assert(BigWigs, "BigWigs not found!") local BWL = nil local BZ = AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2") local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigsVersionQuery") local tablet = AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0") local dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0") local COLOR_GREEN = "00ff00" local COLOR_RED = "ff0000" local COLOR_WHITE = "ffffff" --------------------------------- -- Localization -- --------------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["versionquery"] = true, ["Version Query"] = true, ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = true, ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = true, ["Querying versions for "] = true, ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = true, ["Close window"] = true, -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = true, ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = true, ["Player"] = true, ["Version"] = true, ["Current zone"] = true, [""] = true, ["Version query done."] = true, ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = true, ["Closes the version query window."] = true, ["current"] = true, ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = true, ["Zone"] = true, ["zone"] = true, ["N/A"] = true, ["BigWigs"] = true, ["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."] = true, ["Nr Replies"] = true, ["Ancient"] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["Version Query"] = "버전 요청", ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = "BigQigs 버전에 대한 공격대 요청 명령.", ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = "이미 요청 중, 5초후 다시 시도하세요.", ["Querying versions for "] = "버전 요청 중 : ", ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = "BigWigs 버전 요청", ["Close window"] = "창 닫기", -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = "버전 표시 중 ", ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = "녹색 : 최신, 붉은색 : 이전, 흰색 : 같음(자신 기준)", ["Player"] = "플레이어", ["Version"] = "버전", ["Current zone"] = "현재 지역", [""] = "<지역>", ["Version query done."] = "버전 요청 완료.", ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = "현재 지역에 동작 모듈 버전 요청", ["Closes the version query window."] = "버전 확인 창 닫기.", ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = "정해진 지역에 동작 모듈 버전 요청.", ["Zone"] = "지역", ["N/A"] = "N/A", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["versionquery"] = "Versionsabfrage", ["Version Query"] = "Versionsabfrage", ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = "Kommandos um den Schlachtzug nach verwendeten BigWigs Versionen abzufragen.", ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = "Abfrage l\195\164uft bereits, bitte 5 Sekunden warten bis zum n\195\164chsten Versuch.", ["Querying versions for "] = "Frage Versionen ab f\195\188r ", ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = "BigWigs Versionsabfrage", ["Close window"] = "Schlie\195\159e Fenster", -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = "Zeige Version f\195\188r ", ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = "Gr\195\188ne Versionen sind neuer, rote sind \195\164lter, wei\195\159e sind gleich.", ["Player"] = "Spieler", ["Version"] = "Version", ["Current zone"] = "Momentane Zone", [""] = "", ["Version query done."] = "Versionsabfrage beendet.", ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = "Versionsabfrage f\195\188r die momentane Zone starten.", ["Closes the version query window."] = "Schlie\195\159t das Versionsabfrage-Fenster.", ["current"] = "gegenw\195\164rtig", ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = "Versionsabfrage in f\195\188r eine gegebene Zone starten.", ["Zone"] = "Zone", ["zone"] = "Zone", ["N/A"] = "N/A", ["BigWigs"] = "BigWigs", ["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."] = "Versionsabfrage f\195\188r die BigWigs Kernkomponente starten.", ["Nr Replies"] = "Anzahl der Antworten", ["Ancient"] = "Alt", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["versionquery"] = "检查版本", ["Version Query"] = "检查版本", ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = "这个命令检查Big Wigs的版本", ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = "检查中,请等5秒后再尝试", ["Querying versions for "] = "检查版本 ", ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = "Big Wigs版本检查", ["Close window"] = "关闭窗口", -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = "显示版本 ", ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = "绿色的版本比你的新,红色的比你的旧,白色的是相同", ["Player"] = "玩家", ["Version"] = "版本", ["Current zone"] = "目前区域", [""] = "<区域>", ["Version query done."] = "完成检查版本", ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = "检查当前区域的版本", ["Closes the version query window."] = "关掉目前的检查版本窗口", ["current"] = "目前", ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = "检查指定区域的版本", ["Zone"] = "区域", ["zone"] = "区域", ["N/A"] = "N/A", ["BigWigs"] = "BigWigs", ["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."] = "检查BigWigs内核的版本", ["Nr Replies"] = "回复的数量", ["Ancient"] = "旧的", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["versionquery"] = "檢查版本", ["Version Query"] = "檢查版本", ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = "用於檢查BigWigs的版本", ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = "檢查中,若要再次檢查,請稍後5秒", ["Querying versions for "] = "檢查版本 ", ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = "Big Wigs版本檢查", ["Close window"] = "關閉窗口", -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = "顯示版本 ", ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = "綠色的版本比你的新,紅色的比較舊,白色則表示版本相同", ["Player"] = "玩家", ["Version"] = "版本", ["Current zone"] = "目前區域", [""] = "<區域>", ["Version query done."] = "完成檢查版本", ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = "檢查目前區域的版本", ["Closes the version query window."] = "關掉目前的檢查版本視窗", ["current"] = "目前", ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = "檢查指定區域的版本", ["Zone"] = "區域", ["zone"] = "區域", ["N/A"] = "N/A", ["BigWigs"] = "BigWigs", ["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."] = "檢查BigWigs核心的版本", ["Nr Replies"] = "回復的數量", ["Ancient"] = "舊的", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { ["Version Query"] = "Vérification des versions", ["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."] = "Commandes de vérification des version de BigWigs du raid.", ["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."] = "Une vérification est déjà en cours, veuillez réessayer dans 5 secondes.", ["Querying versions for "] = "Vérification des versions pour ", ["Big Wigs Version Query"] = "Vérification des versions de BigWigs", ["Close window"] = "Fermer la fenêtre", -- I know, it's really a Tablet. ["Showing version for "] = "Affichage des versions pour ", ["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."] = "Les versions en verte sont plus récentes que vous, celles en rouge plus anciennes, et celles en blanc les mêmes que vous.", ["Player"] = "Joueur", --["Version"] = "Version", ["Current zone"] = "Zone actuelle", --[""] = "", ["Version query done."] = "Vérification des versions terminée.", ["Runs a version query on your current zone."] = "Effectue une vérification des versions dans votre zone.", ["Closes the version query window."] = "Ferme la fenêtre de vérification des versions.", ["Runs a version query on the given zone."] = "Effectue une vérification des versions dans la zone donnée.", --["Zone"] = "Zone", --["N/A"] = "N/A", --["BigWigs"] = "BigWigs", ["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."] = "Effectue une vérification des versions du noyau de BigWigs.", ["Nr Replies"] = "Nbre de réponses", ["Ancient"] = "Ancien", } end ) --------------------------------- -- Addon Declaration -- --------------------------------- BigWigsVersionQuery = BigWigs:NewModule("Version Query") BigWigsVersionQuery.consoleCmd = L["versionquery"] BigWigsVersionQuery.consoleOptions = { type = "group", name = L["Version Query"], desc = L["Commands for querying the raid for Big Wigs versions."], args = { [L["BigWigs"]] = { type = "execute", name = L["BigWigs"], desc = L["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."], func = function() BigWigsVersionQuery:QueryVersion("BigWigs") end, }, [L["current"]] = { type = "execute", name = L["Current zone"], desc = L["Runs a version query on your current zone."], func = function() BigWigsVersionQuery:QueryVersion() end, }, [L["zone"]] = { type = "text", name = L["Zone"], desc = L["Runs a version query on the given zone."], usage = L[""], get = false, set = function(zone) BigWigsVersionQuery:QueryVersion(zone) end, }, } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function BigWigsVersionQuery:OnEnable() self.queryRunning = nil self.responseTable = {} self.zoneRevisions = nil self.currentZone = "" BWL = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs") self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RecvSync") self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "BWVQ", 0) self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "BWVR", 0) end function BigWigsVersionQuery:PopulateRevisions() self.zoneRevisions = {} for name, module in self.core:IterateModules() do if module:IsBossModule() and module.zonename and type(module.zonename) == "string" then -- Make sure to get the enUS zone name. local zone = BZ:HasReverseTranslation(module.zonename) and BZ:GetReverseTranslation(module.zonename) or module.zonename -- Get the abbreviated name from BW Core. local zoneAbbr = BWL:HasTranslation(zone) and BWL:GetTranslation(zone) or nil if not self.zoneRevisions[zone] or module.revision > self.zoneRevisions[zone] then self.zoneRevisions[zone] = module.revision end if zoneAbbr and (not self.zoneRevisions[zoneAbbr] or module.revision > self.zoneRevisions[zoneAbbr]) then self.zoneRevisions[zoneAbbr] = module.revision end end end self.zoneRevisions["BigWigs"] = self.core.revision end ------------------------------ -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------------ function BigWigsVersionQuery:UpdateVersions() if not tablet:IsRegistered("BigWigs_VersionQuery") then tablet:Register("BigWigs_VersionQuery", "children", function() tablet:SetTitle(L["Big Wigs Version Query"]) self:OnTooltipUpdate() end, "clickable", true, "showTitleWhenDetached", true, "showHintWhenDetached", true, "cantAttach", true, "menu", function() dewdrop:AddLine( "text", L["BigWigs"], "tooltipTitle", L["BigWigs"], "tooltipText", L["Runs a version query on the BigWigs core."], "func", function() self:QueryVersion("BigWigs") end) dewdrop:AddLine( "text", L["Current zone"], "tooltipTitle", L["Current zone"], "tooltipText", L["Runs a version query on your current zone."], "func", function() self:QueryVersion() end) dewdrop:AddLine( "text", L["Close window"], "tooltipTitle", L["Close window"], "tooltipText", L["Closes the version query window."], "func", function() tablet:Attach("BigWigs_VersionQuery"); dewdrop:Close() end) end ) end if tablet:IsAttached("BigWigs_VersionQuery") then tablet:Detach("BigWigs_VersionQuery") else tablet:Refresh("BigWigs_VersionQuery") end end function BigWigsVersionQuery:OnTooltipUpdate() local zoneCat = tablet:AddCategory( "columns", 1, "text", L["Zone"], "child_justify1", "LEFT" ) zoneCat:AddLine("text", self.currentZone) local playerscat = tablet:AddCategory( "columns", 1, "text", L["Nr Replies"], "child_justify1", "LEFT" ) playerscat:AddLine("text", self.responses) local cat = tablet:AddCategory( "columns", 2, "text", L["Player"], "text2", L["Version"], "child_justify1", "LEFT", "child_justify2", "RIGHT" ) for name, version in pairs(self.responseTable) do if version == -1 then cat:AddLine("text", name, "text2", "|cff"..COLOR_RED..L["N/A"].."|r") else if not self.zoneRevisions then self:PopulateRevisions() end local color = COLOR_WHITE if self.zoneRevisions[self.currentZone] and version > self.zoneRevisions[self.currentZone] then color = COLOR_GREEN elseif self.zoneRevisions[self.currentZone] and version < self.zoneRevisions[self.currentZone] then color = COLOR_RED end cat:AddLine("text", name, "text2", "|cff"..color..version.."|r") end end tablet:SetHint(L["Green versions are newer than yours, red are older, and white are the same."]) end function BigWigsVersionQuery:QueryVersion(zone) if not self.zoneRevisions then self:PopulateRevisions() end if self.queryRunning then self.core:Print(L["Query already running, please wait 5 seconds before trying again."]) return end if not zone or zone == "" then zone = GetRealZoneText() end -- If this is a shorthand zone, convert it to enUS full. -- Also, if this is a shorthand, we can't really know if the user is enUS or not. if BWL:HasReverseTranslation(zone) then zone = BWL:GetReverseTranslation(zone) -- If there is a translation for this to GetLocale(), get it, so we can -- print the zone name in the correct locale. if BZ:HasTranslation(zone) then zone = BZ:GetTranslation(zone) end end -- ZZZ |zone| should be translated here. self.core:Print(L["Querying versions for "].."|cff""|r.") -- If this is a non-enUS zone, convert it to enUS. if BZ:HasReverseTranslation(zone) then zone = BZ:GetReverseTranslation(zone) end self.currentZone = zone self.queryRunning = true self:ScheduleEvent( function() self.queryRunning = nil self.core:Print(L["Version query done."]) end, 5) self.responseTable = {} if not self.zoneRevisions[zone] then self.responseTable[UnitName("player")] = -1 else self.responseTable[UnitName("player")] = self.zoneRevisions[zone] end self.responses = 1 self:UpdateVersions() self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "BWVQ " end --[[ Parses the new style reply, which is "1111 " ]] function BigWigsVersionQuery:ParseReply2(reply) -- If there's no space, it's just a version number we got. local first, last = string.find(reply, " ") if not first or not last then return reply, nil end local rev = string.sub(reply, 1, first) local nick = string.sub(reply, last + 1, string.len(reply)) -- We need to check if rev or nick contains ':' - if it does, this is an old -- style reply. if tonumber(rev) == nil or string.find(rev, ":") or string.find(nick, ":") then return self:ParseReply(reply), nil end return tonumber(rev), nick end --[[ Parses the old style reply, which was MC:REV BWL:REV, etc. ]] function BigWigsVersionQuery:ParseReply(reply) if not string.find(reply, ":") then return -1 end local zone = BWL:HasTranslation(self.currentZone) and BWL:GetTranslation(self.currentZone) or self.currentZone local zoneIndex, zoneEnd = string.find(reply, zone) if not zoneIndex then return -1 end local revision = string.sub(reply, zoneEnd + 2, zoneEnd + 6) local convertedRev = tonumber(revision) if revision and convertedRev ~= nil then return convertedRev end return -1 end --[[ -- Version reply syntax history: -- Old Style: MC:REV BWL:REV ZG:REV -- First Working Style: REV -- New Style: REV QuereeNick --]] function BigWigsVersionQuery:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync, rest, nick) if sync == "BWVQ" and nick ~= UnitName("player") and rest then if not self.zoneRevisions then self:PopulateRevisions() end if not self.zoneRevisions[rest] then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "BWVR -1 "..nick) else self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "BWVR " .. self.zoneRevisions[rest] .. " " .. nick) end elseif sync == "BWVR" and self.queryRunning and nick and rest then -- Means it's either a old style or new style reply. -- The "working style" is just the number, which was the second type of -- version reply we had. local revision, queryNick = nil, nil if tonumber(rest) == nil then revision, queryNick = self:ParseReply2(rest) else revision = tonumber(rest) end if queryNick == nil or queryNick == UnitName("player") then self.responseTable[nick] = tonumber(revision) self.responses = self.responses + 1 self:UpdateVersions() end end end