--[[ Get Settings ]]-- --show tooltips function BActionSets_SetTooltips(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.tooltips = 1; else BActionSets.g.tooltips = nil; end end function BActionSets_TooltipsShown() return BActionSets.g.tooltips; end --lock button positions function BActionSets_SetButtonsLocked(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.buttonsLocked = 1; else BActionSets.g.buttonsLocked = nil; end end function BActionSets_ButtonsLocked() return BActionSets.g.buttonsLocked; end --show empty buttons function BActionSets_SetShowGrid(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.showGrid = 1; if PetHasActionBar() then BPetBar_ForAllButtons(BPetButton.ShowGrid); end BActionMain_ForAllButtons(BActionButton.ShowGrid); else BActionSets.g.showGrid = nil; if PetHasActionBar() then BPetBar_ForAllButtons(BPetButton.HideGrid); end BActionMain_ForAllButtons(BActionButton.HideGrid); end end function BActionSets_ShowGrid() return BActionSets.g.showGrid; end --show hotkeys function BActionSets_SetHotkeys(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.hideHotkeys = nil; else BActionSets.g.hideHotkeys = 1; end BActionMain_ForAllButtons(BBasicActionButton.ShowHotkey, enable); BPetBar_ForAllButtons(BBasicActionButton.ShowHotkey, enable); BClassBar_ForAllButtons(BBasicActionButton.ShowHotkey, enable); end function BActionSets_HotkeysShown() return not BActionSets.g.hideHotkeys; end --show macro text function BActionSets_SetMacroText(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.hideMacroText = nil; else BActionSets.g.hideMacroText = 1; end BActionMain_ForAllButtons(BActionButton.ShowMacroText, enable) end function BActionSets_MacrosShown() return not BActionSets.g.hideMacroText; end --[[ Actionbar Specific Settings ]]-- --set the key to pick up buttons function BActionSets_SetQuickMoveMode(mode) BActionSets.g.quickMove = mode; end function BActionSets_GetQuickMoveMode() return BActionSets.g.quickMove; end function BActionSets_IsQuickMoveKeyDown() local quickMoveKey = BActionSets.g.quickMove; if quickMoveKey then if quickMoveKey == 1 and IsShiftKeyDown() then return true; end if quickMoveKey == 2 and IsControlKeyDown() then return true; end return quickMoveKey == 3 and IsAltKeyDown(); end return false; end --set a key to use for altcast function BActionSets_SetSelfCastMode(mode) BActionSets.g.altCast = mode; end function BActionSets_IsSelfCastHotkeyDown() local altCastKey = BActionSets.g.altCast; if altCastKey then if altCastKey == 1 and IsAltKeyDown() then return true; end if altCastKey == 2 and IsControlKeyDown() then return true; end return altCastKey == 3 and IsShiftKeyDown(); end return false; end function BActionSets_GetSelfCastMode() return BActionSets.g.altCast; end --set range color function BActionSets_SetColorOutOfRange(enable) if enable then BActionSets.g.colorOutOfRange = 1; else BActionSets.g.colorOutOfRange = nil; end BActionMain_ForAllShownButtons(BActionButton.UpdateUsable); end function BActionSets_ColorOutOfRange() return BActionSets.g.colorOutOfRange; end function BActionSets_SetRangeColor(red, green, blue) if red and green and blue then BActionSets.g.rangeColor = { r = red, g = green, b = blue}; end end function BActionSets_GetRangeColor() return BActionSets.g.rangeColor; end