------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local boss = AceLibrary("Babble-Boss-2.2")["Loatheb"] local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs"..boss) local started = nil ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { cmd = "Loatheb", doom_cmd = "doom", doom_name = "Inevitable Doom Alert", doom_desc = "Warn for Inevitable Doom", spore_cmd = "spore", spore_name = "Spore Spawning Alert", spore_desc = "Warn when a spore spawns", curse_cmd = "curse", curse_name = "Remove Curse Alert", curse_desc = "Warn when curses are removed from Loatheb", doombar = "Inevitable Doom %d", doomwarn = "Inevitable Doom %d! %d sec to next!", doomwarn5sec = "Inevitable Doom %d in 5 sec!", doomtrigger = "afflicted by Inevitable Doom.", sporewarn = "Spore %d Spawned", sporebar = "Summon Spore %d", sporespawntrigger = "Loatheb casts Summon Spore.", removecursewarn = "Curses removed on Loatheb", removecursebar = "Remove Curse", removecursetrigger = "Loatheb casts Remove Curse on Loatheb.", doomtimerbar = "Doom every 15sec", doomtimerwarn = "Doom timerchange in %s sec!", doomtimerwarnnow = "Inevitable Doom now happens every 15sec!", startwarn = "Loatheb engaged, 2 minutes to Inevitable Doom!", you = "You", are = "are", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { doom_name = "파멸 경고", doom_desc = "피할 수 없는 파멸에 대한 경고", spore_name = "포자 경고", spore_desc = "포자 소환에 대한 경고", curse_name = "저주 해제 경고", curse_desc = "로데브 저주 해제에 대한 경고", doombar = "피할 수 없는 파멸 %d", doomwarn = "피할 수 없는 파멸 %d! 다음은 %d초 후.", doomwarn5sec = "피할 수 없는 파멸 %d 5초 전", doomtrigger = "피할 수 없는 파멸에 걸렸습니다.", sporewarn = "포자 %d 소환됨!", sporebar = "포자 소환! %d", sporespawntrigger = "로데브|1이;가; 포자 소환|1을;를; 시전합니다.", removecursewarn = "로데브 저주 헤제 시전!", removecursebar = "저주 해제", removecursetrigger = "로데브|1이;가; 로데브에게 저주 해제|1을;를; 시전합니다.", doomtimerbar = "피할 수 없는 파멸 - 매 15초", doomtimerwarn = "%s초 후 피할 수 없는 파멸 시간변경!", doomtimerwarnnow = "피할 수 없는 파멸! 지금부터 매 15초마다.", startwarn = "로데브 전투시작!, 피할 수 없는 파멸까지 2 분!", you = "", are = "", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { doom_name = "Unausweichliches Schicksal", doom_desc = "Warnung f\195\188r Unausweichliches Schicksal.", spore_name = "Warnung bei Sporen", spore_desc = "Warnung wenn Sporen auftauchen", curse_name = "Fluch-Aufhebungs Warnung", curse_desc = "Warnung wenn Fl\195\188che bei Loatheb aufgehoben wurden", doombar = "Unausweichliches Schicksal %d", doomwarn = "Unausweichliches Schicksal %d! %d Sekunden bis zum n\195\164chsten.", doomwarn5sec = "Unausweichliches Schicksal %d in 5 Sekunden", doomtrigger = "von Unausweichliches Schicksal betroffen.", sporewarn = "Spore %d aufgetaucht", sporebar = "Spore beschw\195\182ren %d", sporespawntrigger = "Loatheb wirkt Spore beschw\195\182ren.", removecursewarn = "Fl\195\188che bei Loatheb aufgehoben", removecursebar = "Fluch aufheben", removecursetrigger = "Loatheb wirkt Fluch aufheben auf Loatheb.", doomtimerbar = "Unausweichliches Schicksal alle 15 Sekunden", doomtimerwarn = "Unausweichliches Schicksal Timer Wechsel in %s Sekunden!", doomtimerwarnnow = "Unausweichliches Schicksal nun alle 15s!", startwarn = "Loatheb angegriffen! 2 Minuten bis Unausweichliches Schicksal!", you = "Ihr", are = "seid", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { doom_name = "必然的厄运警报", doom_desc = "必然的厄运警报", spore_name = "孢子警报", spore_desc = "孢子警报", curse_name = "诅咒驱散警报", curse_desc = "洛欧塞布驱散了一个诅咒效果时发出警报", doombar = "必然的厄运", doomwarn = "必然的厄运 - %s秒后再次发动", doomwarn5sec = "5秒后发动必然的厄运!", doomtrigger = "受到了必然的厄运效果的影响", sporewarn = "孢子出现", sporebar = "召唤孢子", sporespawntrigger = "洛欧塞布施放了召唤孢子。", removecursewarn = "洛欧塞布驱散了一个诅咒效果", removecursebar = "驱散诅咒", removecursetrigger = "洛欧塞布对洛欧塞布施放了驱散诅咒。", doomtimerbar = "每隔15秒发动必然的厄运", doomtimerwarn = "必然的厄运计时%s秒后改变!", doomtimerwarnnow = "必然的厄运现在每隔15秒发动一次!", startwarn = "洛欧塞布已激活 - 2分钟后发动必然的厄运!", you = "你", are = "到", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { doom_name = "無可避免的末日警報", doom_desc = "無可避免的末日警報", spore_name = "孢子警報", spore_desc = "孢子警報", curse_name = "詛咒驅散警報", curse_desc = "洛斯伯驅散了一個詛咒效果時發出警報", doombar = "無可避免的末日", doomwarn = "無可避免的末日 - %s 秒後再次發動", doomwarn5sec = "5 秒後發動無可避免的末日!", doomtrigger = "受到了無可避免的末日效果的影響", sporewarn = "孢子出現", sporebar = "召喚孢子", sporespawntrigger = "洛斯伯施放了召喚孢子。", removecursewarn = "洛斯伯消除了一個詛咒效果", removecursebar = "消除詛咒", removecursetrigger = "洛斯伯對洛斯伯施放了消除詛咒。", doomtimerbar = "每隔 15 秒發動無可避免的末日", doomtimerwarn = "無可避免的末日計時 %s 秒後改變!", doomtimerwarnnow = "無可避免的末日現在每隔 15 秒發動一次!", startwarn = "洛斯伯已進入戰鬥 - 2 分鐘後發動無可避免的末日!", you = "你", are = "到", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { cmd = "Horreb", doomtrigger = "les effets de Mal\195\169diction in\195\169vitable.", sporespawntrigger = "Horreb lance Invocation de spore.", removecursetrigger = "Horreb lance D\195\169livrance de la mal\195\169diction sur Horreb.", you = "Vous", are = "subissez", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- BigWigsLoatheb = BigWigs:NewModule(boss) BigWigsLoatheb.zonename = AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")["Naxxramas"] BigWigsLoatheb.enabletrigger = boss BigWigsLoatheb.toggleoptions = {"doom", "spore", "curse", "bosskill"} BigWigsLoatheb.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 15709 $", 12, -3)) ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function BigWigsLoatheb:OnEnable() self.doomTime = 30 self.sporeCount = 1 self.doomCount = 1 started = nil self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "CheckForWipe") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", "CheckForEngage") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH", "GenericBossDeath") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE", "Event") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_FRIENDLYPLAYER_DAMAGE", "Event") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_DAMAGE", "Event") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_BUFF") self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RecvSync") -- 2: Doom and SporeSpawn versioned up because of the sync including the -- doom/spore count now, so we don't hold back the counter. self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "LoathebDoom2", 10) self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "LoathebSporeSpawn2", 5) self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "LoathebRemoveCurse", 10) end function BigWigsLoatheb:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync, rest, nick) if sync == self:GetEngageSync() and rest and rest == boss and not started then started = true if self:IsEventRegistered("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") end if self.db.profile.doom then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["doomtimerbar"], 300, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebtimerreduce1", "BigWigs_Message", 240, string.format(L["doomtimerwarn"], 60), "Attention") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebtimerreduce2", "BigWigs_Message", 270, string.format(L["doomtimerwarn"], 30), "Attention") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebtimerreduce3", "BigWigs_Message", 290, string.format(L["doomtimerwarn"], 10), "Urgent") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebtimerreduce4", "BigWigs_Message", 295, string.format(L["doomtimerwarn"], 5), "Important") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebtimerreduce5", "BigWigs_Message", 300, L["doomtimerwarnnow"], "Important") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebdoomtimerreduce", function () BigWigsLoatheb.doomTime = 15 end, 300) self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["startwarn"], "Red") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, string.format(L["doombar"], self.doomCount), 120, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_NightOfTheDead") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebdoom", "BigWigs_Message", 115, string.format(L["doomwarn5sec"], self.doomCount), "Urgent") end elseif sync == "LoathebDoom2" and rest then rest = tonumber(rest) if not rest then return end if rest == (self.doomCount + 1) then if self.db.profile.doom then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["doomwarn"], self.doomCount, self.doomTime), "Important") end self.doomCount = self.doomCount + 1 if self.db.profile.doom then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, string.format(L["doombar"], self.doomCount), self.doomTime, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_NightOfTheDead") self:ScheduleEvent("bwloathebdoom", "BigWigs_Message", self.doomTime - 5, string.format(L["doomwarn5sec"], self.doomCount), "Urgent") end end elseif sync == "LoathebSporeSpawn2" and rest then rest = tonumber(rest) if not rest then return end if rest == (self.sporeCount + 1) then if self.db.profile.spore then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["sporewarn"], self.sporeCount), "Important") end self.sporeCount = self.sporeCount + 1 if self.db.profile.spore then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, string.format(L["sporebar"], self.sporeCount), 12, "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_TheBlackArrow") end end elseif sync == "LoathebRemoveCurse" then if self.db.profile.curse then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["removecursewarn"], "Important") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["removecursebar"], 30, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_RemoveCurse") end end end function BigWigsLoatheb:Event( msg ) if string.find(msg, L["doomtrigger"]) then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "LoathebDoom2 "..tostring(self.doomCount + 1)) end end function BigWigsLoatheb:CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_BUFF( msg ) if msg == L["sporespawntrigger"] then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "LoathebSporeSpawn2 "..tostring(self.sporeCount + 1)) elseif msg == L["removecursetrigger"] then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "LoathebRemoveCurse") end end