------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigsTest") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["test"] = true, ["Test"] = true, ["Test Bar"] = true, ["Test Bar 2"] = true, ["Test Bar 3"] = true, ["Test Bar 4"] = true, ["Testing"] = true, ["OMG Bear!"] = true, ["*RAWR*"] = true, ["Victory!"] = true, ["Options for testing."] = true, ["local"] = true, ["Local test"] = true, ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = true, ["sync"] = true, ["Sync test"] = true, ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = true, ["Testing Sync"] = true, } end) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { -- ["test"] = "테스트", ["Test"] = "테스트", ["Test Bar"] = "테스트 바", ["Test Bar 2"] = "테스트 바 2", ["Test Bar 3"] = "테스트 바 3", ["Test Bar 4"] = "테스트 바 4", ["Testing"] = "테스트중", ["OMG Bear!"] = "OMG Bear!", ["*RAWR*"] = "*공격대경고*", ["Victory!"] = "승리!", ["Options for testing."] = "테스트 설정", -- ["local"] = "지역", ["Local test"] = "지역 테스트", ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "BigWigs의 지역 테스트 실행", -- ["sync"] = "동기화", ["Sync test"] = "동기화 테스트", ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "BigWigs의 동기화 테스트 실행", ["Testing Sync"] = "동기화 테스트 중", } end) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["Test"] = "测试", ["Test Bar"] = "测试计时条", ["Test Bar 2"] = "测试计时条2", ["Test Bar 3"] = "测试计时条3", ["Test Bar 4"] = "测试计时条4", ["Testing"] = "测试中", ["OMG Bear!"] = "老天!熊!", ["*RAWR*"] = "*RAWR*", ["Victory!"] = "胜利!", ["Options for testing."] = "测试选项", ["Local test"] = "本地测试", ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "执行一次本地测试。", ["Sync test"] = "同步测试", ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "执行一次同步测试(需要助力或更高权限)。", ["Testing Sync"] = "同步测试中", } end) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["Test"] = "測試", ["Test Bar"] = "測試計時條", ["Test Bar 2"] = "測試計時條2", ["Test Bar 3"] = "測試計時條3", ["Test Bar 4"] = "測試計時條4", ["Testing"] = "測試中", ["OMG Bear!"] = "天哪!蘇聯北極熊!", ["*RAWR*"] = "*RAWR*", ["Victory!"] = "勝利!", ["Options for testing."] = "測試選項", ["Local test"] = "本地測試", ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "執行一次本地測試。", ["Sync test"] = "同步測試", ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "執行一次同步測試(需要助手或領隊權限)。", ["Testing Sync"] = "同步測試中", } end) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { -- ["test"] = true, --["Test"] = "Test", ["Test Bar"] = "Test Balken", ["Test Bar 2"] = "Test Balken 2", ["Test Bar 3"] = "Test Balken 3", ["Test Bar 4"] = "Test Balken 4", ["Testing"] = "Teste", ["OMG Bear!"] = "OMG B\195\164r!", ["*RAWR*"] = "RAWR", ["Victory!"] = "Sieg!", ["Options for testing."] = "Optionen f\195\188r den Test von BigWigs.", ["local"] = "Lokal", ["Local test"] = "Lokaler Test", ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "Lokalen Test durchf\195\188hren.", --["sync"] = "sync", ["Sync test"] = "Synchronisations-Test", ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "Sychronisations-Test durchf\195\188hren.", ["Testing Sync"] = "Synchronisation testen", } end) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["test"] = "test", --["Test"] = "Test", ["Test Bar"] = "Barre de test", ["Test Bar 2"] = "Barre de test 2", ["Test Bar 3"] = "Barre de test 3", ["Test Bar 4"] = "Barre de test 4", ["Testing"] = "Test", ["OMG Bear!"] = "Un ours !", ["*RAWR*"] = "*GRRR*", ["Victory!"] = "Victoire !", ["Options for testing."] = "Options concernant les tests.", --["local"] = "local", ["Local test"] = "Test local", ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "Effectue un test local de BigWigs.", --["sync"] = "sync", ["Sync test"] = "Test de synchronisation", ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "Effectue un test de synchronisation de BigWigs.", ["Testing Sync"] = "Test synchro", } end) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- BigWigsTest = BigWigs:NewModule(L["Test"]) BigWigsTest.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 14954 $", 12, -3)) BigWigsTest.consoleCmd = L["test"] BigWigsTest.consoleOptions = { type = "group", name = L["Test"], desc = L["Options for testing."], args = { [L["local"]] = { type = "execute", name = L["Local test"], desc = L["Perform a local test of BigWigs."], func = function() BigWigsTest:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Test") end, }, [L["sync"]] = { type = "execute", name = L["Sync test"], desc = L["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."], func = function() BigWigsTest:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SyncTest") end, disabled = function() return ( not IsRaidLeader() and not IsRaidOfficer() ) end, }, } } function BigWigsTest:OnEnable() self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_Test") self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RecvSync") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "TestSync", 5) self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_SyncTest") end function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_SyncTest() self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "TestSync") end function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync) if sync == "TestSync" then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["Testing Sync"], "Positive") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Testing Sync"], 10, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostShock", true, "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red") end end function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_Test() self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar"], 15, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["Testing"], "Attention", true, "Long") self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 5, L["OMG Bear!"], "Important", true, "Alert") self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 10, L["*RAWR*"], "Urgent", true, "Alarm") self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 15, L["Victory!"], "Bosskill", true, "Victory") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 2"], 10, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 3"], 5, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 4"], 3, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature", true, "black") end