bank slot costs to not update after purchase. Fixed an issue with WeaponQuickSwap and possibly other mods. Menus are now displayed on the dialog frame strata. Increased the maximum viewable character limit for Bagnon_Forever and Bagnon_KC to 20 A better fix will be implemented with the 1.11 patch. Bag buttons will now display counts over 999 Added a new slash command for Bagnon_Forever users: /bgn delete Removes inventory data about the given character. If no realm is given it defaults to the current realm. 6.6.18: Added keyring slots to Bagnon. Added an option to disable frames staying on screen to the configuration menu. Bagnon_Forever no longer has a limit on how many characters it can display. 6.6.20: Fixed an issue preventing Bagnon/Banknon from being moved. 6.6.26 Fixed a bug causing Bagnon_Forever to not save data properly. Bagnon and Banknon will no longer close automatically if opened manually. Included a new addon, Bagnon_Options, for configuring general Bagnon and Banknon settings. It is accessible via /bgn or /bagnon It is now possible to configure when Bagnon and Banknon are shown. Removed the slash commands /bgn tooltips and /bgn override bank. They are now part of the options menu. 6.6.26b: Fixed bugs caused by the previous update. 6.6.28: Fixed a bug causing the bank to not work properly unless opened twice. Fixed a bug with attempting to open Bagnon with a new user via clicking on a bag that's not the main bag. Added the ability to hide/show bags in Bagnon via the Blizzard bags. Implemented a few performance tweaks. 6.6.30: Fixed a redscreen error when switching bags of different sizes. Fixed a redscreen error when attempting to change the framestrata of Bagnon/Banknon Bagnon_Forever's saved data will now be reset between WoW patches to prevent issues. When viewing another character, then visiting the bank, Banknon will now switch to your current character. The frame level setting of the right click menu should now have its default set to high. Banknon's purchase button should now not show up when not needed. 6.6.30b: Banknon's purchase button should now not show up when not needed, seriously. 6.6.31 If no saved data is present for the current player at login, Bagnon_Forever will now save all inventory data. 6.7.18 Added French Localization (thanks namatsar) Fixed a bug preventing purchasing a bank slot without Bagnon_Forever/Bagnon_KC enabled. 6.7.22 Renamed some files in Bagnon_Forever and Bagnon_KC. Delete those before installing. Fixed a bug causing the normal bank frame to not open automatically when Banknon is disabled. Reduced the amount of garbage created when bag slots are being shown. Brightened up borders slightly. Replaced the double click to switch characters behavior with a dropdown button. Altered the way saved data is handled, and documented Bagnon_Forever Reduced the amount of information saved by Bagnon_Forever Added a new addon, Bagnon_Spot. When enabled, doubleclicking on Bagnon or Banknon will display a search box. 6.7.23 Fixed a bug where, if opening the bank before coming to the bank, going to the bank, then leaving the bank, tooltips would not show. Fixed a slash command redbox error Added ammo/soul and profession bag slot coloring to cached data. 6.7.25 Handled the error when upgrading Bagnon_Forever from 6.7.18 or earlier a bit more gracefully Added another nil check to Bagnon_Forever 6.7.29 Fixed an error when leveling up while Bagnon is open Reenabled the OnUpdate handler for items 6.8.6 Added Simplified Chinese translation, thanks to Diablohu Split all translations into seperate lua files. Reduced the size of Bagnon and Banknon slightly. Readded a check for KC Items in order to prevent a memory leak from the addon. Known Bugs: Main bank slots and cached items may not show additional tooltip info from other addons. Mod authors can fix this problem by hooking GameTooltip.SetHyperlink(self, link [, count]) Bagnon passes SetHyperlink a count argument, which is an extension to the default behaviour Todo: Bugfixes